1928 CONGRESSIONAL REOORD~ENATE 147I Sunday observance legislation and J)articularly against House Lankford bill, or any similar compulsory Sunday observance' bill 78 ; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. legislation ; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. 1605. Also, petition of numerous · citizens of Superior, Wis., 1627. Also, petition of numerous citizens of Enterprise and La: ' protesting against the enactment of compulsory Sunday observ­ Grande, Oreg., pl"t>testing against enactment of Bouse bill 78, ance legislation, and particularly against House bill 78; to the the Lankford bill, or any similar compulsory Sunday observance Committee on the District of Columbia. legislation; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. ~606. Also, petition of numerous citizens of Clear Lake, Wis., 1628. By Mr. SWING: Petition of citizens of San Diego protesting against the enactment of compulsory Sunday observ­ County, Calif., protesting against compulsory ·sunday observance ance legislation, and particularly against House bill 78; to the laws; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. Committee on the District of Columbia. 1629. Also, petition of citizens of Escondido and San Diego 1607. Also, petition of numerous citizens of Clayton, Wis., County, Calif., protesting against compulsory Sunday observ­ protesting against the enactment of compulsory Sunday legisla­ ance laws; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. tion, and particularly against House bill 78; to the Committee 1630. Also, petition of citizens of San Diego, Calif., protesting on the District of Columbia. against compulsory Sunday observance laws; to the Committee 1608. .Also, petition of numerous citizens of Brule, 'Vis., pro­ on the District of Columbia. testing against the enactment of compulsory Sunday observance 1631. Also, petition of citizens of San Diego County, Calif., legislation, and particularly against Housa bill 78 ; to the protesting against compulsory Sunday observance laws; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. Committee on the District of Columbia. 1609. Also, petition of numerous citizens of Iron River, Wis., 1632. Also, petition of citizens of San Diego, Calif., protest· protesting against the enactment of compulsory Sunday observ­ ing against compulsory Sunday observance laws; to the Com· ance legislation, and particularly aga.inst House bill 78; to the mittee on the District of Columbia. • Committee on the District of Columbia. 1633. Also, petition of citizens of San Bernardino County, 1610. Also, petition of numerous citizens of South Range, Wis., Calif., protesting against compulsory Sunday observance laws; prote ting against the enactment of compulsory Sunday legisla­ to the Committee on .the District of Columbia. tion, and particularly against House bill 78; to the Committee 1634. By 1\lr. TINKHAl\1: Resolutions of Ancient and Honor­ on the District of Columbia. able Artillery Company of Massachusetts, indorsing the holding 1611. Also, petition of numerous citizens of Tripoli, Wis., annually of the national rifle matches and urging the appropria­ protesting against the enactment of compulsory Sunday observ­ tion of the necessary funds; to the Committee on Military ance legislation, and particularly against House bill 78; to the Affairs. Committee on the District of Columbia. 1635. By Mr. TREADWAY: Petition of citizens of Williams­ 1612. Also, petition of numerous citizens of Brantwood, Wis., burg, Mass., protesting against the passage of the Lankford protesting against the enactment of compulsory Sunday observ­ Sunday closing bill; to the Committee on the District of ance legislation, and particularly against Honse bill 78; to the Columbia. Committee on the District of Columbia. 1636. By Mr. VINCENT of Michigan: Petition signed by resi­ .. 1613. Also, ·petition of numerous citizens of Three Lukes, Wis., dents of Pewamo, Mich., urging early action on a bill granting protesting against the enactment of compulsory Sunday observ­ more liberal pensions to veterans of the Civil War and their ance legislation, and particularly against House bill 78;. to the widGws; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Committee on the District of Columbia. · 1637. Also, petition of 51 residents of the eighth congressional 1614. Also, petition of numerous citizens of Eagle River, district of Michigan, protesting against the pa sage of House 'Vis., protesting against the enacbnent of compulsory Sunday bill 78 or any other bill providing for compulsory Sunday observance legislation, and particularly against House bill 78; observance legislation; to . the Committee on the District of to the Committee on the District of Columbia. Columbia. 1615. Also, petition of ·numerous citizens of Trego, Wis~, pro­ 1638. By Mr. WILLIAMSON: Petition of C. A. Stewart and testing against the enactment of- compulsory Sunday legisla­ other residents of Hot Springs, S. Dak., against compulsory ti:..tt, and particularly against House bill 78; to the Committee Sunday observance; to the Committee on the District of Colum­ on the District of Columbia. bia·. · ·1616. Also, petition of numerous citizens of Spooner, Wis., 1639. Also, petition of C. E. Perrin and other residents of protesting against the enacbnent of compulsory Sunday ob­ Ouster, S. Dak., protesting against compulsory Sunday obs~rv­ servance legislation, and particularly against House bill 78 ; to• ance; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. the Committee on the District of Columbia. 