Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1963-1964 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1963 Eastern Progress - 13 Dec 1963 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1963-64/13 £ MERRY CHRISTMAS Christmas In Santa Claus Many Lands Still Lives Pafce 5 - Pafce 2 6(XSt€R OOR&SS "Setting The Pace In A Progressive Era" 41st Year Number 12 Friday. December 13, 1963 Student Publication of Eastern State College, Richmond, Kentucky Traditional Christmas Programs, Messiah, Hanging; Of The Greens, Set For Sunday Begins Season Two Opera Stars In Walnut Hall The traditional Christmas sea- Join 250- Voice Chorus son at Eastern will be formally Two nationallyrrecognized New York City Opera stars will ushercd*in with the Hanging of the Greens on Sunday afternoon join members of the Eastern music department and a power- at four in Walnut Hall of the ful 250-voice chorus in presenting the 32nd annual Christmas Keen Johnson Student Union performance of Handel's oratorio, "The Messiah," Sunday even- Building. MAKING SHOW PLANS ... The members of Judy Ogden, Para Pox, Trusie McClanahan, ing in Hiram Brock Auditorium. Lucille Booth, Carol Smith, Pat Taulbee, Barbara The program is presented Dy Drum and Sandal have been planning a Christ- the YWCA and the YMCA. Soloist for the 7:30 p.m. performance will be Miss Llll mas show which will be presented in assembly Seevers, Vicky Nelson, Sue Ann Lankford, Tyrona Doneghy, Connie Martin, Judy Weaver, and The Reverend Harold Dorsey Chookasian, contralto from the Metropolitan Opera; Mr. John next Wednesday. Members of the interpretive of Danville will be the' main McCollum, tenor from New York City; Miss Mary Lewis, in- dance group which will take part are from left Linda Bledsoe. speaker at the program. structor of music at Eastern, soprano, and Mr. Donald Hen- The program of Christmas car- ols and scripture will include the rickson, assistant professor music, bass. invocation by Ann Gordon Scott, Directing the chorus will be Mr. James E. Van Peursem, with Thomas Scherman's new Drum and Sandal To Present president of the YWCA from Concert Opera Society singing Dover, and special music num- head of the Eastern music de- partment. leading roles in Spontini's "La bers by the Eastern Girls En- Vestale," Strauss' "Intermezzo," semble of the Opera Workshop The chorus will be composed and Rossini's "William Tell." with Karen Flynn, Irvine, as the of 260 college students, faculty, Annual Christmas Program pianist. and citizens of Madison County, In 1950 Mr. McCollum was The scripture* will be read by as well as some of Eastern's well-established in California as Nancy Sea, Sinai; Joe Younger, a newspaperman when he de- Drum and Sandal, Eastern's Merry Christmas" are the se- while Carol Smith and Judy alumni who return each year for Brooklyn, New York; and Bev- the performance. cided to switch to a singing ca- modern dance club, will present lections of Trusie McClanahan, Ogden present the old familiar reer. In his fourth year as city Fara Fox, and Linda Bledsoe, "Jingle Bells." erly Keith, Corbln. The bene- its annual Christmas program diction will be given by Robert Orchestra to Accompany editor of the Coallnga, California Show Continues during assembly next Wednesday Glenn Taylor, YMCA president Accompanying the chorus will "Record," singing had been a Tyrona Doneghy, Pat Taulbee, be the Eastern orchestra, under serious sideline. in Hiram Brock Auditorium. from Richmond. Lucille Booth, and Sue Ann Lank- Ellen Rice, Lexington, anft the direction of Dr. Robert Op- Won Award Setting the mood and enliven- Frosh Women's ford dance to "Deck the Halls," pelt. The chorus will be aug- Joyce Fleckiger, Latonla, wltt j Mr. McCollum won the Ameri- ing the Christmas spirit will be and the solo of flic show will be light the traditional candles. mented by members of the Berea presented. ny-Oudj) .Qgften, flfttng J £rotrjrf""Ml&B Nancy'Davis, in- ca Theater Wing Concert award the entire •club, dancing In the 8a*y jehn»en./rHf<Mll «gW' Dinner Monday "Winter Wonderland.** "Here Younger, Brooklyn, NewVYork, | structor of music, will accom- and was presented in a debut re- first number to "It's Beginning, Comes Santa Claus" and "Dance the special program committee ( pany at the organ. Miss Blanche cital at Town Hall in 1962. 