WEATHER FORECAST THE INTELLIGENCER 4 FOR TODAY Has the Largest Circulation of Probably local ahowert Tuesday; Any Morning Newspaper in the- Wednesday partly cloudy. State of West Virginia. VOLUME L XV II I., NO. 224 Koontz MIRACULOUS ESCAPE FROM DEATH Sutherland, Grosscup and WHEN PRESIDENT FALLS FROM TRAIN . showed Associated His face was not bandaged, but SHIEST ' the FUND PARIS. May '24. (By In the J the marks the accident. as Winners Dcschanel returned Picked Press.). President nj > Primary j corres¬ aft"r Premier Millerand said l<» the DR. HERSEY HEARD S THE to the 101 ysee palace this evening pondent: "You may tell your people; CHARGED WITH his miracluous escape from death near in America that (he ls.soundi president few BY SENATE ALL OF THE REPUBLICAN AM) MURDER OF| SEVEN Montargls last nigh: when he plunged physically and mentally. Onfy a | PROBER DEMOCRATIC)1 scratches remain of th>» terrible of a cxper-j CANDIDATES EXPRESS! head first through a window spe* ionce he undewent. President Deschan-- GUBERNATORIAL rial train on which he was traveling el is feeling no Rood that he insists on' Hitchcock, Wood Manager, Chiefof'PoliceHatfield ' over the council of ministers.! WIU JOHNSON BOLT i . CONTEST BETWEEN Among to Mont-Rrison. to dedicate a mounment presiding CONFIDENCE CLOSE j held tomor- ! Favor- I to Senator. Reymond. a French aviator which Is scheduled to be Opposed Entering Men Taken Into Custody I who was killed during the war. Th* row." SUTHERLAND AND WOOD FORECASTED. ! looked not much the worse fori It developed from M. Millerand's talk! ite Son States IF TREATY UPHELD? president of from % j By State Police his experience. that the escape the president to' BY OATZD was death was miraculous, as, according LiWIUCI, to The Intelligencer. I M. Dcschanel. who accompanied at Special Dispatch to The Intelligencer.- j ICepjrifrut By Ttxe X»teUlffemoex.) Spocial Dispatch j MATBWAN, \V. Va. May 21..Sid on the trip by automobile from Mon- the premier, the train was traveling | 24.. A j 24.. Confident that the majority of rotes Pre- the rate of flftv kilometers an hour, I WASHINGTON. May Frank CHARLESTON. W. Va., May j Hatfield, oil Iff of police orI Matewan, targls by Mfldnmc Desrhanel and Wood's candidates for the nomi¬ rnier Millerand. alighted fromi the "It Is fantastic,'1 the premier kept ri-J Hitchcock. General menagy. in the state primary will be cast for each of them, Mingo county. antJ nine others were ar¬ in the without help , before the senate Invest WASHINGTON. D. C.. May 24.. Will closed to I vehicle Kl.vsee yard peating. testifying lin¬ Senator Hiram Johnson bolt the Repub- nation for governor on both Democratic and Republican tickets their! rested today arid taken Williamson, stated that he. 414. The in the state where they were arraigned before Judg^ ing committee, today, hcan national convention unless the active campaigns today. contest for presidential preference James Damron of the eircuit court, not favor contesting In the fsvorits MM 'reaty of Versailles. League of Nation?.) has been ke^n, but main interest centers on the gubernatorial race, in which charged with the murder of L. C. Felts mud, :ind all is condemned? Republicans and other dctectives in states. He admitted tfrat too the senator and three Republicans an<J two Democrats have participated. naldwin-Fey* maintain Wood § who like California said tonight that he the recent Matewan riot* money had been spent to want to help him win the Republican; Senator Howard Sutherland, presidential aspirant, They waived examination and were re¬ headquarters in New York and Chlea0fc- nomination, but who are not in sym-i feels convinced the primary results will be largely in h is favor. Sutherland, leased 011 bond In the sum of $3,000 t»» pathy with his stand on the treaty ques- General I^eonard Wood. each. With the West Virginia primaries ^ are a j flvorite son. has only one opponent, Hatfield ROBBERS m fion. eager to know. Indeed Loland the men arrested with SANK and fear of the Among FIEMLE Injuring J "I be- morrow, wo* Stanford, a resident of Stoneville. N. ' State Auditor J. S. Darst, Wood's West Virginia manager, said: were : Reese Chambers. Clare Overstreet, about tte . candidacy, he knew nothing has put the question squarely before! lieve General Wood will carry this state by a substantial majority." t'harley Kiser, l*ougIus Mounts. in West Vlfc» '''¦¦¦ as Kzra Bowmsn and amount of money spent Senator Johnson, but says that yet j Indications are that the race between Sutherland and Wood will be close, Chambers, Fry. Hilly he has received- no answer. He is a full two others. glnla. inv j believed that Sutherland will have a majority. were laken to \VilHamsnn by