ORIENTALIA LOVANIENSIA ANALECTA Xerxes and Babylonia The Cuneiform Evidence edited by CAROLINE WAERZEGGERS and MAARJA SEIRE PEETERS XERXES AND BABYLONIA: THE CUNEIFORM EVIDENCE ORIENTALIA LOVANIENSIA ANALECTA ————— 277 ————— XERXES AND BABYLONIA The Cuneiform Evidence edited by CAROLINE WAERZEGGERS and MAARJA SEIRE PEETERS LEUVEN – PARIS – BRISTOL, CT 2018 A catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. © 2018, Peeters Publishers, Bondgenotenlaan 153, B-3000 Leuven/Louvain (Belgium) This is an open access version of the publication distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs licence (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/), which permits non-commercial reproduction and distribution of the work, in any medium, provided the original work is not altered or transformed in any way, and that the work is properly cited. ISBN 978-90-429-3670-6 eISBN 978-90-429-3809-7 D/2018/0602/119 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABBREVIATIONS . VII CAROLINE WAERZEGGERS Introduction: Debating Xerxes’ Rule in Babylonia . 1 REINHARD PIRNGRUBER Towards a Framework for Interpreting Social and Economic Change in Babylonia During the Long 6th Century BCE . 19 MAŁGORZATA SANDOWICZ Before Xerxes: The Role of the Governor of Babylonia in the Administration of Justice Under the First Achaemenids . 35 MICHAEL JURSA Xerxes: The Case of Sippar and the Ebabbar Temple . 63 KARLHEINZ KESSLER Uruk: The Fate of the Eanna Archive, the Gimil-Nanāya B Archive, and Their Archaeological Evidence . 73 CAROLINE WAERZEGGERS The Network of Resistance: Archives and Political Action in Baby- lonia Before 484 BCE . 89 MATHIEU OSSENDRIJVER Babylonian Scholarship and the Calendar During the Reign of Xerxes . 135 JOHANNES HACKL The Esangila Temple During the Late Achaemenid Period and the Impact of Xerxes’ Reprisals on the Northern Babylonian Temple Households . 165 PAUL-ALAIN BEAULIEU Uruk Before and After Xerxes: The Onomastic and Institutional Rise of the God Anu . 189 ABBREVIATIONS ADOG Abhandlungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft ADRT 1 A.J. Sachs and H. Hunger, AstronomicalDiariesandRelatedTextsfrom Babylonia,Vol.I:Diariesfrom652B.C.to262B.C.(ADRT 1), Vienna 1988. ADRT 2 A.J. Sachs and H. Hunger, AstronomicalDiariesandRelatedTextsfrom Babylonia,Vol.II:Diariesfrom261B.C.to165B.C. (ADRT 2), Vienna 1989. ADRT 5 H. Hunger, Astronomical Diaries and Related Texts from Babylonia, Vol.V:LunarandPlanetaryTexts(ADRT 5), Vienna 2001. ADRT 6 H. Hunger, Astronomical Diaries and Related Texts from Babylonia, Vol.VI:Goal-YearTexts(ADRT 6), Vienna 2006. AfO ArchivfürOrientforschung AHES ArchiveforHistoryofExactSciences AJSL AmericanJournalofSemiticLanguagesandLiteratures AMI ArchäologischeMitteilungenausIran Amherst A. Ungnad, “Neubabylonische Privaturkunden aus der Sammlung Amherst”, AfO 19 (1959–1960), 74–82. AnOr Analecta Orientalia AnOr 8 P.A. Pohl, NeubabylonischeRechtsurkundenausdenBerlinerStaatlichen Museen(AnOr 8), Rome 1933. AOAT Alter Orient und Altes Testament AoF AltorientalischeForschungen ArOr ArchivOrientální ARTA AchaemenidResearchonTextsandArchaeology ASSF Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae AUWE Ausgrabungen in Uruk-Warka, Endberichte AUWE 5 