%ODHQDYRQ%OXHV$)& 7HOHSKRQH ZZZEELHQ]\PHVFRP *ZHQW&RXQW\/HDJXH'LYLVLRQ2QH ZZZEELHQ]\PHVFRP Fleur-De-Lys Welfare Saturday 8th December 2012 Kick-off at 2.00pm 2IILFLDO0DWFK'D\3URJUDPPHIRU6HDVRQ ..#52'%651(&'5+)0#0&24+06T 106#%6g#46914-ENu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elcome from our Chairman It is a privilege to be elected for the second year as chairman of Blaenavon Blues. What a transformation the last six months has been, we now have our own clubhouse something this club has never had in its 65 years history. We also have a pitch which is one of the best playing surfaces in Gwent. We have also taken over the junior section which is going to be a challenge for us as we hope to achieve better playing surfaces and improve the facilities to give them the best Brewery and Visitors Centre Now Open possible chance to improve and develop into good footballers. on the Gilchrist Thomas Industrial Estate. We have very good coaches at all levels and my thanks to them for taking so much time and commitment to the cause. Supporters of Lastly i thank all my committee members who have worked Blaenavon Blues AFC tirelessly to achieve what we now have. Best of luck to our visitors today and we welcome you into our new clubhouse after the match. Robert Browning Pitchside Banners now available for purchase. Please contact the clubhouse on matchdays for info. %ODHQDYRQ7RZQ&RXQFLO %ODHQDYRQ7RZQ&RXQFLO 3URXGO\6XSSRUWV 3URXGO\6XSSRUWV %ODHQDYRQ·V %ODHQDYRQ·V 2QO\)RRWEDOO&OXE 2QO\)RRWEDOO&OXE %ODHQDYRQ%OXHV$)& %ODHQDYRQ%OXHV$)& :HEVLWHZZZEODHQDYRQJRYXN :HEVLWHZZZEODHQDYRQJRYXN %ODHQDYRQ7RZQ&RXQFLO %ODHQDYRQ7RZQ&RXQFLO Burnsies3URXGO\6XSSRUWV Breakfast Bar 3URXGO\6XSSRUWV %ODHQDYRQ·V %ODHQDYRQ·V Gilchrist Thomas Ind. Est. (Next to2QO\)RRWEDOO&OXE Penry Morgans) 2QO\)RRWEDOO&OXE Phone Patrick on 07989 390281 %ODHQDYRQ%OXHV$)&for orders ready for your pick up! %ODHQDYRQ%OXHV$)& (in about 10 mins) :HEVLWHZZZEODHQDYRQJRYXN :HEVLWHZZZEODHQDYRQJRYXN “Providing a high quality, reliable building service.” Sponsors of the new Blaenavon Blues AFC Players Lounge Reserve Team Kit Sponsor [email protected] • www.pp-builders.co.uk Marie Kellett - Sports Therapist Premier Diploma, member SMA (L3) MASSAGE THERAPY for Clubhouse and Bar SPORTS & OCCUPATIONAL INJURY NOW OPEN Clinics at Fully Licensed CWMBRAN – CARDIFF – PONTYPOOL Tel: 01633 867698 Hot food & Refreshments served Mobile: 07779 015471 from 12pm every saturday Match Report - 17.11.12 The co-operative membership Blaenavon Blues 0 - Dafen Welfare 2 %ODHQDYRQ7RZQ&RXQFLO FAW Trophy - Round 4 Cronfa Gymunedol/Community Fund Hyn sydd i dystiolaethu3URXGO\6XSSRUWV fod / This is to certify that The Blues crashed out of the FAW Trophy at the fourth round stage after a 0-2 victory for the visiting Dafen Welfare of the %ODHQDYRQ·V Carmarthenshire League Premier Division. BLAENAVON 2QO\)RRWEDOO&OXEBLUES AFC The Blues started the game well and enjoyed more than their fair wedi derbyn nawdd gan/ share of possession in the opening quarter of an hour. has been helped by After the early exchanges the visitors got stronger and passed the %ODHQDYRQ%OXHV$)& ball around with confidence. The Co-operative Membership Cronfa Gymunedol/Community Fund After creating numerous chances during the opening 35 minutes :HEVLWHZZZEODHQDYRQJRYXN where Blues keeper’ Lee Jones produced several outstanding saves to keep Dafen at bay, the visitors finally broke the deadlock after a goal mouth scramble when midfielder Dean Jenkins fired home. The west Wales club going in at half time a goal to the good and %ODHQDYRQ7RZQ&RXQFLO fully deserving of their lead. Dean Yemm After some stern words at half time the Blues came out with more vigor, and pressed the opposition, with the Blues enjoying more Mobile3URXGO\6XSSRUWV Catering possession they pushed forward, but found the visitors defence to difficult to break down. %ODHQDYRQ·V Hafodyrynys Road Dafen doubled their lead with ten minutes of the game remaining 2QO\)RRWEDOO&OXE when Andrew Gardner beat Blues keeper’ Jones. Pontypool - Crumlin Dafen were fully deserving of their victory which leaves the Blues out of all cup competitions, which will allow the club to concentrate Food supplier for on securing Gwent County division one football. %ODHQDYRQ%OXHV$)& Blaenavon