TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL BIODIVERSITY INSTITUTE (SANBI) PRETORIA Obtainable from SANBI, Private Bag X101, Pretoria 0001, STRELITZIA RSA. A catalogue of all available publications will be issued on 585\ request. vegetation, replacing Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa and Annals of Kirstenbosch Botanic Gardens. See list at BOTHALIA v The Memoirs are individual treatises usually of an ecological Bothalia[ nature, but sometimes dealing with taxonomy or economic Premier and Minister of Agriculture of the Union of South !Z^$M-/(!8#QY Africa. This house journal of SANBI, Pretoria, is devoted to ^-/ [ v The Annals are a series devoted to the publication of monoY are taxonomy, ecology, anatomy and cytology. Two parts of 8_"5\Z the journal and an index to contents, authors and subjects are K$4M$)(888Jour- published annually. nal of South African Botany#QK$) Bothalia[ !"#$M&' FLOWERING PLANTS OF AFRICA (FPA) ($)&$M$))'#*#&$M&+($))$M$))+#*&-M/' ($))-M&'''#*#/$M/2(&''$M&''2#*/3M4$ This serial presents colour plates of African plants with (&''3M&'$$# accompanying text. The plates are prepared mainly by the artists at SANBI. Many botanical artists have contributed to the series, such as Fay Anderson, Peter Bally, Auriol Batten, Gillian !!9"7!D FLORA OF SOUTHERN AFRICA (FSA) H!!(2''8# 5\789 Y9`8WYD`8 Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Namibia and Botswana. Contains to receive living plants of general interest or of economic value for illustration. 888 !8!!! =K++"!88 specimen citations, as well as taxonomic and ecological notes. 5K$M4) Project discontinued. See plan of FSA FSA$M$)88Bothalia: PALAEOFLORA OF SOUTHERN AFRICA $5;95"$))4Bothalia&4$-/M$-- 58\88Flora &58<5$'&)'$'Chortolirion. G.F. Smith. of southern Africa. Much of the information is presented in $))+Bothalia&+/$M// the form of tables and photographic plates depicting fossil /58<5$'&3'$'Poellnitzia. G.F. Smith populations. Now available: $))+ Bothalia&+/+/- v ?=(#K$JDicroidi- 45=9>??$))-Bothalia&- um$)3/!V?>D?5 /$M/+ +D=$))-Bothalia&-/2M4' v ?=(#K&!8(Y ing Dicroidium#$)3/!V?>D?5 -EHolothrixHJ$))-Bothalia &- &+M4' v Z95?\Q" 2KVitex. 8>QV$))- $)3+!V?>D? Anderson. Obtainable Bothalia&-$4$M$+$ 55?/$222/+ RSA. 38!?WYQ$))2Bothalia&2 $&+M$&3 v Towards Gondwana Alive. Promoting biodiversity and stemY )EZ>ZD7$))2Bothalia&2 9`$)))!V?5(# $4)M$-+ v D!!!8!! $'8K$))3Bothalia&3$$M$4 ?&''/!V? $$[7?9$))3Bothalia&3/+M/) 5>D?5Strelitzia $+ $&ZD=$))3Bothalia&3$+$M$+2 v !!8Y $/\?WYQ$)))Bothalia&)&/)M&42 !8!8!!&''2!V?5 $4?WYQ$)))Bothalia&) D?5>VStrelitzia &' &4)M&+& v Molteno ferns: Late Triassic biodiversity in southern Africa, $+Z8HJ&'''Bothalia/'&+M/' &''3!D?5>V?5Strelitzia &$ $-98WW&'''Bothalia/'/$M// $2?WYQ&'''Bothalia/' $4/M$4- SANBI BIODIVERSITY SERIES $39s. str?V&''+Bothalia/+2M&' A series of occasional reports on projects, technologies, 19: Asteraceae: Anthemideae: Eumorphia^9" "8!8! &'$$Bothalia4$&22M&3& 88"95^J9 BOTHALIA A JOURNAL OF BOTANICAL RESEARCH Volume 41,2 Scientific Editors: O.A. Leistner, G. Germishuizen Technical Editor: B.A. Momberg 2 Cussonia Avenue, Brummeria, Pretoria Private Bag X101, Pretoria 0001 ISSN 0006 8241 Oct. 2011 Editorial Board D.F. Cutler Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK B.J. Huntley South African National Biodiversity Institute, Cape Town, RSA P.H. Raven Missouri Botanical Garden, St Louis, USA M.J.A. Werger University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands Acknowledgements to referees Anderberg, Dr A.A. Botanical Institute, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden. Archer, Mrs C. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, RSA. Archer, Dr R. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, RSA. Boatwright, Dr J.S. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Cape Town, RSA. Bredenkamp, Prof. G.J. Eco Agent, P.O. Box 25533, Monumentpark, 0105 Pretoria. Browning, Dr J. Formerly: Natal University Herbarium, Private Bag X01, 3209 Scottsville, RSA. Bruyns, Dr P. Department Mathematics, University of Cape Town, RSA. Burgoyne, Ms P. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, RSA. Burrows, J.E. Box 710, 1120 Lydenburg, RSA. Chinnock, Dr R.J. State Herbarium of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia. Goldblatt, Dr P. Missouri Botanical Garden, St Louis, USA. Grobler, Mrs A. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, RSA. Hoare, D. David Hoare Consulting cc, Private Bag X025, Lynnwood Ridge, Pretoria, RSA. Jacobsen, Dr N. P.O. Box 671, 6560 Wilderness, RSA. Koekemoer, Ms M. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, RSA. Magee, Dr A.R. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Cape Town, RSA. Mannheimer, Dr C. P.O. Box 193, Windhoek, Namibia. Manning, Dr J.C. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Cape Town, RSA. Meerow, Dr A.W. National Germplasm Repository, Miami, USA. Meve, Dr U. University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany. Muasya, Dr M. University of Cape Town, 7700 Rondebosch, Cape Town, RSA. Nordenstam, Prof. R.B. Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden. Oliver, Dr E.G.H. Department of Botany & Zoology, University of Stellenbosch, RSA. Retief, Dr E. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, RSA. Roux, Dr J.P. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Cape Town, RSA. Rutherford, Dr M.C. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Cape Town, RSA. Schrire, Dr B. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK. Schutte-Vlok, Dr A.L. Cape Nature, Private Bag X658, 6620 Oudtshoorn, RSA. Smithies, Mrs S.J. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, RSA. Snijman, Dr D. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Cape Town, RSA. Stewart, Dr G. New Zealand Research Centre for Urban Ecology, Christchurch, New Zealand. Thulin, Dr M.L. Department of Systematic Botany, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden. Van Jaarsveld, E.J. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Cape Town, RSA. Vlok, J. Regalis Environmental Services, P.O. Box 1512, Oudtshoorn, Western Cape, RSA. Whitehouse, Dr C.M. The Royal Horticultural Society Garden, Wisley, Woking, Surrey, England, UK. Williams, Dr N. Dept Resource Management & Geography, University of Melbourne, Richmond, Victoria, Australia. Winter, P.J.D. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, RSA. Date of publication of Bothalia 41,1: 3 May 2011. CONTENTS Bothalia 41,2 1. Ornithoglossum pulchrum (Colchicaceae: Colchiceae), a new species from southern Namibia. D.A. SNIJ- MAN, B. NORDENSTAM and C. MANNHEIMER .................................... 231 2. Maireana brevifolia (Chenopodiaceae: Camphorosmeae), a new naturalized alien plant species in South Africa. L. MUCINA and D.A. SNIJMAN . 235 3. Taxonomic revision of the genus Thereianthus (Iridaceae: Crocoideae). J.C. MANNING and P. GOLD- BLATT . 239 4. Romulea pilosa and R. quartzicola (Iridaceae: Crocoideae), two new species from the southern African winter rainfall region, with nomenclatural corrections including new names for R. amoena, R. neg- lecta and R. rosea var. \J.C. MANNING, P. GOLDBLATT and A.D. HARROWER . 269 5. FSA contributions 19: Asteraceae: Anthemideae: Eumorphia. N. SWELANKOMO . 277 6. Review of the genus Xenoscapa (Iridaceae: Crocoideae), including \, a new species from southern Namibia. J.C. MANNING and P. GOLDBLATT ................................ 283 7. Notes on African plants: Aizoaceae. New combinations in Antimima and Octopoma (Ruschioideae). C. KLAK . 292 Alliaceae. Micromorphology and cytology of Prototulbaghia siebertii, with notes on its taxonomic [KE959V9J``75`K5^WH. 311 Amaryllidaceae. Ammocharis deserticola (Amaryllideae), a new species from Namibia and a key to species of the genus. D.A. SNIJMAN and H. KOLBERG . 308 Apocynaceae (Asclepiadoideae–Ceropegieae). First records of Orbea cooperi in Gauteng and Mpumalanga Provinces, FSA region. S.P. BESTER and S.M. BERRUTI . 295 Asteraceae. Lachnospermum neglectum (Asteroideae: Gnaphalieae), a new and overlooked species WK!W8V?5^^J^ZEQ5 . 304 Asteraceae. Bryomorphe and (Gnaphalieae–Relhaniinae): taxonomy and nomencla- ture. M. KOEKEMOER ...................................................... 324 Cyperaceae. New names and new combinations in Cyperus for southern Africa. C. ARCHER and P. GOETGHEBEUR . 300 Fabaceae. A new species of Xiphotheca from the Western Cape, South Africa. A.L. SCHUTTE- KEH . 298 Fabaceae. A new species of Rhynchosia from the northern provinces of South Africa. G. GERMIS- HUIZEN .................................................................. 319 Hyacinthaceae. Albuca gariepensis (Ornithogaloideae), a new species of A. subgen. Namibiogalum from Gordonia, South Africa, and A. prasina transferred to Ornithogalum. J.C. MANNING and P. GOLDBLATT . 314 Hyacinthaceae. Ornithogalum lebaense transferred to Albuca. J.C. MANNING and P. GOLD- BLATT ................................................................... 297 Iridaceae. Gladiolus diluvialis (Crocoideae), a replacement name for the illegitimate homonym G. halophilus. J.C. MANNING and P. GOLDBLATT ............................... 324 Lycopodiophyta: Selaginellaceae. Selaginella nivea, a new lycophyte record for South Africa, with notes on its habitat. A.W. KLOPPER and R.R. KLOPPER ........................... 321 Nyctaginaceae. Notes on Commicarpus in southern Africa, including a new record for Namibia. M. STRUWIG, S.J. SIEBERT and E.S. KLAASSEN ............................... 289 Scrophulariaceae. Anticharis juncea, an overlooked record for South Africa, with notes on its type \"8!D?9`^ ................................... 301 K5"Cyphostemma in Angola. F. DE SOUSA, E. FIGUEIRE- DO and G.F. SMITH
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