June 29, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4225 Nominee: Matthew H. Tueller. ership Council; $1461.84, 10/18/06, Gift Basket on the International Joint Commission, Post: Kuwait. for Sununu Reception; $3000, 03/30/07, United States and Canada. (The following is a list of all members of Sandhills Political Action Committee; $500, *Ariel Pablos-Mendez, of New York, to be my immediate family and their spouses. I 10/05/07, Tom Davis Senate Exploratory Com- an Assistant Administrator of the United have asked each of these persons to inform mittee; $5000, 10/16/07, DLA PIPER LLP (US) States Agency for International Develop- me of the pertinent contributions made by Political Action Committee; $500, 11/13/07, ment. them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- Shelby for U.S. Senate; $1000, 11/14/07, John *Roberto R. Herencia, of Illinois, to be a formation contained in this report is com- Stephen for Congress; $500, 11/20/07, Com- Member of the Board of Directors of the plete and accurate.) mittee to Elect David Cappiello for Congress; Overseas Private Investment Corporation for Contributions, amount, date and donee: $1000, 11/16/07, Charles Boustany Jr. MD for a term expiring December 17, 2012. 1. Self: none. Congress; $500, 11/19/07, Jay Footlik for Con- Mr. KERRY. Mr. President, for the 2. Spouse: DeNeece Tueller: none. gress; $1000, 12/27/07, Shelby for U.S. Senate; Committee on Foreign Relations I re- 3. Children and Spouses: Marie Amara $500, 02/25/08, Tom Davis for Congress; $2300, Tueller: none; Kyle Newkirk: none; Margaret 02/20/08, John McCain 2008 Inc.; $500, 05/15/08, port favorably the following nomina- Tueller Proffitt: none; Clark Proffitt: none; Ros-Lehtinen for Congress; $1000, 09/23/08, tion list which was printed in the David G. Tueller: none; Ayae T. Tueller: Committee to Elect David Cappiello for Con- RECORD on the date indicated, and ask none; Daniel B. Tueller: none; Christian M. gress; $5000, 10/14/08, McCain Palin Victory; unanimous consent, to save the ex- Tueller: none. $5000, 10/28/08, Arab American Leadership pense of reprinting on the Executive 4. Parents: Blaine C. Tueller: $100, 8/4/2010, Council PAC; $500, 03/27/09, Bennett Election Calendar that this nomination lie at Utah Democratic Party; Jean Marie Tueller: Committee; $500, 04/08/09, Charles Boustany the Secretary’s desk for the informa- none. Jr. MD for Congress; $500, 04/27/09, Moving 5. Grandparents: Lamont E. Tueller: de- tion of Senators. America Forward—Senator Bill Nelson; $500, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ceased; Elva C. Tueller: deceased; Leland D. 06/30/09, Friends of John Thune; $1000, 08/05/09, Heywood: deceased; Marie E. Heywood: de- Shelby for U.S. Senate; $1000, 09/02/09, DLA objection, it is so ordered. ceased. PIPER LLP (US) Political Action Com- *Foreign Service nominations beginning 6. Brothers and Spouses: James B. Tueller: mittee; $2400, 02/24/10, Rich Ashooh Com- with Naadia Lisa Porter and ending with none; Beth D. Tueller: none. mittee; $1000, 03/23/10, Friends of Schumer; Mara R. Tekach-Ball, which nominations 7. Sisters and Spouses: Jan T. Lowman: $2300, 03/31/10, Friends of Frank Wolf; $1000, were received by the Senate and appeared in none; Winfield N. Lowman: none; Anna T. 04/22/10, Scott Brown for U.S. Senate Com- the Congressional Record on May 12, 2011. Stone: $185, 10/2008, Obama for America; mittee; $1000, 04/22/10, Friends of John By Mr. LIEBERMAN for the Committee on Bernell Stone: $200, 08/2008, Claralyn Hill, McCain; $1000, 05/10/10, Keep Nick Rahall in Homeland Security and Governmental Af- UT; $200, 06/2008, Common Dream; Marie T. Congress Committee; $1000, 06/10/10, Ellison fairs. Emmett: none; Chad Emmett: none; Diane T. for Congress; $1400, 07/06/10, Friends of John *Jennifer A. Di Toro, of the District of Co- Pritchett: $1,000, 10/08, Obama for America; McCain Inc.; $2500, 07/19/10, DLA PIPER LLP lumbia, to be an Associate Judge of the Su- Lant H. Pritchett: $4,514, 2008, Obama for (US) Political Action Committee; $1000, 08/13/ perior Court of the District of Columbia for America; $1,000, 2008, Obama Victory; $1,000, 10, Moran for Congress; $500, 09/28/10, Dan the term of fifteen years. 