MASTERTON DISTRICT COUNCIL COUNCIL AGENDA WEDNESDAY 24 JUNE 2020 3.00PM MEMBERSHIP Her Worship (Chairperson) Cr G Caffell Cr B Gare Cr D Holmes Cr B Johnson Cr G McClymont Cr F Mailman Cr T Nelson Cr T Nixon Cr C Peterson Cr S Ryan Noce is given that a meeng of the Masterton District Council will be held at 3.00pm on Wednesday 24 June 2020 at Waiata House, 27 Lincoln Rd, Masterton. RECOMMENDATIONS IN REPORTS ARE NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS COUNCIL POLICY UNTIL ADOPTED 19 June 2020 1 AGENDA: The Order Paper is as follows: 1. Conflicts of Interest (Members to declare conflicts, if any) 2. Apologies 3. Public Forum: Tuia Programme representatives Waiaria Pitau and Martel Anderson Youth Council Jeremy Logan, Wairarapa Extinction Rebellion 4. Late items for inclusion under Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 5. Items to be considered under Section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987: Minutes of the Council meeting held with the public excluded on 27 May 2020 Report of the Audit and Risk Committee meeting held with the public excluded on 4 March 2020 Report of the Audit and Risk Committee meeting held with the public excluded on 20 May 2020 Report of the Awards and Grants Committee meeting held with the public excluded on 17 June 2020 Town Centre Upgrade Tender Process Masterton District Council Appointments to the Montfort Trimble Foundation Belgravia Leisure 6. Confirmation of Minutes of the Council meeting held on 27 May 2020 (070/20) Pages 101-109 7. Confirmation of the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 17 June (Speed Limit Review Deliberations) (084/20) Pages 101-105 8. Report of the Audit and Risk Committee meeting held on 4 March 2020 (028/20) Pages 401-407 9. Report of the Audit and Risk Committee meeting held on 20 May 2020 (061/20) Pages 401-406 10. Report of the Infrastructure and Services Committee meeting held on 10 June 2020 (074/20) Pages 301-303 11. Report of the Awards and Grants Committee meeting held on 17 June 2020 (083/20) Pages 601-602 DECISION 12. APPOINTMENTS TO COUNCIL ORGANISATIONS POLICY – MONTFORT TRIMBLE FOUNDATION (076/20) Pages 121-123 2 13. RURAL ADVISORY GROUP TERMS OF REFERENCE (079/20) Pages 124-136 14. COMBINED WAIRARAPA DISTRICT PLAN REVIEW – CONSULTANCY APPOINTMENT (080/20) Pages 137-141 15. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE MASTERTON DISTRICT METERED PARKING AREA SCHEDULE (081/20) Pages 142-153 16. LGFA SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING (082/20) Pages 154-159 17. OPAKI WATER RACE STATEMENT OF PROPOSAL (087/20) Pages 160-172 18. GRANT FUNDING POST COVID-19 To be circulated separately 19. MASTERTON REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT STEERING GROUP TERMS OF REFERENCE To be circulated separately NOTE: After Agenda item 19 the meeting will move into public excluded to consider Public Excluded Agenda Item 28 Town Centre Upgrade Tender Process, then the meeting will move out of public excluded to consider Agenda items 20 and 21 20. ADOPTION OF THE ANNUAL PLAN 2020/2021 (086/20) Pages 220-224 21. RATES RESOLUTION 2020‐21 (085/20) Pages 225-230 INFORMATION 22. CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S REPORT (088/20) Pages 231-255 23. MAYOR’S REPORT A verbal report will be provided 3 MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED WITH THE PUBLIC EXCLUDED COUNCIL MEETING – WEDNESDAY 24 JUNE 2020 MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of the meeting of the Masterton District Council:- Confirmation of Minutes 24. Minutes of the Council meeting held with the public excluded on 27 May 2020 25. Report of the Audit and Risk Committee meeting held with the public excluded on 4 March 2020 26. Report of the Audit and Risk Committee meeting held with the public excluded on 20 May 2020 27. Report of the Awards and Grants Committee meeting held with the public excluded on 17 June 2020 General Business 28. Town Centre Upgrade Tender Process 29. Masterton District Council Appointments to the Montfort Trimble Foundation 30. Belgravia Leisure The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:- General subject of Reason for passing Ground(s) under each matter to be this resolution in section 48(1) for considered relation to each the passing of this matter resolution Confirmation of Minutes Refer to page 109 Refer to page 109 of the Council meeting held with the public excluded on 27 May 2020 Confirmation of the Report of the Refer to page 405 Refer to page 405 Audit and Risk Committee meeting Held with the public excluded on 4 March 2020 Confirmation of the Report of the Refer to page 405-406 Refer to page 405-406 Audit and Risk Committee meeting Held with the public excluded on 20 May 2020 Confirmaton of the Report of the Refer to page 601 Refer to page 601 