www.elperiodic.ad DIMARTS, 10 DE JULIOL DEL 2018 el Periòdic d’Andorra 15 CONEIXEMENT SOBRE d'Andorra L’ÚS DE LES TECNOLOGIES elelENGLISHTema PeriòdicPeriòdic del EDITION dia NewsM O N 1xx 5 STUDY OF THE IMPACT OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING More than 80% of VET graduates find work in less than one month The Minister of Education assures that «the studies are adapted to the needs of the companies in the country» MARICEL BLANCH EL PERIÒDIC ANDORRA LA VELLA @PeriodicAND he labour market inser- tion of Vocational Educa- tion Training (VET) gradu- T ates of the Andorran edu- cational system is «excellent». This was stated Thursday by the Minis- ter of Education and Higher Edu- cation, Eric Jover, at the presenta- tion of the first study on the subject since VET studies were implement- ed in the Principality, 14 years ago. To confirm this, he gave a review of the data obtained: more than 83% of the graduates surveyed had a job at the end of their studies in the centre What worries young people the most is the financial gain, although they have valued it at 7.4 Education makes the first VET study in 14 years. So far it had been guided by the «intuition» of teachers of Aixovall. Of these, 80% obtained it in less than one month after grad- uating and more than 10% obtained it before completing the training. Students from the Vocational Training centre in Aixovall during a class. With these figures, the head of Edu- 33 cation affirmed that «the studies are adapted to the needs of the compa- more than 72% of contracts for gradu- the studies even better», he argued at nies in the country». ates were indefinite. In addition, in a the same time that he also claimed Conversations The Education department sur- 77% of the cases a VET degree was re- figures that the titles should be «sufficient- veyed 89 graduates of two different quired. But the safety of having a sta- ly solid and recognized» to be valid with professional school years, one of them with less ble job is not enough for young peo- abroad. In fact, in the 14 years that colleges than one year in the labour market ple: the level of economic compensa- 83% of graduates the Andorran educational system of- after obtaining the degree and anoth- tion is what most worries graduates found jobs after completing fers Vocational Training, it is the first er one with three years of experience, and it obtained the worst mark in the VET studies. study to be done. The centre in Aix- The Minister of Education was with a «triple purpose»: to know the la- study, 7.4. ovall did an internal one a few years asked33 on Thursday about the leg- bour market insertion of graduates in The plan of the Ministry of Educa- ago, the minister explained, but the islative change proposed by the short-term and medium-term, know tion is to repeat the study every year, 80% of graduates changes and improvements applied Government in the law that regu- how to adapt the student’s profile to which has been carried out jointly achieved a job one month after in the system have been based on «the lates the liberal professions and the demands of the labour market with the Higher Education Agency of leaving the centre in Aixovall. intuition of teachers». In fact, they that has led to criticism from the and have tools for the continuous im- Andorra, to have more reliable data. will continue to be the ones to come opposition. «I was mistaken», he provement of the training. With these «The first one did not allow us to ex- up with alternative proposals of im- admitted, referring to his first ex- goals, they were also asked about the tract all the conclusions we wanted, 10% of students provement to achieve better results. planation that has caused hesita- satisfaction they felt with their work, especially in the studies that have few found a job before completing tion among those affected. Both with the training received and the students», the minister explained. the training. STAYING IN THE COUNTRY One of the rea- he and Minister Espot are holding centre in Aixovall, and the utility of sons for the high and/ fast job place- talks with professional colleges to the knowledge they acquired in their IN THE TEACHERS’ HANDS Although the ment of VET students is thanks to the resolve differences. «I’m sure we studies. All the results had a «remark- report is «very positive»,/ the head of 72% of graduates business network in Andorra, the will come to an understanding», able high» mark, to the point that the Education is aware that «the labour have an indefinite contract and democrat explained. More than 250 he said. respondents gave a 8.7 on satisfaction market is very dynamic». For that rea- 77% were required a VET de- companies participate