Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1982 Daily Egyptian 1982 10-6-1982 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 06, 1982 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_October1982 Volume 68, Issue 33 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, October 06, 1982." (Oct 1982). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1982 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1982 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 'Daily 'Egyptian Wednesday. October II, 19112·VoI. III, No. 33 &aft P .... by Greg Drndma ."'_er Sea. Adlai SleveasOil (left) aIId G~ Jamea TIIomplOll e.c.... ge p9iats III the gubel' DatGr1al debaw at McLeod Tbeater Taesday lliglll. Candidates trade harsh words Voters, was held in. McLeod ~la#i;'~ TMater. It was the third of a series of rour and was the 0IIIy WGN· Trs debate audio cut off ,,'. Both candidates for lllinois one in which the candidates directly asked each other The debate that was to go WGN was using leeds from AI Pizzato, WSIU station governor said they believe statewide education is essential to q\'eStiOIlS. didn't. WSlU, 0uumeI 8, to provide DIP..:Jag.'lI' • alleviate unemployment Stevenson, who proposed to WGN-TV in Chicago lost live coverage over its cable WSW and GTE bad nothing problems and to ensure a stable upgrade teacher training, said Jive audio coverage of the system. However, at about to do with it, be said. The future ior t.'!#! state. tbat the Thompson ad­ third gubernatorial debate, 8: 05 p.m., problems problems originated aorth of Gov. James It. Thompson and ministration bas given held Tuesday in McLeod orginating along American CE,'rl'ondale. Democratic challenger Adlai E. education the lowest pereentage Theater, for about 40 Telephone I: Telegraph Co. "The signal was perfect Stevenson presented t.'l'<Se ~:rad of state funding of any other minutes, according to long~stance lines disrupted ieav~ here and along GTE other views Tuesday evening itl state. pl'oduction workers for the debate audio. lines,' Pizzato said. "Tbe a debate characterized by "In this new era, it will he the WSIU-TV, which broadcast WGN retained video problem was between Car­ verbal attacks from both sides. buman capital that will animate the debate live. coverage of the debate, said bondale and Chicago." The.debate, fr-OOSOred by the society," Stevenson said. "It Illinois League ur Women takes more than money. It bikes that they will be employable every time they ask for it." Committee on Aging, asked some attention to what we 00." upon graduation. Stevenson, pointing out that Thompsan why he hasn't Although Thompson said Owt Thompson also proposed 700,000 people in Illioois are out stopped the corruption and his hlghest . 'ty is "putting expanding tht! state higher of work and that one out of 10 waste he said is in the Medicaid our people ~ to work," he educaton s~udent loan program Illinoisians are on welfare, said program in lllinois. also said that the !!overnment by $75 million. "The soup kitchens are back. Thompson, claiming that be needs to place more emphasis Rebutting Stevenson's charge The state government is in­ had inherited a high error rate on math and science education. that Thompson has not em· solvent." in the program, said 1Mt he had Thorn psoaI pI'Op'lSed sending pii<lsized educat;nn i!nough, He said Thompson has been set up a fraud unit t'J prevent 2,000 of "our brightest high Thcmpson sait.i that during his making many promises to be corruption in the sys~m. school students to academies sa yt'ars as gQvernor he has carried out after the election, A concurrent study, Thomp­ and universities," reserving $3 corrected imbalances in "all in a cynical attempt to k~ son said, had found that the million to give students in sixth educationai iun<iing. the government afloat until Illinois Medicaid program is in <.u~ says U's tough to have a grade and above access to "J've held the line who!re I've after the election." line with other states' rousing debate wbclI the compu~ers, and training juniors had to," he said. "You can't Stevenson, referring to a dt'baters S!!"e sv cbummy. and seniors in high schOol so give everything to everybody, report from a Select U.S. House See WORDS, Page 3 Lakewood offered as storage option u.s. agents may enter search By GiJUlY Lee The owners of the center _lint looking for a building in the for Raveed murder suspect Staff Writer to sell it with the intention of area to store infrequently used retaining a strip of land in front material, from the Morris By JeJUlifer Phillips has been focusing on ~ter· Library. Starf Writer mining if Oliveira has fled t.'Ie c:n~r i:;ata~=leS:::C= ~~.::tr;,e~~~~ a The University's request to state and it believes he tw., ,.,ffered to the Uni'jen:ty for 1beahopping center houses purchase the Bracy Building in An unlawful flight warrant Coleman said. ¥1.47 million, $2OO,tJOO less than six businesses, Diederich said. Marion, a 6O,ooo-square-foot will be filed by the end of the its appraised value, accon!i.ng '[b(, twa buildings in the com­ grocery warehouse, for $1.6 week against Mlchael Oliveira, Once the warrant is flied, to a local real estate agent. plex ~re COi':'!!f!Cted by a roof and ::!.iliion. was !loproved by Gov. who has been charged with the Oliveira will have two charges The two-building complex, have a bree~ewar hetween James Tbt.:mpsQn in late murder of marketing professor against him, lIaid Jackson which is located three miles them. AIJgUSt. " Sion Raveed, said Paul COWlty . State's Attorney John east of Carbondale on Ulinoia CJare"'!~ D;:~ghertyt vice The University is currently Coleman, assistant U.S. at­ Clemons. One is the murder Route 13, was completely ... presit.ert for campus !lerVices, waiting for the state Capital torney in East St. Louis. charge, fIled by the state, and rencvated about two years ago. iooka:l Pot the center last .,.~ Developl11~t l!oard to apprme The warrant will aUow the other will be a federal flight It contains about 78,000 square ·Dit:derich said, adding that he the- purcii.'tlM! and n:!ease the federal authorities to enter the charge. feet of floor space 011 GnP ~I has not vet received a response funds, 'search for Oliveira, a 2a-year­ and has a central heating about the offer from ,the The matt~ will be ~ided old former marketing sWdent Oliveira was charged Aug. 3 system and air conditioning, University. ' upon at th'! board's Oct. 14 from Geneseo, Authorities with U\e. murder of 35-year-old according tt.: Richart, Dougherty was not available meeting, a\~cordiitg to lAs believe that Oliveira bas Oed Raveed, who was found stabbed Diederich, of Dieci€:-ieh In- for comment Tuesday, Pauly, CDB p..olic affairs 01- the state. in his C8rboodale apartn.ent at suranee and Real Estate. The University had been ficer. The U.s. AttGmey's Offiee 412 W; Oak St. Marcb t.. News Roundup-- More tainted Tylenol Third registration dodger convicted CLEVEJ..AND (AP) - A federal court jury has convicted Mark Arden Schmucker, 8 Mennonite college student, of fai.li.ng to register foc the military !iran. He was the third found in California person convicted of the charge in trials this year. By Sharoo Cohen Lawrence G. Foster, a returned to work Monday, The eight women and fOUl' men on the panel deliberated one Associated Presll Writer spokesman for Johnson " according to Robert Kniffen, a hour and four minutes before I"!t'Jrning the verdict Tuesday in Johnson, which owm McNeil. spokesman for McNeil. the courtroom of u.s, District Judge Ann Aldrich. Extra-Strength Tylenol But Blagg did not take the The Oroville man's physican Schmucker, a 22-year-old student at Goshen College, was capsules tainted with contaminated capsules until reported to McNeil that he allowed to remain free on the same $2,000 bond set at the time strychnine and p"wchased at an Thursday, the same day that asked the man's wife to get of his arraignment. Oroville, Caltl., drugstore the medical examiner in additional Tylen~l ;:;;,p:;ules caused 'J 27-year-old man to Chicago announced finding a from the store where the first AFL-CIO bol.ster, Adlai', bankroll become ill last week, pattern of cyanide deaths. bottle was bougt,t. authorities said Tuesday. In Foster said Johnson " The FDA was informed that SPRINGFIEl...f'J LJoP) - Democratic gubernatorial can­ Chicago, investigators said the Johnson got a telephone can on the wife provided two more didate Adlai E. Stevenson m received mixed cheers aod boos incident "probably' was not Friday from Blagg's doctor bottles, one of which also Tuesday from delegates to the IDinois AFL-CIO conventioo, connected to the seveTl cyanide regarding possible strychnine contained pink granules, which but came away with an unequivocal $62,000 in campaign deaths there. poison in the Tylenol. He said it were subsequenUy found to contributions. The latest twist in the baffling was one of hundreds of calls the contain strychnine. The store Stevenson noted be had been given a T1 percent favorable case prompted Tylenol's company has recei··ed since the operator removed remaining rating by the AFL-ClO far his votes in the U.S.
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