Wisconsin Radio Kimberly

Wisconsin Radio Kimberly

AM. (715) 835 -1007. Net: ABC /C. Format: Top -40. temp. Robert P Clark, gen mgr; Jon Stubb, grog dir; Wisconsin Radio Brian Ketz, prog dir Rates: S18.50; 13.60; 16.50; Pete Devlin, news dir; Tom Lewis, chief engr. Rates: 10.70. 5461 41: 46; 41. WOKL(AM) -April 1948: 1050 khz; 1 kw-D. 1819 WPNE -FM- January 15, 1973: 89.3 mhz; 55 kw. Ant Mitchell St. (54701). (715) 832 -1629. Progressive 940 ft. 732 North Midvale Blvd., Madison (53705). Communications (acq 8- 1 -80). Net: NBC's The (608) 266 -0036. Educational Communications Board. Box 1050 (54130). (414) 739 -9311. Fox River Com- Source. Rep: Market 4. Format: Adult contemp. See WERN(FM) Madison. munications. Group owner: Forward communications. William Payne. pres & gen mgr; William Bundy, gen sis Rep: PRO Radio. Format: Contemp. Richard Dudley, mgr; John Benjimin, news dir; Jim Casey, chief engr Greenfield pres; James S. Ester, gen & coml mgr; B.J. Corcker, Rates: 58; 8; 8: -. prog dir; Steve Bailey, mus dir; Billy Day, news dir; Jim WLZZ(AM)- Licensed to Greenfield. See Milwaukee. Rammer, chief engr; Ron Martin, prom mgr. WUEC(FM) -1975: 89.7 mhz; 740 w. Ant 630 ft. -Eau Claire (54701). (715) University of Wisconsin Hartford WKAU -FM -Sep 1, 1969: 104.9 mhz; 1 kw. Ant 480 836 -4170. Bd of Regents, U. of Wis. Format: Div. Spec ft. Dups AM 100 %. prog: Class 14 hrs wkly. Dr. Robert L. Bailey, gen mgr. WTKM(AM) -1951: 1540 khz: 500 w -D. Box 216 (53027). (414) 673 -3550. Iroquois County Bcstg Co. Kenosha (acq 11- 1 -70). Rep: Walton. Format: Polka, MOR. Fond du Lac Spec prog: Ger 3 hrs wkly. Samuel Martin, pres; Jer- WOTD(FM) -Dec 23, 1975: 91.1 mhz; 5 kw. Ant ry Gresenz, gen, coml & prom mgr; Carl Hulbert Jr., 135 ft. 3520 30th Ave. (53141). (414) 552 -9483. KFIZ(AM) -July 6. 1922: 1450 khz; 1 kw-D, 250 w- prog, mus & news dir: Dick Feutz, chief engr. Rates: Gateway Vocational, Technical & Adult Educl District. N. Box 1167, 254 Winnebago Dr. (54935). (414) $9.75; 9.75; 9.75; 9.75. Net: NPR. Format: fine arts. Spec progs: 921-3770. Wisconsin Cablevision and Radio Co. Inc. Informational, Ger 1 hr, It 1 hr wkly. Gary D. Vaillancourt, gen mgr; (acq 3- 1 -73). Net: APR. Rep: Massa. Format: MOR, 1, 104.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 WTKM -FM -Oct 1973: Ronnie Orr, opns mgr; Don Betts, chief engr. farm. Donald G. Jones, pres; Joe Goeser. VP opus; ft. Dups AM 50 %. Format: Polka, MOR. Rates same Bruce Grassman, VP sis; Mike Casper, sports dir; Max as AM. WJZQ(FM)- Listing follows WLIP(AM). Showalter, news dir; Bob Schaeffer, chief engr. Rates: $20.50; 17.50; 20.50; 7.85. Hayward WLIP(AM) -May 11, 1947: 1050 khz; 250 w -D. Box 659 (53141). (414) 657 -6162. Kenosha Bcstg Co. WFON(FM) 5, 1967: 107.