State College - Raleigh, The

State College - Raleigh, The

State College - Raleigh, The PINETUM l955 JOURNAL OF FORESTRY N. C. STATE COLLEGE RALEIGH, N. C. CONTENTS Dedication , 4 Faculty Students , V , , 6 Student Activities The School , Alumni Advertising Index V Foreword As time passes and we the students pass on to our chosen work. let this l’IM-z’rvu sluml with the others as :1 memory of the trials and tribulations of school. Herc is the 19:35 I’lxlcllm. Slut-nuan/ 8‘0 91 78.9.9Hiwe1; Cfonociale' 9310123301 or, 510s‘ic11fintaoj, (r neuv' l‘iieml' “‘ilflx (“tragic-Lint], rail}: and {Illa-Lem! inv (Meaty .slmlenl, u (lcs‘olul [cucfler and counaepui; and a mum M‘me . ) } 3 . Manda 0001 neudll( [u uul ”lose ““10 can upon' flung M‘e/ out- cud” dedicate me 1955 gineium; FACU LTY and STUDENTS /HINK THAT‘LL 56'va on TWO“ HARDWO°°5 , -”:- , I"/ fl”H " 4_ ;7 ‘7\ y, _‘v; \I, ..-‘N' \ ' 2'3" \ ‘\ I \ ()svmno ‘\IJ~‘;\R() _]oIL\' .\l. A\R(IlI|’R l’msn, Drkt: BARR "()xu'u/II” “xlt‘r/I" ”Du/tr” Forest Mnnztgmnvm Fort-st Mumtgcnwm Formtl'y Management Fol‘vstry (Iluh Forestry (Ilul). Alpha Forestry thu. I’im-tum 1511., Pub» (le1!) limlion Board, Rillr' ’l‘t‘nm firms WHITE Conn, JR. "Shorty” JOSEPH BELOTE BROWN JOHN CHAPMAN Forest Management ‘70?” ”](')/171" Xi Sigma Pi, Alpha Forest Stlztllzrgcmcnt Forest Management Zeta. Blue key. Forestry Forestry (Ilul) Forestry (llul) (Ilulr Jmliriu] Board lintnk l,;\l|{l) l),\t,ttk\' EDGAR FLOWERS ”LII/HI" “It‘d" 4. .~\l‘l’ \\'t)()(l l’mtltuh \\‘tm(l l’rotlutts Fart-st Management and t\'(‘1'(llilll(li\illg \lt‘t'thantlising FUN'NH') (Ilul) Fort'stt‘y (Ilul), l-‘.l’.l{..\'. Fort-\tr)’ (llnl). I".I’.R.S., l’int-tmn Btu. Ugh l’uhlitatinn B uartL S..\.l". Tnmms R. FRANKR Rotstcm‘ H. GOSLEE PERCY Ian-1 HARDY. JR. “Tom” ”Cnoxr” ”Peru?” l-‘nrmt Management \\'(m(l I’I‘Otlut‘ts‘ Forest Management Xi Sigma Pi. I’m‘t-atvt‘. .\[(‘]'( handising Xi Sigma Pi. Formtry l-‘(n't‘xtry (lluh lfiot‘t‘stl')‘ (Illll). l'll’.R.5. (Ilul). .\ll>lta Zeta liLm-‘R'l‘ 1.111..\,\’1) HlA'l'l Noun-1 lil'm-zM-z HILL \\'u.1.l,\\l 'l'. Hl‘xxllik ”I’i/I" “UNIV” "Ilms" \\'uo(l l’mdluts Fun->1 Mnnugvmcnt Al‘l’ Mcnhnmlising .\lph;l Phi Omega. For- \\'m)(! 'l’uhnology I’m‘mlry (Ilul). l’rvx. 3. «r'urmn'y (llul). 1".l"R.S. (-xlr} (Ilul) Xi Sigma Pi. |".l’.R.S. JOHN (I. KIRKUAN Rm‘m-z B. l..-\,\'Kl-'()Rl) Bunny 'lm‘: LARKLY “l-‘lR/x'” ”Dari” "Bu/2" l‘.l’.R.S.. Forestry (lluh. Forest Mnnugrmom Finest Managmm-m Berry Dorm, SH. 35 \"iu- l’urvs‘tl'y (Ilul). Xi Sigma Xi Sigma Pi. l’m'cslry l’rcs. ‘1 PI (Ilul), Scu'y. 'I'ILmix lAcKsux 11ml rk ()Rmx .\. .\[:\;\'l?(2\' A\I(:(l;\|‘r-Icru'. jun-1v” ”lira/:3" “(Tummmlm‘v" limnx. JR. Ill\'_\ Fun-st Munngmncnl “jm'” \\'m)(l I’l‘Ule’ls Iinr‘r-slry (llul) Pull) um! l’upcr x\‘lcr(hzln(lising I‘m lumlog) Xi Sigma Pi. Student Formlry (Ilul), Xi Sig- (MY. RL‘I)I‘('>.. Fortalry mzl l’i (Ilul) (;l~'()k(;li H. I’nakmx Luna» 1C. RL‘MHSI-‘LL, IIR. \\"II.I.1,\\I (1. Mommy (IR. “(;('()rg()" "Run" “hub" Fun-st Management \\'()()(l l’rmluth Forest Munngcmcm Forestry (Ilul). Alpha Mcrduuulising Forestry (1111!). I’inctum Phi Omega Forestry (llul). l5.l’.R.S. EVIL Hi-ziumx SIC.‘\\I.\.\' Iosicmi l-Z\m. 'l'iikri. _]miN \VAI‘IACJC 'l'iis'rick “Emil” ”Tr/:1” "john" “’0er I’mduus I’urcst Munsigmm-m Pulp and Paper AIcr‘iIiundising’ Fort-sir) (I I u I). \’iu- 'I‘i-(Imnlogy Forestry (lIuI). I“.I’.I{.S.‘ I’ru. .