1640. Also, petition of Camille W. Yuill and other residents, 1617. Also, petition of numerous citizens of Rhinelander, of Ouster, S. Dak., protesting against compulsory Sunday Wis., protesting against the enactment of compulsory Sunday observance; to the Committee on the District of Colum­ observance legislation, and particul'arly against House bill 78; bia. to the Committee on the District of Columbia. 1641. Also, petition of G. R. McColley and other residents, of 1618. By Mr. RAMSEYER: Petition of citizens of Keswick, Edgemont, S. Dak., protesting against compulsory Sunday ob­ Iowa, favoring increase of pension for soldiers of the Civil servance ; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. War and their widows ; to the Comimttee on Invalid Pensions. 1642. Also, petition of E. G. Olsen and other residents, of 1619. Also, petition of residents of Eddyville, Iowa, protesting Hot Springs, S. Dak., protesting against compulsory Sunday against the enactment of any compulsory Sunday observance observance: to the Committee on the District of Columbia. legislation ; to the Committee on the District of Oolumbia. 16:1:3. Also, petition of J. E. Mueller and other residents, of 1620. By Mr. REED of New York: Petition of residents of Hot Springs, S. Dak., protesting against compulsory Sunday Oeleron and· Silver Creek, N. Y.; indorsing Civil War pension observance; to the Committee on the District ·of Columbia. bill; to t11e Committee on Invalid Pensions. 1644. By Mr. WINGO : Petition of citizens of Midland, Ark., 1621. Also, petition of residents of Jamestown, Olean, and protesting against passage of Lankford Sunday observance bill ; Falconer, N. Y.; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. to the Committee on the District of Columbia. 1622. By 1\Ir. ROl\IJUE: Petition of D. 0. Reynolds, E. M. 1645. By Mr. TREADWAY: Petition of residents of val'ious Johnson, et al., of Queen City, l\Io., in opposition to the passage towns in Berkshire County, Mass., against the passage of the of House bill 78; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. so-called Lankford Stmday closing bill ; to the Committee on the 1623. Also, petition of Guy Newkirk, F. H. Bristow, and other District of Columbia. • res'ldents of Macon County, Mo., protesting against the passage of legislation establishing compulsory Sunday observance, and particularly House bill 78; to the Committee on the District of SENATE Columbia. SATURDAY, J anuarry 14, 19~8 1624. By Mr. SCHAFER: Petiti<rn signed by citizens of Mil­ waukee, Wis., and vicinity, protesting against the compulsory The Chaplain, Rev. Z~.Barney T. Phillips, D. D., offered the· Sunday observance bill or any other bill enforcing obsel'Vruice of following prayer : the Sabbath, or any such resolution proposing such legislation; Almighty God, whose kingdom is everlasting and power infi­ to the Committee on the Disb.-ict of Columbia. nite, have mercy upon this whole land, and so guide the destiny 1625. By Mr. SE'LVIG: Petition of Mr. Ole Kleppe and 26 of our Nation that the gentleness of Thy omnipotence may be adult residents o.f NeWfolden and Viking, Marshall County, tenderly revealed. Give us understanding hearts and discern­ Mil)n., protesting against the passage of House bill 78, or of any ing minds, that by our endeavors the safety, honor, and welfare other bill providing for compulsory Sunday observance ; to the of Thy people may be advanced. Grant that by looking unto Committee on the District Of Columbia. · Thee our love may be rekindled and by waiting upon Thee our !626. By Mr. SINNOTT: Petition of nu:merous ·citizens of strength may be renewed. Through Jesus Ohrist our Lord. Ben·d, Oreg., protesting against ena.ctmerif of· House bill '7S, the Amen. · 1472 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JaNUARY 14 , The CWef Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of the proceeq­ HON'. EVANS WO()LLEN'S JACKSON DAY DINNER SPEECH ings of the legislative day of Wednesday last, ·when, on request Mr. THOMAS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent to of 1\Ir. CURTIS, and by unanimous consent,. the further reading have printed in the RJOOORD the text· of a speech made at the was dispensed with and the Journal was approved. recent Jackson day dinner in this city by Hon. Evans Woollen, MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE of Indianapolis. A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Farrell, The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection, it is so ordered. its enrolling clerk, .announced that the House had passed a bill Mr. Woollen's speech is as follows: (H. R. 9136) making appropriations for the Department of the A recent magazine article, by Mr. Walter Lippman, was entitled "The Interior for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1929, and for other siclc donkey." Well, if the donkey has.
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