NOVEMBER 1959 THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP CHALLENGERS TOURNAMENT (See page 324) 60 CENTS iubscription Rate ONE YEAR $6.00 1 White to move 2 Black to move Let's add LO t he preceding One more addition to the THE MOMENT OF TRUTH! remarks: these positions do prefatory [·emarks: be sure The following positions have in common thal. as fol' the all fentlJre combinfltions or you designate the s harpest ("limax ill the bullring. it is time to strike tr\le, and ], ill! A~ ther·d not be typical. Yes. sequel. The initial COlli) can qlli? positions teutl, howen!!'. to be solvable becauH' each and even here ill what more be and often is rUined Ot· at all begil' with 1i sacrifice, lI'e Wlll'll you that it [lin't. nece~· prollerly mnst be character­ least blunted by a faulty fol­ sal'i!y so! '1'011 are to pick the winning move and (,ail orr. in ized as an end-game, you low up. Here you as the ('orreCl seqnence, the rest of the moves most sharply setting must probe for a combinn· Black l)layer lack two lip a elear win. rOil rate excellent for 10 correct solutions: tionnl coup. You a re behind Pawns a nd will lOSe more. I;ood for :<. : fair fol' Ii. Solutions on page 351. materially. Rise above ma­ The ending is a s ure loss terialism - to will. fOI· you - except fo)" what? 3 White to move 4 Black to move 5 While to move 6 Illack to move Xow we can get down A s Black you are even up The ,·allie or II QUeen for Well. well! So it's posi­ (after the addiliollnl dinH" on Pawus, have Bishop It Hook amounts Lo abolll tion that produces <.:o mbin,l· lions in t he pretelling para· Elli~ht Hud al·e all even '0 0:1e full pie('e. pin s maybe lion. Then 'Vhite has this g!"1lPhs) to more intense COil­ Hook and King, and on re­ n Pnll-n. So cheer UI)! You game easily. to be Sut·e. He·s centration on these IWl'der ~: ) ect iv e ··King positioll~:· do not ,have t he piece, but lined up Oil the Black King. problems. In the present 13m what or positional values YOll do have three Pawns and s imultaneously on the one. for a prime point. YOll rOJ· thoSe Pawns ? Cau you pins. That isn't enough. of Blac k Queell. Thel"e can be are minl!!; a QUeen! And win with s uch a disonle!"ed ('ou rse - but t hen you have no defense . )10 : Hold on: l31acl, has lI'orl,ed up some­ nITay of Pnwns? Thel·e'~ a n posHional edge (yes, it is it·s Black to move and win. thing 011 your K ing and lri("1, cr tll"O 10 <.,onsl del-. position thal gives a corn· fie-evaluate the position ~ 13isho]). So what now? Sar which win~, and hOIl". b01) that is. See it? How do ),OU win? 7 White to move 8 Black to move 9 White to move 10 Black to move This position ought ,to be A Qtliclt count g il'e s even Nol. only do we have some White has the Exchange e<lsier LO evaluate. While material in this positioll. end·g~me combinations ns in fOI" a Pawll. anJ a solid de­ 11118 three pieces out: mad, but !"ather indiscriminate pos ition ~ bul we (·an Ila'·e velopment. What tan Bl~lCI( has t"-o but has ens tIed. 11nl ··positional"· factors. One so me mighty perplexing have to eqllal. let alone ;;UI"­ \\"e musl. ravor White a s he can score the center to t he ones where middle game be­ pass. the While aS8ets? ;frips the eenter. and Bl'I<.! J( Black credit ledger. DilL gins to merge With end­ '"Positionally·' pel·haps, that hi,,; LO prepare first LO de· once again. has he enough game, a s here. 'Veil. as lone Pawn on the sixth ranl( velop his Quee n Bishop. We to force a win? And we ma·y White, rind the winning lllea ns something. Work it must ravor White - bllt has need to warn here: be s ure move. You pl'obably ('an by from there . and you may he enough to win? TQ' and to probe enough to prove elimination - but then your (·atr:h an idea . It's up to YOli. ~ee ! a definite ,du. ]>I·oblem is 10 pro'·e it wins. That it is_ CHESS REVIEW 'HI "C",., C"US ....OAJlN' Volume 21 Num be~ 11 No vember, 1959 EDITEO &. PUBLISHED BY l. A. Horowitz In response to request for equal space in reply to TABLE OF CONTENTS last month's Editorial, we print this letter. FEATURES Battle Royal (Chullengers Tour.) 344 Game of