reciate m SEE STORY BELOW Weather HOME - M«<}y Wnny MHI mild tod»y, fcl|h 7M0. Fair tonight, low around M. Fair, mild again to- Bed Bonk, Freehold morrow, high 7M0. Outlook Son- Long Branch FINAL day, fair with little temperature 7 change. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 89 DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 90, NO. 57 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15,1967 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE By Red Bank Council, Employees CLEO Members Pay Accord Is Reached Will Stay: Priest By ELINOR MULTER He said that he will continue to cele- Samuel Scalzo, president of the attorney'Stanley Cohen of Long tive to association requests. :ent the second and 3 per cen FREEHOLD — Rev. George. J. Hafner brate mass in the informal manner which By WILLIAM L. HAGEMAN does not expect the members of his ex- RED BANK — Borough Coun- association, called it a fair deal. Branch, at the same time it was It is weighted to give the lower ;he third. has characterized CLEO meetings, despite perimental pariBh to defect despite the the fact that the Bishop barred him from cil and the Municipal Employees The employees didn't get every- circulating a petition to place a end of the pay scale the higher An 11 per cent hike for $5,40C 15 per cent across-the-board In- benefits. danger that they will be excommunicated doing so. Mass is said in homes, all prayers Association have reached agree- thing they wanted, he said, but per year employees, payable from the Catholic Church by Bishop George the package fits council's budget crease on the ballot. "We asked them for more for are improvised and he does not wear vest' ment on the issue of pay raises per cent each of the first twi W. Ahr. ments, Father Hafner explained. tor about 100 borough workers. and the association is happy with The referendum bid will be the little man, and they went years and 3 per cent the thin along with it," Mr. Scalzo said, At a press conference at the American "I have a feeling of sadness about all They will meet tomorrow, and it. dropped if the association tomor- year. Hotel, here, yesterday, the former assistant are expected to commit them- Compromise Sought row passes a resolution binding The increases look like this: this which has come about and it didn't A 10V£ per cent hike for em- pastor of St. James Church, Jamesburg, ex- have to" Father Hafner commented. He selves to a three - year package The association, which is new itself to the three-year plan. A 12 per cent hike for employ- ployees in the $5,50O-$5,60O brack- plained that he and the 26 members of the The plan was offered by coun- ees making under $5,301, payable said that CLEO had been willing to settle of increases averaging 11 per this year, has been negotiating a ket, payable 4 per cent tha first - Christian Layman's Experimental Organiza- for "half a loaf." They had only asked compromise solution through its cil Monday night as an alterna- 5 per cent the first year, 4 per cent. year, y/2 percent the second an tion (CLEO) had done "a great-deal of Bishop Ahr for permission to operate as an 3 per cent the third. ' wrestling with this thing" before deciding to experimental parish. A 10 per cent hike for employ- make their activities public. Some mem- bers dropped from the group when the de- "We realize that the bishop can not ees in the $5,85O-$7,000 bracket, approve a change in the liturgy," he laid, payable 4 per cent the first yeai cision "to «8rface'' was made, Father Haf- ner said. adding that CLEO had petitioned the bish- Safety Barrier Ruled Out and 3 per cent the second an op's Commission on the liturgy' two months third years. At a meeting in Trenton, Wednesday, ago. In their response, the National Confer-., Bishob Ahr refused to meet with any of the ence of Bishops indicated that the liturgical And a 9 per cent hike f o r em lay members of CLEO which he ordered ployees in the J7,200-$7,450 brack changes sought by CLEO will probably disbanded. Father Hafner was ordered to come about in the future, he said. it, payable 3 per cent a yea: return to St. James parish, from which he For Runways at Airport for three years. had resigned. Bishop Ahr gave the group Father Hafner said that Bishop Ahr never Mayor John P. Arnone sail 30 days in which to consider his orders. really answered his request for permission NEW SHREWSBURY - Only ome L. Reed, borough adminis- their density, they become the na- heir avenue end. The slope will council wants the association tc for the experimental parish. be covered with shrubs, and there The CLEO members, scattewd^n