- '.o arianas ~riet~~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 b&) ews ) Payne returns with wage bill \ CONGRE~SMAN Lewis F. tunity to compete for market Payneisplanningtore-introduce share, the statement said. I a bill which will prohibit the use HouseResolution6082wasin­ of the "Made in USA" label and troduced by Payne just before denyorreducetheduty-freeprivi­ Congressadjournedlast year. At II lege of goods produced in the that time, he promised that he NorthernMarianasunless thelo­ would re-introduce the legisla­ cal minimum wage is raised to tion once the new Congress con­ the prevailingfederal rate and at venes. least 50 percentof direct labor is "My legislation was designed suppliedbyCommonwealthresi­ toprovidetheNorthernMarianas dents. ample time to begin to deal with "The bill I am introducing this labor abuses, including the ex­ weekis identicalto my bill in the ploitationofthe textileindustry:' last Congress:' Payne said in a he said. letter toResidentRepresentative Babauta, in his statement, said \ Juan N. Babauta Tuesday. "It is he had kept Payne posted on the not punitive,rather it attempts to workoftheMinimumWageTask \ reconcileinconsistentlaborstan­ Force created by Governor dards between the mainland and Lorenzo 1. Guerrero and the the Commonwealth." progressof abilltoraisethemini­ Payne, who is from Virginia, mum wage by 30 cents a year representsadistrict wheretextile until itreachesthecurrentfederal REPRESENTAnVEStanleyTorres (second fromleft)pointstosource ofspring water in KannatTabla. With and garment manufacturing are rate of $4.25 per hour. i him are Rep. HeinzS. Hofschneider (left) and Speaker Thomas P. Villagomez. importantto the local economy, In his letter, Payne said he was ,i according to a statement from: encouragedby the recommenda­ I Babauta's.office. He has previ­ tionsof the task force and the I Senate co three ously said he wanted "a level movementof the wagebill in the '~ playingfield" so workers herep­ Legislature."However,I believe judges'appointments resentscanhave an equal oppor- more must be done:' he said. By Rafael H.Arroyo Senate Committee on Executive achievement He isreadyto move Postmaster went Action andGovernmental Investi­ up to the position of presiding TIIESenateconfirmedonWednes­ gation said in a report to Senate judge:' thecommittee said. day the appointment of Superior President Juan S. Demapan. "His " "His record as prosecutor with to Jakarta,copsays Court Presiding Judge Pedro M. unique combination of publicand theAtterneyGeneral'sOfficecould . By GaynorDumat-ol longerhadjurisdictionoverthe Atalig as associate justice of the private legalpractice provides him compete asoneof thefinestin the case. Supreme Court to replace Jesus C. withvaluable insights and knowl­ Commonwealth." POSTMASTER Jim Millet, As far as'the Postal Service Borjawhoresigned lastmonth. edgenecessary for the post." Castrowas the CNMIAttorney who wasreported missing,left Office is concerned, however, The senate also approved the Atalig has been chief judge of General from 1986to 1989, when SaipanJan, 29 for Jakarta, In­ Milleris still missing. promotion of Associate Judge the trialcourt since November of he waspromoted to thebench. donesia,police said yesterday. Postmaster'I'ony SanNicolas Alexandre A. Castroas presiding 1991. Prior to that, he was in pri­ The vacancy in the lower court ,WiththediscoverytheCrimi­ of Maui, who'was sent by the judge and theappointment of Ed­ vate law practice for five years whichresulted from Atalig'spro­ nal Investigation Division PostalService's Honolulu Di­ ward Manibusan to the Superior starting May1986untilthetimehe motion was filled up by Edward closedthe missing person case visionto assistmail operations. Court appointed judge. Manibusan. concerning Miller,PoliceChief in Saipan when Miller disap­ "We are in unanimous agree­ "This bodyhasexamined Judge Manibusan served as assistant AntonioReyes said. peared,saidin aninterviewhis menttoconfmnMr.Ataligasasso­ Castro's experience andnotesthe Reyes said investigators no ecntlnaed on page 2 ciatejusticeof thehighcourt,"the nominees's impeccable record of continued on page 2 AG disqualification stays; Guerrero to hire ownlawyer THE SUPREME Courtyesterday cationtorepresenttheCUCexecu- dismissed an appeal on the dis- tivedirector inthecaseispending. qualifIcation of theAttorney Gen- The Supreme Court dismissed eralascounsel forCommonwealth theappeal because, ithasnojuris- Utilities Corp.Executive Director diction on the appeal. RamonS. Guerrero in a criminal "Wedo nothavejurisdiction to complaint for contempt entertain this appeal at this time," Minutes after the decision, according to the decision penned Guerrero showed up forhis initial byChiefJustice JoseS.DelaCruz, appearance before the Superior and Associate Justices RamonG. Court, with two private lawyers - Villagomez andJesusC. Borja. James E.HollmanandGuam-based TheSupreme Courtsaiditcould DavidLujan. decide on an appeal onlyifit con- Guerrero will be arraigned on cerns a fmal judgment, order or March 10. decision. Hollman willtemporarily repre- According totheSupremeCourt, COMMONWEALTHUtilities Corp. Executive DirectorRamon S. Gue"ero (left), with counselDavidLujan sentGuerrero whileLujan's appli- continued on page 2 and Representative Herman Palacios beforeGuerrero's appearance in courtyesterday. I Ne(;Js:pa~ =--bzcb I pac ___~ --=-_,J FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19,1993-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS ANDVIEWS-3 ~·m. Senate•.,.' i:postIhaster.