Sri Guru charana kamalebhyo namah Tara mahavidya homa Sadhaka Procedure Introduction Sadhak version of manual details the process of all aspects of homa that is suitable for performing the ritual as part of Purascharana and/or Kamya /Prayojana homa apart from appeasing deity. This version is based on the Guru parampara of Paramahamsa Sri Nikhileswarananda maharaj in the able guidance of Sadhguru Sri Anil Kumar Joshi ji. Sadhaks of other Guru paramparas can utilize this manual by replacing the appropriate mantras per their tradition. Items Required Following are the items required to perform homa: . Copper Homa/Havan Kund (8 Inches or more) . Rice cooked with jaggery / any sweets . Wooden spoon (Sruvam) /Red fruits (Pomegranate) etc. for . Cow Ghee Naivedyam . Ghee Container . Saffron vermillion / Sindhura . Copper glass, spoon & plate (Pancha patra set) . Camphor & Camphor stand for Aarti . Diya / Lamp . Dry coconut halves . Sandal wood Powder . Wooden Sticks (Samidha) . Flowers (Any Red colored {hibiscus}) . Poornahuti items . Dhoop stick / Loban . Dharbha Mat / Red colour Woolen mat . Black Til & White Til (Sesame) . Kalasha (Copper / Brass/ any) with water . Ayurvedic Herbs (Ashwagandha / Shatavaari etc) . Match Box . Sweet Pumpkin cooked in Jaggery . Ash Gourd / Cooked Rice mixed with Red . Sacred thread / Yagnyopaveetam Vermillion / Dry Dates for Bali Lemons / . Silk (Pattu) / Cotton cloth Full coconut (Bali). Panchamrutha (Mixer of Cow Milk, Yogurt, . Any other material as required / Jaggery/Sugar, Honey and Ghee) suggested ----- Sri Guru charana kamalebhyo namah ----- “Solve your problems through Sadhana” – Sadhguru Anil 1 Free Homa Online & In-person classes www.nityagni.com Contact: +91 92831 11113 Sri Guru charana kamalebhyo namah Tara mahavidya homa Sadhaka Procedure Homa Process 1. Initial Prayers & Permission (Anugna) Think of the following deities & Seek permission for performing the homa: Ganapati: µ¯ gaƳ¡n¡¯È tv¡ gaƳapaÇtig¯ hav¡mah£ kaÆvi¯ kaÇv§Æn¡muÇpaÆma¾raÇvastama¯| jy£Æ½¿haÆr¡ja¯Æ brahmadz¡¯ brahma³aspataÆ ¡na¦Ç ¾»Æ³vannÀÆtibhiÇss§daÆ s¡daÇna¯|| . Guru . Akshobhya Shiva . Rishis . Kula devata . Gothra Rishis (If you know) . Bhu devi . Parents & Ancestors . Go mata . Bhairava . Upaasana Devata(s) . Ishta devata, etc. 2. Pavitrikarana Take a little water from the Pancha patra in your right palm and sprinkle on ground all around you by saying the following mantra: µ¯ utti½¿hantu bhÀtapi¾¡c¡¦ £t£ bhÀmibh¡rak¡¦ | £t£½¡mavirµdh£na brahma karma sam¡rabh£ || Take a little water from the Pancha patra in a spoon and hold it in your left hand. Using your right hand middle finger sprinkle a little on your head 3 times while saying the following mantra: µ¯ apavitra¦ pavitrµ v¡ sarv¡vasth¡¯ gatµpi v¡ | yasmar£t pun¢ar§k¡k½a¯ sab¡hy¡bhyantara ¾uci¦ | pun¢ar§k¡k½a pun¢ar§k¡k½a pun¢ar§k¡k½¡ya nama¦ | 3. Achamana Take spoonful of water from the Pancha Patra into your right hand and sip it by chanting below mantras. After 3 sips, put little water on the hand and wash it. µ¯ k£¾av¡ya sv¡h¡ (Or) µ¯ acyut¡ya nama¦ µ¯ n¡r¡ya³¡ya sv¡h¡ (Or) µ¯ anant¡ya nama¦ µ¯ m¡dhav¡ya sv¡h¡ (Or) µ¯ gµvind¡ya nama¦ Note: Optionally one can