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 312 -Oct WHSM(AM) -Dec 21, 1957: 910 khz; 5 kw -D, DA -D. Net: APR. Format: Adult contemp. Ann Lipman, pres; ft. Stereo. Box 1195, 103 W. Scott St. (54935). (414) Route 8 (54843). (715) 634 -4836. Windsor Com- Dex Card, gen mgr; David McGrath, mus dir; David 921 -1071. Costas Enterprises. (acq 12- 4 -75). Rep: munications Inc. (acq 3- 26 -83). Net: MBS, Keystone. Kole, news dir; Ken Keating, chief engr. Rates: Roslin. Format: Adult contemp. Spec progs: 50's -60's Rep: Ewing. Format: Adult contemp. Spec prog: C &W $17.65; 15.90; 17.65; 15.90. rock 11 hrs, farm 18 hrs wkly Donald Rabbitt. pres; 10 hrs wkly. Paul E. Lowrey, pres, gen & sis mgr; Paul C. Chasteen, gen & coml mgr; Warren Krech, Nancy Pieters, prog dir; Rand Weborg, mus dir; Tom WJZQ(FM) -Co -owned with WLIP(AM). Dec 22, prom mgr Martin. mus dir; & prog dir; Dan Jan Lorenz, Zenk, news dir; Brent Christenson, chief engr. Rates: 1962: 95.1 mhz: 31 kw. Ant 330 ft. Stereo. Prog sep news dir. Rates: $16; 14; 15: 8. S10; 10; 10: 5. from AM. Format: Top -40. Rates: $17.65; 15.90; 17.65; 15.90. Fort Atkinson WHSM -FM -June 21, 1980: 101.7 mhz; 1.45 kw. Ant 466 ft. Dups AM 50 %. Stereo. WNIZ -FM -See Zion, Ill. WFAW(AM) -Jan 24, 1963: 940 khz; 500 w -D, DA. WRLS -FM -April 16. 1968: 92.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 Box 94 (53538). (414) 563 -6351. Goetz Bcstg Corp. ft. Stereo. Rt. 10 (54843). (715) 634-4871. Pine -Aire Kewaunee (group owner). Net: ABC /C. Format: MOR. Nathan L. Bcstg Corp. Net: ABC /I. Format: Adult contemp, Goetz, pres; Vern Falk. VP & gen mgr; Jim Pfefferkorn, WAUN(FM) -1973: 92.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. Box sports. Ward Williamson. pres: Dawn Kampa, gen, opns mgr; David Scott, mus dir; Scott Trentadue, coml 219 Route 3 (54216). (414) 388 -4852. Harbor Cities sis & prom mgr, mus dir; Dick Bender, prog dir; Dave mgr; Joe Pastor, news dir; Cliff Groth, chief engr. Bcstg Inc. Net: MBS, Wisconsin. Format: Polka, C &W, Masic, news dir; Tim Valley, chief engr. Rates: 96,95: Rates: 513.18; 12; 12; -. big band. Spec progs: Ger 1 hr. Czech 1 hr wkly. 6.85; 6.85; 5.25. William Mielke, pres; William Zelinski, gen mgr; Polly WSJY(FM) -Co -owned with WFAW(AM). Sep 4. Zelinski, prom & gen sis mgr; Cletus J. Bellin, prog & 1959: 107.3 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 500 ft. Stereo. Prog sep Highland mus dir: Jim Sigler, news dir; Andrew J. Brusda, chief from AM. Format: Btfl mus. Rates: $13.50; 13.50; engr. Rates: $12.30; 12.30; 12.30; 12.30. 13.50; 13.50. WHHI(FM) -Sep 14, 1952: 91.3 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 560 ft. 732 N. Midvale Blvd., Madison (53705). (608) 266 -0036. State of Wis Educational Communications Kimberly Board. See'WERN(FM) Madison. Green Bay WYNE(AM) -Aug 22. 1970: 1150 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -2. Hudson Box 1150 (54136). (414) 739 -1158. Ned Hughes WDUZ(AM) -June 19, 1947: 1400 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 Bcstg. (acq 1- 1 -77). Net: ABC /E. Rep: Weiss -Powell. w -N. 810 Victoria St., Box 36 (54305). (414) Format: C &W. Ned Hughes, pres & gen mgr; Dan WEVR -FM -See River Falls. 