INSIDE: BACK TO SCHOOL 26,000 COPIES Please Deliver Before FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 2007 Vol. 33 | No. 34 | 3 Sections |40 Pages Welcome Back Cyan Magenta Yellow Black BY LIZ PREMO EDITOR, 21 VOICES HAMPTON | A new face will join a familiar one on the first day of school as Hampton Academy welcomes Principal Chris Sousa and Assistant Principal Kathy Hancock to its administrative team. WELCOME Continued on 14A• Lobster license to protect, not pinch BY SCOTT E. KINNEY Though the law dates as well as local lobstermen. market in undersized lob- 2003 HYUNDAI ATLANTIC NEWS STAFF WRITER far back as the early 1950s, New Hampshire marine sters. ELANTRA GT SEACOAST | The New "we're finding not everyone conservation laws mandate New Hampshire's lob- Auto, Sunroof, Leather, 103K mi, Hampshire Fish and Game is aware, so we're trying to minimum and maximum ster industry is the state's X1500P Department is reminding get the word out," said Lt. sizes for live lobster landed most valuable marine fish- local vendors of an old Bruce Bonenfant of NH Fish in the state. ery, generating about $14 law that may catch some and Game Law Enforce- Those same size restric- million annually. ONLY unaware. ment. "Usually when retail- tions apply to lobster Retail Lobster and Crab BACK TO Anyone selling live, fresh ers understand the reason imported into the state licenses can be purchased $ SCHOOL or frozen lobster — includ- for the law — to protect from places such as Can- only through NH Fish and 6,995 SPECIAL! ing restaurants, sandwich New Hampshire's lobster ada. While Canada may Game Department head- GARYBLAKEMOTORCARS COM shops, supermarkets and . resource — they are happy allow the taking of smaller quarters at 11 Hazen Drive 84 PORTSMOUTH AVE., EXETER, NH 03833 roadside fish trucks — must to comply." lobsters, restricting their in Concord, or call (603) 271- SERVICE possess a Retail Lobster and Existing lobster regu- importation into New 4322 to request an applica- AND SALES 888.507.4599 Crab license from the gov- lations help protect both Hampshire prevents the tion by mail. The annual HOURS: MON-FRI: 8AM - 6PM • SAT: 9AM - 5PM ernment agency. native lobster resource as potential for a local illegal LOBSTER Continued on 38A• Client: Gary Blake Motorcars File Name: GaryMC3.3x3AN_081707 Paper: Atlantic News Size: 3.3 x 3 Run Date: 08/17/07 Artist: ep Proof: 1 Color: 4 color Sent: Confirmation: GaryMC3.3x3AN_081707.indd 1 8/13/07 5:59:48 PM PAGE 2A | ATLANTIC NEWS |AUGUST 17, 2007 | VOL 33, NO 34 ATLANTICNEWS.COM . WEATHER THE WEEKEND FRIDAY, AUGUST 17 SATURDAY, AUGUST 18 SUNDAY, AUGUST 19 MONDAY, AUGUST 20 PARTLY SUNNY • CLOUDY AT NIGHT PARTLY SUNNY AND COOLER VARIABLE CLOUDINESS CLOUDS - LIMITED SUN HIGH: 82° LOW: 56° HIGH: 69° LOW: 53° HIGH: 74° LOW: 56° HIGH: 74° LOW: 58° Tides provided by www.MaineHarbors.com Cyan NEWBURYPORT’S HAMPTON HARBOR’S PORTSMOUTH HARBOR’S DOVER HARBOR’S Magenta 10 DAY TIDES 10 DAY TIDES 10 DAY TIDES 10 DAY TIDES HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE DATE AM PM AM PM DATE AM PM AM PM DATE AM PM AM PM DATE AM PM AM PM Yellow 17 FRI 2:35 2:58 9:08 9:30 17 FRI 2:43 3:06 9:11 9:33 17 FRI 2:51 3:14 8:56 9:18 17 FRI 4:02 4:25 10:06 10:28 18 SAT 3:17 3:36 9:45 10:14 18 SAT 3:25 3:44 9:48 10:17 18 SAT 3:33 3:52 9:33 10:02 18 SAT 4:44 5:03 10:43 11:12 19 SUN 19 SUN 19 SUN 19 SUN 4:01 4:17 10:25 11:01 4:09 4:25 10:28 11:04 4:17 4:33 10:13 10:49 5:28 5:44 11:23 11:59 Black 20 MON 4:48 5:03 11:08 11:52 20 MON 4:56 5:11 11:11 11:55 20 MON 5:04 5:19 10:56 11:40 20 MON 6:15 6:30 - 12:06 21 TUE 5:40 5:54 11:57 - 21 TUE 5:48 6:02 - 12:00 21 TUE 5:56 6:10 11:45 - 21 TUE 7:07 7:21 12:50 12:55 22 WED 6:38 6:49 12:49 12:51 22 WED 6:46 6:57 12:52 12:54 FIRST QUARTER 22 WED 6:54 7:05 12:37 12:39 22 WED 8:05 8:16 1:47 1:49 23 THU 7:39 7:48 1:49 1:49 23 THU 7:47 7:56 1:52 1:52 MONDAY, AUGUST 20 23 THU 7:55 8:04 1:37 1:37 23 THU 9:06 9:15 2:47 2:47 24 FRI 8:37 8:44 2:48 2:47 24 FRI 8:45 8:52 2:51 2:50 FULL MOON 24 FRI 8:53 9:00 2:36 2:35 24 FRI 10:04 10:11 3:46 3:45 25 SAT 9:30 9:36 3:41 3:41 25 SAT 9:38 9:44 3:44 3:44 TUesDAY, AUGUST 28 25 SAT 9:46 9:52 3:29 3:29 25 SAT 10:57 11:03 4:39 4:39 26 SUN 10:17 10:25 4:28 4:31 26 SUN 10:25 10:33 4:31 4:34 26 SUN 10:33 10:41 4:16 4:19 26 SUN 11:44 11:52 5:26 5:29 !NTIQUES %.