ATE AND NATIONAL NEWS, NEWSMAKER INTERVIEWS, OPINION, ENTERTAINMENT, LUMNISTS, EVENT CALENDARS, AND HEALTH RESOURCE LISTINGS NUMBER 455 A PUBLICATION OF THE GAY ALLIANCE OF THE GENESEE VALLEY APRIL 2012 Day of Silence rally Partnerships is at Tilt, April 20 The Gay Alliance appreciates By Susan Jordan the continuing partnership Every year LGBT and allied of businesses within our youth across the country keep community who support silent all day, and then break the our mission and vision. silence, in memory of the youth who have been silenced by hate Gold: violence, bullying and homo­ phobic discrimination. This year MetLife the Breaking the Silence rally will take place at Tilt, 444 Cen­ Silver: tral Ave., on April 20. This free event is for youth ages 13-23 only. Tilt is a night­ Excellus.' club but will be totally free of alcohol on Friday, April 20. The MorganStanLey rally begins at 4 p.m. and will be File photo of one of around 15,000 gay men sent to death camps by the Nazis. SmithBarney followed by a youth performance and then by a performance by Tony Award-winning Levi Kreis JCC to host exhibit on Nazi persecution of gays NIXON PEABOD'hLl> (to check out his music, go to By Susan Jordan dent of national PFLAG, on cution of Homosexuals, 1933- www.levikreis.com). The Jewish Community "How to be a straight ally," and 1945'. The exhibit exemplifies The Day of Silence will end Center will host an exhibit from a performance by the Rochester the JCC's commitment to being THE BACHELOR with a youth dance from 5-7 The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Gay Men's Chorus. an inclusive, welcoming agency. FORUM Museum on "Nazi Persecution ROCHESTER . NEW YORI( p.m. The evening will also include By hosting this exhibit we have 1WWW .Bl.CHELOR41.1 . CDM GAGVYouth Services Direc­ of Homosexuals, 1933-1945," a dessert reception. The J CC is been able to partner with a wide tor Jessica Cohen said, "Every opening in late May. Related located at 1200 Edgewood Ave. array of Rochester area organi­ TOMPKINrS year, the Day of Silence holds events will take place during the Joy Getnick of the J CC told zations, bound together by our Enterprises new meaning for LGBTQyoung eight-week exhibition. The Empty Closet, "The JCC commitment to learning from people. The GAGV youth rally Opening night for the exhib­ is honored to host the Unit­ the legacy of the Holocaust, and and dance provide a space for it is May 24, with a talk by ed States Holocaust Memorial to standing up against intoler­ Bronze: (Silence continues page 6) Rabbi David Horowitz, presi- Museum exhibit 'Nazi Perse- ance and injustice in our own times. While the exhibit looks to iliut:&E~ the past, our programming looks NY Finqer Lakes to the future. We look forward to welcoming the community WNY transgender to not only tour the exhibit, but PROFESSIONAL TUTORING SERVICE groups will meet also to attend one of the many here on April 28 thought-provoking exhibit-relat­ E ed programs." - Bausch&lomb By Susan Jordan The programs to follow Perle(li~Yision. E nhancingUfe ~ II Transgender groups from the exhibit opening include a ITT E}:E LI 5 Syracuse and Buffalo will meet panel discussion on "LG BTQ THE POWER OF INGENUI TY here with the Rochester Trans and Religion," on June 14; a Group on April 28. This gath­ reception and screening of "Gen ering is the first time that WNY Silent" (presented by Excellus transgender groups have for­ and sponsored by the Gay Alli­ mally come together to discuss ance) on June 19; a screening Xittelberg er M~~fPIAN issues like passage of GENDA, ~ ...,.. "~. ~: FORtv:lf'AREDiCAL of "Two Spirits" (in partner­ Florlsl&Glt\!'> ··C and to establish friendships and ship with WXXI) on June 21, closer links among WNY trans­ and a closing night celebration L-R: Bess Watts, President, Rochester & Finger Lakes Chapter of gender people. on July 19, with a talk by Alan Pride At Work; Donna Cartwright, National Board Co-President, The gathering will take van Capelle, longtime LGBTQ Pride At Work; Linda Donahue, Cornell University & 2012 True Colors place at the Gay Alliance Youth activist and president and CEO Award Winner; Peggy Shorey, Executive Director of National Pride Center, 875 E. Main St., from (JCC continues page 3) At Work; Ove Overmyer, Pride At Work/CSEA & 2012 True Colors 3-5:30 p.m. Other events for Wagmans Award Winner. Photo: Kristina Pace, PAW Membership Coordinator the groups are also in the works, organized labor movement and but had not been finalized at COMMUNITY Champion: Pride At Work the LGBT community. The Empty Closet press time. SAFETY ALERT honors Donahue, local chapter began operations (Trans continues page 6) Overmyer in the fall of 2007. DANGER IN THE PARKS: The evening featured a clev­ Recently a man was On March 15, the Rochester er Labor Fashion Show called photographed by a male CD & Finger Lakes Chapter of Pride "Workin' It!," written and host­ who blackmailed him and UTlandish demanded money. Vide os. Gifts fi Leathe r At Work, AFL-CIO hosted their ed by Anne Tischer. second True Colors Recognition Linda Donahue, Labor Edu­ Be advised: illegal CORNING Award Dinner at the Diplomat cator for Cornell University's behavior in the parks can ," Banquet Center in Rochester. School of Labor & Industrial result in Blackmail, Violent Attack, Theft or Arrest! j - Canandaigua More than 150 people Relations, a fierce gay rights ally attended the dinner. The mis­ and advocate, and Ove Over­ ~ND"'NDE~~A • ~ktTrus t sion of Pride At Work is to mobi­ myer, Pride At Work member ~ lize mutual support between the (PAW continues page 6) P GALAX~ EMPIRES TATE Contents COLLEGE Equal=Groullds Newsfronts ................................. 