iHmif&rstrr Etiniitig Hrralb Average Daily Circulation The Weather For the Month o f Navanaber, 1S42 FaraosMt af C. S. WantlMr Befaaa Alexander Mikolowaky was elected president of the Polish* ib ou t Town American Athlotie club yeaterday 7,814 Uttia chaaga to Wmparatata to­ afternoon at the 37th annual Member of the Aodlt night. ^MgMir w u kaw AitardRy meeting held in the clubhouse, 180 M Ibrtford HoaplUI to Mr. C3int<m atreet. Other officers Fill Your BoraMi af Otfcatottoao - llSin m»rnr rf named weref Ignats Zatkowakl, Manehe$ter-—A City of Village Charm atTMt vice prealdent; B. Klonati, finan­ cial aecretary; P. Tanuaaki, re­ MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15,1942 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTSf ^ ■tor Hoaa Oonpaay Ifo. S will cording aecretary; B. Oatrowaki, VOL..LXII., NO. 64 (CbwNfied Adverttafaig oa Itoga 16) _ ita ractUar maatlac tonlxfat treasurer; Peter Kletcha, marshal; Gift List ; aight a^elock. John CSameckl, Konstanty Koae, B. Broaowaki, trusteea. at American Generals in North Africa The Huatlera Group . of the. TUESDAY AT South Methodist W. 8. C. 8: will Heavy Battle Raging Air Power of Allies have an all-day work meeting to* morrow at the South Methodist PINEHURST church. Members arc requeated to H ALE’S carry their own box lunches. U tE SH PORK rwawiwiiBiBuiiiiaiaiuiiHiiiwiwiiHUiuiwaitoiuiiiiaaiuaiiMitoii la wsHiHVwaasMaaMawiwwMaiiMMawai: SPARE R IB S .......... lb. 29e Private Richard T. Hagenow, Near Japanese-Held Tips Scales Against son of Mrs. Louiae P. Hagenow, X 52^* Appliqued — Colorful BULK KRAUT ....Ib. 10c of 104 Cooper street is home on a ousewares Basement furlough- He was recently trans­ ferred from Madison, Wis. to Ran­ fNO. 2Vi CAN KRAUT, 15c dolph, Texas, and is in the Air FRESH PORK BUTTS Corps. Lunch Sets I Colored Tumblers 70 J All W ool Mittens Buna Mission Today Foe in North Africa tor TCMtinf — cook Mke roast I Four Patterns. Dozen § ^ f ^ ____ ■ ' I . ---- ' """ "* ■ ' |Mrt — practically Members of Hose Company No. Cloth and 6 napkini. Two pat­ New desigrns in fashion fit tips. A 1, Manchester Fire department, kaadCM. Pound 44c tern! in unusual appliqued seta. Corning Sizes 5 to S. Bombers Course Over | will meet at headquarters. Main All colors. $1.79 set $ t .00 pr- Allietl Bombers Pork Chops and Hilliard streeta at eight Tunis for Four Hours; o'clock tonight. They will proceed “ Double Tough” T umblers At New eX®C^.I JVa vy Now Probing Powerful Drives Fresh Calves’ Liver in a body to the home of thejjlate sion Expeditions at New Raids on Bizerte Fowl Roasting Chickens John Griffin, 00 Henry street, to Hand Blocked They Stand Lots of Abuse! pay respects to the deceased. All Wool And SoMsse Show Op-1 Native Turkeys 5-ounce and ‘ 1 10-ounce and 1 C Two Points Farther Up The Men’s Club o i the South 8-ounce, each . A vl C 12-ounce, each . X O C New Guinea Coast Aft­ Transport’s Loss Loom Next Year position Over Bas-1 Methodist church will hold its an­ lions Likewise Weak; IPa not too eariy to order your nual Christmas party and election Dish Towels 29^ Dutch Boy or Girl f er Yank Jungle Fight­ XuMW Turkey! We cannot buy of officers in the church rooms at A practical gift! Good looking deslgna in colorful prlnta. Square Scarfs N American Air, Sea and Three Messerschinitts 1 ueariy aa many an we will need 7:45 tonight ers Supported by Aus- Knox Stty$ Thorough British Army •ad turkey ordera will be dUed Gay patterns in plaid designs. Firemati Dies Land Forces Should Destroyed in Raid. la the Older recH^'cd. Cookie Jars $2.00 ea.i . sies Capture Village. Investigalion h Being Robert C. Hillman, son of Mr. Embroidered White Organdie Ideal for the cold weather ahead. 'C ea* Have Enough Weapons and Mrs. Ronald C. Hillman, c f 1 Made Into Sinking London, Dec. 15.— (/P)~I 290 Highland street, has anMsted Just Arrived! 14-Piece Glass, Covered Moving West Allied Headquarters, Aus­ From Smoke; By Late ISext Summer. Allied air power, grown to [ in the United States Army and is tralia, Dec. 15.—<4>)— Ameri­ Of Big Former Liner. now with the SOlst Infantry, Para- such strength that bombers can jungle fighters, support­ After Enemy troop Unit, at Camp Tbccoa, Geor­ Scsirfs V an ities I Refrigerator Sets $1.29 158 Affected Washington, Dec. 15.—(iP) Washington, Dec. 15.—(A*) coursed over Tunis for foor gia. He to with the Casual Com­ That Stack Nicely To Save Space! ed by Australians, stormed — American air, sea ancj lanrl hours, was tipping the scales I pany. He graduated from Man­ Toiletries into Buna village yesterday -------- — Secretary of the Navy chester High school in June, forces, according to aj* avail- Resist against the Axis today in thel 1942, and t^ la In school was on 16x34 $ 1 .0 0 16x43 $ 1 .1 9 f Friendship Garden Colognes................ ....Sl.O O and heavy fighting raged FUme. a. pteburgh ”.