~~ · 'T\.Jaeat,..I. .1' ent offoreignJ.4 L I ,.." '" continued frot'hpage 1 'CorltlrUJSdfrom" page 1 Yoshida leavingto take , attorney general from 1983 to1986, .offlce has not heard a wordfrom ',: p~o, including three years aschiefofthe Milletasof yesterday afternoon. · . 0··man·.und'e·',·r . be" AG's Criminal Division. " CIDinvestigatorshaveverified up post inNewMexico .:.:.:.:::::.::;.:.;;:::;:::::::;;.";:.::::::;.::;:-:::::';;:':::"": W He served as director of public that Miller boarded a Japan Air- safety from 1986 to 1989, thenas ill . Attorney General untiI1990. Then linesflightonthe29toJakartavia HOTEL Nikko general manager Investorsin the tourism indus­ THE OFFICE of the Attorney contacted by a member of the .m e aliens subject to detailed hewent intoprivate practice. Japan. He was also bookedon a Toshimi Yoshida will leave try andthegovemmentmustwork General hasconfirmed thatitwas public at approximately 8 p.m. immigrationarrival inspectionor At the timeof his appointment, Feb. 9flight back to Saipan, as~ Saipan early next month to togethertoimprovetouristfacili­ investigating possibleirregulari­ on Feb. 14. At that time the detentionpendingexclusion. Manibusan wasa seniorpartner in SanNicolassaid thePostalSer- sume a higher position in New ties on the island,Yoshida said ties in the treatmentof an alien Attorney General requestedthat Becausethismatteriscurrently theSalas-Manibusan LawOffice. vice was still trying to confirm Mexico. He also stressed the need for femalewhosoughtentryintothe theimmigration shift supervisor under-investigation, the Office While inprivate practice, hewas Miller's arrivalin Jakarta. Yoshida said in an interview other members of the local com­ Commonwealth as a touristover on duty.at the time to make a of the Attorney General cannot chosen to become a special pros- PostalInspectorDevinHallre- Wednesday his position at the munitywhohavenot realizedthe in th'e'CNMI . 1:\..:1, d,portedMiller's disappearance to the past holidayweekend. preliminary inquiryintothismat­ "makeanyspecificcommentother ecuto r ' vs. ~en an I~i hotelwould betakenoverbyYuzo value of the tourism industry, to the CNMI vs.Flores cases,obtain- the police Monday after Miller Takano, general manager for Acopyof a statementreceived ter and reportback to the Attor­ . thanconfirmingtheexistenceof ingconvictions for bothcasesbe- failed to,report to the office for '_:~'i extend more courtesy to foreign by fax Wednesday did not iden­ ney General for-further possible NikkoHotelin Narita. visitors. a formal investigation and the fore ajury.;aoouttwo weeks. The outgoinggeneral manager tifytheforeigner or theimmigra- . action:' chronologyof thecomplaintsre- Manibusan holds adegreeofjuris ',Miller's'landlord inSaipanalso Saipanwillalsobe moreattrac­ will also be vacating the presi­ tive if it has facilities to promote tion officials involved. On the , DuringthemorningofFeb.15, ceived by this office. doctor from Gonzago University ,noticed thatthe postmaster was 1 dencyof theHotelAssociationof the island's culture, like muse­ TheAttorneyGeneral's Office' Law School inSpokane. missingand likewiseplanned to same day, the Variety reported the Attorney General was con­ theNorthern MarianaIslandsand ums. the experience of Blaney tacted both by a member of the and the Immigration Service "His resume speaks fOr itself. file a missingperson complaint. ; hismembershipintheGovernor's IfSaipancontinuesto improve Calumba, who came to Saipan legislature and the immigration stress that it is our firm policy Mr.Manibusan possesses thenee- Hallsaidin anearlierinterview Council of Economic Advisers. e~ facilities fortourists, visitorsfrom Saturdayto be withher husband chiefregardingthe samematter. thatalltravellertotheCNMIwill qualifications to sit in the that Miller did not say he was l Yoshida, who has been in ., trialcourt bench, so we recom- ,leavinghispostpriortohisdisap- I Japan will keep on visiting the Sunday, Valentine's Day. She At that time, the AttorneyGen­ . ,be, treated courteously ~P; ac~ . .. .mend..his-confirmation before the" pearance;'" Saipan
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