The M ystery o f B ap tism an d the U n ity o f the C hu rch The Idea of — B ap tism al U n ity “ an d its Ac c ep tan c e b y O rthodox E c u m en ists F r. Peter Alb an H eers A n ad d ress p rep ared fo r the A cad em ic C o n feren ce E cu m en ism : O rigin s, E xp ectatio n s, an d D isen chan tm en t U n iversity o f Thessalo n ik i, S ep tem b er 2 0 -2 4 , 2 0 0 4 1 3ب"غπ™Ø™®µ©¨¨ø∑¨π∞¨µ™¨´®µ´ª®∫ª¨´∂µ≥¿≠π∂¥ªØ¨∞µ∫∞´¨ ®µ´µ∂ª¨øª¨πµ®≥≥¿æ ∞ªØ∂ºªªØ¨π∞Æت≠®∞ªØ∂πªØ∂´∂ø¿®µ´∂ºª∫∞´¨ ∂≠≥∞Ω∞µÆ®≥∞≠¨®™™∂π´∞µÆª∂ªØ∞∫≠®∞ªØªØ¨"غπ™Ø´∂¨∫µ∂ª¨ø∞∫ª ! ", ¨ªπ∂∑∂≥∞ª®µ ¥∑Ø∞≥∂Ø∞±¨∂≠, ∂µª¨µ¨Æπ∂ 3ب"غπ™Ø®∫ªØ¨/∞≥≥®π®µ´2ªπ∂µÆØ∂≥´∂≠ªØ¨3πºªØ 3ب0 º¨∫ª∞∂µ∂≠ ºª∂™¨∑Ø®≥¿®µ´ªØ¨"غπ™Ø 8∂ºπ$¥∞µ¨µ™¨∫1¨Ω¨π¨´%®ªØ¨π∫!¨≥∂Ω¨´!π¨ªØπ¨µ∞µ"Øπ∞∫ª+®´∞¨∫®µ´& ¨µª≥¨¥¨µ 3ب . πªØ∂´∂ø "غπ™Ø1∫ ºµ´¨π∫ª®µ´∞µÆ ∂≠ بª¨π∂´∂ø ©®∑ª∞∫¥ ≠≥∂æ ∫ ≠π∂¥ ®µ´ ∞∫ ´¨ª¨π¥∞µ¨´ ©¿ ∞ª∫ ∫¨≥≠2ºµ´¨π∫ª®µ´∞µÆ ∂≠ ©¨∞µÆ ªØ¨ ∂µ¨ Ø∂≥¿ ™®ªØ∂≥∞™ ®µ´ ®∑∂∫ª∂≥∞™ "غπ™Ø!æ Ø∞™Ø®≥∂µ¨∑¨π≠∂π¥∫ªØ¨∂µ¨©®∑ª∞∫¥∞µª∂ªØ¨´¨®ªØ®µ´π¨∫ºπ𨙪∞∂µ∂≠"Øπ∞∫ª 3Ø∞∫∞∫∫∂≠∂πªØ¨"غπ™Ø∞∫≤µ∂æ µ∞µØ¨π¥¿∫ª¨π∞¨∫ 2(µ®µ´ªØπ∂ºÆتب¥¿∫ª¨π∞¨∫ªØ¨ "غπ™Ø ¨ø∞∫ª∫ ®µ´ ∞∫ ™∂µª∞µº®≥≥¿ ≠∂π¥¨´ بπ ©∂π´¨π∫ ®π¨ ∫¨ª Ø¨π ¥¨¥©¨π∫ ∞´¨µª∞≠∞¨´ 3Ø∂∫¨æ Ø∂≥∞Ω¨ªØ¨∞π≥∞Ω¨∫∂ºª∫∞´¨ªØ¨¥¿∫ª¨π∞®≥∫®™π®¥¨µª®≥≥∞≠¨®π¨∂ºª∫∞´¨ªØ¨©∂´¿∂≠ "Øπ∞∫ª !3 The —One Baptism“ and the Baptism of Heretics '∂≥¿!®∑ª∞∫¥∞∫ªØ¨∑∂πª®≥∂≠¨µªπ¿∞µª∂ªØ¨!∂´¿∂≠"Øπ∞∫ª®µ´ªØº∫ªØ¨≠∂ºµ´®ª∞∂µ ®µ´ ∑π¨∫º∑∑∂∫∞ª∞∂µ ∂≠ ®≥≥ ∫º©∫¨∏º¨µª ¥¿∫ª¨π∞¨∫ ∫ ªØ¨ +∂π´ '∞¥∫¨≥≠ Ø®∫ ∫∂≥¨¥µ≥¿ ´¨™≥®π¨´ $ø™¨∑ª ® ¥®µ ©¨ ©∂πµ ∂≠ æ ®ª¨π ®µ´ ∂≠ ªØ¨ 2∑∞π∞ª ب ™®µµ∂ª ¨µª¨π ∞µª∂ ªØ¨ ≤∞µÆ´∂¥∂≠& ∂´ !43ب∫¨≥≠2ºµ´¨π∫ª®µ´∞µÆ∂≠ªØ¨"غπ™Ø∞∫¨ø∑π¨∫∫¨´∑𨨥∞µ¨µª≥¿∞µªØ¨ 2¿¥©∂≥∂≠%®∞ªØ7©ºª®≥∫∂∞µªØ¨¨ª¨πµ®≥æ ∂π´∫∂≠ªØ¨ ∑∂∫ª≥¨/®º≥ªØ®ªªØ¨π¨∞∫∂µ¨©∂´¿ 1 Sponsored by the Pastoral Theology Department of the Theological School and the Soceity for Orthodox Studies. 