ix 1964-65-66 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS OF THI HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SESSION OF THE TWENTY-FIFTH PARLIAMENT (Sittings-From 25th February, 1964, to 28th October, 1966) (House of Representatives dissolved 31st October, 1966) Name Division State Adermann, Rt. Hon. Charles Frederick Fisher. Queensland Allan, Archibald lan, Esquire Gwydir .. New South Wales Anthony, Hon. John Douglas Richmond New South Wales Aston, William John, Esquire Phillip .. New South Wales Armstrong, Adam Alexander, Esquire, M.C.(a) Riverina New South Wales Barnard, Lance Herbert, Esquire Bass Tasmania Barnes, Hon. Charles Edward McPherson Queensland Barwick, Hon. Sir Garfield Edward John, Q.C.(b) Parramatta New South Wales Bate, Henry Jefferson, Esquire Macarthur New South Wales Beaton, Noel Lawrence, Esquire . Bendigo Victoria Beazley, Kim Edward, Esquire Fremantle Western Australia Benson, Samuel James, Esquire, R.D. Batman Victoria Birrell, Frederick Ronald, Esquire Port Adelaide South Australia Bosman, Leonard Lewis, Esquire.. St. George New South Wales Bowen, Nigel Hubert, Esquire, Q.C.(c) Parramatta New South Wales Bridges-Maxwell, Crawford William, Esquire(d) Robertson New South Wales Brimblecombe, Wilfred John, Esquire Maranoa Queensland Bryant, Gordon Munro, Esquire Wills Victoria Buchanan, Alexander Andrew, Esquire McMillan Victoria Bury, Hon. Leslie Harry Ernest .. Wentworth New South Wales Cairns, James Ford, Esquire Yarra Victoria Cairns, Kevin Michael Kiernan, Esquire Lilley Queensland Calwell, Hon. Arthur Augustus .. Melbourne Victoria Cameron, Clyde Robert, Esquire Hindmarsh South Australia Chaney, Hon. Frederick Charles, A.F.C... Perth Western Australia Chipp, Donald Leslie, Esquire Higinbotham Victoria Clark, Joseph James, Esquire Darling New South Wales Cleaver, Richard, Esquire Swan Western Australia Cockle, John Simon, Esquire(e) .. Warringah New South Wales Collard, Frederick Walter, Esquire Kalgoorlie Western Australia Connor, Reginald Francis Xavier, Esquire.. Cunningham New South Wales Cope, James Francis, Esquire Watson New South Wales Costa, Dominic Eric, Esquire Banks New South Wales Courtnay, Frank, Esquire Darebin Victoria Coutts, Wilfred Charles, Esquire .. Griffith .. Queensland Cramer, Hon. Sir John Oscar Bennelong New South Wales Crean, Frank, Esquire .. Melbourne Ports Victoria Cross, Manfred Douglas, Esquire Brisbane Queensland Curtin, Daniel James, Esquire Kingsford-Smith New South Wales Daly, Frederick Michael, Esquire Grayndler New South Wales Davies, Ronald, Esquire Braddon Tasmania Davis, Francis John, Esquire, O.B.E. Deakin .. Victoria Dean, Roger Levinge, Esquire(f).. Robertson New South Wales Devine, Leonard Thomas, Esquire East Sydney New South Wales Downer, Hon. Alexander Russell(g) Angas .. South Australia Drury, Edward Nigel, Esquire Ryan Queensland Duthie, Gilbert William Arthur, Esquire Wilmot Tasmania England, John Armstrong, Esquire, E.D. Calare New South Wales Erwin, George Dudley, Esquire .. Ballaarat Victoria (a) Elected 27th February 1965. (b) Resigned 23rd April 1964. (c) Elected 20th June 1964. (d) Elected 5th December 1964. (e) Deceased 3rd August 1966. (f) Resigned 30th September 1964. (g) Resigned 23rd