Awards and Grants Committee Meeting held with the public excluded on 17 June 2020 Town Centre Upgrade Tender 7(2)(i) The withholding of the s48(1)(a) Process information is necessary to enable That the public conduct the local authority to carry on, of this item would be Belgravia Leisure without prejudice or disadvantage, likely to result in the 4 negotiations (including disclosure of information commercial and industrial for which good reason negotiations) for withholding would exist under Section 7. Masterton District Council 7(2)(a) To protect the privacy of s48(1)(a) Appointments to the Montfort Trimble natural persons, including that That the public conduct Foundation of deceased natural persons). of this item would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under Section 7 101 070/20 MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF THE MASTERTON DISTRICT COUNCIL HELD AT WAIATA HOUSE, 27 LINCOLN ROAD, MASTERTON ON WEDNESDAY 27 MAY 2020 AT 10.00AM PRESENT Mayor Lyn Patterson (Chair), Councillors G Caffell, B Gare, D Holmes, B Johnson, G McClymont, F Mailman, T Nelson, T Nixon, S Ryan, C Peterson and iwi representatives Tiraumaera Te Tau and Ra Smith IN ATTENDANCE Chief Executive, Manager Assets and Operations, Manager Finance, Manager Strategic Planning, Manager, Community Facilities and Activities, Communications and Marketing Manager, Governance Advisor and two media representatives. Ra Smith opened the meeting with a karakia. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Councillor Nelson declared an interest as a member of the Henley Trust. Councillor Nixon declared an interest as a Trustee on the Wairarapa Regional Irrigation Trust. APOLOGIES There were no apologies. LATE ITEMS FOR INCLUSION UNDER SECTION 46A(7) OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL INFORMATION AND MEETINGS ACT 1987 The meeting was advised of late items for inclusion in the agenda: 2020-21 Annual Plan – Rates Increase Options Supplementary Information Report 068/20 The supplementary information had not been available for inclusion with the agenda and could not be held over until a later meeting. Moved by Councillor Nixon that in terms of section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 the items be dealt with at this meeting. Seconded by Councillor F Mailman and CARRIED. ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED UNDER SECTION 48(1)(A) OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL INFORMATION AND MEETINGS ACT 1987 Minutes of the Council meeting held 1 May 2020 with the public excluded Moved by Councillor G Caffell That in terms of section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 the items be dealt with at this meeting. Seconded by Councillor B Johnson and CARRIED 102 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF THE EXTRAORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 1 MAY 2020 (044/20) Moved by Councillor T Nelson That the minutes of the extraordinary meeting of the Masterton District Council held on 1 May 2020 be confirmed. Seconded by Councillor T Nixon and CARRIED CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF ANNUAL PLAN AND SPEED LIMIT REVIEW HEARINGS HELD ON 6 MAY 2020 (046/20) Moved by Councillor D Holmes That the minutes of the Annual Plan and Speed Limit Review hearings held on 6 May 2020 be confirmed. Seconded by Councillor B Gare and CARRIED CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF THE EXTRAORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 20 MAY 2020 (059/20) Moved by Councillor G Caffell That the minutes of the extraordinary meeting of the Masterton District Council held on 20 May 2020 be confirmed. Seconded by Councillor B Johnson and CARRIED 2020-21 ANNUAL PLAN DELIBERATIONS – OVERVIEW (062/20) The report providing Council with an overview of the Annual Plan process, a summary of the consultation undertaken, the relevance of the COVID-19 situation and other changes since the baseline data was developed was presented by the Chief Executive. (Tiraumaera Te Tau joined the meeting at 10.16am) Moved by Councillor T Nixon That Council: i. Receives Report 062/20 ‘2020-21 Annual Plan Deliberations – Overview’. ii. Requests the Chief Executive continues a watching brief of the Masterton community for particular sectors that require more assistance that is not filled through the government relief packages and regularly report to Council. iii. Requests the Chief Executive continues a watching brief of the building activity statistics and regularly report to Council. iv. Approves the ringfencing of $200,000, from reserves, to be available as an economic and community wellbeing stimulus fund (criteria to be developed) for Council to allocate when required through the 2020/21 financial year.
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