1. Silviculture is the branch of 8. Curd is sour due to presence of 16. Statements: botany in which we study about- (a) Citric Acid 1. In Gymnosperms, seeds are (a) Culture of algae (b) Lactic Acid enclosing in side fruits. (b) Development of ofrest (c) Acetic Acid 2. Dicots and monocots are (c) Culture of fungi (d) None of these included in Angiospersm. (d) Siliciphida plant 9. EBOLA is a – (a) Both Statements 1 and 2 are 2. Study of pollen grain is called- correct. (a) Pomology (a) Virus (b) Bacteria (b) Both Statements 1 and 2 are (b) Palynology incorrect. (c) Protozoa (c) Phocology (c) Statement 1 is correct, but (d) Mycology (d) Fungi Statement 2 is incorrect. 3. Study of internal structure of 10. Virus that infect bacteria are (d) Statement 1 is incorrect, but plant- called Statement 2 is correct. (a) Morphology (a) Bacteriophages 17. Which part of the cinchona yields (b) Anatomy (b) Basophils a drug? (c) Cology (c) Basal body (a) Endosperm (b) Pericarp (d) Taxonomy (d) Basidiospores (c) Bark (d) leaf 4. Estimatin of age of woody plant 11. Desease caused by HIV- 18. Fiber of cotton is obtain from– by counting annual ring is- (a) Tuberculosis (a) Stem (b) Seed (a) Dendrology (b) Cancer (c) Fruit (d) Root (b) Dendrochronology (c) Acquired immune deficiency 19. An enzyme produced by HIV that (c) Agronomy syndrome allows the integration of HIV (d) Demography (d) None of these DNA into the host cell‘s DNA 5. Study of growing plant without 12. The biggest single- celled is - soil in water containing nutrient organism is (a) Integrase is- (a) Yeast (b) Ligase (a) Hydrotonics (b) Acetabularia (c) Helicase (b) Hydroponics (c) Acetobacter (d) DNA gyrase (c) Hypotonics (d) Amoeba 20. Dr. Norman E. Borlaug belonged (d) None 13. Agar – Agar is obtained from – to- 6. In Exo-biology we study about- (a) Fungi (a) Spain (a) External structure of living (b) Algae (b) Mexico beings (c) Moss (c) America (b) Life present on the earth (d) Bacteria (d) Austria (c) Life present in the other layer 14. Red rot of sugarcane is caused by 21. Eye of potato are - of earth atmosphere (a) Colletotrichum falcatum (a) Apical buds (d) Life found in space and on (b) Axillary buds other setallite. (b) Cercospora percoruata 7. Xenobiotics which are inherently (c) Alternaria alternate (c) Adventitous root resistant to microbial attack are (d) Phylophthora infestans (d) Extra axillary bud called as- 15. Aflatoxins are produced by – 22. Ginger is- (a) Biodegradable (a) Fungi (a) Modified root (b) Modified stem (b) All of the given optins (b) Bacteria (c) Modified leaf (c) Recalcitrant (c) Algae (d) Modified bulb (d) Persistent (d) Viruses www.makemyexam.in www.ibtindia.com Page 1 23. Cactus is referred to as- 33. Plant which grow in saline soil 40. Dwarf plants can be made taller (a) Hydrophte (b) Mesophte are- by applying- (c) Xerophyte (d) Epiphte (a) Xerophytes (a) Gibberellins 24. Agar – agar is prepared from (b) Hydrophytes (b) Auxins (a) Alage (b) Lichens (c) Halophytes (c) Cytokinins (d) Dormin (c) Fungi (d) Bryophyte (d) Succulents 41. The oxygen in Photosynthesis is 25. The inflorescence of wheat is- 34. Transpiration in plants is a released from- (a) Raceme(b) Catkin process of (a) CO2 (c) Spike (d) Panicle (a) Photorespiration (b) H2O 26. Consider the following (b) Water loss (c) Both CO2& H2O statements: (c) Food production (d) Chlorophyll (1) Maize can be used for the (d) Respiration 42. Photolysis of water involves- production of starch 35. In soil, water that is readily (a) Excitement of water (2) Oil extracted from miaze can available to plant roots is: (b) Evoluation of oxygen (a) Gravitational water be a feedstock fro biodiesel (c) Breakdown of water by light (b) Capillary water (d) Splitting of water into its ion (3) Alcoholic beverages can be (c) Hygroscopic water H+ and OH- produced by using maise. (d) Bound water 43. An element present in Which of the statements given 36. Vaseline was applied to both chlorophyll – above is/ are correct? surfaces of the leaves of a plant. (a) Ca (b) Fe (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only Which of the following (c) Mg (d) S (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2, and 3 process/processes would be 44. Respiration is- 27. Double fertilization is main affected? (a) Endothermic process feature of- 1. Photosynthesis (b) Exothermic process (a) Bryophtes 2. Respiration (c) Anabolic process 3. Transpiration (b) Pteridophytes (d) Endagenic process Select the correct answer using 45. Fermentation is – (c) Gymnosperm the code given below: (a) Anearobic respiration (d) Angiosperm (a) 1 and 3 only (b) Incomplete oxidation of 28. Parthenogenesis is a process in (b) 2 only carbohydrate which- (c) 2 and 3 only (c) Complete oxidation