April 1964. LIsT or MEMBERS-continued Name Division State Failes, Laurence John, Esquire Lawson New South Wales Fairbairn, Hon. David Eric, D.F.C. Farrer New South Wales Fairhall, Hon. Allen Paterson New South Wales Falkinder, Charles William Jackson, Esquire, D.S.O., Franklin Tasmania D.F.C. Forbes, Hon. Alexander James, M.C. Barker .. South Australia Fox, Edmund Maxwell Cameron, Esquire Henty Victoria Fraser, Allan Duncan, Esquire Eden-Monaro New South Wales Fraser, James Reay, Esquire Australian Capital Territory Fraser, Hon. John Malcolm Wannon Victoria Freeth, Hon. Gordon .. Forrest .. Western Australia Fulton, William John, Esquire Leichhardt Queensland Galvin, Patrick, Esquire Kingston South Australia Gibbs, Wylie Talbot, Esquire Bowman Queensland Gibson, Adrian, Esquire(a) Denison Tasmania Giles, Geoffrey O'Halloran, Esquire(b) Angas South Australia Gray, George Henry, Esquire Capricornia Queensland Griffiths, Charles Edward, Esquire Shortland New South Wales Hallett, John Mead, Esquire Canning Western Australia Hansen, Brendan Percival, Esquire Wide Bay Queensland Harding, Ernest William, Esquire Herbert Queensland Harrison, Eli James, Esquire Blaxland New South Wales Hasluck, Rt. Hon. Paul Meernaa Caedwalla Curtin Western Australia Haworth, Hon. William Crawford Isaacs Victoria Hayden, William George, Esquire Oxley Queensland Holt, Rt. Hon. Harold Edward .. Higgins Victoria Holten, Rendle McNeilage, Esquire Indi Victoria Howson, Hon. Peter Fawkner Victoria Hughes, Thomas Eyre Forrest, Esquire, Q.C. Parkes .. New South Wales Hulme, Hon. Alan Shallcross Petrie Queensland Irwin, Leslie Herbert, Esquire, M.B.E. Mitchell New South Wales Jack, William Mathers, Esquire .. North Sydney New South Wales James, Albert William, Esquire Hunter .. New South Wales Jess, John David, Esquire La Trobe Victoria Johnson, Leslie Royston, Esquire Hughes.. New South Wales Jones, Charles Keith, Esquire Newcastle New South Wales Kelly, Charles Robert, Esquire Wakefield South Australia Kent Hughes, Hon. Sir Wilfrid Selwyn, K.B.E., Chisholm Victoria M.V.O., M.C., E.D. Killen, Denis James, Esquire Moreton Queensland King, Robert Shannon, Esquire .. Wimmera Victoria Lindsay, Robert William Ludovic, Esquire Flinders Victoria Luchetti, Anthony Sylvester, Esquire Macquarie New South Wales Lucock, Philip Ernest, Esquire, Deputy Speaker and Lyne New South Wales Chairman of Committees Mackay, Malcolm George, Esquire Evans New South Wales Mackinnon, Ewen Daniel, Esquire, C.B.E. Corangamite Victoria Maisey, Donald William, Esquire Moore .. Western Australia McEwen, Rt. Hon. John Murray Victoria Mclvor, Hector James, Esquire .. Gellibrand Victoria McLeay, Hon. Sir John, K.C.M.G., M.M., Speaker Boothby South Australia McMahon, Rt. Hon. William Lowe New South Wales Menzies, Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Gordon, K.T., C.H., Kooyong Victoria Q.C.