Blues AFC :HEVLWHZZZEODHQDYRQJRYXN Match Report - 24.11.12 Clydach Wasps 3 - Blaenavon Blues 2 After a week of heavy rain and Saturday’s constant downpour, the game should never have taken place, but at 2pm both sides were on the pitch ready to do a battle in a local derby. The opening half was an even affair as the Blues played some neat pass and move football on a pitch that was holding puddles of water 01.12.12 everywhere, and it was the Blues who took the lead when some nice football put Matt Burns in behind the Wasps defence and the 16 year old coolly beat the home keeper at the near post with a tight angle against him. Clydach came back at the Blues and forced Blues keeper’ Jones into two outstanding saves, but they soon found themselves level when a cross 5 24 28 was well headed Jones again made a superb save only for the follow up to be fired home. Clydach went in at half time a goal to the good after a Cox back pass was miss-judged by Jones in the Blues goal. £100 The Blues battled hard in the mud during the second half and got themselves on level terms when skipper Mikey Waite fired home a free kick. No Winner Clydach again came back at the Blues when a ball wasn’t cleared from the visitor’s defence, the home side capitalised and beat Jones in the Blues goal. Final score 3-2 to Clydach both sides should be given credit for trying £200 to play football on a pitch that should never have been given the all clear to start. Blaenavon Blues are without a fixture on the 1st December due to not being involved in the cup competition. P.I.L.C.S. 22.12.12 2.00pm Gwent Central League Tables 2012-2013 Follow Blaenavon Blues AFC ‘The Blues’ Jgfejfij_`gfggfikle`k`\jXmX`cXYc\ 9cX\eXmfe9cl\j8=:nflc[c`b\pflkfjgfejfilj]fik_\e\nj\Xjfe% Pfl#fipfliZfdgXep#ZXeX[m\ik`j\pfliYlj`e\jjkfk_\dXepjlggfik\ijXe[m`j`k`e^k\Xdjn\ _Xm\fm\ik_\p\Xi% N\ZXef]]\ipflmXi`fljjgfejfij_`ggXZbX^\jXkm\ipi\XjfeXYc\iXk\j% Gc\Xj\j\\k_\i\m\ij\f]k_`jc\XÕ\k]fiXYi`\]`ekif[lZk`fekfk_\mXi`fljgXZbX^\jn\ZXef]]\ipfl% PflZXe_Xm\pflifnecf^ffiX[m\ikgi`ek\[feXepf]k_\Y\cf“Providing a high quality, reliablen`k\dj% building service.” N_`cjkgifdfk`e^pfliYlj`e\jjpfln`ccY\_\cg`e^flkXm\ipnfik_pcfZXc]ffkYXccZclY% G`kZ_j`[\9Xee\ij 8[m\ikfefliN\Yj`k\ Sponsors of the`ek_\DXkZ_[XpGif^iXdd\ new Blaenavon Blues AFC PlayersKiX`e`e^ Lounge Kfgj GcljdXepdfi\ [email protected] • www.pp-builders.co.ukJ\\fm\ic\X]]fi[\kX`cj Marie Kellett - Sports Therapist Premier Diploma, member SMA (L3) MASSAGE THERAPY for SPORTS & OCCUPATIONAL INJURY Clinics at CWMBRAN – CARDIFF – PONTYPOOL Tel: 01633 862800Tel: 01633 • www.fm-group.co.uk 867698 “Proud SponsorsMobile: of 07779 Blaenavon 015471 Blues AFC” Fleur-De-Lys Welfare Club History Fleur-De-Lys Welfare Afc were formed in 1926 and played their football in the South Gwent County League Wales Amateur League. They were very successful and won the South Wales Amateur Cup, The South Wales Amateur league, Corinthion Cup and Monmouthshire Cup. Division One The club switched leagues in the 6o’s to the newly formed Mon Senior League. In the 70’s the league changed its name to the Gwent County League, Fleur played in this 2012 - 2013 league until the 80’s where after years of struggle they dropped down to the North Gwent League. Under the management of Bev Barnett they bounced back to the Gwent County League Table league in two seasons winning both North Gwent Leagues and cups and going undefeated all season. Fleur then took the Gwent County by storm and within fi ve years they climbed from the third division to fi nishing third in the fi rst division and missed out on promotion to the Welsh league in the last week of the season. The years had took its toll on this side and the whole team broke up two seasons later. The club was then took over by Cwmfelinfach who changed the clubs name to Crusaders and this was the beginning of the end of Fleur-de-lys Welfare Afc and they slid down the leagues and out of business within seven seasons. In 2007 they joined the North Gwent Premier League having taken over the Castle Football team, they then brought in quality players and in their fi rst season won the North Gwent Premier League only to lose out on promotion to the Gwent County league after defeat in the play offs.
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