APPENDIX H Wildlands (Richard Hart) landscape assessment report ASSESSMENT OF LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL EFFECTS FOR A PROPOSED SUBDIVISION AT WAINUIOTOTO FARM R3160b ASSESSMENT OF LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL EFFECTS FOR A PROPOSED SUBDIVISION AT WAINUIOTOTO FARM Contract Report No. 3160b September 2014 Project Team: Richard Hart - Report author William Shaw - Peer review Prepared for: Ross and Dee Mear Wellington 99 SALA STREET, WHAKAREWAREWA, 3010, P.O. BOX 7137, TE NGAE, ROTORUA 3042 Ph 07-343-9017; Fax 07-343-9018, email [email protected], www.wildlands.co.nz CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. THE PROPOSAL 1 3. BIOPHYSICAL DESCRIPTION 2 3.1 Location 2 3.2 Topography 2 3.3 Hydrology and catchment 4 3.4 Vegetation 5 4. NATURAL CHARACTER 8 5. COROMANDEL DISTRICT LANDSCAPE ASSESSMENT AND OUTSTANDING LANDSCAPES 9 5.1 Proposed District Plan overlays 10 5.2 Modification and built development 12 6. VISUAL CATCHMENT AND VIEWING AUDIENCE 15 6.1 Whangapoua Beach 15 6.2 New Chum Beach track 16 6.3 New Chum Beach 18 6.4 Views from the sea 19 7. ASSESSMENT OF LANDSCAPE EFFECTS 19 7.1 Landscape effects and natural character 19 7.2 Proposed Natural Character Overlay (PNCO) 20 7.3 Proposed Outstanding Landscape Overlay (POLO) 22 7.4 House sites and dwellings within Proposed Outstanding Landscape Overlay 23 7.5 New Chum Beach experience 27 8. ASSESSMENT OF VISUAL EFFECTS 29 8.1 Viewpoint analysis 29 8.1.1 Viewpoint 1: Whangapoua Beach near the store 31 8.1.2 Viewpoint 2: Whangapoua Beach near the Mangakahia Road end carpark 31 8.1.3 Viewpoint 3: New Chum Beach Walkway 32 8.1.4 Viewpoint 4: Southern Two -Thirds of New Chum Beach 32 8.1.5 Viewpoint 5: Northern End of New Chum Beach 32 9. HOUSE SITE ASSESSMENTS 34 9.1 House Site 1 34 9.2 House Site 2 35 9.3 House Site 3 36 9.4 House Site 4 37 9.5 Ancillary buildings 38 © 2014 Contract Report No. 3160b 10. CONSENT CONDITIONS 38 11. CONCLUSIONS 40 APPENDIX 1. Site photographs 42 Reviewed and approved for release by: _______________________ W.B. Shaw Director/Principal Ecologist Wildland Consultants Ltd Wildland Consultants Ltd 2014 This report has been produced by Wildland Consultants Ltd for Ross and Dee Mear. All copyright in this report is the property of Wildland Consultants Ltd and any unauthorised publication, reproduction, or adaptation of this report is a breach of that copyright. © 2014 Contract Report No. 3160b 1. INTRODUCTION Ross and Dee Mear, on behalf of the landowners, commissioned Wildland Consultants Ltd to provide an assessment of the landscape and visual effects (Landscape Assessment) to accompany a resource consent application to Thames- Coromandel District Council (TCDC) for a proposed subdivision. A Landscape Assessment is required as part of the application, along with an environmental assessment, archaeological survey, cultural impact assessment, engineering and geotechnical report, architectural services, and surveying. The proposal involves a four lot subdivision, on a 60.7 ha farm block, at Wainuiototo Farm near Whangapoua, on the Coromandel Peninsula. The four lots each have an identified house site. Previous work to support a proposed nine lot subdivision on this land by Coastal Land Holdings is referred to where relevant. This nine lot subdivision was part of an earlier and larger 22 lot subdivision incorporating adjacent land holdings. The subject property is adjacent to Wainuiototo Bay, which is also known as New Chum Beach. New Chum Beach is a beautiful sandy beach with outstanding natural character. A major portion of this outstanding beach and the associated dune formation and coastal forest is on the subject property. For many years, the current owners have allowed (and continue to allow) access along the beach, for the enjoyment of visitors and other members of the public. New Chum Beach can be defined as the area within the Wainuiototo Bay/New Chum Beach catchment that is shown approximately by the Natural Character Overlay and Outstanding Landscape Overlay maps of the Proposed Thames-Coromandel District Plan. This resource consent application relates to the pasture land which is within Wainuiototo Farm but behind and inland of New Chum Beach (as defined above). 