Real Estate at Auction. REAL ESTATE.For Sale. REAL ESTATE.For Sale. Business Property to Bet. Flats and. Apartments to Let. Houses to Let.Brooklyn.. Brooklyn Borough. Queens Borough. FOR OTHER Por other advertisements under East Side. Unfurnished.West Side. For other advertisements under tills classification see section Pages For other advertisement® under this 81 72 and index to "Want" advts. For other advertisements under ALL LIGHT LOFTS..NO. 353 EAST 78TH ST. classification see section 1" lines to this classification see section I'ages this classification see section Pages Third loft, 25x100; $35 per month. 01 to 72 and index to ''Want" advts. 61 to 73 and index to "Want" advts. 01 to 73 and index to "Want" advts. Half of fourth loft- $20 per month. MORRIS WILKtNS, AUCTIONEER. & 384 Park are. g. H. LUDLOW & CO. will sell at auction McCAFPERTY BUCKLEY, Unfurnished. DECEMBER at 12 at A 3D AVE. STORE. 1873, near 103d St.; EVELYN, A WEDNESDAY, 6, o'clock, 3-STORY BRICK HOUSE. 10 ALL : khe New York REAL ESTATE 111 $$00 DOWN, $2S MONTHLY ONLY 15 MINUTES iront; rent $50. plateglass 101 WEST 78TH STREET. ROOMS; jREAL ESTATE SALESROOM, Our contracts were let out before the rise in IMPROVEMENTS; PROSPECT PLACE. NEAR I Broadway, consequently we have the homes FROM EAST TO YANDERBILT AVE.; CHOICE LOCATION; for cheapest materials; 34TH ST. West Side. PINE ORDER; RENT APPLY TO J. II. 12TH ST. the money in the borough. On 45th st., bet. Absolutely Fireproof. 286 ?37. 301 WEST 4th and 5th aves., 30 sold of our elegant A LARGE AND A1RV DOHERTY. FLATBUSH AVE., NEAR 7TH (Abingdon Square), houses for one or now FACTORY, AVE. brick two families; 7 brownatoneready. LIGHT FOUR SIDES; One very choice 7-room t-story dwelling, 23x about 60 feet, party Finest oak dining room in the city; buffet china Park 30 HORSE POWER ENGINES; STEAM HEAT; TO LET.Houses, 513 and 515 55th St., near Walls, lot 80 feet. Maps and particulars from closet, crockery tubs and sink; ocean east, N. Y. Morningdale a 5th ave.; brick, 3-story, 12 rooms; all five lofts, elevator; and few improvements; Messrs. STETSON JENNINGS & 11US8ELL At- Bay west; one block from Sunset Park; 30 minutes 50x100; new houses: decorated; AND W corner 12th ave. and 30th st. Housekeeping open plumbing, furnace; "WANT" .u11is jDiuumiK, ur .^.ucidvinjta a nu xy u.v*tuj. to 8 two and THE NEAREST SUBURB TO N. Y. Manhattan, ways; styles; $5,400 2X^4" J Apartments left. possession. P. D. MASON, 26 Court st.. Brooklyn. Is,900, undecorated. Owner on premises. Located at Woodside, L. I., fare 5 cents by train or Non-housekeeping trolley; shade trees, water, sidewalks, churches, JOHN JORDAN & SON, Restaurant under of Real Rstate Loans. NO CASH DOWN. school, mail delivery, police and fire protection. 449^ West 23th st. management Houses to Let.Out of the City. MfWlthlv nmrmftrvta rvf hiiw /-.f mr ?\AA AMSTERDAM AVE., 588.Elegant double For other advertisements under store; rare chance; suitable for 6aloon, bottle JOHN B. SCHMITT, For other advertisements under 'ADVERTISEMENTS SEE this classification see section 2-story basement brownstone houses for 2 families; liquors, grocer, butcher, delicatessen, hardware or Pages upper part rents for but write LOTS Upward Late of Delmonico's. this classification see section Pages $18; you pay $47; any business. Inquire or* agents. 61 to 72 and index to "Want" ailvts. for full and of $20O janitor 61 to 72 and index to "Want" advts. particulars illustrations terms; open FINE STORE with adjoining room; notions, on Sunday, Builder, JOHN H. DONNELLY, 26 $5 Cash, Balance $1.00 Weekly. branch laundry, other good business; $25. 246 Apply Premises. SMALL 2D MORTGAGES ave. Rockaway TITLES GUARANTEED FREE. West 18th St., janitor. 125TH BT., 511 AND 513 WEST.Four light Unfurnished. klida in 48 hours ii necessary; reasonable terms. SMALL stores to rent. Call, office ESTATE OF rooms and bath; hot water; new house; convenient RIDGEFIELD PARK.House, 8 rooms: all Call, write, telephone, DUCKWORTH, World WM. HENRY 20 Varick st. to cable; $15 to $17. Janitor. improvements, $15; (others all prices. CARL Bnlldinfl, Hew York. SSo 2-FAMILY HOUSES g£ L. SLANDORFF, McARDLE, HALLBERG, 102 West 42d st. SECTION PAGES 1 7 new frame, brick filled bay windows, every TO LET.Offices, rooms and studios in the Unfurnished.Above 125th. Street. I HAVE the following special amounts to loan improvement; rent one floor will pay allmodern 150 NASSAU ST., N. Y. Lancaster apartment house, comer 106th at, and tu New York City real estate: you live rent free: good location. East expenses;3d Broadway; splendid location for a dentist or ladies' A..CORNER Lenox ave., 100 West 136th st.. Furuished. liooms to at 4 cent. St., near Prospect Park. OWNER, 489 20th st. liair dresser; also suitable for Six and five; bath, steam heat, hot water supply Let. 