2 St. Nicholas Cabasilas, Commentary on the Divine Liturgy, Ch. 38, P.G. 150, 452. See also: , . ., , « » (: , 2001), pp. 67-87. 3 Romanides, John S., The Ancestral Sin (Ridgewood, NJ: Zephyr, 2002), p. 173. 4 John 3:5. 5 “In One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins.” Obviously, these two articles of the Symbol of Faith were meant to be confessed one after the other for the precise reason that the latter, the “one baptism” is understood to take place exclusively in the former, the “One Church”. 1 ®µ´∂µ¨2∑∞π∞ª ∂µ¨+∂π´∂µ¨≠®∞ªØ∂µ¨©®∑ª∞∫¥∂µ¨& ∂´®µ´%®ªØ¨π∂≠º∫®≥≥! 83∂ªØ∞∫ ºµ©π∂≤¨µ ºµ∞ª¿ ©¨≥∂µÆ∫ ªØ¨ "Øπ∞∫ª∞®µ ©®∑ª∞∫¥9 º∑∂µ ªØ∞∫ :ºµ∞ª¿; π¨∫ª∫ ªØ¨ ºµ∞ª¿ ∂≠ ªØ¨ "غπ™Ø !< 3ب ∂µ¨ +∂π´ ªØ¨ ∂µ¨ ≠®∞ªØ ªØ¨ ∂µ¨ ©®∑ª∞∫¥ " ªØ¨∫¨ ªØ𨨠∞µª¨Æ𮪨 ∞µ ªØ¨ ¥¨®µ∞µÆ∂≠ªØ¨∂µ¨"غπ™Ø®µ´¨µ∫ºπ¨Ø¨πºµ©π∂≤¨µºµ∞ª¿ !=. ºª∫∞´¨∂≠بπæ Ø®ª¨Ω¨π∞∫ ™®≥≥¨´"غπ™Ø!∞∫®™∂µÆπ¨Æ®ª∞∂µ∂≠بπ¨ª∞™∫ªØ®ªØ®Ω¨≥∂∫ªªØ¨∂µ¨≠®∞ªØ∞µªØ¨∂µ¨+∂π´ ®µ´™∂µ∫¨∏º¨µª≥¿ªØ¨©®∑ª∞∫¥æ Ø∞™Ø∞∫∑¨π≠∂π¥¨´©¿ªØ¨¥∞∫µ∂ªªØ¨"Øπ∞∫ª∞®µ©®∑ª∞∫¥ !> '¨µ™¨Ø¨π¨ª∞™∫®µ´∫™Ø∞∫¥®ª∞™∫®π¨π¨™¨∞Ω¨´∞µª∂ªØ¨"غπ™Ø1∫¨¥©π®™¨©¿©®∑ª∞∫¥ E c c lesiastic al E c on om y µ´¿¨ª®∫ªØ¨"غπ™Ø∞∫∞µ®≠º≥≥∫¨µ∫¨ªØ¨∫ª¨æ ®π´®µ´∫∂Ω¨π¨∞Ƶ®´¥∞µ∞∫ªπ®ª∂π∂≠ ªØ¨∫®™π®¥¨µª∫ ∞ª≠®≥≥∫æ ∞ªØ∞µªØ¨∫™∂∑¨∂≠بπ∫ª¨æ ®π´∫Ø∞∑®µ´¨™∂µ∂¥¿ª∂¥®≤¨Ω®≥∞´ " ∞≠ ∫ب ∫∂ ªØ∞µ≤∫ ≠∞ª " ∫®™π®¥¨µª∫ ®´¥∞µ∞∫ª¨π¨´ ©¿ µ∂µ2. πªØ∂´∂ø ®≥ªØ∂ºÆØ ∫º™Ø ∫®™π®¥¨µª∫®π¨µ∂∫®™π®¥¨µª∫∞≠™∂µ∫∞´¨π¨´∞µªØ¨¥∫¨≥Ω¨∫®µ´®∑®πª≠π∂¥ªØ¨. πªØ∂´∂ø "غπ™Ø !?