THE FBI Seizes Another Victim MILITANT Of Monroe Racist Frame-Up Published in the Interests of the Working People O C T 18. — A fo u rth v ic tim of set at $7,500 which the committee times gone to Monroe to assist the Monroe, North Carolina, “kid­ is now endeavoring to raise. him with its publication. nap” frameup has been arrested. A second he a rin g be fore U. S. She was there during the d a t b r 2 , 1 6 V l. 25 - No. 38 M o nd ay , O ctober 23, 1961Vo P ric e 10c FBI agents on Oct. 12 seized Mrs. Commissioner Horn is scheduled week of the Freedom Riders dem­ Willie Mae Mallory in a private for Oct. 27 by which time a war­ onstrations. The alleged kidnap home in Cleveland, Ohio, where rant from Monroe, N.C., is ex­ occurred on Sunday, Aug. 27 fol­ police had maintained a “stake­ pected to have arrived. At that lowing police-encouraged rioting Ecuador Workers Continue out.” The 34-year-old Afro-Am er­ time Conrad Lynn, counsel for the by white-supremacist mobs against ican woman was taken without a CAMD, w ill go to Cleveland to Freedom Riders and Negroes in struggle though the FBI wanted participate in Mrs. Mallory’s de­ the downtown area. A white cou­ General Strike in 2 Areas circulars had listed and described fense at this hearing. ple, entering the colored neigh­ her as “dangerous” and said she Mrs. Mallory, originally from borhood at the very moment a QUITO, Ecuador, Oct. 6 — A l­ of Security, threw furniture and was likely to be carrying a con­ Macon, Ga., has been a resident Ku Klux Klan invasion was ex­ though the nationwide one-day records into the street and burned cealed revolver. of New York City for some time. pected, was detained for two hours strike ended officially night be­ them. Another crowd reportedly Cleveland members of the Com­ She has a teen-aged daughter by an excited crowd. According fore last, it was still going today invaded a government warehouse . mittee to Aid the Monroe Defend­ there. Well known as a militant to the Cleveland Plain Dealer in two areas: Tulcan and Ibarra. and seized the entire store of rice. ants sprang into action the mo­ fighter for civil rights, she is a (Oct. 13) authorities are charg­ In both places local groups ex­ A t 3 p.m. a public meeting be­ ment they heard about the arrest. friend of Robert F. Williams, the ing that Mrs. Mallory tied the tended the strike “indefinitely” gan in the biggest hall of the A local attorney, Richard L. Gunn, Monroe Negro leader who, after white couple’s hands. The couple until the nationwide strike de­ municipal building. It included the was retained to defend Mrs. Mal­ eluding the FBI on the same “kid­ was later released unharmed. mands are conceded by the fed­ lory. At a hearing the next day nap” frame-up, has been granted mayor, the president of the prov­ John M. Cloud, Cleveland eral government. before U.S. Commissioner H. A. political asylum in Cuba. A sup­ incial council, and delegations spokesman for the Committee to Horn, she refused to waive extra­ porter of Williams’ newsletter, According to the mayor of Tul­ from unions, agricultural cooper­ Aid the Monroe Defendants, stat­ dition to North Carolina. Bail was The Crusader, she had several can, the one-day strike passed atives, cultural and sport organ­ ed that plans are underway for without incident until late in the izations. mobilizing the fullest possible evening. About 10 p.m. a crowd This body passed a number of support for Mrs. Mallory’s fight gathered near the city govern­ resolutions, the main one being to against extradition to Monroe, ment buildings. extend the strike until the special Medina to Be Guest Speaker where rampant KKK influence The police threw tear-gas bombs taxes decreed by the federal gov­ makes impossible a fair trial for and fired their rifles. Two people ernment are rescinded. The as­ any Negro. were killed, one of them a woman sembly invited the national legis­ bystander. Five were wounded. lature to send a delegation to hear At Socialist Workers Rally Report from Havana The police made a number of ar­ the views of the people of Tul- W illiam Worthy, correspondent rests. cán. NEW YORK — The final stage fo r th e Afro-American, w h o w as Early yesterday morning an The assembly also declared that of the Socialist Workers mayoralty in Cuba when Williams arrived enormous crowd appeared at the its aims were “neither subversive campaign will be marked by a there as a fugitive seeking asylum, police station. They demanded that nor political” but “essentially city-wide rally v/ith Julio Medina, interviewed the North Carolina all the prisoners be released at civic, patriotic and disciplined.” public relations director of the civil rights fighter and attended