E. Gehlken, Uruk:SpätbabylonischeWirtschaftstexteausdemEanna- Archiv,TeilI:TexteverschiedenenInhalts (AUWE 5), Mainz 1990. AUWE 11 E. Gehlken, Uruk:SpätbabylonischeWirtschaftstexteausdemEanna- Archiv, Teil II:TexteverschiedenenInhalts (AUWE 11), Mainz 1996. BaAr Babylonische Archive BagM BaghdaderMitteilungen BASOR BulletinoftheAmericanSchoolsofOrientalResearch BBSt L.W. King, BabylonianBoundaryStonesandMemorial-Tabletsinthe BritishMuseum, London 1912. BE The Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania: Series A. Cuneiform Texts BE 8 A.T. Clay, LegalandCommercialTransactionsDatedintheAssyrian, Neo-BabylonianandPersianPeriods,ChieflyfromNippur(BE 8), Phil- adelphia 1908. BE 9 A.T. Clay, BusinessDocumentsofMurashûSonsofNippurDatedinthe ReignofArtaxerxesI(464–424B.C.) (BE 9), Philadelphia 1898. BE 10 A.T. Clay, BusinessDocumentsofMurashûSonsofNippurDatedinthe ReignofDariusII(424–404B.C.) (BE 10), Philadelphia 1904. VIII ABBREVIATIONS BIN Babylonian Inscriptions in the Collection of James B. Nies BIN 1 C. E. Keiser, BabylonianInscriptionsintheCollectionofJamesB.Nies. I: Letters and Contracts from Erech Written in the Neo-Babylonian Period(BIN 1), New Haven 1919. BIN 2 J.B. Nies and C.E. Keiser, Historical,ReligiousandEconomicTextsand Antiquities(BIN 2), New Haven and London 1920. BiOr BibliothecaOrientalis BOR TheBabylonian&OrientalRecord:AMonthlyMagazineoftheAntiqui- tiesoftheEast BOR 4 T.G. Pinches, “A Babylonian Tablet Dated in the Reign of Aspasinē”, BOR 4 (1889–1890), 131–135. BRM Babylonian Records in the Library of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1–4 BWL W.G. Lambert, BabylonianWisdomLiterature, Oxford 1960. BZAW Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft CAD The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago Camb. J.N. Strassmaier, InschriftenvonCambyses,KönigvonBabylon(529–521 v.Chr.)(Babylonische Texte 8–9), Leipzig 1890. CDOG Colloquien der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft CHANE Culture and History of the Ancient Near East CleO Classica et Orientalia CM Cuneiform Monographs CT Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum CTMMA Cuneiform Texts in the Metropolitan Museum of Art CTMMA 4 I. Spar and M. Jursa, TheEbabbarTempleArchiveandOtherTextsfrom theFourthtotheFirstMillenniumB.C. (CTMMA 4), New York and Winona Lake 2014. CUSAS Cornell University Studies in Assyriology and Sumerology Cyr. J.N. Strassmaier, InschriftenvonCyrus,KönigvonBabylon(538–529v. Chr.) (Babylonische Texte 7), Leipzig 1890. Dar. J.N. Strassmaier, InschriftenvonDarius,KönigvonBabylon(521–485 v.Chr.)(Babylonische Texte 10–12), Leipzig 1892–1897. DMOA Documenta et monumenta Orientis antiqui FAOS Freiburger altorientalische Studien FuB ForschungenundBerichte,StaatlicheMuseenzuBerlin GCCI Goucher College Cuneiform Inscriptions GCCI 1 R.P. Dougherty, ArchivesfromErech1:TimeofNebuchadnezzarand Nabonidus(GCCI 1), New Haven and London 1923. GCCI 2 R.P. Dougherty, ArchivesfromErech2:Neo-BabylonianandPersian Periods (GCCI 2), New Haven and London 1933. GMTR Guides to the Mesopotamian Textual Record GMTR 1 M. Jursa, Neo-BabylonianLegalandAdministrativeDocuments: Typol- ogy,ContentsandArchives (GMTR 1), Münster 2005. HANE/M History of the Ancient Near East Monographs