@'¨µ™¨ªØ¨Ø∂≥¿™®µ∂µ∫®µ´Ø∂≥¿ªπ®´∞ª∞∂µ®≥∫∂∑π∂Ω∞´¨≠∂πªØ¨®∑∑≥∞™®ª∞∂µ∂≠ ¨™™≥¨∫∞®∫ª∞™®≥ ¨™∂µ∂¥¿! 3Ø∞∫ ªØ¨π®∑¿ ∂≠ ®µª∞2™®µ∂µ∞™∞ª¿ ®∑∑≥∞¨∫ ª∂ ªØ∂∫¨ ®∞≥∞µÆ ∞µ ≠®∞ªØ ®µ´¨™™≥¨∫∞®∫ª∞™®≥™∂¥¥ºµ∞∂µ∞ ¨ بπ¨ª∞™∫®µ´∫™Ø∞∫¥®ª∞™∫æ Ø∂µ¨Ω¨πªØ¨≥¨∫∫∑π¨∫¨πΩ¨ ≠®∞ªØ∞µªØ¨3π∞µ∞ª®π∞®µµ®ªºπ¨∂≠& ∂´®µ´≠ºµ´®¥¨µª®≥≥¿π¨ª®∞µªØ¨™®µ∂µ∞™®≥©®∑ª∞∫¥®≥ ª¿∑¨!??ªØ®ª∞∫®´¥∞µ∞∫ª¨π∞µÆ©®∑ª∞∫¥æ ∞ªØªπ∞ºµ¨∞¥¥¨π∫∞∂µ®µ´¨¥¨π∫∞∂µ®™™∂π´∞µÆª∂ ∞ª∫ ∑∂∫ª∂≥∞™®µ´∑®ªπ∞∫ª∞™≠∂π¥ !?A The Plac e an d L im its of E c on om y 3ب®∑∑≥∞™®ª∞∂µ∂≠¨™∂µ∂¥¿Ø∂æ ¨Ω¨π∞µµ∂æ ®¿∞¥∑≥∞¨∫π¨™∂Ƶ∞ª∞∂µ∂≠ªØ¨Ω®≥∞´∞ª¿ ∂≠µ∂µ2. πªØ∂´∂ø∫®™π®¥¨µª∫∑¨π∫¨9∞ª∞∫∫∂¥¨ªØ∞µÆªØ®ª™∂µ™¨πµ∫∂µ≥¿ªØ¨∫®™π®¥¨µª∫∂≠ ªØ∂∫¨ ¨µª¨π∞µÆ ªØ¨ . πªØ∂´∂ø "غπ™Ø !?B 3Ø∞∫ ∞∫ ∫∂ ©¨™®º∫¨ بπ¨∫¿ ®µ´ ∫™Ø∞∫¥ ∞µ™ºπ ´∞∫™∂µµ¨™ª∞∂µ ≠π∂¥ ªØ¨ ∂µ¨ "غπ™Ø ®µ´ ™∂µ∫¨∏º¨µª≥¿ ≥∂∫∫ ∂≠ ®∑∂∫ª∂≥∞™ ∫º™™¨∫∫∞∂µ ®µ´ 6 Eph. 3:5-6 7 , , «’ » (Athens:Grigori 2001), p.258. 8 Ibid. p. 293. 9 Ibid. p. 258. 10 Bishop Kallistos Ware, Eustratios Argenti: A Study of the Greek Church under Turkish Rule (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1964), pp. 83-4 11 , , «’ » . pp.296-7. 13 “[F]or the conversion (i.e. entrance) to Orthodoxy of Latins and Western Christians in general, economia may be exercised only in such cases when a Christian confession administered baptism with triune immersion and emersion according to its Apostolic and patristic form.” Fr. George Metallinos, I Confess One Baptism (Mt. Athos: St. Paul’s Monastery, 1994), pg. 115. “Ecclesiastical economy” is not exercised in just any case, but only when formal conditions are met. “It is applied on the basis of principles which provide for it and determine it.” ( , «’ » , p.296.) 