Vaychi: Shabbat Triennial year 2 [Genesis ] (49)1: Yaakov called to his sons, and said: "Gather :1(49) yourselves together, that I may tell you í½ÆëÈì äHÈãé¯ÄcÇàFå G fôFñÍÈàÅä øÆîà«ÉjÇå åé²ÈðÈbÎìÆà áɱ÷ÂòÇé à°HÈøÀ÷ÄjÇå That which will happen to you in the days to come. :2 2: Assemble yourselves, and hear, you sons of f°öFáÍÈxÄä ÏíéßÄîÈjÇä úé°HÄøÂçÇàFb í±ÆëÀúÆà à°HÈøÀ÷ÄéÎøÆÐÂà ú¸Åà Yaakov; Listen to Yisrael, your father. ÏíßÆëéÄáÂà ì°ÅàHÈøÀÑÄéÎìÆà f±òÀîÄÐFå áɲ÷ÂòÇé é¯ÅðFb f±òÀîÄÐFå 3: Reuven, you are my firstborn, My might, and the :3 beginning of my strength; The pre-eminence of ú±ÅàFÑ øÆú°Æé é²Äð×à úé¯ÄÐàHÅøFå é±ÄçÉl äÈ{½Çà éHÄø¯ÉëFb G ïÅáfàHFø dignity, and the pre-eminence of power. 4: Boiling over as water, you shall not have the :4 pre-eminence; Because you went up to your father's é¯ÅáFlÀÐÄî Èúé±ÄìÈò é°Äl ø½Çú×{ÎìÇà G íÄéGÇoÇl æÇçµÇu ÏæßÈò øÆú°ÆéFå bed; Then defiled it. He went up to my couch. ÏäßÈìÈò é°ÄòföFé È{Àì±ÇmÄç æ°Èà Õé²ÄáÈà 5: "Shimon and Levi are brothers; Weapons of G íHÈãÉñFb:6 ÏíßÆäéÅúHÉøÅëFî ñ±ÈîÈç é°ÅìFl íé²ÄçÇà é±ÄåÅìFå ï×°òÀîÄÐ:5 violence are their swords. 6: My soul, don't come 2 into their council; My glory, don't be united to their assembly; For in their anger they killed a man, G íÈuÇàFá éµÄl é²HÄãÉáFl ã¯ÇçÅ{ÎìÇà í±ÈìÈäÀ÷Äb é½ÄÐÀôÇð à¯ÉáÈ{ÎìÇà In their self-will they hamstrung an ox. 7: Cursed be :7 their anger, for it was fierce; é¯Äl G íÈuÇà øfµøÈà Ïø×ßÐÎføFxÄò í±ÈðÉöHÀøÄáf Ðé½Äà fâHFø¯Èä Their wrath, for it was cruel. I will divide them in Yaakov, Scatter them in Yisrael. í±ÅöéÄôÂàÇå áɽ÷ÂòÇéFb í¯Å÷FmÇçÂà äÈú²ÈÐÈ÷ é¯Äl í±ÈúHÈøÀáÆòFå æ½Èò Vaychi: Shabbat Triennial year 2: [1] - © Copyright 2001-2018 Kinnor Software, Inc. All rights reserved. ÏìßÅàHÈøÀÑÄéFb 8: "Yehudah, your brothers will praise you: Your hand :8 will be on the neck of your enemies; Your father's f°åÂçÇ{ÀÐÄé Õé²ÆáFéÉà óHÆø¯ÉòFb ±ÕHFãÍÈé Õé½ÆçÇà Õf¯ã×é G äÈ{Çà ä«HÈãfäFé sons will bow down before you. 3 9: Yehudah is a lion's whelp. From the prey, my son, :9 you have gone up. Èúé²ÄìÈò é¯ÄðFb óHÆø±ÆiÄî ä½HÈãfäFé G äÅéHÀøÇà øfµc ÏÕéßÄáÈà é°ÅðFb ±ÕFì He stooped down, he couched as a lion, as a lioness. :10 Who will rouse him up? 10: The scepter will not G èÆáGÅÐ øf°ñÈéÎàÍØ ÏfqßÆîé Ä÷Fé é°Äî àé±ÄáÈìÀëf ä¸ÅéHÀøÇàFl õ»ÇáHÈø ò¬HÇøÈl depart from Yehudah, Nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, Until Shiloh comes. To him will the obedience of the ×±ìFå ä½ØéÄÐ à¯ÉáÈéÎéÍÄl ãÇò§ åé²ÈìÀâHÇø ïé¯ÅbÄî ÷±Å÷ÉçÀîf ä½HÈãfäéÍÄî peoples be. 11: Binding his foal to the