2. THE PROPOSAL The owners wish to apply for resource consent to subdivide the property into four lots of approximately 15 ha each with one house site on each lot (i.e. Four house sites in total). House sites have been selected on the basis of providing purchasers with the best possible outlook and amenity, while preserving the natural character of the coastal environment, and key public views. Any new development proposal needs to be sensitive to the receiving environment and include enhancement of natural character and ecological values as an integral component. For example, earthworks need to be minimised, and vehicle accessways and building platforms need to be sited sensitively in the existing topography. As part of this resource consent application, most of the property is to be retired from grazing and converted into a low impact apiary operation. Areas around the house © 2014 1 Contract Report No. 3160b sites and along vehicle access roadways will be extensively planted and covenanted (c.11.5 ha). In addition, larger areas of gorse will be covenanted and left to regenerate naturally (c.17 ha). Areas immediately adjacent to the houses sites will be grassed and may be mown for management purposes as well as to allow for private orchard, vegetable, and ornamental gardens. In summary, indigenous vegetation is to be restored to more than 55 ha of the 60.7ha property and will comprise c.28.5ha of existing mature indigenous forest of high/very high ecological value. Indigenous forest will therefore cover more than 90% of the applicants’ property - excluding the sandy beach above mean high water springs which is included within the existing title of the property. The overall retirement and ecological enhancement and management of the property is a very significant and positive initiative (refer Ecological Assessment). Building design controls are proposed in terms of house location and siting, building height and extent, and building materials and colours. In addition to the current application for subdivision, under the current rules of the Operative Thames-Coromandel District Plan, separate controlled activity resource consents will be required for houses on each of the identified house sites. It is expected that in each such case, a site-specific design will be prepared, to be accompanied by a site-specific landscape assessment and mitigation proposal. The subdivision proposal is shown on the landscape drawings. 3. BIOPHYSICAL DESCRIPTION 3.1 Location The property is adjacent to Wainuiototo Bay, lying to the north of the coastal settlement of Whangapoua on the eastern side of the Coromandel range, 11 km east of Coromandel Township, 5 km east of Kennedy Bay and 4 km west of Matarangi. Access to the property is from the south, via a private roadway off Te Punga Road. Figure 1 (topographic map of the site) shows the general locality and visual catchments relevant to the property and wider area. It also shows the property location and boundaries. 3.2 Topography Key topographical features of the area are the sandy beaches, rocky shorelines and islands, coastal landform/vegetation, and the hilly hinterland. Sandy Beaches Whangapoua Beach is 1.8 km long and faces northeast. New Chum Beach is 1.1km long and lies about 400 m north of Whangapoua. The Wainuiototo - New Chum catchment is between Pukenui (171 m) and Motukopu Island to the northwest and © 2014 2 Contract Report No. 3160b Legend Property boundary © 2014 Data Acknowledgment Map contains data sourced from LINZ Crown Copyright Reserved Figure 1. Site location of www.wildlands.co.nz, 0508 WILDNZ Wainuiototo Station Landscape Assessment Scale: 1:50,000 Report: 3160 Client: Ross Mear Date: 10/06/2014 Ref: 01 1404 0 1 2 Cartographer: FM ³ Path: E:\gis\NewChumsBeach\mxd\ km File: Figure_LocationSite.mxd Format: A4 Motuto Point to the southeast. Whangapoua Beach is located between the headlands of Te Rehutae Point (85 m) at the south-eastern end and Motuto Point (72 m) in the northwest. A rocky boulder shoreline extends beyond the sandy beaches at both ends of New Chum and Whangapoua. Both beaches are typical of the Coromandel east coast, with white sand and boulder fields at each end. About 700 m (64%) of New Chum Beach adjoins the subject property. Cliffs and Scarps Motuto Point (72 m) is a distinctive natural feature, colloquially referred to as the Camel because of its shape. Its northwest cliffs drop almost vertically down to the shoreline at Wainuiototo Bay with vertically striated rocks. The saddle (Camel’s neck) between New Chum and Whangapoua is about 20 m above sea level. Inland of the Motuto Saddle, a fragmented ridge line divides the Wainuiototo and Whangapoua catchments and rises west into the hinterland. North of Wainuiototo Bay is a section of coastal rocks and an associated rocky reef. A rock pinnacle and Motukopu Island (over 60 m) lie 100 m offshore east of and below Pukenui (171 m). Islands Pungapunga Island is 200 m offshore from Whangapoua Beach, east of the Pungapunga River mouth. Another small island, Motukopu Island, lies north of New Chums beach just off the mainland coast below Pukenui. The Mercury Islands form a key part of the sea views some 17 km eastwards, along with Matarangi, Kuaotunu and the Opito Bay peninsula. Hinterland Hilly hinterland rises to the west above Wainuiototo Bay to higher peaks points west and south of the property at Hapapawera (364 m) the nearest, south to Haronga (411 m) and Kakahoroa (273 m).
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