once and that the police be con­ July 26th Movement here, as the his press conference. Solid Shutdown fined to their headquarters. The featured guest speaker. Describing the Cuban attitude prisoners were released at once The strike was so solid that not The rally will be held Friday towards Williams, Worthy writes and the police stayed off the a single store, public building, or evening, Oct. 27, at the Hotel “Currently awaiting a second in­ streets. bank was open. No vehicles were Albert, University Place and 11th vasion at any time, the Cubans According to one newspaper re­ m oving. Street. say that the Yankees w ill have to send rockets to get Williams port, a crowd invaded the Office San Gabriel and El Angel, two Jean Rubinstein other towns in the province of back. Afro-Cubans in particular A second guest speaker w ill be Carchi, joined Tulcán in prolong­ link the Cuban revolution to the Jean Rubinstein, a veteran of the ing the strike. black man’s revolution that has labor and socialist movement. A Warn of New Plans The Velasco Ibarra government clearly begun in the United pioneer organizer of the teachers States.” (Afro-American, O ct. 21) characterized the movement as an union and one of the founders of From the press conference “uprising” and rushed troops by the American Labor Party, she For Cuba Invasion Worthy reported the following plane. In both Tulcán and Ibarra, will be pinch-hitting for her (Oct. 14): “The pacifists who NEW YORK — The Fair Play where the situation was much the daughter, Dr. Annette T. Rubin­ came to Monroe are his friends, for Cuba Committee warned same, martial law was declared stein, who was originally slated to Mr. W illiams said, despite the fact Americans of the danger of a and m ilitary authorities took over. address the rally but w ill be un­ Julio Medina that he is not a pacifist and doesn’t nuclear holacaust if “a strong and Government officials blamed the able to attend. believe their philosophy w ill work immediate outcry of public pro­ Confederation de Trabajadores del The rally w ill hear brief ad­ W illiam F. Warde, Marxist au­ w ith “conscienceless white racists.’ test” did not force the Kennedy Ecuador for “instigating” the dis­ dresses by Richard Garza, can­ thor and lecturer, w ill be chair­ He appealed for worldwide sup­ administration to halt its plans for orders. The CTE denounced the didate for mayor; Fred Halstead, man. port of Freedom Rider John Lowry a second invasion of Cuba. government for attacking peaceful candidate for controller; Sylvia Following the rally, refresh­ of New York, now jailed in Monroe Returning to New York from an crowds w ith tear gas and rifles. Weinstein, candidate for president ments w ill be served at an open on a companion kidnaping charge. emergency two-day meeting in The flare-ups in both places of the city council; and Clarence house at the Socialist Workers Mr. Williams said that the white Cleveland of the FPCC National were eloquent testimony to the ex­ Franklin, candidate for Manhat­ cam paign headquarters, 116 U n i­ City College (N.Y.) student was Advisory Council, Oct. 14-15, Act­ plosive social situation in Ecuador. tan borough president. versity Place. sitting on the porch of the house ing Executive Secretary Richard next door to his (W illiams’) when Gibson said the committee is call­ the Stegall couple was stopped by ing on all Americans who protest­ the crowd. He said Lowry now ed the criminal invasion of April faces 20 years in prison because 17 to come out now, before it is Kennedy Deaf to Appeal by Mississippi Negroes he moved the Stegall car to' the too late, to avert the catastrophe curb to avoid blocking the middle a new attack would bring. By Harry Ring eight months in prison. They were Amite County was shot to' death of the street.” Gibson urged all Americans to OCT. 17 — An Associated Press finally released pending appeal by a state official. Again there after bonds totaling $2,000 were study the statement issued by the wirephoto today gave the world was no prosecution. Authorites National Advisory Council after a graphic picture of anti-Negro posted for them. said the official had shot in “self- its meeting. The council warned police violence in Mississippi. Stu­ The fifth, 15-year-old Brenda defense.” that the Kennedy administration dents had picketed the Negro Davis, was turned over to the According to an Oct. 11 Wash­ 'Stand-Ins' at AEC was preparing “a much larger in­ state fair in Jackson in protest juvenile court which did not act ington dispatch in the N ew Y o rk vasion than that of April 17,” in against the practice of holding im m e d ia te ly on h e r case.
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