$/&3%!3/. #OLLECTIBLES SPECIAL OFFERS! 6INTAGE*EWELRY “Mini Slider” NEW FROM LOSI: &URNISHINGS 3!,% 1/18 Scale Mini Sprint Car $179.95 Introductory Price 5PTO (regularly $199.95) ,ITTLE6INTAGE3HOP (IGH3TREET^(AMPTON6ILLAGE^ /&& /PEN4UE 3AT 3UN #LOSED-ONDAY fresh produce & flowers ~ juried crafts ~ gourmet foods The AXE CP just Durham, Mon 2:30-5:30 got better - Ask (ANGING"ASKETS !NNUALS Pette Brook Lot Kingston, Tue 2:30-5:30 about the special (ERBS #USTOM$ESIGNED Main Street rebate offer! #ONTAINERS7OOD"OXES Hampton, Tue 3-6 Route 1 Dover, Wed 2:30-5:30 farmer’s markets Henry Law Park ,!.$3#!0).'$%3)'.!6!),!",% Exeter, Thu 2:30-6 in-season hotline: Swasey Parkway The Hobby Shop at Times Square (603) 379-8043 Portsmouth, Sat 8-1 7ASHINGTON2D^2YE .( 603.658.0280 City Hall 14 Lafayette Rd. (Unit 1), North Hampton, NH www.seacoastgrowers.org Open: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 10-6; Tue 10-7; Sat 9-5; Sun 12-5 ATLANTICNEWS.COM VOL 33, NO 34 | AUGUST 17, 2007 | ATLANTIC NEWS | PAGE 3A . of the Stars Seacoast Young at heart BY AUBRY BRACCO 88-year-old Newmarket resi- “I read that thing from ATLANTIC NEWS STAFF WRITER dent can teach us all a les- stem to stern,” Getchell NEWMARKET | Dr. L. son about the power of fun, explained. Forbes Getchell is living curiosity and staying young Though Getchell started proof — you are never too at heart. with Gilley’s patterns, he old to be young. Today, Getchell still creates his own now, doing For some Seacoast area spends his spare time in “what I jolly well feel like residents, he has been a his bird-carving workshop, doing,” he said. trusted dentist, for others, whittling wood into minia- And why shouldn’t he? an honorable member of the ture avian models, just as he He’s had 38 years of prac- armed services or Boy Scout has since 1969. tice. leader and founder of an Dr. Getchell said he has Though Getchell said WOODWORKER — Dr. L. Forbes Getchell, pictured here in his workshop, turns pieces of wood explorer post. always enjoyed working he doesn’t like to watch the into the hand-carved birds he sells at Seacoast area fairs and markets. Others may recognize with his hands. While in clock, he estimates he can — Atlantic News Photos by Aubry Bracco Getchell as the Revolution- dentistry school at NYU, he carve a chickadee “in just ary War hero, clad in tights said he had to carve models a little under an hour” and “They are all over the and a three-cornered hat, of teeth and form porcelain complete it in four to five place,” he said. who founded the Newmar- jackets as part of his training. hours. Getchell wishes more ket Militia and has partici- And when he opened his “I’ve been doing it so kids would pick up a hobby pated in reenactments at own practice in Newmarket long it comes easy,” Getchell like his own and have fun Strawbery Banke and schools in the early 1950s, he had noted. getting to know their artistic throughout the region. plenty of hands-on experi- Getchell generally makes talents. And for other residents, ence. a pattern, which he uses to “You’ve just got to a Christmas fair at Hamp- Though he loved his cut a block of pine wood remember people have a tre- Cyan ton Academy or Newmar- patients and his work, Getch- into the silhouette of a bird. mendous ability if they learn ket Community Church ell said it wasn’t always the Then, he carves and sands how to use it,” he said. isn’t complete without Dr. most calming activity. Bird his creation before applying Too often, he added, kids Magenta L. Forbes Getchell, his wife, carving became his favorite a coat of gesso (a primer), are glued to video games, Sylvia, and their collection of way to unwind. painting the miniature figure television and the telephone homegrown art.
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