4 Look a Lot Like Christmas." The 13th annual Freshman of the Wooden Soldiers" are the chairmen for the two clubs and Seevers, associate professor of Miss Lewis was the soprano To further activate this spirit Women's Dinner will be held selections of Connie Martin, Bar- Miss Willie Moss, associate pro- music, assisted with the training soloist in last year's production. Judy Weaver and Connie Martin Monday evening at 6:30 in the bara Seevers, Carol Smith, Judy fessor of home economics and of the chorus. A graduate of the University of cafeteria. sponsor of the YWCA, and Mr. Miss Chookasian, cited as the Missouri, she has appeared as a will present "I'll Be Home For Weaver, and Linda Bledsoe. soloslt at various churches in Christmas." Sponsored by Cwens, tickets Bentley Hilton, assistant profes- ] outstanding Metropolitan Opera Turning to the more serious sor of business and sponsor of [ Detroit, Ann Arbor, and Pontiac, Vicky Nelson, Barbara Se- are $1.60 and may be purchased side of Christmas, Tyrona Done- debut of 1962, has portrayed La from any member of Cwens. the YMCA, are in charge of the Cieca in "La Gioconda; Mary In Michigan, and Columbia, Mis- evert, Pat Taulbee; Sue Lank- ghy will sing "Sweet Little Jesus souri. ford, and Lucille Booth all agree Dr. Kenneth Harper, assistant Boy." Trusie McClanahan, program. "The Flying Dutchman," Made- The program began in 1930 as Ion In "Andrea Chenier," and In addition, she taught at the that no Christmas program is dean of men at the University of Fara Fox, and Vicky Nelson con- the Christmas Vesper Service i.ll.l CHOOKASIAN JOHN McCOLLUM complete without "Frosty the Kentucky, will be the principal tinue this feeling as they dance Ulrica In "Ballo en Maschera." University of Missouri. sponsored by the YWCA and the She has appeared as a soloist Mr. Henrickson will appear as Snowman." "Ring Christmas speaker. His speech is entitled to "What Child Is This." Clos- YMCA. Since its beginning a Bella" and "We Wish You a "A Christmas Message." ing the show the entire group in the new Philharmonic Hall in the bass soloist for the fourth candle procession and the de- New York's Lincoln Center; with consecutive year. He has ap- Musical entertainment will in- will Join together for "Silent corating with wreaths and ropes clude a trio composed of Mynga Night." the Philadelphia Orchestra under peared with the Messiah Chorus of Christmas greens have be- Eugene Ormandy, and with the of Independence, Missouri. Kennamer, Richmond, Betty Does Own Choreography come Integral parts of the ser- Alexander, Bloomfield, and Mar- Tryouts Being Held Boston, Chicago, Detroit, St. An active concert artist For the show, each individual vice. Louis, Louisville, and Washing- atha ^Sue Wilson, Richmond. Following the program, there throughout the eastern United They will sing "O Holy Night." group selected and chorographed ton Symphonies. States, he has been a soloslt un- its own number. will be open houses held In the Jerry Smith, Midway, will pre- women's dormitories. This past summer she sang der such figures as Sir Thomas sent additional musical selec- Mrs. Virginia Jinks, physical For Second L-T Play the Verdi Requiem in Ned York, Beecham, Boris Goldonsky, and tions. education instructor, is the new Mexico City, Montreal, Berlin. Lukas Foss, and has had lead Karen Honebrink, president of sponsor for Drum and Sandal Married and the mother of three roles in several operas. He Cwens, will preside at the ban- and,, according to Miss Ogden, The Little Theater will hold In the play there are eleven children, in the past Miss Cook- played the role of Christy In the quet. Dean Evelyn Bradley, president of the club, "is doing tryouts for their second produc- speaking parts for men and three aslan had a daily radio program, "Stephen Foster Story," and this a splendid job, adding many new fall appeared as Escamlllo in dean of women, Miss Patay tion of the year on January 7 and for the women. Also, there are "Hymns of All Churches," over Pace, assistant dean of women, ideas and routines and inspiring 8 from 7-9 p.m. in the Little Thea- NBC. Georges Bizet's "Carmen." the girls with her many talents." non-speaking, parts for atten- Cwens co-sponsors, and college ter. dants and other extras. Mr. McCollum scored .as a He received his BM in 1966 and faculty and administrative per- Shortly after-the presentation The play, "Twelfth Night," by leading tenor with the New Eng- his MM in 1958 from the Univer- William Shakespeare, will be The play has eighteen scenes sonnel will be among the hon- of the Christmas program the in it Involving seven different land Opera Theater, the Wash- sity of Illinois. ored guests as well as honorary club will begin in its annual presented March 16-20. sets. People Interested in back- ington Opera Society, the all- An earlier presentation by the Cwens. spring show. Tryouts will be This is a comedy in Shakes- star Concert-Opera Group, and Berea Harmonia Society will be soon after the beginning of the peare's* merriest vein. In which stage work, costuming, or paint given Wednesday at the Union KIE's arid Sigma. Chi Delta ing (scenery) are asked to sec on national tours with the Boris will serve at the banquet.
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