Tf Page TORRANCE HERALD. Torrance, California THURSDAY, JUNE 30. 1938 TOI.I,S NEAR 2 MILLION | Cunadlun Twlim, 91 j SAN FRANCISCO (U.P.)t-Thc j OWEN SOUND, Out. (UP)--] Retires July 1 SWING TUNES first vesir of thn now S.in Fr.m-' Ontario's oldest living twins,; Zamperini Cisco-Oakland hay bridge netted | Charles and William Wondorf,, TOPS IN NEW Modern Life revenues of $1,720,000. It wasir.f Hanover, have celebrated | crossed by 3,500,000 automobiles.' their Olr.t. birthday. The troubles that beset young college professor and his IMUSICOMEDY at Local Theatre Has Fine Cast night-club bride on returning to his staid home town and mid- There arc very few screen Special iirrnngcmcntH, made In rush of long-dlBtunre telephone Co-starring two of the screen's Victorian parents, form the basis shows that can boast of the | calls nnd tclcfrriiniH and completed last night, nit the Tor- lending favorites, (linger Rogers of "Vivacious Lady," In which assortment of swing tunes heard I r"»TO t.lloatr». to »«cen Louie- Kamporlnl'H rd-brciiking victory and James Stewart, "Vivacious Ginger Rogers and James Stew- over Chuck Fcnske ut Minneapolis tonight, Friday und Saturday. Lady" offers a brilliant and up- TORRANCE THEATRE art are co-starred. In the new Fred MacMurray In addition to newsreel rnovien of the Torrnnrp Olympian In action, to-date romance to film-goers. This hilarious feature is show­ comedy, "Cocoanut Grove," the the theatre managcro succeeded In obtaining a special short sub­ U Is scheduled for the'Plaza the­ ADULTS 25c Phone Torrance 132 CHILDREN 10c ing at the Torrance theatre start­ new film that opens tonight at ject reel devoted to Zumpcrlnl'H running ability. atre in Hawthorne starting Fri­ ing Sunday. A special Fourth of the Torranec theatre. Put across These films arc said to be the best ever taken of the local day and running thru Monday. June JO, July i, 2 July matinee Monday will be by MacMurray, radio songstress Trojan athlete nnd lire exceptionally clear and distinct. They arc The stormy love affair of a presented at 2 o'clock. Harriet Hllllard, the Yacht Club accompanied by a sound commentary about Zninpcrlnl. The movies night-club entertainer and a stu­ Boys, Rufo Davls and Harry of the Minneapolis race show that Louie Imd no trouble In defeat­ dious young professor is the nnd his band, they num­ ing Fcnske and indicate when the two meet next Sunday at .Buf­ theme of this stoi-y, the action LOUIS ZAMPERINI six in all, and come from falo that the Torrance flash should give a good account of him­ of which tnkes place In a sleepy the pens- of some of Hollywood's self In their third meeting. little college town, In whose ON THE better known composers. dignified atmosphere the heroine Swing Is in order in this story is 'astonished to find herself. of what happens when a crew of HERE'S WHERE "CORNY" CAME FROM The two stars have strongly End of the _schooj_ term last slap-happy musicians, hungry for colorful roles that give them SCREEN Friday was also the end~bF S for fame, hungry for love, but notable opportunities to display 15-year association with the most ot,the time just plain hun­ their abilities, and they are given Showing the Torrance Orange Street school for Miss W. L. FROST gry, set off on a barnstorming Star's Sensational Mile Hilda Jellison. She will become . worked In this district i;rand support by a hand-picked tour across the continent to the cast. Victory at the Recent principal of the 92nd Street After 38 years of service with world famed Cocoanut Grove, National Collegiate - school_ln Los Angeles next Sep­ the Southern California Edison long called the "spring-board The settings range from the Meet at Minneapolis! tember? Her successor_to._ the companyj_W L. Frost, vice-pres­ of the stars," and mecca for all glitter of a Broadway nightclub Lomita principalship will be ident. Is retiring Tomornrwv-Ho- .aspiring young bandleaders. Mac- to the ivy-clad walls and sedate -and- classrooms of the small-town Mrs. Ernestine Mannett. has been in charge of the Edi- Murray- is 'seen as the good look­" -A SPECIAL SHORT son company commercial activi­ ing leader of the orchestra, "and college. And against these set­ FEATURING LOUIS The Herald- 3 months, 50 cents ties since 1922. He was appoint­ In their various ous trials tings the conflict of modern ro­ ed vice-president in charge of and tribulations across the com mance with old-fashioned ideals ZAMPERINI IN try, they pick up Miss Hilliard. is played in striking fauhion. A ACTION! sales in 1030 after having been LCAiiTA -general commercial manager who blossoms out as the girl vo­ sparkling modern ballad, "You'll since 1924. calist with