‘5, I’invium Forestry (IIuI). Studcnt Xi Sigma Pi. Dormitory Com. 2, (Inlli'gc Union. l’residcm (Illm. 0111ng (20mm. 2, (lhm. :\(II\'IIIL‘S (10mm. 3 I’rL-s. I. (Ihm. South- (‘IISIUI‘II Region Assurin- liml oli (lolli'gc “minus. I. Alpha Zorn. BIuc kcy. Xi Sigma Pi. (I.U.S.(I. IIIIIIll”Ill"IIIIIIIIIIIIIllllIlllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllIIIIllIIIIIIIIIllIllIIIIIlllllllllIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Illllllllllll 1;, THE MEAD CORPORATION 1919—1955 SYLVA DIVISION Sylva North Carolina 11In)!1/1/11Iurns of .009 CORRUGATI NG BOARD \lllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIlIllllllllIllIIHIIIIII|l||III'IIllllllllllllIlIIIIIIIIIIllIIIllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIII,~1IllIllllllllllIIllllIIllIIIIHIUIHIIIIIIIIIIllIlllllllllllllllllIIIIHIIIIIIlIlIIIlIIIIIIIIlIIlIIlIIIlllllllllIIIIIIIIIIllllllllIllllllllllllllllllll’0mmumunmnnumnuuimmmuumunmununmmum-nunmun-unnum-mum 12 JUNIORS SOPHOMORES 13 FRESHMEN GRADUATE STUDENTS M FACU LTY DR. R. 'l. I’ersmx Donn of [he Srhnul of Forestry, N. (1. State (30111140, DR. .l. S. BIC’I'IHCL l’l‘nlcmol‘ ()1 \\'()()(l ’l‘crlumlng‘v. l)“. R. (l. ”MAM I’I'UIUMHI' ()1 1501131 liumumiu. 15 R. M. (IAR'I‘ER Hch of Wood Tech- nology and Wood Products Mercham (lising (.‘urricula. DR. ]. V. Hol-‘MANN Professor Emeritus, Srhool of Forestry. (2. 1i. LIImY Robertson Professor of Pulp and Paper 1 cchnology. DR. '1‘. li. MARI Professor of Forest Manugcmcnt and Rvscun h. DR. W. D. MILLER .\ssn(’i;ll(‘ Professor of Sil\'i('ululrc. (1'. K. SLocuM Associate Profcssor of Forestry. 17 LEN'I‘HALI. \VYMAN Professor of Fores- try. Mr. A. C. Barefoot By CHARLES WEBB Although Mr. .\. (I. Barefoot is a new member of the stall this year. he is not a newcomer to State (lollege. He (omes liroin Angier. N. (1.. and received his BS. in 1950 and .\I.S. in 1951 in \\'ood ’l‘echnology here at State. At present he is \s'orking' on his l).I“. at Duke University. For a period of about four months. beginning in the fall of 1951. Mr. Barefoot was in (harge of quality mntrol for the Henry (Iounty Plywood Corporation. He was st21tistiri;ni Ior the Forest l’rodtuts Laboratoyr. Madi- son. \\’is.. during the summer o[ 1953. and. during 195-1, Mr. Barefoot was lab terhnologist here at State. Last September he berame superintemlent of the wood products laboratory and an assistant professor in “bod Tech- nology. Mr. Barefoot is a member of Xi Sigma Pi. the Masons, Forest Products Researt‘h Society. Alpha Zeta. and Phi kappa Phi. 18 Mr. Robert G. Hitchings By CHARLES WEBB Mr. Robert (L llitthings. of Syracuse, New York, is one of the new- (UIHCI'N to the latnlty this year as an assistant professor in the Pulp and Paper ('lll'l'lt ulum. .\lter ret'eiving his 15.8. degree in Pulp and Paper 'l‘et‘hnology in IEH3 at New York (lollege of Forestry. Mr. Hitt‘hings was employed by Beckwith- (lhandler (Iompany. Newark. New jersey, doing work in paint and laquer (It-\elopment. Near the end ol 19“. he went into the ,\rmy and served two years with the Special Engineering (Iorps. Manhattan District. ()ak Ridgtn 'l‘ennessee. Mr. Hitt‘hings served as paper [C(‘llnlCllel at the New York (lollege ol Forestry in 19-16, and joined the stall in 1947, serving in that position until ”)52. i\t that time. he became head ol‘ the pilot plant researth. also tonnet'ted with the New York (Iollege of Forestry. Last Sep- tember he joined the State College faculty. .\lr. llitthings is a member of the 'l‘et’hnieal .