say all 16 names of Vishnu ----- Sri Guru charana kamalebhyo namah ----- “Solve your problems through Sadhana” – Sadhguru Anil 2 Free Homa Online & In-person classes www.nityagni.com Contact: +91 92831 11113 Sri Guru charana kamalebhyo namah Tara mahavidya homa Sadhaka Procedure 4. Aasana Pooja Get up from the seat and take out the Asana, draw a triangle on the ground with red vermillion. Place the Asana back and sit on it and say the following Mantra: µ¯ p»thv§ tvay¡ dhrut¡ lµka d£vi tva¯ vi½³un¡ dhrut¡ tvam ca dh¡rayam¡¯ d£vi pavitra¯ kuruc¡sana¯ Take a little water in your right hand and drop it at 5 places on your seat (Asana) while saying the following 5 mantras: µ¯ ¡dh¡ra ¾aktay£ nama¦ µ¯ kÀrm¡san¡ya nama¦ µ¯ anant¡san¡ya nama¦ µ¯ vimal¡san¡ya nama¦ µ¯ ¡tm¡san¡ya nama¦ 5. Dasa-Disa Digbandhanam Take a little water in spoon and hold it with your left hand. Using your right hand middle finger, sprinkle the water on all 10 directions around you by saying the following mantra: After the mantra, tap on the ground 3 times with heel of your left leg. µ¯ apasarpantu t£ bhÀt¡¦ £ bhÀt¡¦ bhÀmi sa¯sthit¡¦ | £ bhÀt¡¦ vighnakart¡rast£ na¾vantu ¾iv¡gnay¡|| apakram¡mtu bhÀt¡ni pi¾¡c¡¦ sarvatµ di¾a¯ | sarv£¾¡mavirµdh£na hµma karma sam¡rabh£ || 6. Deha/Aatma Raksha Mantram Take a little water in spoon and hold it with your left hand. Using your right hand middle finger, sprinkle the water on your body by saying the following mantra: µ¯ brahma sÀtra samasta mama d£ha ¡baddha ¡baddha vajrad£ha pha¿ ----- Sri Guru charana kamalebhyo namah ----- “Solve your problems through Sadhana” – Sadhguru Anil 3 Free Homa Online & In-person classes www.nityagni.com Contact: +91 92831 11113 Sri Guru charana kamalebhyo namah Tara mahavidya homa Sadhaka Procedure Guru Kavacham: Read the following Guru Kavacha mantram to receive protection by your Guru while performing the ritual: gurud£va¦ ¾ira¦ p¡tu h»daya¯ nikhil£¾vara¦ | kan¿a¯ p¡tu mah¡yµg§ vandana¯ sarva d»g-vibhu¦ || karau m£ p¡tu pÀr³¡tm¡ p¡dau p¡tu rak½atu sv¡mina¦ | sarv¡nga¯ sarvad¡ p¡tu para¯ brahma san¡tana¦ || 7. Light a lamp Light a Diya / lamp and bow to it in reverence while saying the following: µ¯ d§pa¯ jyoti parabrahman£ nama¦ 8. Prayer to Ganesha Say the following shloka of Ganapati for removing obstacles: ¾ukl¡¯baradhara¯ vi½³u¯ ¾a¾ivar³a¯ caturbhuja¯ | prasannavadana¯ dhy¡y£t sarva vighnµpa¾¡ntay£ || agaj¡nana padm¡rka¯ gaj¡nanamaharni¾a¯ | an£kada¯ ta¯ bhakt¡n¡¯ £kadanta¯ up¡smah£ || vakratun¢a mah¡k¡ya sÀryakµ¿isamaprabha | nirvighna¯ kuru m£ d£va sarvak¡ry£½u sarvad¡ || 9. Pranayama Place your thumb on the right nostril, inhale through the left nostril. Hold breathe for a while. Exhale from the right Nostril. Do these steps in reverse order again. While doing this, think of the following mantra: µ¯ ga¯ ----- Sri Guru charana kamalebhyo namah ----- “Solve your problems through Sadhana” – Sadhguru Anil 4 Free Homa Online & In-person classes www.nityagni.com Contact: +91 92831 11113 Sri Guru charana kamalebhyo namah Tara mahavidya homa Sadhaka Procedure 10. Sankalpa Take a spoonful of water (Flower, Akshatas, etc.) in right palm, pledge while saying the below and leave the water