2008, DNC; Martha T. Barrett: none; Jeff Bar- Coats for Indiana; $2500, 10/04/10, Arab Amer- *Donna Mary Murphy, of the District of rett: none; Elisabeth T. Dearden: none; Kirk ican Leadership Council (ALC) PAC; $1000, 10/ Columbia, to be an Associate Judge of the Dearden: $100, 2008, Obama for America; 07/10, Congressman Darrell Issa PAC; $500, 10/ Superior Court of the District of Columbia Rachael Tueller: none; Jeanne T. 26/10, Justin Amash for Congress; Deena for the term of fifteen years. Krumperman: none; Paul Krumperman: Ziadeh Ayyub and Bilal Ayyub (spouse): $100, *Yvonne M. Williams, of the District of Co- none. 12/2005, Mikulski for Senate; $50, 12/11/05, lumbia, to be an Associate Judge of the Su- Friends of Saqib Ali for Senate; $100, 08/06/06, perior Court of the District of Columbia for *Susan Laila Ziadeh, of Washington, a Ca- Van Hollen for Congress; $100, 08/06/06, Mont- the term of fifteen years. reer Member of the Senior Foreign Service, gomery County Democratic Central Com- *Nomination was reported with rec- Class of Counselor, to be Ambassador Ex- mittee; $65, 03/24/07, Montgomery County traordinary and Plenipotentiary of the ommendation that it be confirmed sub- Democratic Central Committee; $50, 07/27/07, ject to the nominee’s commitment to United States of America to the State of Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com- Qatar. mittee; $50, 08/01/07, Obama for America; $75, respond to requests to appear and tes- Nominee: Susan L. Ziadeh. 09/16/09, Friends of Saqib Ali for Senate; $100, tify before any duly constituted com- Post: Qatar. 07/11/10, Arab American Leadership Council mittee of the Senate. (The following is a list of all members of (ALC) PAC; $100, 08/23/10, Van Hollen for Con- (Nominations without an asterisk my immediate family and their spouses. I gress; $100, 09/19/10, Friends of Rob Garagiola have asked each of these persons to inform were reported with the recommenda- for Senate; Reema Ann Ziadeh: None; David me of the pertinent contributions made by tion that they be confirmed.) Martin (spouse): None. them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- f formation contained in this report is com- *Anne W. Patterson, of Virginia, a Career INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND plete and accurate.) Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Per- Contributions, amount, date, and donee: JOINT RESOLUTIONS sonal Rank of Career Ambassador, to be Am- 1. Self: None. bassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary The following bills and joint resolu- 2. Spouse: None. tions were introduced, read the first 3. Children and Spouses: None. of the United States of America to the Arab 4. Parents: Farhat Jacob Ziadeh (father) Republic of Egypt. and second times by unanimous con- Nominee: Anne W. Patterson. and Suad Salem Ziadeh (mother): $50.00, 10/ sent, and referred as indicated: Post: Ambassdor to Egypt. By Mr. TOOMEY: 08/05, Friends for Jim McDermott, Com- (The following is a list of all members of S. 1292. A bill to require the Administrator mittee for Congress; $35.00, 03/11/08, Friends my immediate family and their spouses. I of the Environmental Protection Agency to for Jim McDermott, Committee for Con- have asked each of these persons to inform consider the impact on employment levels gress. me of the pertinent contributions made by and economic activity prior to issuing a reg- 5. Grandparents: Mother’s Parents: Abra- them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- ulation, policy statement, guidance docu- ham and Warde Salem—deceased; Father’s formation contained in this report is com- ment, endangerment finding, or other re- Parents: Jacob and Nimeh Ziadeh—deceased. plete and accurate.) 6. Brothers and Spouses: None. Contributions, amount, date, and donee: quirement, implementing any new or sub- 7. Sisters and Spouses: Shireen Ziadeh Self: None. stantially altered program, or denying any Abed: None; Albert Abed (spouse): None; Spouse (David R.): None. permit, and for other purposes; to the Com- Rhonda Ziadeh Salem: $900, 10/13/06, Team Children and Spouses: Edward and Mien mittee on Environment and Public Works. Sununu; $1100, 10/13/06, Team Sununu; George Patterson: None; Andrew Patterson: None. By Ms. MURKOWSKI (for herself, Mr. Salem (spouse): $1000, 03/30/05, Hatch Election Parents: Carol and John Woods: None; BEGICH, and Mr. AKAKA): Committee; $1000, 04/21/05, Hatch Election Viola and Harry Patterson (deceased): None. S. 1293. A bill to direct the Secretary of Committee; ($1000), 04/29/05, REFUND—Hatch Grandparents: All deceased. Commerce to establish a demonstration pro- Election Committee; $1000, 05/17/05, Sandhills Brothers and Spouses: John D. Woods, Jr. gram to adapt the lessons of providing for- Political Action Committee; $500, 12/14/05, and Jean Woods: None. eign aid to underdeveloped economies to the Chafee for Senate; $1000, 12/22/05, Sandhills provision of Federal economic development Political Action Committee; $500, 03/16/06, *Dereth Britt Glance, of New York, to be a assistance to certain similarly situated indi- Charles Boustany Jr. MD for Congress; $500, Commissioner on the part of the United viduals, and for other purposes; to the Com- 03/16/06, Keep Nick Rahall in Congress Com- States on the International Joint Commis- mittee on Indian Affairs. mittee; $1000, 04/27/06, Arab American Leader- sion, United States and Canada.
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