\ssociation of the Pulp and Paper Industry. the (Zanadian Pulp and Paper .\ssot'iation. and Sigma Xi. He is also a member of the honorary forestry fraternities Xi Sigma Pi, and .\lpha Phi Sigma, and the social fraternity Beta Theta Pi. :\HllIIIIIIIIIIIlllllll|lIIIllIllIlIIIIIIIIIIIIllIllIIIIIIIllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'III'IIII, A BETTER MARK FOR YOU: SOUTHERN GLO Tree Marking Paints . Ready-Mix . Paste . Boundary Point nnmnmmnn with the stay-mixed formula #71020 manufactured by SOUTHERN COATING CHEMICAL CO Sumter, S. C. l‘lllllllIIIIIIIIIIIlllllIllIIllllllllIlllllllIIIIII|IllltllllllllIIIIIlIIllllllllllllIIIIII|llllllllllIllIIIlIIlIIIIIIIIIOIIIlllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIII“AllIIllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"llllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIII l9 (I. .\. IIAR'I' Tu Imolugist. Siccula’lzxknas Miss Hun-I Adams. His» M;l)|)tllc 'I'uy- 101‘. Mrs. I’rumcs Lilt‘x. 20 “II'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllIlllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllIllllllllllIIIIIIIII||IIIIIIIIIIIII'9 A CHALLENGE--—cmd AN OPPORTUNITY Today the forests of the South produce over 60‘} of the nations supply of pulpwood in addition to trees for lumber, poles and many other uses. Recent surveys predict an even greater portion of the nation timber needs will come from the 'IIIIIIIIII||IIIIIIlIIIIIIllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllIllllI‘lllltllllllllllllllllII’ forests of the South. IIIII’ To meet this ever increasing need for continuous crops of trees is a challenge—and an opportunity—to all toresters. Your help is needed to meet this challenge. We wish you much success as you take your place among the graduate foresters now at work in industry, government and others throughout the South. it INTERNATIONAL PAPER COMPANY SOUTHERN KRAFT DIVISION MOBILE, ALABAMA MILLS LOCATED AT: Georgetown, South Carolina Natchez, Mississippi Panama City, Florida Bastrop, Louisiana Mobile, Alabama Springhill, Louisiana Moss Point, Mississippi Camden, Arkansas anIIIIIIlIIIIlIIII‘IIIIIIOIIIIIIIlllllIIIIIllIIIIllllllIllIlllIllllllIII|Il|llllllllllllllllllll|llIllIllIIllIIIIIIIIIIlIlIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllll“llIIIIIIlllllllllllIlllllIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllIIlllllllllllllllllllll:llllIIIllllIllllllllllllllIlllIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII||IIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIlilllllIIIIIIIIIIIIllllIIIIIllllllllIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllll1 21 STUDENT ACTIVITIES The Rol leo "I”was the day after HAZEL and all through HILL FOREST, not a creature was stirring not even a prof. The trees were all strown in the road without care, as to block any tralhc which might pass by there. Then all of a sudden right out of the blue, came a whole wrath of Forest!y boys and a gang of profs too. They sprang from their autos making such a clatter, then topped that all off with boisterous cries and loud chatter. I next saw this chap who had on a green hat with a wiskbroom attached to one side, leap clear of his jeep and take oil through the woods being out of sight in less than three strides. An old smelly pipe clinched tight in his teeth bellowed out smoke circling his head like a wreath.

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