'..' -, ,.- Are you ready to be India's. Energy Efficiency Star " Inviting participation in School, State and National Level Painting Competition on Energy Conservation-20 10 The Ministry of Power, Government of India invites children to paint a world of their Imagination and discover the magic of a clean, green and energy efficient future. A future which they will inherit. In this process, the children will not only learn a few good things but will 'also teach us a few thlngsl Themes for School Level Painting Competition I"or At\>, 5t\>& 6t\> Standard i ,',;;;~~DX:]1~;1:'~~ students ..........Prizes SCHOOL LEVEL PAINTING COMPETITION STATE LEVEL PAINTING COMPETITION NOTE: . School Principals to organize painting competition of 2 hours duration for 4th, . Upto a maximum of 50 best paintings will be selected by a . The 1s~nd &3rd prize winners of State/UT Level Painting Competition 5th and 6th Standard students on any day upto 5th Oct.. 2010. Children Committee of Experts I Jury and selected students will be of last two years are not eligible to participate in this year competition. can use any size of paper, but preferably A4 size and select anyone of the called at a designated place in State I UT for a two hours above mentioned themes for painting (Schools located in National on-the-spot Painting Competition to be held on 14th . The consolation prize winners of State Level are eligible to participate but , Capital Region wi" have the choice to participate in the Delhi State Level November, 2010. they would only be considered for prizes, ifthey win 1st/2nd/3rd Prize at Painting Competition). Each participating student will be paid Rs. 1000/- in cash the StatelUT Level. ' . School Principals will select 2 best paintings and send them along with the and a participation certificate. Sleeper class rail-fare I . Names of schools who have recorded 100% participation in the 4th, 5th information on number of students participated at School Level Competition state roadways bus fare for participating student and 6th standard (as applicable) will be included in the Painting to the Nodal Officer for the Statel UT whose address is given below so as to and two guardians will also be reimbursed on the Competition booklet prepared by BEE. reach him by 12th Oct., 2010 positively. , day of competition. Three awards would also be presented in the following categories for the Prizes will be given away on the same day. The back of the two selected paintings should carry the following information: . Statel UTs education department who have ensured highest School & .Name of the Student. Father"slMother"s Name. Tell Mobile No. of NATIONAL LEVEL PAINTING COMPETITION Student participat!on and percentage improvement over the Parents. Standard' Roll No. E-mailID of Student (If any)' School Name previous year. & Postal Address 'School Located In Urban or Rural Area' School Tel. I . 1 st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners of the each itatel UT will be - Best State Education Department (other than North-Eastern States) Mobile No. Statel UT' Sign of School Principal invited to Delhi to participate in "lilationalLevel . Competition" to be held on12th December, 2010. - Best North Eastern State Education Department . Allparticipants willbe issued certificate of participation. Boarding & Lodging, to & fro sleeper rail-farel state - Best Union Territory Education Department roadways bus fare by the shortest route for each The decision of the JurylExpert Committee at all levels ofthe painting participant and two guardians will be reimbursed. In . addition, each participating student will be paid a competition will be final. sum of Rs. 1000/- as incidentals and given a . Two paintings selected at School Level and paintings at State/UT Level participation certificate. and National Level would be the sole property of BEE, which will have the . National Level winners will be awarded cash prizes by the right to use it for any purpose it considers appropriate. .State Nodal Officer's address Chief Guest on the "National Energy Conservation Day . Please visit BEE website for further details as per the attached List function" to be held in Delhi on 14th December, 2010. 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U- "!{ ~-110 001, $'R 011 2~71602() : 011-26179009 (5-~), ~,,!, 01'1-"261!8~8/-!>2 M Bureau of Energy Efficiency all (Government of India, Ministry of Power) ...,., 19/09/PC-1 0/BEE/20 10 12th July, 2010 CIRCULAR - Kind Attn.: Principal! Vice Principal! Head Master! Head Mistress Sub: School, State & National Level Painting Competition on Energy Conservation-2010. Prizes Level First Second Third Consolation State/UTLevel i Rs. 10,0001- Rs. 8,000/- . Rs. 5,000/- 10 nos of Rs. 1,0001- each National Level Rs. 1,00,000/- 4 nos of 8 nos of 10 nos of Rs.
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