SEPHARDIC CUSTOMS Sephardic Pizmonim Project 2009 Annual Report David M. Betesh he Sephardic Pizmonim Project would like to update T you on its website (pizmon- im.com), activities and accom- plishments over the past year. The project, which was founded in September 2002, is dedicated to the preservation of the liturgical tradi- tions of the Sephardic Middle Eastern Jewish community, specifi- cally the material in our community’s red “Shir Ushbaha Hallel VeZimrah” pizmonim book. Approximately 73,000 people from around the globe have visited the website since 2006, and almost 20,000 visited the website in the last year alone. The main objective of the proj- ect is to preserve our pizmonim through recording them as soon as possible. To facilitate this objective, we have the Pizmonim Preservation Checklist featured on the main page of the website with a list of songs We request that all our readers none other than the great composer whose melodies are still missing. look carefully at the songs on this of pizmonim, Hacham Refael Antebi Progress has been made over the checklist, because perhaps one of Tabbush. In regards to the last item last few years since the list’s incep- these songs may have been written mentioned, we would like to thank tion. Back in 2006, there were 220 in honor of your family's happy Hacham Aaron Hamaoui of the missing pizmonim (out of about a occasion and perhaps you may Sephardic Community of Greater thousand in total). This number has know someone in your family with Boston, for sharing his family's pre- been reduced in subsequent years knowledge of the song. If anyone cious emblem (a manuscript that has to 190 in 2007, 130 in 2008, and happens to know any of the songs, been in his personal safe) with us in now 117 in 2009. We would like to please contact us through the web- order lezacot et harabim (for the thank the following individuals for site and help us reduce the number merit of everyone in the community). their efforts in reviewing our check- of missing songs. Just as an aside, Hacham list and/or providing us with their An innovation of the website is Hamaoui told us the story behind his knowledge of certain missing piz- the archives section. Many historical grandfather's pizmonim book. monim: Joseph Bijou, Morris documents have been scanned and Legend has it that in the 1880s in Elmann, Joey E. Mosseri, Isaac J. are now available to the general Egypt, Eliahou Hamaoui was the Cabasso, Yehiel Nahari public. These include three very student of the great composer of (Jerusalem), Shlomo Shemer important works: Mahzor Aram Soba pizmonim, Hacham Refael Antebi (Panama), Menahem Mustachi, from 1560 (Musta'arabi Rite), Tabbush. Since Tabbush was blind, Aaron S. Hamaoui (Boston), Uri Hakham Moshe Ashear's handwrit- Hamaoui would walk with him from Amram (Jerusalem), Morris Arking, ten hazzanut notes from the last place to place. When Tabbush Alan Kishk, Morris G. Zeitouni, Joe three years of his life, and the piz- would hear a nice melody in a coffee Saff, Ezra C. Ashkenazi, and Moe A. monim book of H. Eliahou Hamaoui house or the shuk, using his Tawil. (late 1880s) as dictated to him by Continued on page 2 SEPHARDIC CUSTOMS Pizmonim... Continued from page 1 prophetic and genious mind, he book), and then (in simplified termi- the permission to use their artwork would immediately come up with nology) provided an educated spec- and texts from the pizmonim book Hebrew words for the melody. When ulation (based on traditional for the website. the two arrived home, Tabbush sources) as to why that maqam was This year the winner of our would dictate to his student Hebrew chosen for that parashah. Special annual pizmonim contest was words to the Arabic melodies heard thanks to Hakcam Mordechai Nadaf Murray E. Mizrachi with his rendition on the street and this is how the and the late Gabriel A. Shrem for of the pizmon yahid ram hai le'olam majority of his pizmonim were born. teaching this material to their many on page 216. Special thanks to Abie This manuscript is essentially the students throughout the community. Betesh for organizing this contest. first draft of many of the pizmonim For those who attend selected syna- Each year, the High Holiday that we have today. gogues, you may have noticed the section (a page with all the record- In regards to the works of the maqam of the week feature on your ings for Rosh Hashanah and Yom great hazzanim, Hacham Moshe weekly bulletins. This, too, is one of Kippur) gets dedicated in memory of Ashear and Gabriel A. Shrem, many our undertakings, as an offshoot of a special individual who has passed of their detailed personal notes of the articles written in IMAGE. If you away over the last year. This individ- which melodies to use for which are interested in signing your syna- ual is honored because he or she Shabbats and holidays are available gogue up to include the maqam of represents the best character traits on the website. The Pizmonim the week feature on their weekly and values that we, as a community, Project would like to acknowledge bulletin, please contact us via the strive to emulate. The High Holiday the numerous contributions of Joey website (appoval of the president of page for 2009 was dedicated in lov- E. Mosseri, an individual second to the synagogue is recommended). ing memory of Joseph Savdie none when it comes to the knowl- Another new and unique feature (Yosef Hayeem Ben Regine edge of our traditions. Through the in the weekly maqam section is the Savdie). May his memory be perpet- avenue of the Sephardic Hazzanut compilation of many different ually blessed. Forum (www.hazzanutforum.com), parashah-maqam lists from the late Baruch Hashem! All of the pro- Joey educates community members 1880s to present. Whereas the red ject's goals for 2009 have been met on a daily basis about questions that pizmonim book (1964) has one such with outstanding results. We attrib- arise in hazzanut, halacha, prayers, list on page 565, this source is ute our success as an organization traditions, and Sephardic Middle merely one opinion in the company to a revival of tradition that is cur- Eastern culture. We encourage all of numerous other opinions. There rently taking place throughout the serious students to join this are many older lists that predate the Sephardic world and specifically, Hazzanut Forum and contribute as red book and often disagree with the throughout our community. As the you see fit. Joey has been instru- list on which maqam to use for world grows more and more secular mental in reviving traditions and piz- which Shabbat. Our weekly maqam with the culture of assimilation pres- monim that were thought to have section has 15 such authentic lists ent in our cities, the Sephardic died years ago. This project would from various historical sources. Jewish community has something not exist without his day to day con- Thanks to Joey Mosseri for provid- precious that the rest of the world tributions. ing access to some of his historical seems to lack. Our ancient pizmon- This year, special attention has manuscripts. im, our unique liturgical traditions, been devoted to the weekly maqam A lot of effort has been made to our strong sense of community, our section. For those that read this assure that the website is techno- Sephardic heritage, and our holy publication consistently, you may logically up-to-date and organized in Torah is our inheritance that unites have noticed one of the five maqam a user-friendly manner. We would us with purpose, provides immunity of the week articles that were written like to thank the following individuals for us from some of the world's neg- throughout the year. There were five for their technological assistance ative influences, and most impor- articles corresponding to the Five and advice: Ricky Hidary, Sam tantly, serves as a direct link to con- Books of Moses—Bereshit, Shemot, Franco, Charlie Shrem, Victor nect us with our esteemed forefa- Vayiqra, Bemidbar and Debarim. In Betesh (Boston), Simon Tabbush thers. each of these articles, we went (London), Barry Mizrachi (Los David M. Betesh, a contributing writer to through each parashah, stated the Angeles), and Paul Morris Arking. IMAGE. He is the president of the Sephardic maqam for that week (in accordance We would like to thank the Pizmonim Project and a student at Tufts to page 565 in the red pizmonim Sephardic Heritage Foundation for University School of Dental Medicine..
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