carbohy- (a) Fruit develop without (d) 1, 2 and 3 drate harmone 37. Wilting of plants occurs due to (d) None of above (b) Fruit develop without excessive: 46. Incomplete break down of sugar fertilization (a) Absorption in anaerobic respiration form – (c) Development of egg without (b) Transpiration (a) Fructose and water fertilization (c) Respiration (b) Glucose and CO2 (c) Alcohol and CO (d) Development of embryo (d) Guttation 2 38. The loss of water in the form of (d) Water and CO2 without fertilization 47. Respiration is – 29. A fertilized egg is known as- water drops is called- (a) Transpiration (a) Catabolic process that uses (a) Oospore (b) Conidiospre (b) Respiration carbon dioxide, produce oxygen (c) Zoospore (d) Zygote (c) Guttation and converted released energy to 30. Lungs of a plant are- (d) Exosmosis ATP (a) Leaves (b) Stems 39. Transpiration differs from (b) Anabolic process that uses (c) Flowers (d) Roots evopartion in- oxygen and carbon dioxide to 31. The plant from which cocoa and (a) Rate of water loss form ATP chocolate are obtained is– (b) Transpiration is a physiolo- (c) Anabolic process that uses oxygen, piduces carbon dioxide (a) Herb (b) shrub gical process while evaporation is and converts released energy into (c) Small tree (d) very big tree physical process. ATP 32. Crop shown at the commen- (c) Transpiration is physical (d) Catabolic process that uses cement of the monsoon is called- process while evaporation is a oxygen produces carbon dioxide (a) Rabi crop (b) Cash crop physiological process. and converts released energy into (c) Kharif crop (d) none of these (d) Frequency of water loss. ATP www.makemyexam.in www.ibtindia.com Page 2 48. Harmone helping in cell division- 57. Element playing role in nitrogen 65. What is farming along with (a) IAA fixation- animal husbandry called? (b) NAA (a) Mn (b) Mo (a) mixed farming (c) Cytokinn / Seatin (c) Zn (d) Cu (b) Mixed agriculture (d) Cibberellin 58. Branch of science which deal (c) Dairy farming 49. The instrument by which rate of with the study of skin of man- (d) Truck farming growth of plant is measured- (a) Physiology 66. Only male frog produce (a) Hydrometer (b) Anatomy croacking sound because- (b) Auxanometer (c) Biochemistry (a) Female frog have no layrny (c) Osmometer (d) Dermatology (b) Female frog have larynx but (d) Potometer 59. Study of disease like cancer- no vocal cord 50. For the growth in length of plant (a) Osteology (c) Male frog have three pair of which of the following is not (b) Oncology vocal cord essential- (c) Karyology (d) Male frog can magnify their (a) Sodium (d) Nephrology voice with the help of sound box (b) Calcium 60. What is vermicultrue? 67. Cobra emits venom through: (c) Nitrogen (a) The science of raising worms (a) Fangs (d) Phosphorus (b) The science of studying (b) Tooth 51. Example of positive geotropism (c) The science of killing worms (c) Lower jaw is- (d) None of these (d) None (a) Closing of flower 61. Which of the following have 68. The most poisonous snake is- (b) Upward growth of stem coral reefs? (a) Rattle snake (c) Downwards growth of root 1. Andaman and Nicobar Island (b) Python (d) Lateral growth of root 2. Culf of Kachchh (c) Krait 52. Leaves of which of the following 3. Gul of Mannar (d) Tree snake plants are not used for the rearing 4. Sundar – bans 69. The snake who make their nest- of silkworms? Select correct answer using code: (a) Chain viper (a) Mulberry (b) Castor (a) 1, 2 and 3 only (b) King cobra (c) Oak (d) Teak (b) 2 and 3 only (c) Krait 53. Water and mineral in plant is (c) 2 and 4 only (d) Shaw scaled vipar transported through- (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 only 70. Dolphins are classified under- (a) Xylem (b) Phloem 62. What does the word ‗amphibian‘ (c) Pith (d) Cortex mean? (a) Pices 54. Number of stomata is less and (a) Two lives (b) Amphibian sunkin in- (b) Four lives (c) Reptile (a) Mesophytes (c) Three lives (d) Mammal (b) Halophytes (d) One life 71. Substance found in blood which (c) Hydrophytes 63. Kala – azar is transmitted by …. help in cloting – (d) Xerophytes (a) Black flies (a) Fibrinogen 55. Which of the following is used as (b) sand fly (b) Heparin rodenticide? (c) Tsetse fly (c) Thrombin (a) Zinc phosphide (d) Mites (d) Globine (b) Zinc carbonate 64. Meocyanin is an oxygen-transpot (c) Zinc chloride metalloprotein in some (d) Zinc sulphide invertebrate animals. This protein 56. Red not of sugarcane is caused contains: by- (a) One proper atom (a) Calletotrichum falcatum (b) two copper atoms (b) Cercopspora personata (c) one iron atom (c) Alternaria alternata (d) one magnesium atom (d) Phylophthora Infestans www.makemyexam.in www.ibtindia.com Page 3 72.
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