the hand.'Rufc Davla, Be Reminded of Me." is sung_by Under his direction the Edi­ the Kansas hill-billy who is also Miss Rogers In the night club-­ Fred MacMurray; THEATRE son commercial department has fame-struck, and the kid, Bil­ sequence. Yacht Club Boys and 20° tlevcloprd into an organization ly Lee. The smash musical cli­ Ben Blue in of some 1,200 officers and em­ max of the piece conies when ployes serving the company in MacMurray makes the grade at AROUND HOLLYWOOD "COCOANUT Thursday, Friday Saturday 32 geographical districts of the Grove and opens ill a blaze GROVE** June 30, July 1-2 Southern and Central California. of glory. ADDED SPECIAL THURS­ He also served as district man­ FILM LOTS * DAY EVENING ager for a. time at Redondo Beach HOLLYWOOD (U.P.I Unlike "THE STREETS and had charge of the Edison Comedy and most actre I'Tancls company's activities in Torrance. OF LOMITA" Adventure On Harriett Hilliard, not a sav of programs J I with a "Love, Honor she with the "lavender voice" of radio notices and photographs with f f had « Local Movie With All Lomlta Lomlta Screen fame, and Fred MacMurray, are shown here in rapt at­ a few exceptions. ' slightlj CBSt-of-100, Great_Fai!L_8e<^ GARDEN PESTS tention to the original "corny." It's a scene from their new and Behave Your Friends. -MONRQ-VIAOIJ.P.)_____ Fred Rec-' Comedy and adventure, Joe E. Among the souvenirs sjie har. 2nd EpisotJ6~of - ! also__ ord, insect expert, says that -Brown, Irene Dunne, Alice Brady musical film, "Cocoanut Grove" which opens tonight at the kept are some critics' enthusias­ "LONE RANGER" "GOODBYE -while there, arc 600,000 identi­ and Charles Winnlnger aresorm Torrajice theatre. tic reviews of her performance Donald Duck' Cartoon fied varietios~ofmjurffins in­ of- the stars at the Lomita the­ with Walter Huston in "Elinor BROADWAY" sects, "only 122 insectides with atre this coming week. Open­ LEGENDARY HERO COMES TO LIFE the Great," on thr stage, and in CR Brady. Chas. Wlnnlngcr which to fight them are known. ing tonight, for the three days, her first film. "Gentleman of nnd Noah Beery Jr. in Noah Beery Jr. will star in a the Press." She also treasures n red-blooded adventure story, newspaper interview with Hus­ FORBIDDEN "Forbidden Valley." On the ton in which lie praised her same program, Alice Brady. and acting ability. Audioscopika r News - Serial Charles' Winninger, with a big Perhaps her most highly ac­ Speclal Matinee July 4th - 2PM. ~£SSt~nf supporting players, ap­ claimed picture was "One Way SURPRISE SAT. EVENING _ Don Anieche, Slinone Simon; pear in "Goodbye Broadway." Passage." but she didn't save ^"Vivacious Lady" Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Robert Young jn "Audloscopiks," one of those the press notices oC that. July 3, 4, 5 novelty subjects where the third In her contract with Warner with GINGER ROGERS and JAMES STEWART also Mat. Monday, July 4, 2 p. m. "JOSETTE" dimension in the movies is used, Brothers is an arrangement .IOE K. BROWN In ' and Luurcl & Hardy in is also on the program. through which she may have "BELOVED BRAT'* "SWISS MISS" Opening Sunday, Joe E. Brown ". tills" from her pictures, espe­ "WIDE OPEN in^JAyjdc_ Open Faces," a groat cially made up for her on art wTflTBONlTA GRANVILLE ~ FACES'* Starting Sunday! comedy. On tHe samepro"-~1~~ -paper with dull finish* Shii- TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, JULY 5, 6, 7 and Danlclle Darrlcux and Doug­ gram, Irene Dunne and Douglas saves those which strike her ti.s Dunne, Douglas Fair­ las Fairbanks, Jr., In Fairbanks, Jr., are in "Joy of fine examples of photography -- banks Jr. in "THE RAGE OF PARIS" Living," a polite comedy drama. quite often she isn't in tho pie and Madeleine Curroll and Also a Gang comedy, news and lures she saves. Rut even these "JOY of LIVING" Henry Fonda In novelty reel.- On Monday, July collections are not extensive. .. 'Robin Hood9 Gnng Comedy - News - Novelty 4, there will be a special r.iat- She has given many away to "BLOCKADE" int'K starting at 2 p. m., and a other players Wednesday In the scenes, or NO CASH N1TE This Wednesday | -CONTINUOUS MONDAY, continuous show. presented those of herself to OVENWARE JULY 4 friends who have taken a f-in.:y The Herald--3 months, 50 cents. to them. Miss Francis has just finished work In a* picture called ' My Bill," which the studio believes is one of her best, and has-' * started on another to be known as "Unlawful." Because she has annonnc->!l hor virtual retirement from the screen this fall, Miss Francis in - anxious to make her final two nictuivK ;i.s a contract actress good ones.
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