vine, His donkey's colt to äHÉøéÄò :11 the vine branch; ײðÉúÂà é¯ÄðFb ä±È÷HÅøÉÓÇìFå ×½øéÄò G ïÆôGÆcÇì éµHÄøFñÉà ÏíéßÄoÇò ú°ÇäFxÄé He has washed his garments in wine, His robes in the :12 äÉúfñ blood of grapes: 12: His eyes will be red with wine, íÄé±ÇðéÅò é°ÄìéÄìÀëÇç Ï×ßúfñ íé±ÄáÈðÂòÎíHÇãÀáf ×½ÐËáFì G ïÄéGÇjÇb ñµÅbÄl His teeth white with milk. ÏáßÈìÈçÅî íÄé±ÇqÄÐÎïÆáÀìf ïÄé²ÈjÄî 13: "Zevulun will dwell at the haven of the sea. He ×±úÈëHÀøÇéFå ú½ÉjÄðÃà óׯçFì G àfäFå ï²ÉlÀÐÄé íé±ÄoÇé ó×°çFì ï¹ËìfáFæ:13 will be for a haven of ships. His border will be on 4 Tzidon. ÏïßHÉãéÄöÎìÇò 14: "Yissakhar is a strong donkey, Couching down :15 :14 between the sheepfolds. 15: He saw a resting-place, G äÈçËðFî àHÀøµÇjÇå ÏíÄéßÈúFuÀÐÄoÍÇä ïé°Åb õ±ÅáHÉø íHÆø²Èc ø¯ÉîÂç ø±ÈëùÈÓÄé that it was good, Vaychi: Shabbat Triennial year 2: [2] - © Copyright 2001-2018 Kinnor Software, Inc. All rights reserved. The land, that it was pleasant; He bowed his shoulder to bear, And became a servant doing labor. é±ÄäÀéÇå ì½ÉbÀñÄì G ×îÀëÄÐ èµÅjÇå äÈî²ÅòÈð é¯Äl õHÆø±ÈàÈäÎúÆàFå á×½è é¯Äl 16: "Dan will judge his people, As one of the tribes of ã±ÇçÇàFl ײoÇò ïé¯HÄãÈé ï±Èd:16 ÏãßÅáÉòÎñÇîFì Yisrael. 5 17: Dan will be a serpent in the way, An adder in the :17 path, ÎéÅìÂò ï±ÉôéÄôFÐ ÔHÆø½HÆãÎéÅìÂò ЯÈçÈð G ïHÈãÎéÄäFé ÏìßÅàHÈøÀÑÄé é°ÅèÀáÄÐ That bites the horse's heels, So that his rider falls :18 backward. 18: I have waited for your salvation, O ±ÕFúÍÈòfÐéÍÄì Ïø×ßçÈà ×±áFëHÉø ì°ÉuÄjÇå ñf½ñÎéÅáFxÄò G ÔÅÐÉqÇä çHÇø²Éà LORD. 19: "Gad, a troop will press on him; But he will press àf±äFå fq²HÆãfâFé ãf¯ãFc ã±Èc:19 ÏäßÈåäÀé éÄúé°Äf Ä÷ on their heel. 6 20: "Out of Asher his bread will be fat, ײîÀçÇì ä¯ÈðÅîFÐ ø±ÅÐÈàÅî:20 ÏáßÅ÷Èò ã°ËâÈé He will yield royal dainties. 21: "Naphtali is a doe set :21 free, é±ÄìÈ{ÀôÇð ÏÔÆìßÆîÎéÅqHÇãÂòÍÇî ï±Å{Äé àf°äFå He pronounces beautiful words. 22: "Yoseph is a ïµÅb:22 ÏøÆôßÈÐÎéHÅøÀîÄà ï±ÅúÉqÇä ä²ÈçËìFÐ ä¯ÈìÈjÇà fruitful bough, 7 A fruitful bough by a spring; His branches run over the wall. ÏøfßÐÎéÅìÂò ä±HÈãÂòÈö ú×¹ðÈb ïÄé²ÈòÎéÅìÂò ú±HÈøÉu ï°Åb ó½Åñ×é G úHÈøÉu 23: They have sorely grieved him, shot at him, The :24 :23 archers hated him: 24: But his bow abode in G ïÈúéÅàFb áÆеÅ{Çå ÏíéßÄwÄç é°ÅìÂòÇb fä±ËîFèÀÑÄjÍÇå fb²HÉøÈå fä±HËøHFøÍÈîÀéÍÇå strength, The arms of his hands were made strong, By the hands of the Mighty One of Yaakov, (From there is í°ÈÒÄî áɽ÷ÂòÇé øé¯ÄáÂà G éHÅãéÄî åé²HÈãÈé é¯ÅòHÉøFæ fg±ÉôÈjÇå ×½{ÀÐÇ÷ the shepherd, the stone of Yisrael), Vaychi: Shabbat Triennial year 2: [3] - © Copyright 2001-2018 Kinnor Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 25: Even by the Almighty of your father, who will :25 help you, By the Omnipotent, who will bless you, G éÇdÇÐ úµÅàFå Ö«HÆøFæÀòÇéFå ÕéCÄáÈà ì¬ÅàÅî ÏìßÅàHÈøÀÑÄé ïÆá°Æà ä±ÆòHÉø With blessings of heaven above, Blessings of the deep that couches beneath, úÆö¯ÆáHÉø í×±äF{ ú°ÉëHÀøÄb ì½ÈòÅî G íÄéGÇîÈÐ úµÉëHÀøÄb Ö½ÆëHFø¯ÈáéÄå Blessings of the breasts and of the womb. 26: The :26 blessings of your father have surpassed the blessings ÎìÇò G føFáÍÈc Õé«ÄáÈà ú¯ÉëHÀøÄb ÏíÇçßHÈøÈå íÄé±HÇãÈÐ ú°ÉëHÀøÄb úÇç²È{ of my parents, The bounty of the age-old hills. They will be on the head of Yoseph, Ðà¯HÉøFì G ÚéGÆéÀäÍÄ{ í²Èì×ò ú¯ÉòÀáÄc ú±ÇåÂàÇ{ÎãÍÇò é½HÇø×ä ú¯ÉëHÀøÄb On the crown of the head of him who was separated from his brothers. ÏåéßÈçÆà øé°ÄæFð ãɱ÷HÀãE÷Àìf ó½Åñ×é (Reading continues with an earlier verse:) 22: "Yoseph is a fruitful bough, :22 ïµÅb 8 A fruitful bough by a spring; His branches run over the wall. ÏøfßÐÎéÅìÂò ä±HÈãÂòÈö ú×¹ðÈb ïÄé²ÈòÎéÅìÂò ú±HÈøÉu ï°Åb ó½Åñ×é G úHÈøÉu 23: They have sorely grieved him, shot at him, The :24 :23 archers hated him: 24: But his bow abode in G ïÈúéÅàFb áÆеÅ{Çå ÏíéßÄwÄç é°ÅìÂòÇb fä±ËîFèÀÑÄjÍÇå fb²HÉøÈå fä±HËøHFøÍÈîÀéÍÇå strength, The arms of his hands were made strong, By the hands of the Mighty One of Yaakov, (From there is í°ÈÒÄî áɽ÷ÂòÇé øé¯ÄáÂà G éHÅãéÄî åé²HÈãÈé é¯ÅòHÉøFæ fg±ÉôÈjÇå ×½{ÀÐÇ÷ the shepherd, the stone of Yisrael), Vaychi: Shabbat Triennial year 2: [4] - © Copyright 2001-2018 Kinnor Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 25: Even by the Almighty of your father, who will :25 help you, By the Omnipotent, who will bless you, G éÇdÇÐ úµÅàFå Ö«HÆøFæÀòÇéFå ÕéCÄáÈà ì¬ÅàÅî ÏìßÅàHÈøÀÑÄé ïÆá°Æà ä±ÆòHÉø With blessings of heaven above, Blessings of the deep that couches beneath, úÆö¯ÆáHÉø í×±äF{ ú°ÉëHÀøÄb ì½ÈòÅî G íÄéGÇîÈÐ úµÉëHÀøÄb Ö½ÆëHFø¯ÈáéÄå Blessings of the breasts and of the womb. 26: The :26 blessings of your father have surpassed the blessings ÎìÇò G føFáÍÈc Õé«ÄáÈà ú¯ÉëHÀøÄb ÏíÇçßHÈøÈå íÄé±HÇãÈÐ ú°ÉëHÀøÄb úÇç²È{ of my parents, The bounty of the age-old hills. They will be on the head of Yoseph, Ðà¯HÉøFì G ÚéGÆéÀäÍÄ{ í²Èì×ò ú¯ÉòÀáÄc ú±ÇåÂàÇ{ÎãÍÇò é½HÇø×ä ú¯ÉëHÀøÄb On the crown of the head of him who was separated from his brothers. ÏåéßÈçÆà øé°ÄæFð ãɱ÷HÀãE÷Àìf ó½Åñ×é Vaychi: Shabbat Triennial year 2: [5] - © Copyright 2001-2018 Kinnor Software, Inc. All rights reserved..
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