(- ~ .. ......• '\ i~.. • Published by THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL. SOCIETY Memphis, Tennessee ... • VOLUME 27 SPRING, 1980 NUMBER 1 - CONTENTS - OVER THE EDITOR' DESK •••••• . · . ... .. 1 NEWS AND NOTES FROM OTHER PUBLICATIONS • . 2 BOOK REVIEWS . ... .. ·. 4 ( 1833 ENUMERAtION, FENTRESS COUNTY, TENNESSEE. · . 9 TENNESSEE NEWS ITEMS FROM MISSISSIPPI NEWSPAPERS • ·... .. 12 FAMILY GATHERINGS . .... .... .. · . · · · 13 BLOUNT COUNTY, TENNESSEE, LOOSE MARRIAGE BONDS AND LICENSES · · · 18 EXCERPT FROM REGISTER OF INTERMENTS AT THE NECROPOLIS · ·· 25 FAYETTE COUNTY, TENNESSEE, COURT MINUTES •• . 26 GREEN CEMETERY, FAYETTE COUNTY, TENNESSEE · . 31 ROGERS FAMILY BIBLE, JACKSON AND SMITH COUNTIES, TENNESSEE · . · ·· 32 INDEX TO 1840 CENSUS, WAYNE COUNTY, TENNESSEE • 33 WAYNE COUNTY, TENNESSEE, REVOLUTIONARY AND MILITARY PENSIONERS 39 JORDAN FAMILY BIBLE, OBION COUNTY, TENNESSEE •••• .. .. 39 WARREN COUNTY, TENNESSEE, DEED BOOK E- Abstracts 40 QUERIES .... .. ....... ... .. .. ... 46 THE TENNESSEE GENEA~OGICAL SOCIETY P. 0, BOX 12124 .. Memphi S t Tennessee 38112 OFFICERS AND STAFF FO~ 1980 President Wilma Sutton Cogdell Vice President Jane C()ok Hollis Recordin~ Secretary Marilyn Johnson Baugus Correspondence Secretary R. F. Simpson, Jr. Librarian Louise +,ittsworth Tyus Assistant Librarian Evelyn Duncan Sigler Surname Index Secretary Betty Key Treasurer Mrs. Homer D. Turner Editor Associate Editor Herbert Ray Ashworth Director Eleanor Riggins Barham Director Laurence B. Gardiner LIBRARY STAFF EDITORIAL STAFF BUSINESS STAFF Lucile Hendren Cox Betsy Foster West . Pauline Casey Briscoe Myrtle Louise Shelton Henrietta D. Gilley Lynn Hodges Craven Herman L. Bogan Betty Cline Miller Jessie Taylor Webb Eleanor W. Griffin Helen Culbreath Hamer Sarah Duncan Blalock Jean Alexander West Amelia Pike Eddlemon Thomas Proctor Hughes, Jr. Elizabeth Riggins Nichols "ANSEARCHIN'" NEWS is the official publication of THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL p~blished SOCIETY; quarterly in March t June,September, and December; annual subscription $8.00. All subscriptions begin with the first issue of the year. Non-delivery of any issue should, be reported to THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY within two months of date of usual delivery if a second copy is to be supplied free of charge. S~bscribers may submit one q~ery each year fro free publication; additional queries will. be accepted on a "space available: basis. Contributions of all types of genealogical information will be accepted. We publish previously unpuqlished Tennessee-connected data, preferably that with pre-Civil War dates. All material for publication is subject ot editing to conserve space. Every effort will be made to publish accurate material; however, neither TENNESSEE GENE:ALOGICAL SOCIETY, "ANSEARCHIN'" NEWS, nor the Editor can assume responsibilities for errors on the part of contributors. Corrections of proven errors will be published. Publishable and unpublishable contributions are put on file in our library for the use of our members. Books donated to our library will.be reviewed in the earliest possible issue of the quarterly. Second class postage paid at Memphis, Tennessee. ISSN #0003-5246 Spring 1980 1 OVER THE EDITOR'S DESK "Ansearchin'" News has begun its 27th year of publication with many changes. Never let it be said that we are so buried in the past that we cannot accept the present or anticipate the future. But, let us here take one at a time, please. We cannot begin without giv~ng thanks where thanks are due, namely to our last Editor, Bettie Brandon Davis, who has given above and beyond the call of duty. Over the last five years she has rendered service and support to other officers of The Tennessee Genealogical Society, but her main contributions are the Table of Contents, which lists by volume every article published by this magazine, the ac­ quiring of permit for second class mailing (have you ever dealt with bulk mailing?), and the publishing of eight issues while struggling against tremendous odds over which she had no control. As for the present, we are trying a new concept for the magazine. We will continue to give our all to try to give you an issue packed with source material, unpublished family records, hard-to-find details and people looking for people. But we have be­ come such a large operation that no individual can be asked to house all the necessary f~les, machines and warm bodies that are required to publish this quarterly. There­ fore, we have an office: We are housed in the library of The Tennessee Genealogical Society in Memphis. You will notice from the list of officers that the magazine has a Managing Editor, or Business Manager, who relieves the editorial staff of all duties pertaining to finances. There is also a secretary for the magazine and at least a dozen other people on the staff. It takes so many people to tend to all the tasks ( that they cannot all be categorized and credited properly. Just know that we are all giving, and