in the intern- with their work and the usefulness of son, he believes necessary that the gree. ship program. «There is an awareness Concerning the complaints the learned concepts. training of the students should adapt on the part of the companies to lend that33 have arisen on school pub- «constantly» to the needs of the com- us a hand and value the competenc- lic transport during rush hours, is the mark that grad- FINANCIAL REMUNERATION WORRIES The panies. «We would not be helping VET 8.7 es that we are giving our students», he he said that the first weeks of the uates give to the satisfaction holder of the education portfolio/ al- students if we were self-satisfied with said. Of the 89 respondents, all except course «are always complex» and with their work. so spoke about another positive data: the results obtained. We have to make one work in Andorra. that they are already working to H 2 www.elperiodic.ad MONDAY, 15 OCTOBER 2018 el Periòdic News MOBILITY cement bus, which is unique, for the moment, and is full or for reasons Saboya is commited to analyze beyond the control of the service, ar- rives late. Dallerès recommended to all the students to whom it is possi- ble, «to approach the stops of the re- complaints on school transport gular lines where thanks to the bus lliure system they can go on any bus MARICEL BLANCH and, in case it is full, they can get the Mother who denounced THE PROBLEM The networks began next one». The president was fully pre- to boil at the/ beginning of the week pared to work to improve the situati- issue requests minister when Castañeda published several vi- on and explained that, in fact, adjust- for urgent measures deos and images of how boys and girls ments are always applied at the begin- waiting for the bus to go to school we- ning of the year. Castañeda does not agree with this option because «it can EL PERIÒDIC re left behind sitting on the floor be- ESCALDES-ENGORDANY ause there was no space left. Castañe- mean making up to three bus trans- @PeriodicAND da encouraged everyone who had fers to reach the school center». The complaints to formalize it at the Con- recently created Association of Con- he Minister of Economy, Com- sumer Service Department of the Go- sumers and Users also contacted Cas- petitiveness and Innovation, vernment. «This arose because when I tañeda to better understand the pro- Gilbert Saboya, yesterday called the Cooperativa Interurbana to blem and later, on Tuesday, they sent Tpledged to analyze the com- complain, I was told that there was no «a mail to Consumption to be interes- plaints for alleged shortcomings in one else to show them this problem ted in the state of the situation. We the school transport service that this but I believe that the problem exists still have no answer, «said President week have resonated with force on and it bothers people but do not want Lluis Ferreira, who added that they different social networks, as explai- to complain, or do not makes it in the want to better analyze the situation ned by the mother (Ana Maria Cas- right place» Castaneda lamented. of this school transport» with objecti- tañeda) who has filed complaints, af- The company that manages the re- vity «. In spite of this, the ACU said that ter a meeting with the Minister and gular lines and the school reinforce- the country’s public transport «is an the Director of Transportation, Irene ment in question is the Cooperativa interesting issue» which is expected González. Castañeda also met yester- Interurbana chaired by Gabriel Da- to improve with the public tender for day at midday with the ombudsman llerès, who explained the details of the service that must be opened soon. Castañeda also met yesterday at mid- the situation: «The ‘bus lliure’ allows Dallerès reiterated that the fact day with the citizen runner, Marc Vi- that the contest to grant the servi- A group of people near a bus stop in Escaldes. schoolchildren to use any of the re- la, for this same reason. The affected gular lines to go to school but, apart ce of urban and interurban buses to 33 mother explained at the start of the from that, there is a school reinfor- the country is delayed «creates uncer- meetings: «I understand that the pro- timetables but this will take a long ti- The mother supported the commit- cement bus that goes through in the tainty». However, he was optimistic blem of public transport in Andorra me. I have called for urgent measures ment of Saboya and Gonzalez who morning and makes a different rou- and pointed to the possibility that the goes beyond school transport and I so that, at least, they will pass as soon will deal with the issue together with te».
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