on ground. µ¯ mamµp¡tta samasta duritak½ayadv¡r¡ ¾r§ param£¾vara pr§tyartha¯ ¾r§ t¡r¡ parad£vat¡ pras¡da siddhyartha¯ adya ¾ubhadin£ ¾ubhamuhÀrt£ ¾r§ t¡r¡ parad£vat¡ hµmakarma yath¡¾akti kari½y£| For Purascharana Mantra siddi - µ¯ mamµp¡tta samasta duritak½ayadv¡r¡ ¾r§ param£¾vara pr§tyartha¯ ¾r§ t¡r¡ parad£vat¡ mantra siddhyartha¯ adya ¾ubhadin£ ¾ubhamuhÀrt£ ¾r§ t¡r¡ parad£vat¡ ma¯tra hµmakarma yath¡¾akti kari½y£| 11. Prokshana Take water in Kalasa and place near homa kund. Put your right palm on top of Kalasa and say the following varuna beeja for 11 times. va¯ Then invoke seven sacred rivers into Kalasa gang£ ca yamun£ caiva gµd¡vari sarasvati | narmad£ sindhu k¡v£ri jal£:'smin sannidhi¯ kuru || Take a little water from Kalasa and sprinkle it on Self and all Pooja items including homa kund for cleansing. While sprinkling say: am»ta¯ bhavatu| ----- Sri Guru charana kamalebhyo namah ----- “Solve your problems through Sadhana” – Sadhguru Anil 5 Free Homa Online & In-person classes www.nityagni.com Contact: +91 92831 11113 Sri Guru charana kamalebhyo namah Tara mahavidya homa Sadhaka Procedure 12. Bhuta Shuddi The following mantras are recited while imagining that existing body is being burnt to the ashes and replaced with a divine body filled with nectar and the self becoming brahman (I am That, That I am). µ¯ ya¯ sankµca ¾ar§ra¯ ¾µ½aya-¾µ½aya sv¡h¡ µ¯ ra¯ sankµca ¾ar§ra¯ daha daha paca-paca sv¡h¡ µ¯ pa¯ parama ¾iv¡m»ta¯ var½aya-var½aya sv¡h¡ µ¯ la¯ ¾¡¯bhava ¾ar§ra¯ utp¡dayµtp¡daya µ¯ ha¯sa¦ sµha¯ avatara avatara ¾ivapad¡t OR Say ha¯sa¦ sµha¯ sµha¯ ha¯sa¦ 13. Kund / Patra Shuddi 1. Draw an Inverted triangle with Vermillion (Kumkum) at the bottom of the Homa Kund. Place a little Rice flour within that triangle. Or 2. Place a Copper plate at the bottom of the Kund in the shape of Inverted Triangle. Place Rice flour on top of that Copper plate. 3. Veekshana: By saying the Moola / Upasana mantra, look at all the corners of the Homa kund 4. Prokshana: Sprinkle water from Kalasa on the homa Kund using Dharbha grass while saying “Phat” 5. Taadana: Using Dharbha grass, hit the bottom of the Homa Kund 3 times and all other utensils used (e.g Ghee container, Shruk, Sruvam, Kalasam etc.) 6. Placing of Dharbhas around Homa Kund: Place the Dharbhas with tips of Dharbha facing East and North on all 4 sides of the Homa Kund. 7. Parishechana: Take some water from kalasa with the spoon or flower and sprinkle it outside the homa kund, on its four boundaries while reading the following 4 mantras. ----- Sri Guru charana kamalebhyo namah ----- “Solve your problems through Sadhana” – Sadhguru Anil 6 Free Homa Online & In-person classes www.nityagni.com Contact: +91 92831 11113 Sri Guru charana kamalebhyo namah Tara mahavidya homa Sadhaka Procedure adiÆt£:'nuÇmanyasva | (southwest to southeast) anuÇmaÆt£:'nuÇmanyasva | (southwest to northwest) saraÇsvaÆt£:'nuÇmanyasva | (northwest to northeast) d£va saviÆta¦ prasuÇva | (sprinkle water around homa kund in clockwise) 8. Rekha Kriya: Using Dharbha grass, draw six lines on Huma Kund as depicted in the below picture saying the following Mantras: 1.
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