14 Ware, Eustratios Argenti, pp. 84. It should be noted that when the application of economy, which necessarily is exceptional and warranted by dire circumstance, lends toward a blurring of the line between orthodoxy and heresy or a perpetuation of misconceptions concerning heterodox rites, it is self-defeating, insomuch as economy aims at the same end as exactitude (akriveia), if only by other means. 2 ≥∑π∞¨∫ªØ∂∂´ ?73ب"غπ™ØªØ¨µ®≥æ ®¿∫ƺ∞´¨´©¿∑®∫ª∂π®≥™∂µ™¨πµ∫¨ø¨π™∞∫¨∫ ¨™∂µ∂¥¿∂µ∑®πª∞™º≥®π∂™™®∫∞∂µ∫∂µ≥¿æ بµªØ∞∫®∞´∫ªØ¨π¨™∂µ™∞≥∞®ª∞∂µ∂≠ªØ¨Ø¨ª¨π∂´∂ø æ ∞ªØ∂ºª∂©∫™ºπ∞µÆªØ¨ªπºªØ∫∂≠ªØ¨. πªØ∂´∂ø≠®∞ªØ !?8$™∂µ∂¥¿®≥æ ®¿∫¥∂Ω¨∫æ ∞ªØ∞µªØ¨ ∫∑∞π∞ª ®µ´ æ ∞≥≥ ∂≠ ªØ¨ πº≥¨ ∂≠ ≠®∞ªØ ®µ´ ®∞¥∫ ®ª ªØ¨ ∫®¥¨ Æ∂®≥ Ø®Ω∞µÆ ¨ø®™ª∞ªº´¨ ®∫ ∞ª∫ ¥¨®∫ºπ¨ ®µ´ ªØ¨ ∑π∞µ™∞∑≥¨∫ ≥®∞´ ´∂æ µ ∞µ ªØ¨ & ∂∫∑¨≥ ®∫ ∞ª∫ ƺ∞´¨ (≠ ¨™∂µ∂¥¿! ªπ®µ∫™¨µ´∫ ªØ¨ ™®µ∂µ ∞ª ™®µµ∂ª Ø∂æ ¨Ω¨π ∞µ ®µ¿ ™®∫¨ ¥∞≥∞ª®ª¨ ®Æ®∞µ∫ª ∞ªC:(;ª ™®µ ©¨ ªπ®µ∫™¨µ´¨µªµ¨Ω¨πØ∂æ ¨Ω¨π∫º©Ω¨π∫∞Ω¨ !?< 6بªØ¨πªØ¨"غπ™ØªØ¨µ¨¥∑≥∂¿∫ªØ¨EFGH1GFIJKLMGNOªØ¨π®∑¿∂≠©®∑ª∞∫¥∂πªØ¨ EFGH1PMFPNPQJGNOªØ¨π®∑¿∂≠"Øπ∞∫¥®ª∞∂µ∂π™∂µ≠¨∫∫∞∂µ∂≠≠®∞ªØ∞ª∫∞Ƶ®≥∫µ∂™Ø®µÆ¨∞µ . πªØ∂´∂ø ¨™™≥¨∫∞∂≥∂Æ¿ ∂π ∫®™π®¥¨µª®≥ ªØ¨∂≥∂Æ¿ ©ºª ∫∞¥∑≥¿ ® ™Ø®µÆ¨ ∞µ ´∞∫™∞∑≥∞µ®π¿ ∑𮙪∞™¨ !?