THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) Vol. LXVII-No. 56 NAIROBI, 7th December 1965 Price: Sh. 1 CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES SUPPLEMENT No. 94 PAGE Bills, 1965 Appointments ,. ,, .. ., .. 1452 The Interpretalion and General Provisions Act- Temporary Transfer of Powers . SUPPLEMENT No. 95 The Food, Drugs and Chemical Substances Act, Legislative Supplement 1965-Appointments . LEGALNOTICE NO. PAGE The Agriculture Acl-Appointments, etc. 1452, 321-The Co~lstitution (Amendment of Laws) 1 (Marketing of Agricultural Produce) The Valuation of Crown Lands Rules, 1960- Order, 1965 . Appointment . 322-The Protected Areas (No. 2) Order, 1965 . The Local Government Regulations, 1963-Appoint- 323-The Protected Areas (No. 3) Order, 1965 . ment . 324-The Price Control (Sifted Maizemeal) (Amend- The Traffic Act-Appointments . ment) (No. 2) Order, 1965 . The Mombasa Pipeline Board Act-Appointments . 325-The Price Control (Maize and Maizemeal) The Forests Act-Declarations . (Amendment) (No. 3) Order, 1965 . 326-The Customs Tariff (Remission) (No. 9) Order, The Land Adjudication Act-Notification . 1965 . The General Local Loans Act . 327-The Customs Tariff (Remission) (No. 10) The Tax Reserve Certificates Act-Lost Certificates . Order, 1965 . .. Law Examination for Administrative Officers-Date . 328-The Local Industries (Refund of Customs The Trout Act-Appointment Duties) (Short-term) (Amendment) (No. 3) . Order, 1965 .. .. .. 569 The Constitution of Kenya-Appointment . 329-The Local Industries (Refund of Customs The African Courts Act- Duties) (Long-term) (Amendment) (No. 4) Appointment, etc. .. .. .. .. .. Order, 1965 . .. 569 Sessions of Court of Review . 330-The Children and Young Persons (Appointed The East African Licensing of Air Services Regulations, Local Authority) (No. 4) Order, 1965 . 570 1965-Decisions . 331-The Regulation of Wages (Hotel and Catering Trades) Order, 1965 571 The High Court of Kenya at Mombasa-Vacation Dates . .. .. 332-The Local Government (Sirikwa Trade Deve- The Registration of Titles Act-Provisional Certificates lopment Joint Board) Order, 1965 . 576 Kenya Stock . 333-The Local Government Regulations- The Weights and Measures Act-Notice to Traders . Revocation .. .. .. .. .. 579 Vacancies . 334-The Maize Marketing Act-Price of Maize 580 The Animal Diseases Act, 1965-Scheduled Areas . Tenders . SUPPLEMENT No. 96 Transport Licensing . Provincial Enactments Liquor Licensing . Probate and Administration SUPPLEMENT No. 97 Bankruptcy Jurisdiction . Provincial Supplement No. 1 The Companies Act-Winding-up Notices, etc. The Societies Act-Registrations, etc. SPECIAL NOTICE The Trade Unions Act-Registrations . IN ORDER to avoid undue delay in the publication of the The Hindu Union, Nanyuki (Winding Up) Order, Kenya Gazette due to the Christmas Public Holidays the final 1965-Claims Date . time and date for the acceptance of copy for the publication Lost Policies . of the Kenya Gazette of 28th December 1965, will be 10 a.m., Local Government Notices . Thursday, 23rd December 1965. Business Transfers . Nairobi, J. MAC MILLAN, Partnership Dissolutions . 7th December 1965. Government Printer. Changes of Name . 