the M onth __ _____ ____ ____ 329 The vie w expl"ef:;scd ill " L'Affaire Reshevsky" ( October CHE SS Impeccable Hindsight ________ ____ _ 336 H EV IEW) cails loud I" Ior correction and elaboration. Correction is nee­ DEPART M ENTS essar)" Ior it is clear thll t the esteemed editor of this popular periodical Ch"uboard Mfo"ic! • ___ ___ ___ ______ 322 d id not have the facts straight. Chess Caviar _______________ __ ____ 335 Chess Club Directory __ __ ____ ___ __ • 328 A letter frolll the cOlllmittee which organized the Log Cabin Silver Chess Movies _________ ________ ____ 332 Anniversa ry Tourn alllent was sent to Mr. Reshevsky fin d nine other top· Games from Recent Events • ______ • 337 mnking chess players, inviting them to enter the tournament. The letter M iscelian eO l.l1 Games __ ________ 326, 327 On the Cover __ ___ __ ___ _____ __ ____ 324 ann ounced the prizes and [isled the dates, hours and places where th e nine Posta l Chess __ __ ____ __ __ _____ _____ 348 rounds would be played. The re were rOllnd s scheduled for Friday eve­ Readers' Games _. ____ ___ __ ____ ____ 346 nings and Saturdays, il S well <I": oth er days. Mr. Reshevsky let the com­ Solitaire CheSS _____________ ___ ____ 331 Spotlight on Openings ________ _____ 333 mittee know that he was illtcre~tc(l ill the toul"l1ilmen t bllt cOltid not accept Tournament C.lendar _________ ____ 326 the iuvitlltinn unless the sched ule wc re mod ified so that he should not have W orld of Che .. ______ _____ __ ______ 3 23 to play on Friday eveni ngs or on Siltu rd il~'s hefore sundown. It is, thus, error to say that he accepted . and equa ll~- elTor to SHy tlll;l t he was booted EDITOR 1. A . H o rowltt. out. E XECUTIV E EDITOR When M r. Reshe"::!k.,, imli cilted Ihal he \1· <l.S interested.. the comlllit· Jaek Straley Banell tee decided to leave th e issue lip to the players. and if they could reach CO NTRIBUTING EDITORS A. B. Blaguler. I. Ch erney. J. W. Collin. , tII Hl.Ilimous agreement a ll cha nges in the sc hedule. it \\'ould be so changed T. A , Ounat, Dr. ;\1. Euwe. Hans Kmoch . W, Korn. Fred Belnfeld. and Mr. Reshevsky wo uld klve been HIlle 10 enter. Unanimolls CO llsellt CORRESPONDENTS to th e change was not obtained, :md :\111". H es he\' ~ k y, unfortunately, did Ala bama E. M. COC krell. Alas ka S. H. O'Nelll 1I 0l enter. So much for correction. Californ ia 01'. H. H n l ~\On . .\1. J . Royer. Now for elaboration. At the meeting of the phlye rs at which the Colorado J. J . R eid. ConnecUcut Edmund E. Ha nd. proposed change of schedul e was d iscus"ed. severa l points of view were Delawa re M. R. PaUl. Florida R. C. Eutwood. expressed. Each of the players \1'i1S complctely understil nd ing of and Georgia Br u""ell Deen. sympathetic to Mr. Reshevsky's re li gion ali(I his integrit y in adhering to Iliinoll J. O. Warren. Ind iana D. C. Hilla, D. E. Rhea d. it s tenets. Most of the pla yers being bu"iness or pro f c~;; i oll al men argued Iowa W. O. Vonderburg. Kentucky J. W. Mayer. Ihut Friday nights a nd Saturdays a re the hest times fOI" tilemto play serious K~".~. I\~. It. MA ~ DonHld, Louisia na A. L. '\l cA u le~·. chess a nd the change in th e schedule \\"Quld g r catl~ ' in co ll venience them. Maine L. Bldrldse. M~rYland "':1""' ..,, Barasch. Olhers made points indicating th:l t thcy had perwllul reasons why they Mau.chunn. I·'rlltlklin J . Sanborn Michiga n R lluskaser. J . R. \Vataon. fe ll justified in refusing to inconvenience themselves to accommodate Mr. Mlnnuota It. C. Gove. Reshevsky. These were the considemtiolls whi ch made cha nges in the Miululppl D. A. Harris. Missouri £. A. '1'alley. schedule impossible. Nebr ...ka 13. E. EII.worth. J ack Spence. It. E . Weare. It seems to be the point of view of my fr iend, the ed itor of C HESS Nevada R. L. Wheele r. New Hampshire 1( "lph M. Genh. REVIEW, that, because of his outsta nd ing record and skill as a chess play. New York Edward Lasker. H . 1>1. Ph lll lpa:. e r, Mr. Reshevsky need only indicate <1 wish to play in a tournament and Nor th Carolin a Or .
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