FTT_FC_Final.indd 1 2/13/19 12:17 PM WELCOME hank you for picking up a copy of the Western PA Local Food Guide! This annual publication will help you access the delicious, fresh Tlocal food grown and produced by our neighboring farms. There are so many options for you to fill your plate with healthy, local food. According to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, farmers receive only 14.8 percent of every food dollar — shopping local can help turn that percentage to 100. The Southwestern PA Planning Commission published a Local Food Supply Chain report in 2015 about the 10 counties around Allegheny County. It states that “if economic activity in the supply chain can be increased by 10 percent, the region would add $4 billion in business activity and 33,000 new jobs.” You can eat local all year round: A breakfast of eggs sourced from a local hen house with pasture-raised chickens; bread from a small, home bakery with an old Italian recipe; milk delivered to your door from grass-fed cows in the neighboring county. Farm to Table Western PA is here to help you figure it out. Visit our website, farmtotablepa.com, for an updated listing of farms, farmers markets, CSAs and retail outlets. You can also download our mobile app for our updated directory — look in Google Play or the Apple store under Buy Fresh Buy Local Western PA. Special thanks to The Heinz Endowments for providing funding and to CRAFT Chatham University, which helped to compile the inventory of local farms. Erin Hart Director, Farm to Table Western PA [email protected] @FTTPittsburgh @Farm2TablePgh Farm to Table Western PA Farm2TablePGH @ftt_pittsburgh farmtotablepa.com #buyfreshbuylocal #keepitrealkeepitlocal FTT19_C2_ErinsPage.indd 2 2/18/19 4:36 PM EatLOCALFOOD 1 Local food translates to more variety. Buying locally grown food is fodder for a wonderful story. Eating local means more for the local economy. Locally grown produce is fresher. Local food just plain tastes better. Local food builds community. Eating local is healthier for you. Buying local food keeps us in touch with the seasons. Eating local supports a clean environment. Supporting local preserves open space. FARMTOTABLEPA.COM 1 FTT19_01_10Reasons.indd 1 2/15/19 2:24 PM TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLES LISTINGS 11 CSA�� s FOOD RESOURCES FOR THE BENEFITS OF 8 22 RESIDENTS ORGANIC GRAINS AND STONE MILLING PRODUCERS + 16 USING LOCAL 29 OUTLETS PRODUCE FOOD PANTRY 24 TO NOURISH THE BODY DONATION TIPS AND HEAL DISEASE FOOD IS LIFE; FOOD 26 45 COUNTY FAIRS 18 HERITAGE BREEDS & CO-OPS SUPPORT HEIRLOOM SEEDS, LOCAL MORE THAN A HOT FOOD TREND 27 GROWING UP LOCAL 49 RECIPES 20 SUPPORTING THE LOCAL FOOD DISCOVER LOCAL 48 ECONOMY PRODUCTS 56 EVENTS ADVERTISERS 3 GROW PITTSBURGH 42 CHATHAM UNIVERSITY GREATER PITTSBURGH COMMUNITY SUSTAINABLE PITTSBURGH 4 43 FOOD BANK 412 FOOD RESCUE 9 44 JUST HARVEST NORTH HILLS COMMUNITY OUTREACH 10 46 ALL-CLAD THE PROGRESS FUND PITTSBURGH MAGAZINE’S BEST 15 46 RESTAURANTS PARTY DON’S APPLIANCES 17 47 THE FAMILY COW ETHICAL FARMING FUND 19 53 EAST END FOOD CO-OP FARM TO TABLE MEMBERSHIP GREEN MOUNTAIN ENERGY 23 INFORMATION 56 INSIDE FRESH FEST BEER FEST WESTERN PA LOCAL FOOD GUIDE 25 BACK MOBILE APP COVER 28 NORTH HILLS CARES BACK PA PREFERRED COVER 2 LOCAL FOOD GUIDE 2019 FTT19_02_TOC.indd 2 2/18/19 4:51 PM SERIESSERIESSERIES MarchMarchMarch 16: 16:16: Seed SeedSeed Starting StartingStarting LearnLearnLearn the thethe skills skillsskills and andand tools toolstools that thatthat you youyou need needneed to toto start startstart your youryour own ownown seedlings seedlingsseedlings at atat home homehome this thisthis year. year.year. Topics TopicsTopics willwillwill include includeinclude choosing choosingchoosing the thethe proper properproper soil, soil,soil, crops, crops,crops, trays, trays,trays, pots potspots and andand lighting lightinglighting along alongalong with withwith a aa hands-on hands-onhands-on seed-plantingseed-plantingseed-planting activity. activity.activity. Each EachEach participant participantparticipant will willwill be bebe able ableable to toto start startstart their theirtheir own ownown 6-pack 6-pack6-pack seedling seedlingseedling and andand leaveleaveleave with withwith the thethe skills skillsskills to toto get getget started startedstarted right rightright away. away.away. AprilAprilApril 7: 7:7: Ollas: Ollas:Ollas: Creating CreatingCreating Unglazed UnglazedUnglazed Clay ClayClay Pots PotsPots for forfor Garden GardenGarden Irrigation IrrigationIrrigation WhatWhatWhat is isis an anan olla ollaolla you youyou ask? ask?ask? It’s It’sIt’s an anan unglazed unglazedunglazed vessel vesselvessel used usedused to toto irrigate irrigateirrigate your youryour garden gardengarden or oror household householdhousehold