468 -4100. Green Bay Bcstg Co. Net: ABC /C. Rep: Zuleger, gen sis mgr; Charlie Hartwig, prog dir; Bill McGavren -Guild. Format: Adult contemp, info. WRPX(AM) -Dec 1983: 740 khz: 500 w, DA. Box Lindy, mus dir; Vicki Johnson, prom mgr; John William C. Laird, pres; Ken Peterson, VP & gen mgr: 506 (54016). (715) 386 -6748. Cornwall Bcstg Corp. Mitchell, news dir; Greg Schneider, chief engr. V. prog & James Mattson, sis mgr; Gregg Albert, mus Net: CNN. Format: MOR. William C. Cornwall, pres & Rates: $28; 24; 28; 22. engr. dir; Doug Moore, chief gen mgr; Stewart G. Dahl, stn & sis mgr. La Crosse WDUZ -FM -July 1, 1967: 98.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1.254 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Format: Easy Istng. Jackson WHLA(FM) -Nov 21. 1950: 90.3 mhz; 57 kw. Ant Gary Evans, FM coord. 1,010 ft. 732 N. Midvale Blvd., Madison (53705). (608) WYLO(AM) -May 1, 1964: 540 khz; 250 w -D, DA. 266 -0036. State of Wis. Educational Communications 2300 Highland Rd. (53037). (414) 353 -5300. Univer- WOBP -FM- Feburary 1975: 90.1 mhz; 10 w. 610 Board. See'WERN(FM) Madison. Maryhill Dr. (54303). (414) 494 -2311. Premontre Bd. sal Bcstg of Milwaukee. (acq 4- 1 -67). Group owner: Rep: of Educ. Format: Div. Clayton Toonen. gen mgr; Den- Universal Bcstg Corp. Net: Sheridan. Universal WIZM(AM) -Jan 2, 1923: 1410 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -2. Bcstg. Format: Ger 6 nis Ledvina, chief engr. Inspirational, ethnic. Spec progs: Box 99 (54601). (608) 782 -1230. Family Radio Inc. hrs, Sp 12 hrs, 1 hr, Black 10 hrs wkly. Paul Croatian (acq 7- 12 -71). Group owner: Mid -West Family. Net: Kathy WOBW(FM) -Aug 26, 1974: 91.5 mhz; 3 kw. Ant Ploener, gen mgr; Bob Bradley, prog dir: Chromy. NBC, Wis. Rep: Hillier, Newmark, Wechsler & Howard. I mgr; pres; Larry Jay, prom dir; 115 ft. Stereo. Instructional Svcs. U. of Wis. at Green cor Howard Warshaw, Format: Adult contemp. Dick Record, pres & gen Nets Harvey, engr. Rates: 22: 22; Bay (54302). (414) 465 -2444. Bd. of Regents, U. of chief $22; -. mgr: Bill Mann, VP & sis mgr; Peter Pettibone, news Wis. System. Format: Div. Spec progs: Class 10 hrs. dir; Gene Uehling, chief engr. Rates: $24; 21; 22; Black 19 hrs wkly. Glen Sleets, gen mgr; Gary Mach, Janesville 21. chief engr. WCLO(AM) -July 1930: 1230 khz; 1 kw-D, 250 w -N. WIZM -FM -1966: 93.3 mhz; 100 kw Ant 1,000 ft. WOEE(AM) -April 6, 1925: 1360 khz; 5 kw -U. DA -N. 1 South Parker Dr. (53545). (608) 752 -7895. Southern Stereo. Prog sep from AM. (acq 6- 15 -76). Net: RKO 115 S. Jefferson St. (54301). (414) 435 -3771. Mid- Wis. Radio Inc. (acq 10-8-76). Group owner: Gazètte One. Format: Top -40. Rates: $28; 26; 27; 27. west Communications (acq 1975). Net: NBC, Wis, Printing Co. Net: APR. Format: MOR. Marshall APR. Rep: Blair. Format: C &W. Spec prog: Farm 5 hrs Johnson, pres; Robert Dailey, VP & gen mgr; Bill WKTY(AM) -May 1948: 580 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw -N, wkly. D.E. Wright, pres & gen mgr; Dennis Vande Bessire, coral mgr; Jim Swanson, prog dir; Jean DA -2.

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