34 Puoc. E N TOMOT.. Soc. Burl". COLUMBIA, VOL. 62 (1965), DEC. 1, 1965 Netlcoryphus SCUDDER, A NEW GENUS OF LYGAEINAE (HEMIPTERA :LYGAEIDAE) G. G. E . SCUDDER Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver A study of Old World and New only pale-venter never red with only World species of Lygaeinae at present sternum VII completely black. placed in the genus Melanocoryphus Spermatheca with distal portion Stal 1872, has shown that they can­ relatively short and with distinct not be considered as all belonging bUlb-not complexly coiled (figs. to one genus. The New World species 1-2) . must be placed in a new genus, which is described below. Type species: Lygaeus bicrucis Genus Neacoryphus Scudder gen.nov. Say 1825 Red - orange and black bugs; dor­ This gen us is erected to contain sum more or less glabrous. the New World species which have un.til the present been placed in the Head triangular and black; eyes genus Melanocoryphus Stal 1872: the adjacent to antero-lateral angles of latter is a genus confined to the Old pronotum and not stylate; antennae World. Neacoryphus can be separated black, with typical ratio 10: 22: 18: 21; from neighbouring genEra of the bucculae elevated and gently convex Melanocoryphus-complex, by the fol­ throughout, extending to posterior lowing key, and the spermathecae part of head; rostrum variable in shown in figs. 3-6. length, reaching middle or hind coxae, or just beyond. Characters of Melanocoryphus­ complex: head generally black (at Pronotum ecarinate; posterior least black at base and without red margin more or less straight or or pale .spot or streak in centre); legs slightly convex, and without caudad and ostlOlar peritreme black; postero­ extensions of humeral angles; disc dorsal corner of metapleura non­ of pronotum somewhat punctate, angulate; eyes adjacent to antero­ especially near calli; thoracic pleura lateral angles of pronotum; scutellum if contrasting black and ochraceous, somewhat excavate on each side of then fuscous half anteriorly; pleura midline. rather punctate, especially poster­ iorly; posterior margin of metapleura Key to genera of distinctly convex; ostiolar peritreme Melanocoryphus·complex present, black and auriculate. Scu­ tellum not tumid and swollen, but 1. Corium red with a distinct discoidal with a shallOW excavation on each bl.ack spot in middle; membrane black WIth a central discoidal pale spot and side of mid-line. apically with a pale spot or a pale mar· Hemielytra usually macropterous; gm (never all black or black with only a pale margin); thoracic pleura if corium and clavus variously coloured, partly black, then black part poster­ but never red with a central round IOrly; spermatheca as in figs. 1·2; Old black spot; membrane black, black Wo~ld . .................. Melanocoryphus Stal with pale margin, or pale with black -- Cormm not red with a central discoid­ veins-never black with one or two al black spot; membrane black or marked with white, but never ~ith white spots in central area; veins of white ~arkings as above; thoracic hemielytra prominent. pleura If p:;trtly pale, then pale mark- mgs postenorly; New World _... .. ___ ._ __ ____ 2 Legs black; femora unarmed. 2. M~mbrane with a median white dis­ Abdomen pale or dark; if venter cOldal -spot or variegated with white' bicoloured, then usually black in species small and pilose __._ ................... : centre with lateral margins of sterna Lygaeospilus Barber PIIOC. E 'I TO~[QL. Soc. BUIT. C OLl"1!Ur.\. VOL. 62 (1965) , DEC. 1, 1965 35 Legend for Pages 35 and 36 Figs. 1-6-Spermathecae. 1. Melanocoryphus albomaculatus (Goeze) [Florence]; 2. M. superbus (Poll.) [Channel Is., Jersey, St. Catherine's Bay, 22. iv. 1957, G. G. E. Scudder]; 3. Neacoryphus bicrucis (Say) [B.C., Victoda, 26. vi. 1923, K. F. Auden]; 4. N. lateralis (Dallas) [Wyo., Buffalo, 13. ix. 1963, G. G. E. Scudder]; 5. N. circumlitus (Stal) [Mexico, Jalisco, Puerto Vallarta, 7-12. vii. 1961, P. R. Grant]; 6. N. admirabilis (Uhler) [Ore., Steens Mts., Fish Lake, 7000 ft., 10. vii. 1927, H. A. Scullen]. Scale lines = 0.25 mm. Figs. 1-2 to scale c, figs. 3-4 to scale b,and figs. 5-6 to scale a. 36 PHOC'. E NTOJ\fOT,. Soc. BRIT. COLL1 ~f13IA , VOJ_. 