Food Security and Nutrition in the Age of Climate Change Proceedings of the International Symposium organized by the government of Québec in collaboration with FAO Québec City, September 24-27, 2017 IN COLLABORATION WITH Food Security and Nutrition in the Age of Climate Change PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ORGANIZED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF QUÉBEC IN COLLABORATION WITH FAO Québec City, September 24-27, 2017 Edited by Alexandre Meybeck Elizabeth Laval Rachel Lévesque Geneviève Parent FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Rome, 2018 Meybeck, A., Laval, E., Lévesque, R., Parent, G., 2018. Food Security and Nutrition in the Age of Climate Change.Proceedings of the International Symposium organized by the Government of Québec in collaboration with FAO. Québec City, September 24-27, 2017. Rome, FAO. pp. 132. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO. 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COVER PHOTOS (above from right to left): ©FAO/Olivier Asselin; ©FAO/Ubirajara Machado; ©FAO/Sebastián Villar; ©FAO/Rudolf Hahn. (below from right to left): ©CC0 1.07/ Seattle City Council; ©CC BY 2.0/Jitze Couperus; ©CC BY-SA 2.0/Sandra Cohen Rose and Colin Rose; ©CC BY-SA 2.0/Richard Kelland. Contents Acknowledgements xii Executive summary xiii Welcome message from Philippe Couillard, Premier of Québec 1 Message from José Graziano Da Silva, FAO Director-General 2 Introduction 3 Symposium’s committees 5 Opening Conference under the auspices of the FAO 6 Global nutrition in the age of climate change: transforming challenges into opportunities 6 Charlotte Dufour, Nutrition and Food Systems Officer, FAO Climate change, agriculture and food security 7 Alexandre Meybeck, Senior Policy Officer on agriculture, environment and climate change, FAO 1. CLIMATE CHANGE, FOOD SECURITY AND NUTRITION: THE ISSUES 9 1.1 Impacts of climate change on food security and nutrition 9 Agriculture in the IPCC’s work 9 Youba Sokona, Vice-Chair, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Impacts of climate change on food security and nutrition 10 Hugo Melgar-Quinonez, Director, Institute for Global Food Security, McGill University - session chair Testimony from Small Island Developing States 10 Maria Helena Semedo, Deputy Director-General, FAO Testimony on the impacts of climate change in the Arctic 11 Jean Lemire, Emissary for Climate Change, Northern and Arctic Affairs, Government of Québec Climate change, food security and nutrition: linkages and implications 12 Sophia Murphy, Steering Committee of the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition Producing more and better with less within an agro-ecological framework: efficiently harnessing our biological capital 12 Godfrey Nzamujo, Director, Songhai Center iii Impacts of climate change on access to various types of food in Nunavik 13 Annie Lamalice, Ph.D. candidate in food and cultural geography, Université de Montréal and Université de Montpellier (co-supervision program) Climate change, traditional food & food security in Nunavik 14 Jimmy Johannes, Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Association, in collaboration with the Nunavik Regional Board of Health and Social Services 1.2 Climate change, nutrition and health 15 Climate change, nutrition and health 15 Pierre Gosselin, Coordinator of the Health Program, Ouranos Research Consortium - session chair Accessing and affording nutritious diets in the age of climate change 15 Lauren Landis, Director of Nutrition, World Food Programme Women can drive climate-smart and pro-nutrition agricultural transformation 16 Dominique Charron, director, Agriculture and environment program, International Development Research Center (CRDI) Putting people and land back at the center of our food system to combat malnutrition and climate change: What should be our response? What are the challenges? 17 Charlotte Dufour, Nutrition and Food Systems Officer, FAO Summary of the discussions 18 1.3 Climate change and food insecurity: risk of conflict 20 Climate change and food insecurity: risk of conflict 20 Anne Mottet, Livestock Development Officer, FAO - session chair Climate disruptions and conflicts: a link that remains to be demonstrated 21 François Audet, Director, Canadian Research Institute on Humanitarian Crisis and Aid (OCCAH) Anticipating food insecurity 21 Emmy Simmons, Senior Advisor, Global Food Security Project, Center for Strategic and International Studies The migration and food security nexus in the context of climate change 22 Myriam Traore Chazalnoel, Associate Expert, Migration, Environment and Climate Change Division, International Organization for Migration Summary of the discussions 22 iv 2. THE AGRICULTURE SECTORS IN THE CONTEXT OF CLIMATE CHANGE 24 2.1 Focus on the agriculture sectors: combining climate change mitigation and adaptation 24 Focus on the agriculture sectors: combining climate change mitigation and adaptation 24 Guy Debailleul, Professor in Rural Economy and Development, Université Laval – session chair National Adaptation Plans as core vehicle to deliver on adaptation priorities and achieve countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions 25 Julia Wolf, Natural Resources Officer, Climate and Environment Division, FAO Senegal in the face of climate change: adaptation mechanisms 26 Saliou Seye, Training Manager, Réseau des organisations paysannes et pastorales du Sénégal Québec’s young farmers in the face of climate change 26 Michèle Lalancette, President, Fédération de la relève agricole du Québec The resilience of Québec’s farms 27 Marcel Groleau, President, Union des producteurs agricoles 2.2 Livestock farming: possible solutions 28 Livestock farming: possible solutions 28 Anne Mottet, Livestock Development Officer, FAO - session chair Recapitalization of 5,000 family farms through goat breeding and milk production in regions devastated by Hurricane Matthew in Haiti 28 Michel Chancy, Professor-Researcher, Faculty of agricultural and environmental sciences, Quisqueya University Focusing on social innovation to reduce GHGs while helping businesses perform better 29 Josée Chicoine, Strategic Advisor, Agri-Food Development, Coop Carbone An innovative approach to adapting the classic individual household economy analysis (IHEA) to the pastoral realities of the Sahel’s fragile areas 29 Blamah Jalloh, Breeding Engineer in Niamey, Regional Technical Coordinator of the Billital Maroobe Network Summary of the discussions 30 v 2.3 Forests, climate change and food security: bridging the gap between agriculture and forestry 31 Forests, climate change and food security: bridging the gap between agriculture and forestry 31 Alain Olivier, Professor, Phytology Department, Chair in International Development, Université Laval - session chair Forests and trees for food security and nutrition in a context of climate change: a way forward for integrated solutions 32 Vincent Gitz, Director,
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