1452 THE KENYA GAZEW E 7th December 1965 CORRIGENDA JOHN BOLTON SMARTZ B.SC. (ED1N.)z ceased to aCt as Chitf Conservator of Forests, M inist'ry of Natural Resources and ln Gazette N otice No. 4201 of 16th November 1965- Wildlife, with effect from 14th October 1965. For Bungom a African Liquor Licensing Board read Baringo African Liquor Licensing Board. PHILI-IP RICHARO ' MoRals, B.sc. (BNG.), TESTAMUR INST. MUN. ENG., x.M.I.c.E., ceased to act as Engineer-in-chief , M inistry Add Mwalim Bin Omari, P.O. Eldama Ravine. Maratina o'f W orks, 'Communications and Power, with cffect from and Busa. 26th August 1965. ln Gazette Notice No. 3585 dated 5th October 1965- By Order of the Cemmission. In line six for TfKanti Karsandas Chohan'' read T'Kantilal K arsandas Chohan''. J. W . M UREITHI, Secretary, Public Service Commission. GAZBTI'E NozqcB No. 4437 THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF KENYA (CONST. 1 /2/21) APPOINTMENTS 'rllowfAs AN'rl.loxv MENCB GARDNER, M.A. (oxox.), to act as THE INTERPRETATION AND GENERAL PROVISIONS Deputy Chief Conservator of Forests, M inistry of Natural AG Reesources an'd W ildlife, with eqect from 1st March 1965. (Cqp. 2) LEONARD Bowlx W II-LIAMS, TSACHER'S CERTIFICATB (oxON.), to act as Senior Educatio'n Oflker, Ministry of Education, with TVMPORARY TRANSFER OF XIINISTERIAL POV/ERS effect from 1st September 1965. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by scction 37 of the ALBERT PBTER JOHN Hol-u ss to act as Chief Fisheries Oëcer, Iaterpretatien and General Provisions Act, and of all other Ministry of Natural Resources and W ildlife, with esect from powers thereto enabling me, I hereby direct that, during the 25th June 1965. ' absence beginning oa 1st December 1965, of the Minister for JoHx BOLTON SMART, B.sc. (ED1N.), to act as Chief Cbnservato'r External -Atfairs .al1 the p'owers conferred, and a11 the duties of Forests, Ministry of Natural Resources and W ildlife, with imposed, upon that Minister by o'r under any Act shall be eflkct from 7th July 1965. had and. may be exercised, and shall be performed respectively, NAHASHON MUSA NGUGI to be District Commissioner, Jwamu by 1he Minister for Internal Security and Defence. District, Coast Province, 'with e1' Te'ct from 8th November 1965. BENJAMIN KILION MONYE OGOL t'o' be District Oëcer, Kajiado Dated this 2nd day of December 1965. District, Rift Valley Province', with effect from 11th Noverriber 1965. JOMO' KENYATTA, DAvlo MIJCHIRI KIMANI to be District Oëcer, Kitui District, President. Eastern Province, with eflkct from 9th November 1965. PEI'ER NDIRANGO NDERI to be' District Omcer, South Nyanz,a District, Nyanza Province, with effect from 22nd October GAZB'I'TB N tm cE No. 4439 1965. ' ' FMNcls MwANGI NJIJGIJNA to be District Oëcer, Kili: District, THE FOOD, DRUGS AND CHEM ICAL SUBSTANCES Coast Province, with eiïect fro'fn 10th November 1965. ACT, 1965 SAMIJEL EZBKIAL O%tlRU to' be District O'llicer, Twamu District, (8 o.f 1965) Coast Province, with effect from 13th October 1965. KAMAIJ JAMES OBAE/IAH MwANGI to be District Oflicer, Tana APPOINTMBNTS . River District; Coast Province, with esect from 29th Sep- IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 27 (2) of tember 1965. the Foed, Drugs and Chemical Substances Act, 1965, the 'BERNARD KARIUKI KARUGA to be District Oëcer, Central Minister for 1-101th and Housing hereby appoints- N yanza District, Nyanza Province, with