62 (1965), DEC. 1, 1965 4 "-----' a '------~' b ~-----'C PUOC. E:'OTOMOL. Soc. BllH'. COrX3'11lI A. VOL. 62 (1965), D EC. 1, 1965 37 - Membrane without a median white dis­ 9. Neacoryphus facetus (Say 1831) comb. coidal spot, entirely fuscous, black nov. with pale margin, or pale with fuscous Lygaeus facetus Say 1831, Desc. Het. veins; larger species, not conspicuously pilose __________ _____ ___ ___ Neacoryphus Scudder Rem. N. Amer. (Fitch Rep.) :773 [O .D.] In the genus Neacoryphus should be Melanocoryphus facetus Slater 1964, placed the following species: Cat. Lyg. 1:131 [Bibliogr.] 1. Neacoryphus admirabilis (Uhler 1872) 10. Neacoryphus lateralis (Dallas 1852) comb. nov. comb. nov. Lygaeus admirabilis Uhler 1872, in Lygaeus lateralis Dallas 1852, List Hem . HaY'den, Rept. U.S. Geol. SilTv. B.M. 2:550 [O .D.] Mont.: 405 [O .D.] Melanocoryphus lateralis Slater 1964, Melanocoryphus admirabilis S I ate r Cat. LY'g. 1:134 [Bibliogr .] 1964, Cat. Lyg. 1:120 [Bibliogr .] 11. Neacoryphus nigriguttulus (St::l 1874) 2. Neacoryphus albonotatus (Barber 1923) comb. nov. comb. nov. Melanocoryphus nigriguttulus Stal 1874, Lygaeus (Melanocoryphus) albonotatus K. Vet. Akad. HandI. 12(1): 113 Barber 1923, Amer. Mus. Novit. [O .D.] 75:1 [O .D.] Melanocoryphus nigriguttulus Slater Melanocoryphus albonotatus S 1 ate r 1964, Cat. Lyg. 1:136 [Bibliogr.] 1964, Cat. Lyg. 1:125 [Bibliogr.] 12. Neacoryphus nigrinervis (Stal 1874) 3. Neacoryphus bicrucis (Say 1825) comb. nov. comb. nov. Melanocoryphus nigrinervis Stal 1874, Lygaeus bicrucis Say 1825, J. Acad. K. Vet. Akad. HandI. 12(1): 112 Nat. Sci. Phil. 4:322 [O.D.] [O.D.] Melanocoryphus bicrucis Slater 1964, Melanocoryphus nigrinervis Slater 1964, Cat. Lyg. 1:126 [Bibliogr.] Cat. Lyg. 1:136 [Bibliogr.] 4. Neacoryphus circumlinitus (D i s tan t 13. Neacoryphus rubico"is (Uhler 1894) 1882) comb. nov. comb. nov. Lygaeus (Melanocoryphus) circumlini­ Melanocoryphus rubico"is Uhler 1894, tus Distant 1882, BioI. Centro Amer. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. (2)4: 244 Hem. Het. 1:186 [O.D.] [O.D.] Melanocoryphus circumlinitus Slater Melanocoryphus rubico" is Slater 1964, 1964, Cat. Lyg. 1:129 [Bibliogr.] Cat. Lyg. 1:136 [Bibliogr.] 5. Neacoryphus circumlitus (Stal 1862) 14. Neacoryphus rubriger (Stal 1862) comb. comb. nov. nov. Lygaeus circumlitus Stal 1862, StetL ent. Zeit. 23:309 [O.D.] Lygaeus rubriger Stal 1862, Stett. ent. Melanocoryphus circumlitus S 1 ate r Zeit. 23 :309 [O .D.] 1964, Cat. Lyg. 1:129 [Bibliogr.] Melanocoryphus rubriger Slater 1964, Cat. Lyg. 1:137 [Bibliogr.] 6. Neacoryphus circumplicatus (Distant 1882) comb. nov. 15. Neacoryphus variegatus (DeGeer 1773) Lygaeus (Melanocoryphus) circumplica­ comb. nov. tus Distant 1882, BioI. Centro Amer. Cimex variagatus DeGeer 1773, Mem. Hem. Ret. 1:186 [Bibliogr .] Servo Hist. Ins. 3:342 [D.D.] Melanocoryphus circumplicatus Slater Melanocoryphus variegatus Slater 1964, 1964, Cat. Lyg. 1:129 [BibJiogr.] Cat. Lyg. 1:145 [Bibliogr.] 7. Neacoryphus circumseptus (Stal 1867) comb. nov. It Lygaeus Lygaeus circumseptus Stal 1867, Ber!' is also possible th at ent. Zeit. 10:162 [O.D.] aureus Distant 1882 (BioI. Centro Melanocoryphus circumseptus S 1 a te r Amer. Rem. Ret. 1: 188 ) belongs in 1964, Cat. Lyg. 1:129 [Bibliogr .] Neacoryphus, but I h ave not seen the 8. Neacoryphus consanguinitas (Distant type of this species. 1882) comb. nov. Lygaeus (Melanocoryphus) consanguin­ Acknowledgements itas Distant 1882, BioI. Centro ArneI'. Hem. Ret. 1:187 rO.D.] Research for this paper was supported by Melanocoryphus consanguinitas Slater grants from the National Research Co uncil Slater 1964, Cat. Lyg. 1:130 [Bib­ of Canada and the University of British liogr.] Columbia. .
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