4 Coilce House & Gili House Michael Hardy, Jessica Sutta Interview: Rev. Jim Mulcahy and Carrie Vernon. goes to UKraine ............................ 7 Making The Scene .................... 10 Opinion ....................................... 12 Over 70 Pride Columnists ............................... 22 organizers meet at Community ............................... 25 The Church of St . Luke & .. Entertainment: Kate Clinton ..... 27 St. Simon Cyrene V NERP conference Gay Alliance News ................... 30 Friend: By Casey Sullivan Resources ....................... ,,' ...... 32 The North East Regional Calendar ................................... 34 W&>lbright Pride (NERP) Conference on Classifieds ................................ 34 Group ~4 March 10 drew over 70 attend­ 11' ees from 18 North East Prides 'e~ viCTORY t hird !'_l±!.~~ to the Radisson Inn in Roch­ Presbyterian GaXf~m~Da£~ ChurCh ester. The three-day conference included various workshops on Proud Publisher of New York State's Oldest LGBT Publication UPstale Tattoo Co. (NERP continues page 6) 2 THE EMPTY CLOSET • THE GAY ALLIANCE OF THE GENESEE VALLEY • NUMBER 455 • APRIL 2012 GAY ALLIANCE OF T J-L-_'=/I ~ L---! ~ ;I The Empty Closet is published by the Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley 875 E. Main Street, Suite 500 Rochester, New York 14605 FROM TH © 2011, All rights reserved. Editor·in·Chief: Susan Jordan Empty C Editor Staff Reporters: Ove Overmyer Graphic Design: Jim Anderson SUSAN JORDAN Staff Photographer: Jim Wilkins Advertising policy: phen Colbert calls the "truthi­ The Empty Closet does not print advertise­ A Message from ments that contain nude drawings or pho­ ness" of the Right. If you are a tographs, nor does it print advertising that fanatical ideologue (or a fanati­ the Board of Directors: states that the person pictured in the ad is for sale, or that you will "get" that particular cal power-seeker), the facts are person if you patronize the establishment irrelevant. Only the True Believ­ The Board of Directors of 2011, the agency began a stra­ advertised. Advertisements that are explicitly ers' version of reality is permit­ the Gay Alliance of the Genesee tegic planning process to move racist, sexist, ageist, ableist or homophobic Valley, Greater Rochester's lesbi­ forward and remain current in its will be refused: advertisements from organi­ ted. Right wing "experts" and zations that are sexist, racist, ageist, ableist politicians are free to make up an, gay, bisexual and transgender response to community needs." or anti-gay will also be refused. All politi­ service organization, announced Susan Cowell stated, ''After cal advertisements must contain information their own "facts" as long as they about who placed them and a method of stick to their politically correct on March 26, 2012 that Susan 35 years of various roles with the contact. Additionally, The Empty Closet does script. (Example: anything Rick Cowell, Executive Director, has Gay Alliance, most recently the not print negative or "attack" advertisements, submitted her resignation from last three as Executive Director, whether they relate to a product or politics "Frothy Mix" Santorum has ever and no matter in whose interest the ad is said about LGBT people.) The the agency. Susan is leaving the my belief has been reinforced being produced. A negative advertisement is defined as one that focuses upon a rival American Family Association GAGV in order to return to that the LGBT community work in electoral politics dur­ continues to need advocates to product, or in the political area, a rival elec­ was still viciously defaming and tion candidate or party, in order to point out lying about Fluke two weeks ing this important election year. influence the political process supposed flaws and to persuade the pub­ The Board has established a on their behalf. I look forward lic not to buy it (or vote for him or her). The after the Limbaugh attack. Empty Closet maintains, within legal bound­ Who put the "Freedom of speech" means Transition Team to initiate a to continuing my support to aries, neutrality regarding products, political broad search for a new Execu­ the organization and the com­ candidates and parties.
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