*; ableoKio inr)i,.afir>nsindications, should havc ® ^ Battle of North Africa asj 1.00 about the Japanese-held ance at El Agheila the track and football teams. Friendship Garden Gift Box................ ___ $ Hotel Confined to making a “ very thorough in- by late next summer the Marshal Rommel’s Libyan I Since graduating he has been am- PYREX ___ $1.00 Buna Mission to the east to­ Revlon Manicure Beauty Bag........ vestigation/’ into the loss of weapons to begin a series Line; No Assertion Army retreated from th*] ployad by Cheney Brothers. .. $ 1 . 0 0 day while Allied bombers Basament Storeroom; 3 Pc. Mixing Bowl S ets............................ 95c I OW Spice Token Box ............................. the 21,936-ton former liner of powerful drives against Gulf of Sirte coast in central Lib-1 Vanity Sets $1.00 ! Apple Blossom Bath P ow der............... _____$1.00 smashed at new enemy invasion Axis Forces in Rout. ya. North African dispatcheal expeditions put ashore by a strong No Guests Injured. President Coolidge while it the Axis. The battles which An unuaual gift! Dainty organdy for the bedroom. Custard C u ps..................................... 5c Each | C ologne............................... .‘...$1.50 said the assault upon Tunis was I cruiser and destroyer force at. two was operating as an Army will then ensue, particularly Cairo, Dec. 1 5 - (id Britain’s coupled with new raids on Blzerta ( 6 ! Coty’s Cologne.......... ............................ ....$ 1 .2 5 i Pittsburgh, Dec. 15— (4^—One in the Pacific, probably will make Other Cups 39c box of or 59c with rack points farther up the New Guinea transport In the Solomon tolanda Eighth Army plunged westward and Sousse and that oppo8itiOB| . 59c coast. The Americans slashed fireman died from amoke and more area recently. Knox waa asked most of the actions to date look Martex Dry-Me-Dry Juice Saver Pie Plates.............................. 45c I S u ite ’s Bubble Bath................................ like glorified skirmishes by com­ today in its renewal of the race over these Axis bastions likewtoal HALE'S SELF SERVE their way into the village five than 158 others were overcome whether the vesael, since it appar­ was weak. Three Mcsserschmltta I j Other Pyrex Pieces At Popular Prices! j days after the capture of Gona, parison. across the North African sands The Original la Naw Englaad! eariy today in fighting a stubborn, ently was operating close to after moving through Marshal were reported destroyed and oth-| 12 miles to the northwest. These shore, might have hit an Ameri­ This picture of war in the mak­ long-smoldering fire in the second ing comes from recent official dis­ Rommel's El Agheila line against ers damagtd out of nine of the en­ Handy Folding Ladies’ Boxed were the main bases of the foot­ can rather than an enemy mine. emy fighters which ipse to chal-| I I hold esUblished by the Japanese sub-basement of the 22-stoi^ closures on the production of amazingly weak resistance. Dish Towels Could Be Planted by Jape While the communique did not lenge American flying fortreaaaa| AND HEALTH MARKET last July 23 in their closest thrust WiUiam Penn hotel—largest be­ giant planes, aircraft carriers and "I have no information that it Lieut. Gen. Mark Wayne Clark, (second from right) second in battleships and other formidable specify how far Gen. Sir Bernard attacking the Bizerte water | toward northeast Austrsdi^ hit one of our mines," Knox said. Kitchen Step Ladders $2-981 tween New York and Chicago. command to Lieut. Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, towers abova his fellow new weapons or improved types L. Montgoraery.’s vanguards had front. ADlea Squeezing Japaneee Aa the fiames were confined to He added an explanation that the The pace of the British Eighth. I Meta} frame, white with red, green or black steps. « Handkerchiefs officers as they watch arrival of Allied planes at a North African of old ones. gone, military sources assumed (War front dispatches reaching the basement storeroom, none of location of the sinking was not they were miles into Tripolltania, Army’s pursuit of Ronpoel waa I 4 for $]_.00 airport. At right is Maj. Gen. James Doolittle, commander of the High Spots of Disclosures TUESDAY SPECIALS m pjjjj quality cotton or linen handkerchiefs with embroidered Melbourne said the Allies were the 1,000 guests was injured, al­ absolute evidence that the mine Allied Air Fores in North Africa, and on the other side of Gen. Clark the western segment of Libya, and not disclosed, but some estitoatesl An amazing three fibre towel-—cotton, linen and spun rayon. squeezing the Japanese from though several hundred left their was part of an American field Here are the high spots of those far westward of either previous placed British advanced forces IttJ f W iI B T V corners.
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