Mid- the extension of Red Bank Air- trator. tural habitat of birds as well as commit itself by resolution, anc "He said that some people would be up- would be a two-foot wood piling dlesex, Monmouth and Ocean counties. Will port's runway, it seems, could other wild life, which also are then it will resolve to introduce sets Then he took down the book of Canon' Dirt barriers are prone to hard- barrier at their highest point. get together soon to decide on their course furnish an effective safety bar- hazardous to low flying aircraft. the necessary ordinance, effec- of action. Father Hafner said that at one law and began to read it to me. That's no, en making their effectiveness as To Study One Plan Mr. Schaer maintained that rier against aircraft rolling off a cushion non existent, the reply tive Jan. 1, as soon as it can point they considered an appeal to the Pope, answer," he commented: : On the recommendation of such a barrier would be able to onto Shrewsbury and Hance noted. Wood chips, another sug- be prepared. but this would take years. (See CLEO, Pg. 3, Col. 7j / Francis L. Cooper, council stop an aircraft, rolling to a stop Aves. v gestion, were said to be prone to Precludes Referendum accepted for further considera- after a landing. Wood piling, And this solution, is not at all deteriorate, so they were ruled The compromise precludes tion a proposal from Ulrich H. earth fill and planting for the practical, officials here contend, out. Wooden or steel pole bar- repeat of a 1965 referendum Schaer of 31 Cloverdale Cir. con- barriers would cost the borough A letter replying to Borough riers only tend to increase haz- which police, who are not mem cerning construction of a safety some $13,500, it was estimated. Council's questions about such ards to aircraft, passengers and bers of the association, got a K barrier. Road Project Delayed barriers was received from the crew, although they definitely per cent across-the-board pay in- Federal Aviation Authority's de- would stop an aircraft, it was The Schaer plan proposes two Council postponed acceptance crease. earth inclines at the two ends of Crack U.S. Force partment of transportation. It said. of bids for the reconstruction of Council was bound by the rel rulled out the effectiveness of the runway. They would be 20 Hope Rd. One bid submitted, erendum, but promptly froze pc various types of barriers. The let- The suggestion of shrubs also feet deep, rising from runway lev- was opened at the stipulated time lice wages by another, ordinanci ter was read to council by Jer- was ruled out because, due to el to a height of six feet at of 8 p.m. Before consideration Mr. Cohen advised the associi could proceed, however, it was tion this week that it was n Middletown System Appreciated discovered that several other too late to have its 15 per cen Hits Beach, Foe bidders had presented them- increase placed on the Nove'm selves, in the Borough Hall — as ber ballot, despite a report to the SAIGON (AP) - A crack tillery and mortar duels spanned the same area only two days be- advertised — instead of in the contrary in a county newspaper American Army combat team the demilitarized zone and high- fore. That outfit'had gone into Sycamore School; where the The report said the deadlin stormed ashore from river gun- flying B52 bombers drubbed sus- battle with new green fatigue*. Radar Net Works Out meeting was held. for filing a ballot question Is no\ boats today flushed out 500 hard- pected Red staging areas with and jaunty red scarvei, Indicat- Council unanimously resolved 60 "days- before the vote, bi core guerrillas in the muddy Me- tons of bombs. ing its «llte status. cate the people, primarily." • By NANCY J. kUBINSKI the first-time Wednesday night to postpone acceptance of bids council agreed to put the assi kong delta and locked with them With heavy weather again lim- "Our basic aim is to cut speed- MIDDLETOWN - Police here in various; locations, throughout Until the regular October session, ciation's pay raise to a publi in a bloody battle. iting .missions over North Viet- The battle tdtodayy brokrkee outut; the township. Tickets, were is- ing through education rather are optimistic about the results even though this might jeopar- vote if its petition were subm Initial reports told of continu- nam, U. S. fighter-bombers also shortly after dawn as a' battalion sued to 19 drivers. • than issuing summons," he ex- of a new speed enforcing radar dize some of the road work due ted within the old 40-day deai ing fighting in the'rainswept pad-.
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