60,000. $10,000, #15,000, $20,000 per large basement, cafe. to Janitor. (l6.006, $12,000, $15,000, $25,000 at 4Vi percent. REAL ESTATE.For Sale. Apply in drug store. private street; $28 $35. For 15,000, at 5 per cent. other advertisements under $10,000, $20,000, $25,000 Island. \ AMSTERDAM AVE., 1489, 1491, 1493.Three this classification see section CHARGES VERY MODERATE. $400 Down.Price $2,900. Loiik Above 12.'th Street. and four rooms and bath, with all improvements; Pages JOSEPH W. LAWRENCE, 58 LIBERTY ST. New houses; 9 rooms and batn; 1 or 2 families; steam heat; rents from $10-$12; month free. 61 to 72 and index to "Want" advts. TO s cabinet trim, fancy grills, iron fence. F. DHUY, For other advertisements under janitor; IF YOU WANT first, second or third mortgage on premises, 69 Rochester ave., cor. Pacific st. tills classification see section STABLE, Inaujre Fast Side. 61 72. to lift Pages 10 East 127th st., large brick stable, 4 stalls, AMSTERDAM AVE., 1495.Elegant comer loan, pay interest, taxes, liens, stop 61 to 72 and index "Want" rooms ~ proceedings; interest 4 per cent, withoutforeclosure $2,650 cash; 2-story, cellar, to advts. wagon shed: price $20 per month. Apply on flats. 5 and bath; rents very low; month BROADWAY, 1539, Long Acre Square, 1st Hoot paying extortion rates. Address Box 84 SiI f(iPj\J A*sH" all or M'VICKAR & CO., 477 Central Park West,premses free. Janitor. .Light, square room; will furnish to suit tenant; Principle, Jp i-family house; .t business or Furnished Rooms to Ret. Journal. i convenient location. MANDERV1LLE, 108th st. AMSTERDAM AVE., northwest corner 132d st. residence. 104 Van Siclen improvements; FIVE LOFTS and two 5,000 feet .4 and 5 large, light rooms, bath, $15, $18. PARK 120 furnished FIRST, second mortgages, 4%, 5 per cent: large, ave., Brooklyn. cellars, each; ROW, (St. Clair).Nicely DoroiiRh of Brooklyn. amounts. A PINE and basement frame 2-family power, superior light; $300 month. 415 East EAGLE AVE., 667, near Westchester ave.. large, small rooms; single, couples; $1.50 to $3.50; small F. G. RANDALL, 132 Park ave., 2-story Don't to See ^ 5 transient, 50c., 75c., $1. HART ST., comfortahta Fail halls kept, opposite Grand Central. house; all improvements; in splendid locality; price Exquisite flats, rooms, bath; heated; $16; 240A.Thoroughly HABLER 1030 Gates select families. Xims; private house: all conveniences; near Bridge $3,700. Inquire BROS., Borough of Brooklyn. PARK AVE., 1790, near f24th st.".K'icelj^tuu 2ttd ferry cars. r« ave., Brooklyn. AND nished rooms lor one or two Cornell bell. Real Wanted OUR 1, 2£ 5 ACRE gentlemen. PACIFIC ST., 421.Back parlor, housekeeping, Estate BEST and cheapest two-story and basement brick ST., 515, near Centre.Furnished rooms, PEARLr two all room; and stone houses in good; Large Corner Store and Lofts. heated and bath, up; hoard 0steam gentlemen; improvements; single Brooklyn; neighborhood HOME PLOTS Corner Flatbush are. and State st.; has engine, Flats to Rent. $1.50 optional. oard if desired; very reasonable. , For other advertisements tinder all the latest improvements for two families; many boiler, etc.; will rent lofts thifl i r»n tinn ****** «#«f»tinn Pn irpiH novel and not found in other elevator, separately. Steam Heated to 1..Clarendon, 4th ave. and 18th st..For POPLAR ST., 5.FURNISHED ROOMS: practical improvements BEORGE W. LEE, 328 W. 125th, New York City. Flats, $16 $19. at half 1 OIt 61 to 72 and Index to "Want" nd vl«. houses; extra light room in basement; furnace in Hot water supply: all conveniences; 6 rooms and elegantly furnished Roce.is rates;gentlemen, HOUSEKEEPING; GENT,I:ME,N cellar; terms to suit: two minutes to oars; 35 AT PATCHOGUE, L. I. ; BAKERY and new oven; also suit of rooms, all bath; rent free to January 1, 1900. Inquire steam heat, baths, billiards, all publications and V $1.50 UP. IMPkO-VECENTS: to four lines of cars to Bridge and mprovements; corner Henry and Bush sts.; rent Audubon comer 168th st. cars elevator included. PUTNAM furnished hall WANTED TO BEA8E, property, double flats Manhattan; minutes ^125 per month. 774 ave., (TrolleyJanitor, AVE., 1383.Nicely tenements; cash security. CHAI1IOWITZ, 860 all ferries. 125 to 135 Schaeffer st. The healthiest, most thriving and prosperous sec- Janitor, Henry st,, Brooklyn. will be running before January.) 3D AVE., 535.Nicely furnished rooms; heated; rc10m to let. astern 102d at. BARGAIN.The best 2-story and basement Hon of Long Island. You must see it to appreciate BRICK STABLE 12 stalls; situated between LENOX AVE.. 531, near 137th st..5 extra price moderate. Schultz. SMITH ST., 79, two bells.Parlor and bedroom; t pouievard, brownstone house for sale in this city; 20x50x100, it, so don't delay, but visit the property at once, as Hamilton and South ferries, Brooklyn.
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