ICDOG Internationales Colloquium der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft IOS IsraelOrientalStudies Iraq 43 G.J.P. McEwan, “Arsacid temple records”, Iraq 43 (1981), 131–143. JAOS JournaloftheAmericanOrientalSociety JCS JournalofCuneiformStudies JEA JournalofEgyptianArchaeology ABBREVIATIONS IX JESHO JournaloftheEconomicandSocialHistoryoftheOrient JNES JournalofNearEasternStudies JRAS JournaloftheRoyalAsiaticSociety JTS JournalofTheologicalStudies LBAT A.J. Sachs, T.G. Pinches and J.N. Strassmaier, LateBabylonianAstro- nomicalandRelatedTexts,Providence 1955. LKU A. Falkenstein, LiterarischeKeilschrifttexteausUruk, Berlin 1931. MC Mesopotamian Civilizations MR C. Waerzeggers, Marduk-rēmanni:LocalNetworksandImperialPolitics inAchaemenidBabylonia (OLA 233), Leuven 2014. NABU NouvellesAssyriologiquesBrèvesetUtilitaires Nbk. J.N. Strassmaier, InschriftenvonNabuchodonosor,KönigvonBabylon (604–561v.Chr.)(Babylonische Texte 5–6), Leipzig 1889. Nbn. J.N. Strassmaier, InschriftenvonNabonidus,KönigvonBabylon(555– 538v.Chr.)(Babylonische Texte 1–4), Leipzig 1889. OECT Oxford Editions of Cuneiform Texts OECT 10 G.J.P. McEwan, LateBabylonianTextsintheAshmoleanMuseum(OECT 10), Oxford 1984. OIP Oriental Institute Publications OIP 114 S.W. Cole, NippurIV:TheEarlyNeo-BabylonianGovernorʼsArchive fromNippur (OIP 114), Chicago 1996. OIP 122 D.B. Weisberg, Neo-BabylonianTextsintheOrientalInstituteCollection (OIP 122), Chicago 2003. OLA Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta OLP OrientaliaLovaniensiaPeriodica PBS Publications of the Babylonian Section, University of Pennsylvania PBS 2/1 A.T. Clay, BusinessDocumentsofMurashuSonsofNippur:Datedinthe ReignofDariusII (PBS 2/1), Philadelphia 1912. PCPS ProceedingsoftheCambridgePhilologicalSociety PD56 R.A. Parker and W.H. Dubberstein, BabylonianChronology,626B.C.– A.D.75 (Brown University Studies 19), Providence 1956. PIHANS Publications de l’Institut historique et archéologique néerlandais de Stam- boul RA Revued’assyriologieetd’archéologieorientale RAI Rencontre assyriologique internationale RGTC Répertoire Géographique des Textes Cunéiformes RIAA L. Speleers, Recueil des inscriptions de l’Asieantérieure des Musées RoyauxduCinquantenaireàBruxelles:Textessumériens,babyloniens etassyriens, Brussels 1925. RlA ReallexikonderAssyriologie RMA R.C. Thompson, TheReportsoftheMagiciansandAstrologersofNine- vehandBabylonintheBritishMuseum,Vol.1–2, London 1900. ROMCT Royal Ontario Museum, Cuneiform Texts ROMCT 2 G.J.P. McEwan, The Late Babylonian Tablets in the Royal Ontario Museum (ROMCT 2), Toronto 1982. SAA State Archives of Assyria SAA 8 H. Hunger, AstrologicalReportstoAssyrianKings (SAA 8), Helsinki 1992. SAA 10 S. Parpola, LettersfromAssyrianandBabylonianScholars(SAA 10), Helsinki 1993. X ABBREVIATIONS SAOC Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization SBLANEM Society of Biblical Literature Ancient Near Eastern Monographs SCIAMVS Sources and Commentaries in Exact Sciences SCT C.H. Gordon, SmithCollegeTablets:110CuneiformTextsSelectedfrom theCollegeCollection (Smith College Studies in History 38), Northamp- ton 1952. SPAW Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preußischen Akademie
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