plants.plants.plants. Just JustJust place placeplace it itit in inin your youryour garden gardengarden bed bedbed and andand fill fillfill it itit with withwith water. water.water. The TheThe water waterwater seeps seepsseeps through throughthrough the thethe wallswallswalls of ofof the thethe vessel vesselvessel and andand reaches reachesreaches the thethe roots rootsroots of ofof the thethe plants.In plants.Inplants.In this thisthis two twotwo hour hourhour workshop workshopworkshop you youyou will willwill learnlearnlearn how howhow to toto use useuse the thethe coil-building coil-buildingcoil-building method methodmethod to toto hand-build hand-buildhand-build your youryour own ownown olla ollaolla using usingusing earthenware earthenwareearthenware clay. clay.clay. MayMayMay 19: 19:19: Container ContainerContainer Gardening GardeningGardening Don’tDon’tDon’t have havehave space spacespace for forfor a aa full fullfull garden? garden?garden? Learn LearnLearn the thethe basics basicsbasics of ofof growing growinggrowing vegetables vegetablesvegetables in inin pots, pots,pots, including includingincluding sitesitesite selection, selection,selection, possibilities possibilitiespossibilities for forfor pots, pots,pots, making makingmaking potting pottingpotting mixes mixesmixes and andand choosing choosingchoosing what whatwhat to toto grow growgrow for forfor spring,spring,spring, summer summersummer and andand fall fallfall enjoyment. enjoyment.enjoyment. Participants ParticipantsParticipants will willwill receive receivereceive one oneone starter starterstarter seedling seedlingseedling and andand plans plansplans for forfor aaa simple simplesimple self-watering self-wateringself-watering container. container.container. JuneJuneJune 13: 13:13: Urban UrbanUrban Chicken ChickenChicken Keeping KeepingKeeping ThereThereThere are areare many manymany great greatgreat benefits benefitsbenefits to toto raising raisingraising chickens chickenschickens in inin your youryour backyard. backyard.backyard. Chickens ChickensChickens are areare inexpensive inexpensiveinexpensive andandand easy easyeasy to toto maintain, maintain,maintain, and andand their theirtheir eggs eggseggs are areare fresh, fresh,fresh, great-tasting great-tastinggreat-tasting & && nutritious. nutritious.nutritious. Participants ParticipantsParticipants will willwill leaveleaveleave this thisthis workshop workshopworkshop with withwith the thethe knowledge knowledgeknowledge they theythey need needneed to toto raise raiseraise their theirtheir own ownown flock. flock.flock. AugustAugustAugust 22: 22:22: Pest PestPest Identification IdentificationIdentification OnOnOn this thisthis interactive interactiveinteractive pest pestpest ID IDID walk, walk,walk, learn learnlearn about aboutabout non-chemical non-chemicalnon-chemical controls controlscontrols such suchsuch as asas floating floatingfloating row rowrow covers,covers,covers, planting plantingplanting times, times,times, & && resistant resistantresistant varieties. varieties.varieties. Also, Also,Also, learn learnlearn the thethe proper properproper use useuse of ofof organic organicorganic chemical chemicalchemical controls,controls,controls, like likelike insecticidal insecticidalinsecticidal soap. soap.soap. ...and...and...and many manymany more! more!more! DatesDatesDates and andand details detailsdetails of ofof workshops workshopsworkshops are areare subject subjectsubject to toto change. change.change. For ForFor more moremore information informationinformation and andand a aa complete completecomplete list listlist of ofof 2019 20192019 workshops, workshops,workshops, visit visitvisit growpittsburgh.org/eventsgrowpittsburgh.org/eventsgrowpittsburgh.org/events or oror contact contactcontact Denele DeneleDenele Hughson HughsonHughson at atat [email protected]@[email protected]. GROWGROWGROW PITTSBURGH.ORG PITTSBURGH.ORGPITTSBURGH.ORG • •• 6587 65876587 HAMILTON HAMILTONHAMILTON AVENUE AVENUEAVENUE #2W, #2W,#2W, PITTSBURGH, PITTSBURGH,PITTSBURGH, PA PAPA 15206 1520615206 • •• 412.362.4769 412.362.4769412.362.4769 GrowPittsburgh_fp.indd 1 2/15/19 2:27 PM You like to go out to eat. YOU VALUE SUSTAINABILITY. Over 100 Restaurants WAITING ON YOU. Look for the designations at restaurants to see who’s part of the growing community! FTT19_04x07_SustainablePittsburgh.indd 4 2/14/19 9:31 AM WHAT IS A SUSTAINABLE PITTSBURGH RESTAURANT? From establishing community In order to earn Sustainable Pittsburgh gardens to installing commercial Restaurant designation, a restaurant completes grade composting systems to a self-assessment of business practices that retrofitting bikes for meal deliveries, measures performance across six areas of Sustainable Pittsburgh Restaurants are at the
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