esect from 23rd W illiam Pratt, October 1965. Leslie W ix, ' ARTHIJR KwoME OJIAMBO to be Distrid Oëcer, Kajiado Dis- Samuel M utua K ivuitu, trict, Rift Valley Province', with effect from 23rd October Hariprasad Rambhai Amin, 1965. ' Dr. Jayantilal Nemchand Shah, CHARLES KARIUKI GACHDHI to be District Oëcery Kajiado Dis- Mrs. Grace Onyango, trict, Rift Valley Province, with effect from 28th September John Padlield, 1965. H on. N gala-Abok, M .P., SIMEON GBORGB Isu c TETIJ to be' District Oëcers Baringo District, Rift Valley Prevince', with odect from 9th October as membors of the Public Hea1th (Siandards) Board. 1965. Dated this 29th day of November 1965. EZBKIEI- AVIHAMA IowAsl to be' District Oëcer, Samburu Dis- trict, Rift Valley P'rovince, with oflkct from 21st October J. D . OTIEND E, 1965. M inister jor Health and Housing. PRosfo'rloNs W II-I-IAM W AMALWA, B.A. (LOND.), to be Under-secrdary, GAZETTB Nolqcs No. 4440 Cabinet Oflice, O'lce ef the' President, with effect from 1st ' April 1965. 'ITIE AGRICULTURE ACT MICHABI- JORAM NJBNGA, D'IP.ED. (MAKERERB), to be Chief ' Personnel Oflicer, Ministry of Internal Security and Defence, W ap. 318) with elect' from 14th Novembor 1965. APPOINTMENT or SIFTING COMMITTBE GBORI)E JAcoB ISHMAEL O'MONDI, B.SC. DIP.ED. (MAKERF,RE), to be Senior Education Oëcer, Ministry of Education, with IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 181 (1) elect from 10th N ovem ber 1965. of the Agriculture Act, the Ministcr for Lands and Settlemont DouGtAs MELHUISH, B.A. (HoNs.) (oxoN.), M.A., DIP.ED., to .be hereby appoints the following membors to the Sifting Com- Senior Education Officer, Ministry of Education, with esect mittee to assist the Settlement Fund Trustees to. consider taldng from 10th November 1965. possession of land' in settlement schemes belonging to chronic ZEPHANIA OwlRo, o1P.AGRIc. (F,.A.) t'B.sc., to be Provincial Agri- loan ropayment defaulters in accordance with the powers con- cultural Oëcer, N yanza Provm ce, with effect from 21st ferred on tho Trustees in accordance with the provisions of September 1964. section 2 of the Agricultural (Amendment) Act, 1965. The Director of Settlement (Chairman). Dwvlo Glco NJOROGE to be' Principal Auditor, Exchequer and Tho Assistant M inister for Lands and Settlem ent. Audit Department, with effect fro'm 10th November 1965. Senator G . G . K ago. .-- RICHARD LEsLls REGINALD NAISH, A.A.I., M.R.S.H., to be' Senior Senator J. K . K ebase. Valuer, Departm ent of Lands, with eflkct from 1st Decem ber Senator P. N. Munyasia. 1965. Senator W . K . Retlch. RBVBRSIONS Senator A . R. Tsalwa. The Hon. W . M . K. Malu, M .P. THOMAS ANTHONY MENCB GARONBR, M,A. (oxoN.), ceased to act The Hon. J'. W . Masinde, M .P. as Deputy Chief Conservator of Forests, M inistry of Natural The Hon. L. R. Obok 2 M .P. Resources and Wildlife, with elkct from 30th June 1965. Tho Hon J. K. ole Tlpis, M .P.. LBONARD EDwlN W ILI-IAMS, TEACHBR'S CERTIFICATE (oxoN.), The Hon. A. K . W amuthenya, M .P. ceased to. act as Senior Education Omcer, M inistry of Education, with etlkct from 1st October 1965. Dated this 29th day of November 1965. ALBB'RT PETBR JOHN H cmxsss ceased to act as Chie'f Fisheries Oflicer, M inistry of N atural Remsources and W ildlife, witlt J.
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