(c) Minogue, Daniel, Esquire West Sydney New South Wales Mortimer, Jack, Esquire Grey South Australia Nelson, John Norman, Esquire Northern Territory Nicholls, Martin Henry, Esquire .. Bonython South Australia Nixon, Peter James, Esquire Gippsland Victoria O'Connor, William Paul, Esquire Dalley .. New South Wales Opperman, Hon. Hubert Ferdinand, O.B.E. Corio Victoria Patterson, Rex Alan, Esquire(d) .. Dawson Queensland Peacock, Andrew Sharp, Esquire(e) Kooyong Victoria Peters, Edward William, Esquire Scullin .. Victoria Pettitt, John Alexander, Esquire .. Hume New South Wales Pollard, Hon. Reginald Thomas .. Lalor Victoria (d) Elected 26th February 20th June 1964. (c) ResIgned 17th February 1966. (a) Elected 15th February 1964. (b(b) Elected 20th June 1964. (c) Resigned 17th Februay 1966. (d) Elected 26th February 1966. (e) Elected 2nd April 1966. Lisr oF MEMBES-Continued Name Division State Reynolds, Leonard James, Esquire Barton New South Wales Riordan, Hon. William James Frederick Kennedy . .. Queensland Roberton, Hon. Hugh Stevenson(a) . .. Riverina . .. New South Wales Robinson, Ian Louis, Esquire .. .Cowper . .. New South Wales Sexton, Joseph Clement Leonard, Esquire .. Adelaide . .. South Australia Shaw, George William, Esquire(b) . .. Dawson . .. Queensland Sinclair, Hon. Ian McCahon .. .New England . .. New South Wales Snedden, Hon. Billy Mackie .. .Bruce .. .Victoria Stewart, Francis Eugene, Esquire.. .. Lang .. .New South Wales Stokes, Philip William Clifford, Esquire, E.D. .. Maribyrnong . .. Victoria Swartz, Hon. Reginald William Colin, M.B.E., E.D. Darling Downs . .. Queensland Townley, Hon. Athol Gordon(c) . .. Denison . .. Tasmania Turnbull, Winton George, Esquire . .. Mallee .. .Victoria Turner, Henry Basil, Esquire .. .Bradfield . .. New South Wales Uren, Thomas, Esquire.. Reid .. .New South Wales Webb, Charles Harry, Esquire .. .Stirling. .. Western Australia Wentworth, William Charles, Esquire . .Mackellar . .. New South Wales Whitlamn, Edward Gough, Esquire, Q.C. .. Werriwa . .New South Wales Whittom, Raymond Harold, Esquire . .. Balaclava . .. Victoria Wilson, Sir Keith Cameron .. .Sturt .. .South Australia (a) Resigned 21 st January 1965. (b) Deceased 9th January 1966. (c) Deceased 24th December 1963. xiii 1964-65-66 SESSION OF THE TWENTY-FIFTH PARLIAMENT OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Speaker .. THE HON. SIR JOHN MCLEAY, K.C.M.G., M.M., M.P. The Chairman of Committees PHILIP ERNEST LUCOCK, ESQUIRE, M.P. The Clerk of the House of Representatives ALAN GEORGE TURNER, C.B.E., J.P. The Deputy Clerk NORMAN JAMES PARKES, O.B.E. The Clerk Assistant JOHN ATHOL PETTIFER. The Principal Parliamentary Officer DOUGLAS MAURICE BLAKE, J.P. The Serjeant-at-Arms and Clerk of Committees ALAN ROBERT BROWNING. 1964-65-66 FIRST SESSION OF TUE TWENTY-FIFTH PARLIMIENT. INDEX TO THE VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. NOTE.-For Proceedings on Bills, see under "1Bills."1 For Papers laid upon Table, see " Index to Papers presented to Parliament " (p. lxxvii.) For Messages from Governor-General and from Senate, see under "Messages." A. Aboriginal Studies-Council of the Australian Institute-Election of Mr. Beazley and Mr. Wentworth, 184. Aboriginal Welfare. See" Ministerial Statements " and " Public Importance-Discussion of matters of." Aboriginal Workers. See "Petitions." Aborigines-Constitutional Provisions. See " Constitution Alteration (Aborigines) Bills " and " Petitions." Aborigines, Yirrkala. See " Motions-General." Absolute majority. See " Constitution
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