At this juncture of the fledged Republican and was asked to though it Is The men Chairman rave notice ho serve on the committee in North to wi n the nomination those familiar! .larkson Arnold, chief of tho state de¬ iy Kcnyon is by GOME Republican HI <'aro-| Grosscup expected and other summon Horace C. StebbJns and Una which would promote the candidacy estimates were that the Democratic; partment of public safety, ! with state and conservative TOJHEELINE! treasurers respect! of Hiram Johnson In that state. Be- 1 politics, members of the state constabulary. With A. Sprssrue, Koontz a large Other arrests are expected, as fifteen Bandits Make Getaway the Wood headquarters 4t Netr Tork fore accepting membership on the com¬ nomination will go to by majority. j ths ' mittee however, he seni the following warranis havo been issued for miners Chicago, to appear before s Warrants ha,\c also been Issued for the MAJORITY $100,000 Haul When As- tee. Johnson: JOHNSON'S telegram to Senator four surviving detectives who are al¬ Dr. R. J. Hersey, of ^heelia^ The T«legT*m. leged to have participated in the battl*. sistant Cashier Is Knocked:' a statement showing that four "There is on foot a concentrated j drcd and seventy-three dollars ha4 MW and organized movement to put you I IN OREGON IS 872 Unconscious contributed for Senator Buthc"" over by a substantial majority in our j campaign.. It is said to be the a . for a North Carolina primary June 5th. I ! rOHTI.AXD. Ore, May 24. Returns ; PITTSBURGH, 24.The six au- amount ever spent P am requested to serve on your com- IS TO THE ' May v.v i campaign. 6D0SSCUP OPPOSITION helj | from the election mlttee in this state to promote your i Oregon primary lomobile bandits who held up the Kirst He added that expenses of $),(#. M Do you intend to fiolt Friday. compiled hy newspaper men to¬ National bank of Kinleyviile, !*»»., near been incurred- for- the primaryi . el.luMia lan^paign. j vp Hiram W. Johnson from the Republican party unless night ga Senator here and with in to be held in West Virginia, Tu« j MANDATE r margin of ST'.' votes for the flepubl- today escaped 1100,000 reservation. League. and all ARMENIAN tell us about other Treaty "Can you J u-an bonds and securities and $15,000 In cash are condemned by the Chicago con- , J presidential preference. expenditures in your state?" vention? Will division on WINNER TODAY were still at large tonight. exist your Kenyon asked. con- j TORTIAND, Ore.. May 24. .Senator' part and your followers If the ! . The of Pittsburgh and other "Yes, sir." Dr. replied, AMONG SENATORS Hiram \V. .Johnson had a lead of 1 .35)J police Hersey vent Ion stands for the Lodge reser- | filed in behalf of 0*1 | Town Folks Accord Gubernatorial Candidate Re- over Wood. cities of southwestern Pennsylvania and statement was vat ions. Wire me what reconeillat- Home j votes Major Central Leonard . of I3.fl j I to a of returns a of armed were search¬ Wood, showing expenditures and demand. according compilation number posses advr"*4 ion you your supporters the Presidential Candidatei ceives Assurances of Great ! WASHINGTON. May 24 Authority made by the Portland Telegram late to- tonight for the robbers, who left "How about newspaper ( LELAND STANFORD. for the United States a , man¬ ing Pomerene asked. Signed) to accept i automo- mentsT' Senator the communlca-I was of con¬ day on last Friday's presidential prefer¬ Kinleyviile in a high powered real Vlthough foregoing date over Armenia asked ence The returns were from were to have .There has been a great of was on 10ih. no has1 1 Wilson. The primary. bile, and thought escaped tion sent May reply Wonderful Greeting Victory gress today by 'resident 35 of 36 counties in the state. in the direction of Pittsburgh or Wash¬ in behalf General Wood." Dr. yet been received by Mr. Stanford executive said he was conscious that "Posterspt have been stock choice," The count, which included Multo« ington, ] *a., or Wheeling, W. Va.. said. who Is beginning to despair that there Special Dispatch to the Intelligencer. Special Dispatch to The Intelligencer. lie was urging "a very critical monah (Portland) county complete, The only clue left by the bandits, the erasure has been distributed lat__ . so "in the earnest belief will be any and who is reluctantly com- EMCINS. W. Vs.. 24.. "West CHARLESTON. W. Va, May 24. -On hut that he did gives: Johnson. 42,483; ood, 41.000; of the license on their au* and buttons have been put to believe that Senator Johnson will May that it will he the wish of the people number plate j>ut nig j Kavorite Son." Hon. Howard the eve of the statewide prlmar., Col. that this should be Lowden.
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