Pag* Eighteen TORRANCE PRESS Thursday, June 25, 1959 Philharmonic Group Something Old New . Borrowed . Blue .... Slates Music Event Four major events in music will be sponsored by the Peninsula Committee for the Philharmonic during the summer months announces Mrs. Philip Abbot, presi­ dent. Hollywood Bowl Family Nij?ht, first in the series, is set for July 17 with Mrs. Maurice D. Okum, in charge of tickets and bus transportation. The gala evening will include Western music under the baton of Johnny Green and important stage, screen and television personalities including James Garner, Robert Horton and Robert Young. Puppetry, ballet and comedy is also promised. A second, more serious concert, August 4, will fea­ ture Jose Iturbi as conductor. Featured at the two concluding concerts September 1 and 4 will be the brilliant pianist, Van Cliburn. The projected Los Angeles Music Center building will bene­ fit from both affairs. Ticket reservations may be obtained through Mrs. Evelyn S. Smith, TE 3-8258. The aim of the Peninsula Committee, that incudes Torrance and the surrounding South Bay area, is to give financial aid to the Los Angeles Philharmonic. "Liberal Minister" 'Mead, A.B., M. A., Ph. D., presi­ dent of Meadville Theological MRS. ROBERT E. KAVENEY MRS. ROBERT EDWARD KEITH MRS. M. C. McKENZIE "The Liberal Minister" will be Photo by the sermon topic School, occupies the pulpit as vi­ Seeman Photo, by Seeman Photo by Seeman Sunday, June 28 siting speaker. at Pacific Unitarian Church, 1610 Acacia St., when Dr. Sidney Earl Dr. Mead, a member of the fac­ ulty of the University of Chica­ Ferguson, Kavaney Family Wedding for Segelken, 9x12 WOOL RUG go since 1941, has specialized in McKenzie SHAMPOO, $3 the study of the relationship of Christianity in America to the Rut Bindlrt* White You Walt Nuptials Exchanged nation's social, Jollensten and Keith United in Marriage f Beck UpKolsfery political and in­ tellectual history. He is the au- Approaching the altar on the tion was held for the couple at Gowned in an empire bridal dress of pink satin over Rose and CASH AND CARRY arm of hor father, Miss Kathryn the Knights of Columbus Hall, carnation floral arrangements decorated 12711 S. MAIN PL 5-8188 jthor of "Nathaniel William Tay- dotted Swiss and carrying a bouquet of white and pink the First Lutheran Church of Torrance for the candle­ lor, n Connecticut Liberal." Janet Kerguson exchanged vows Redondo Beach. carnations, Miss Marjraret Patricia uniting hrr to Dr. Robert E. Ka­ The newlyweds will make their Jollensten became the light wedding ceremonies uniting Deloris Ann Segelken vaney at ceremonies at the Na­ new home in San Diego following bride of Robert Edward Keith at ceremonies at the home and M. C. McKenzie, June 20 at 7 :30 p.m. Flavio College of Beauty tivity Catholic Church, June 20 a honeymoon in northern Califor­ of the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Keith, The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Segel at 10 a. m. nia. 2075 W. 242nd St., Lomita, June ken Jr., 15306 Faysmith Ave., Vim o YOJ Learn a Highly Paid Profession in 9 Months 20 at 8 p.m. lerina length dress of lavender Gardena, wore a gown of white St., as best man. Ushers were ftill For Men and Women The bride, the daughter of Mr. The new Mrs. Kaveney is a nnd Mrs. Lewis R. ForgUBon, 3706 Tho hride, tho daughter of Mr. chiffon. The mother of the bride organza and carried a bridal bou­ Hughes and Patrick Starr. graduate of St. Anthony's High and Mrs. H. A. Jollensten of quet of j-oses and carnataions, 227th St., wore a gown of em- School, Long chose a green brocade sheath for as Following the double ring cere­ For Beginner*, Seniors, Beach and Harbor 25(535 Pennsylvania Avp., Lomita, the occasion she was escorted to the broiderod white silk organza with Junior College. She is employed and the mother of altar by monies the newlyweds were fe brushup, manicuring approached the altar on the arm the bridegroom a flowered sheath her father. at a reception held in the Fi and advanced hair a nilk Prau-de-Soie sash. Her by Hughes Aircraft. ivy illusion veil was of floor of her father. with matching jacket. Mrs. Patrick Starr, served the side room of the church. styling STUDENTS. The bridegroom is a graduate Rev. R. Wells performed the bride as matron of honor and length arid she carried a bouquet of St. Anthony's High School, A reception for 175 guests fol­ The couple will make their new wedding service uniting the cou­ lowed the wedding. Mrs. Donald McKenzie as brides­ of white roses. Loyola University of Los Angr- home at 2410 Torrance Blvd., fol­ Father John Me Anile read the ple with Miss Shirley Van Driel The couple will make their new maid. They wore matching gowns lowing their week's honeymoon in NIGHT and les and St. Louis University, acting as maid of honor and Wil­ of pale pink chiffon over deep service joining Miss Ferguson to school of medicine. home at 1810 2<ilst St., Lomita, Palm Springs. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kmmet liam Hall HS best man. upon return from their week's pink taffeta and carried white The new Mrs. McKenzie is em­ The maid of honor wore a hal- honeymoon in Canada. carnations tied with pink ribbon. ployed by Dr. Robert Barrett, DAY GLASSES R Kavoney, 1010 Cary Ave., Wil- Bridge Invitation minjfton. Donald McKenzie served the 2410 Torrance Blvd. Her husband (Start la«h Wtth) Miss ("avoir Hlylhe served the Invitations for >a "fourth at bridegroom, the son of Mr. and is presently attending El Camino Style Director Flavio Bisignano . hride as Maid of Honor and Ed­ bridge" are offered by the Wed­ Mrs. John McKenzie. 3658 W (Author, Instructor, Lecturer, Winner Of nesday afternoon social hridgr Hospital many ward Kavency the bridegroom Staff outstanding awards) a* Thanks club. ' DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES . ENROLLMENTS NOW best man. j John Kaveney and Patrick and The group consisting of begin­ BEING TAKEN FOR CLASSES STARTING WEEKLY ners and intermediate players MODERN, UP TO DATE, SPACIOUS SCHOOL LHrry Fccguson as ushers com­ pleted meets at the Torrance YWCA, Moderately Priced Heir Service Available the wedding party. to Public Tho bridegroom's mother chose with economical baby sitting of­ The recent donation of a new anesthetic machine to FLAVIO COLLEGE OF BEAUTY a blue lace dress with matching fered. Harbor General Hospital brought an announcement of (Bin-led and UrH»r Jurisdiction of Stotc) accessories for the occasion. The Lessons arc available each appreciation by the staff yesterday. mother of the bride wore a pink Thursday from 1 to 3 p.m. Tues­ Alpha Phi Alumnae of the South Bay area were 1628 Cravens Ave., FAirfax Italian silk dress with white ac­ day and Thursday evenings games thanked for the Flouthcne Vaporizer by A. L. Thomas, Torrance 0-0404 cessories. begin at 8 p.m. Partnerships for administrator. Following the wedding a recep­ singles can be arranged. Thomas reports tlmt the hospi­ appearance and her first prize tal in now able to UKO u relatively winning at the St. Francis Epis­ new anesthetic agent especially copal Church Table Contest Tea valuable for chest surgery and were responsible for a large part children's operations. of the $100 donation. The Alpha Phi gift advanced Nationally the sorority sup­ the date that the hospital could ports the February Heart Fund obtain the anesthetic by a couple that provides aid for blue babies, of years. convalescents and research. Mr*. David Nybert, philan- All alumnae chapters in South­ throphy chairman, in charge of ern California council combine to arrangement^ states that the support an Alpha Phi booth at Harbor Hospital wns chosen as the Doll Fair each November. it accomodates thm largest num­ Doll Fair earnings go to the ber of heart patients in the area convalescent, wing of Children's not able to afford private cars. Hospital where the majority of Presentation of the machine patients are victims of rheumatic was made by Mrs. Louise Sooy, heart disease. ami Mrs. George Moll, past pres­ ident, For quick results phone an ad- Mrs. Sony's class on personal taker, FA 8-2345. MRS. CHESTER A. McMILLAR playtex WAifmr f/H Double Ring Ceremony Unites Gordon, McMillar panty briefs A double ring ceremony at the Rev. Robert A. Wells perform­ Narbonne Ave., Southern Baptist ed the ceremonies. The church for an Church, June 20 at 1 p.m., united was decorated for the occasion Largest Assortment in the South Bay Area Johnie Ruth Gordon and Chester with floral arrangements of white eye-stopping A. McMillar in marriage. gladiolas and stocks. figure under WINDSOR FLORISTS The bride, the daughter of Mr. The bride, wearing a gown of stacks Corntr Crenshaw & Torrance Blvd. Torranct and Mrs. John Gordon, 25624 Nar- biege chantilly lace and carrying shorts. ..swimsuits FA 8-1260 FR 8-2244 bonne Ave., Lomita, was escorted a single white orchid on a whita to the altar by Richard F. Vance. bible was served by Mary Joy^F Vance as maid of honor. Fit like a second skin for invisible The maid of honor's control under your most dress was form-fitting of pink taffeta with white acces­ slacks, shorts, swimsuits. Makes you Let's Celebrate sories and she carried a matching the girl with the slim waist, smooth hips, ... A Bang-up bouquet of pink and white carna­ flat tummy. Fabulous little tions. Playtex panty briefs go in and out The bridegroom, son of Mr.
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