working together, to give our subscribers the most we can, just because we love genealogy. Now for the future. You will notice that the subscription price has gone up to $8.00 per year. This has become necessary due to the rise in cost of printing and postage. Many of you have already sent in $7.00 for 1980, and we will appreciate it if you would send the extra $1.00. Let's hope this will be the last time we'll have to increase. You will find in this issue a section we call "FAMILY GATHERINGS". Many people send us sketches of their family which they hope we will publish. We love having every one of them, but imagine how many pages we would consume if we published each one verbatim. And how many of you would read every word if you had no one of that same name in your lines? So we hope to reach a happy medium by abstracting your manu­ scripts for the magazine and placing your whole copy in a family booklet in our li­ brary. We have one of the most extensive family-name sections of any library around here. This is due to the dedication and perseverence of our Librarian, Louise T. Tyus. She spends hours writing letters to people who have advertised their family books; if they send us a copy as a gift, it is reviewed in our magazine. This collection is growing, and still we have no record of some family names. So, we will continue to accept all family resumes and place them in the "family book" section of our library. Also, if you give us enough Tennessee related, pre-Civil War material, we will give it space in our quarterly••. and love you for sending it. So much for the future: it's really up to you, the subscribers, and us, the volun­ teers to keep going this link with the past. 2 "Ansearchin'" ~ews NEWS AND NOTES FROM OTHER PUBLICATIONS Prepar~d by Mickey Eddlemon THE KENTUCKY GENEALOGIST, James R. Bentley, Editor, 3621 Brownsboro Rd.,. 20l-B Louisville, KY 40207. $8.00, published quarterly. Vol. 21, No.4 includes a record of marriages and deaths abstracted from "The Hopkinsville Gazette" from July 9, 1935 to July 2, 1936; gravestone information from Beaver Baptist Church, Harrison Co., KY, and Oddville Methodist episcopal Church, Harrison Co.; a Wayne Co. delinquent tax list and other Wayne County court notes; as well as book reviews, queries, etc. An index for the 1979 quarterlies has also been received and contains many surnames. THE HIGHLANDER, A. Maxim Coppage, Genealogy Editor, 1356 Elderberry Dr., Concord CA 94521 - for and about Scottish activities. Appears to print several family publications including Burton family and one on Steven~Stephens-Stephenson­ Stevenson. For costs and additional information, write to the above address. MIDWEST ANCESTREE QUARTERLY, AncestreeHouse, E. Evelyn Cox, 708 South Maple, Ellensburg, WA 98926. $9.00 per year, published quarterly. Free queries to subscribers. Newsletter indicates quarterly contains extensive and varied in­ formation on genealogical material for Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska. THE GENEALOGICAL HELPER, Everton Publishers, Inc., P.O. Box 368, Logan, Utah 84321 $13.5q per year for 6 issues. Contains many queries,. ads, how-to information, and many surnames in their various columns and articles. Also includes an article on how to establish the birth place of ancestors in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. THE VIRGINIA GENEALOGIST, John F. Dorman, Editor, Box 4883, Washington, DC 20008. $10.00, published quarterly. Vol. 23, No.4 contains Rockbridge County marriage bonds and ministers' returns; some Surry County, Va. colonists 1678 - 1705; Frederick Co. 1800 Tax Lists; British Mercantile Claims 1775 - 1803; Prince William Co. order book 1759 - 1761; and an article pertaining to the search of land and personal property records for Jones family information in King and Queen Co. of Virginia. THE BIRMINGHAM GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, 905 So. 83rd St., Birmingham, AL 35206, has sent us a 1979 roster of their members. This is on our library shelves under 113002 along with their publication "Pioneer Trails". This is mentioned, as the surnames being searched are listed under each member's name, and there are quite a few names. THE QUARTERLY, Dallas Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 12648, Dallas, TX 75225. $10.00 per year, published March, June, September, and December. Vol. XXV, No.4 is their 25th anniversary edition and is an excellent publication containing a Dallas County directory 1881-1882 with individuals listed according to occupation; Baird family records; a record of the transfer and sale of cattle beginning in 1867 and listing the names of people involved. It also includes Oak Cliff Cemetery burials; Inv. Book A of Dallas County 1847-1852; a continuation of marriages in Dallas Co. in the 1880's; queries, etc., as well as an index of surnames at the back of the book. Spring 1980 3 News and Notes from other Publications (continued) FAMILY PUZZLERS, Heritage Papers, Danielsville, GA 30633.
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