= A n E cclesiolog ical F ramew ork for the Recog nition of Heretical Baptism per se (µ ∫ª®π≤ ™∂µªπ®´∞™ª∞∂µ ª∂ ªØ∞∫ ºµ´¨π∫ª®µ´∞µÆ ∫ª®µ´∫ ® ∫ªπ∞µÆ ∂≠ ©®∑ª∞∫¥2π¨≥®ª¨´ ´∂™º¥¨µª∫∫∞Ƶ¨´®µ´∫ª®ª¨¥¨µª∫¥®´¨©¿. πªØ∂´∂ø¨™º¥¨µ∞∫ª∫∞µ º∫ªπ®≥∞® ¥¨π∞™® ªØ¨5 ®ª∞™®µ+¨©®µ∂µ®µ´¨≥∫¨æ بπ¨ (µ´¨¨´ªØ¨∫¨∫ª®ª¨¥¨µª∫®π¨¨∫∫¨µª∞®≥≥¿™∂¥∑®ª∞©≥¨ æ ∞ªØ 1∂¥®µ "®ªØ∂≥∞™ ¨™™≥¨∫∞∂≥∂Æ¿ ®µ´ ®∑∑¨®π ª∂ ´¨π∞Ω¨ ≠π∂¥ ∞ª 3Ø∞∫ ¨™™≥¨∫∞∂≥∂Æ¿ ™∂µª®∞µ∫ ® ª¨®™Ø∞µÆ ∂µ بπ¨ª∞™®≥ ©®∑ª∞∫¥ ªØ®ª Ø®∫ ∞ª∫ π∂∂ª∫ ¨ø™≥º∫∞Ω¨≥¿ ∞µ ªØ¨ +®ª∞µ ªØ¨∂≥∂Æ∞™®≥æ ∂π≥´π¨™¨∞Ω¨´∞ª∫™≥¨®π¨∫ª™∂µ™∞≥∞®π®´∂∑ª∞∂µ®ªªØ¨™∂ºµ™∞≥∂≠3𨵪®µ´æ ®∫ Æ∞Ω¨µ®µ∞µµ∂Ω®ª∞Ω¨¨ø∑π¨∫∫∞∂µ®ªªØ¨2¨™∂µ´5 ®ª∞™®µ"∂ºµ™∞≥ A D istorted E c c lesiolog y , ¨´∞¨Ω®≥ /®∑®≥∞∫¥ ∑π¨∫º∑∑∂∫¨∫ ® ∑¨™º≥∞®π ®´´∞ª∞∂µ®≥ ¥¿∫ª¨π¿ ®©∂ºª ∞ª∫¨≥≠ ®∫ ® æ ∂π≥´æ ∞´¨∂πÆ®µ∞¡®ª∞∂µæ Ø∂∫¨±ºπ∞∫´∞™ª∞∂µ¨øª¨µ´∫©¨¿∂µ´ªØ¨™∂µª∞µº∂º∫≥¿Ω∞∫∞©≥¨®µ´ ™∂µ™π¨ª¨®∫∫¨¥©≥¿∂≠ªØ¨©∂´¿∂≠"Øπ∞∫ª!?>'®Ω∞µÆ≥∂∫ª´∞®™Øπ∂µ∞™ºµ∞ª¿æ ∞ªØªØ¨3π®´∞ª∞∂µ ®µ´ ªØ¨ %®ªØ¨π∫ ®µ´ Ø®Ω∞µÆ ™∂¥¨ ª∂ ºµ´¨π∫ª®µ´ ™®ªØ∂≥∞™∞ª¿ ®∫ ¥¨π¨ ¨™º¥¨µ∞™∞ª¿ ∂π Æ≥∂©®≥ ºµ∞Ω¨π∫®≥∞ª¿!T@ æ ∞ªØ 1∂¥¨ ®∫ ªØ¨ ™¨µª¨π 1∂¥®µ "®ªØ∂≥∞™∞∫¥ ∫¨ª ®∫∞´¨ ªØ¨ 15 See St. Basil the Great’s first canon. There the great Father of the Church agrees totally with St. Cyprian of Carthage that with schism those who depart from the Church no longer possess the grace of the Holy Spirit, the priestly gift of grace is discontinued, and the transmission of the priesthood is obstructed. Without the transmission of the priesthood, apostolic succession, those baptized by them are considered to be baptized by laymen. Consequently, “they have neither authority to baptize nor to ordain.” 16 Ibid. p. 85. 17 , «’ » , .298. 18 Ware, Eustratios Argenti, pp.
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