View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by Hochschulschriftenserver - Universität Frankfurt am Main 223 Tropical Bryology 8: 223-273, 1993 Taxonomic Results of the BRYOTROP Expedition to Zaire and Rwanda 26. A new checklist of the mosses of Central Africa S. Born, J.-P. Frahm Universität Duisburg, Fachbereich 6, Botanik, , 47048 Duisburg, Germany T. Pócs Dept. of Botany, Esterhazy Teacher´s College, pf. 42, H 3301 Eger, Hungary Central Africa was one of the first regions in the (1940, 1946), with all available additions. This tropics, if not the first, for which a checklist of includes publications as well as herbarium mosses was compiled. In 1940, Demaret publis- specimens distributed by J.L. De Sloover (marked hed the "Prodrome des Bryophytes du Congo with the herbarium abbreviation NAM) and the Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi", followed by a collections made during the Bryotrop expedition supplement in 1946. In the 50 years since that to Rwanda and Zaire in 1991 (see special time, numerous new contributions to the bryo- contributions in this volume). phyte flora of Central Africa have been made. Demaret added seven more publications on Zaire The delimitation of Central Africa is in accor- (formerly Belgian Congo). Potier de la Varde dance with the circumscription used by Demaret studied the bryophyte collections made during (1940). It is based on political delimitations, the surveys of the flora of the Central African which cut across phytogeographical units. It is volcanoes by Hedberg. De Sloover published a therefore highly unsatisfactory. First the Zaire series of 14 papers dealing with his collections in basin is included which adds an area several Rwanda, Burundi and Zaire, combined with times as large as the Central African mountain revisionary work. Finally, numerous area and extends to the Atlantic Ocean. Then nomenclatural changes, revisions and Uganda is not included, although the N-slope of monographs have been made during the past 20 the Virunga volcanos and the E-slope of the years. Therefore an update of Demaret's checklist Ruwenzori massif belongs to Uganda. Uganda seemed desirable. For that reason a new list has is, however, included in East Africa, e.g. in the been compiled, based on the data of Demaret checklist of the mosses of South-East Africa by 224 Kis (1985). Eastern Rwanda and Burundi also Aerolindigia capillacea (Hornsch.)Menzel belong to the savannah region of East Africa, (Lindigia africana Broth.) (Brachytheciaceae) although the remaining 98% of the area treated R: Gikungu, forêt de Rugege; Gisenyi, Bikone- here as Central Africa is (potentially) rainforest ko, Sebeya; Irambura (De Sloover 1976 b; De area. The exclusion of Uganda is not as impor- Sloover 18.770; 19.018 NAM). tant, since the Uganda slopes of Virunga volca- Z:Kivu, Ruwenzori, Lanuri (De Sloover 1976 b, noes or the Ruwenzori massif according to the Menzel 1991). floristical data do not differ too much from their other sides. Hence the floristic records of the Amblystegium riparium (Hedw.) B.S.G.. fo western slopes of the Ruwenzori and the sou- elongatum (B.S.G.) Moenk. (Leptodictyum ri- thern slopes of the Virunga volcanos will give a parium (Hedw.) Warnst. f. elongatum (B.S.G.) nearly complete inventory. In many cases the Warnst.) (Amblystegiaceae) citation of localities in publications are merely Z: Katale (Rwankwi); riv. Rwankwi (Leroy given with "Ruwenzori" or "Karisimbi" and it is 1947). Kikeri (Demaret 1946). not clear from the text to which side it refers without knowing the historical background of Amphidium le-testui Thér. & P. de la V. (Ortho- the expedition. In such cases the records are trichaceae) included even though they may be in Uganda. Z: Kalonge, vallée de la Nyamwamba (De Sloo- ver 1973; Demaret & Potier de la Varde 1977). Demaret (1940, 1946) did not indicate the coun- tries (Zaire, Rwanda or Burundi) in his check- A. tortuosum (Hornsch.) Robins. (A. cyathicar- list when citing the records, so we have separated pum (Mont.) Broth.) the records here for the first time. The publication Z: Karisimbi, Ruwenzori; Mososa; Butagu (De of Bamps (1982) was helpful in this, and it has Sloover 1973; Demaret & Potier de la Varde also been used as the standard for the spelling of 1977; Demaret 1940). the localities, which differs much in the publications and also in the maps (e.g. Birunga Anacolia laevisphaera (Tayl.) Flow. (Bartra- vs. Virunga, Nyragongo vs. Nyiragongo or miaceae) Ninangongo, Nyamuragira vs. Nyamlagira etc.) R: Ruhengeri, Gahinga; Gisenyi (De Sloover 19.385 NAM; De Sloover 1975d). List of species Z: Kivu; Lac Ex-Edouard(De Sloover 1975d). B: Burundi Andreaea firma C. Müll. (Andreaceae) R: Rwanda R: Karisimbi (Frahm 1993) Z: Zaire Z: Kivu, Kahuzi; Mont Alexandre; vallée de la Semliki; Ruwenzori; Butagu; Mont Ngaliema (De Sloover 1977 b; Demaret 1940; 1946). Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth. (Semato- phyllaceae) A. kilimandscharica Par. (According to De Sloo- R: Nyungwe-Forest (Buck 1993). ver 1977b:167 it is a doubtful name and proba- Z: Kahuzi-Biega (Buck 1993). bly belong to the following species.) R: Karisimbi (Potier de la Varde 1942; Demaret A. priononphylax Buck 1946). Z: Kahuzi-Biega, type (Buck 1993). Z: Butagu; Ruwenzori; Lanuri (Demaret 1940). Aerobryidium subpiligerum (Hampe) Card. A. mildbraedii Broth. in Mildbr. (Andreaea alti- (Meteoriaceae) caulis Broth. in Mildbr.) Z: Kivu, parc du Kahuzi-Biega, Mont Biega (De R: Karisimbi; Lukumi; Muhavura (De Sloover Sloover 12.933 NAM). 1977 b; Potier de la Varde 1942; Demaret 1940; 1946; Frahm 1993). 225 Z: Ruwenzori, massif des Birunga, Karisimbi, Rukumi (De Sloover 13.112 NAM), Karisimbi Rukumi; Kerere; Kiondo (De Sloover 1977 b; (Frahm 1993). De Sloover 13.171; 13.176; 13.192 NAM; Demaret & Potier de la Varde 1977; Potier de la Archidium acanthophyllum Snider (Archidia- Varde 1942). ceae) Z: Albert Nat.Park, Kanyasembo (Snider 1975 A. obovata Thed. a,b) R: massif des Birunga, Karisimbi; Muhavura (De Sloover 1977 b, De Sloover 13.238A NAM). A. capense Hornsch. Z: Kiondo (Demaret & Potier de la Varde 1977). Z: Rwindi (Demaret 1946). Anisothecium ugandae P.de la V. (Dicranaceae) Atractylocarpus alticaulis (Broth.) Williams. R: Muhavura (Potier de la Varde 1955). (Metzlerella alticaulis Broth., M. naveauana Z: Mahungu; Mososa (Demaret & Potier de la Thér.) (Dicranaceae) Varde 1977). R: Karisimbi (Frahm 1993). Z: Ruwenzori; Butagu; Kahuzi-Biega (Potier de Anoectangium mafatense Ren. et Card. (Pottia- la Varde 1942; Demaret 1940; 1946; Frahm ceae) 1993); Ruwenzori; Butagu; Lanuri; Kerere Z: Mwenda; Lusilube (Demaret & Potier de la (Demaret 1940; 1946); Ruwenzori, Butagu-Thal; Varde 1977). Lanuri; vallon de la Kéréré; Mahungu;Kivu, piste du Kahuzi sur le versant sud-ouest (De Anomobryum filiforme (Dicks.) Solms. (Bryum Sloover 1973; Demaret & Potier de la Varde filiforme Dicks.) (Bryaceae) 1977). R: Forêt de Rugege; Rukaraga; Muhavura; forêt de Gishwati; route Gisenyi-Kibuye (Demaret Atrichum (?) brevilamellatum Dix. et Thér. 1940; Potier de la Varde 1955; De Sloover (Polytrichaceae) 13.341 NAM). Z: Lake Mayumbe (Dixon & Thériot 1942). Z: vocan Nyamuragira; Birunga; lac Mobutu Sese Seko, Nioka; Mososa; Mikéno; Nyiragon- Barbula congoana Thér. (Pottiaceae) go (Leroy 1947; Demaret & Leroy 1949; Demaret Z: Mikéno (Demaret 1940) & Potier de la Varde 1977; Potier de la Varde 1942; Demaret 1940; 1946). B. ehrenbergii (Lor.) Fleisch. Z: Lac Kivu (Sollman 1993): A. maclennanii Broth. Z: Mobenga; Ruwenzori; Butagu (Demaret B. eubryum C.Müll. 1940). B: route Bujumbura-Rumonge (De Sloover 19.218 NAM). Antitrichia kilimandscharica Broth. (Antitrichia R: Bugesera, Kayumba, route de Nyamata (De curtipendula auct.) (Leucodontaceae) Sloover 13.825 NAM); Kigali (Sollman 1993). Z: Kivu, Ruwenzori, Karisimbi; Mikeno; Buta- Z: Katanga, Kaniama, Haut-Lomami; Kasai, gu; Mont Ngaliema; Rukumi (De Sloover 1976 Lulua, riv. Lureleji; Kalinga, Tshibamba; Lueo- b sub A. curtipendula; Potier de la Varde 1943; Lubue; Kasangezi; Parc National de la Garam- Demaret 1940; 1946), Mahungu, Nyamwamba; ba, Ndelele; route Dungu-Bagbele; lac Albert, Mososa; Kerere; Kiondo; Ruwenzori; Mont Takalu; Kivu, Angi, Rutshuru, Makara, Kidzeni Ngaliema (Demaret & Potier de la Varde 1977; (Demaret 1954). Potier de la Varde 1943; Demaret 1946, 1958). R: Karisimbi, Bysoke, Sabinyo, Gahinga, Mu- B. indica Brid. havura (De Sloover 1976 b, Demaret 1940; R: Hot springs near Bugarama (Sollman 1993): 1946), Gisenyi; Karisimbi (De Sloover 19.373 Z: Albertville; Rutshuru (Demaret 1940; 1946). NAM), massif des Birunga; Karisimbi; Kabara; 226 B. kivuensis Leroy et P. de la V. Z: Rutshuru (Demaret 1946). B. angolense (Welw. &Duby) Jaeg. (B. holstii Broth.) B. subscabrinervis Dix. et Nav. Z: Ruwenzori; Butagu (Demaret 1940), Esh- Z: Ruwenzori; Lanuri (Demaret 1940). bamba, Lulua (Ochi 1972). Bartramia afro-ithyphylla Broth. (Bartramia- B. bequaerti Dix. et Thér. ceae) Z: Lanuri, Ruwenzori (Dixon & Thériot 1942; R: massif des Birunga, Karisimbi; Bysoke; Demaret 1946). Muhavura; Gahinga (De Sloover 13.239, 13.478, 13.618, 19.401 NAM; Frahm 1993). B. capitulatum (Mitt.) Par. Z: massif des Birunga, Karisimbi, Rukumi; R: Rugege Wald; Vulkan Sabinyo (Ochi 1972 Kahuzi-Biega (De Sloover 13.154 NAM; Dema- sub Tanzania). ret & Leroy 1949; Frahm 1993). Z: volcan Rumoka; Tshibinda; Nioka; Kanzibi; Banalia; Penghe; Irumu; Ituri; Masisi; Rutshuru; B. elliottii Broth. Angi (Leroy 1947; Potier de La Varde 1942; R: Karisimbi (Demaret 1940). Demaret 1940; 1946), Mt. Minagingo (Ochi 1972). B. ithyphylla (Hall.) Brid. Z: Mikéno (Potier de la Varde 1942; Demaret B. elgonense Dix. et Broth. 1946) Z: entre Rusayo et Kibati; Mikéno (Demaret 1946). B. jungneri Par. Z: Kivu, Kahuzi (De Sloover 12.706 NAM B. flexifolium Bruch & Schimp. ex Jaeg. (B. stenotheca Dix.) B. ruwenzorensis Broth. Z: Ruwenzori; Lanuri (Demaret 1940). R: Muhavura (Potier de la Varde 1942; 1955; Demaret 1946). Z: Ruwenzori; Lanuri; Butagu; B. leptophyllum (C. Müll.) Bruch & Schimp. ex Mont Stanley; Kahuzi-Biega (Demaret 1940; Jaeg. (B. angustelimbatum Broth. et Par., B. 1946; Frahm 1993). mildbraedii Broth. in Mildbr., B.
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