Their Role in Soil and Landscape Genesis in an Area Nearmérida , Spain

Their Role in Soil and Landscape Genesis in an Area Nearmérida , Spain

Mechanical replacement processes in mobile soft calcichorizons ; their role in soil and landscape genesis in an area nearMérida , Spain G.W.W. Elbersen 'Ss''s ' ', 's's ' '**s ''s s'ssss-ss f*SSj SSs' " ''s , 's s's S, SS's , S, sSsss,,SSS, -s, r s s"s. A iiuüä *? è 'V h $ G.W .W . Elbersen Mechanical replacement processes in mobile soft calcic horizons; their role in soil and landscape genesis in an area near Mérida, Spain Proefschrift terverkrijgin gva nd egraa dva n doctori nd elandbouwwetenschappen , opgeza gva nd erecto rmagnificus , dr.C.C .Oosterlee , hoogleraar ind eveeteeltwetenschap , inhe topenbaa rt everdedige n opvrijda g 12novembe r198 2 desnamiddag st evie ruu ri nd eaul a vand eLandbouwhogeschoo l teWageninge n Centre for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation Wageningen - 1982 Abstract Elbersen,G.W.W . (1982).Mechanica lreplacemen tprocesse s inmobil e soft calcichor ­ izons; theirrol e insoi lan d landscape genesis ina nare anea rMérida ,Spain .Agric . Res.Rep . (Versl.landbouwk .Onderz. )919 ,ISB N90-220-0810-X , (xii)+ 208p. , 47figs , 16tables ,20 4refs ,Eng. ,Du. ,Sp .an d Fr.summaries . Also:Doctora l thesis,Wageningen . Amechanica lreplacemen tproces s isdescribe d toexplai n thewa y inwhic h soft calcichorizon sbecom e 'mobile'an d actively penetrate the soil. Thismode l implies thatth ehorizon sar epedogeneti c featureswhic hma y bever y old since they canes ­ capeexposur e m alandscap e subject toerosion .Th e lime theycontai nca nb ederive d tromth eweatherin g strata throughwhic h theyhav epasse d in thecours e of time.Th e processi sinitiate d bysubterranea ngilga ïformatio nwhic h introduces soilmateria l intoth elowe rpar to f thecalci chorizo nwhic h subsequentlymove s thismateria lup ­ wardan d expelsi tfro m thetop .Th etranspor tproces swa sre-create d in thelabora ­ toryan dmonitore db ystere oradiography . Itsdrivin g force isderive d fromai ren ­ closurewhic hoccur supo nwettin g ofcrystallin epowder y lime.Fiel d data from the studyare ahav eyielde d evidenceo f thereplacemen t processan d indicate themai n rnW \^\facf"- Rat*s ofdownwar d movement of thecalci chorizon s havebee n cal- are! rJS- \ th\sa™ °rdero fmagnitud ea srepresentativ e erosionrate s for the arc^oSy^rbrieily^t^:33 ^ "^ ^^ *^^> ^morphology and InclosureridPat-S: ^^ h°riz0ns> calich*> calcrete,sof tpowder y lime,gilgaï ,ai r izons eenet? of«^te s erosionrates ,carbonat e leaching,petrocalci c hor- ïzons,genesi so fcalci chorizons . Thisthesi swil l also be pubUshed as AgricuUural Research ^^^ 9]g_ © Centrefo rAgricultura l Publishing andDocumentation ,Wageningen , ,982. y b e d C f rm b rint h0t0 pri^'microîi^fa:; o ther mea ns w?tr T^^ " ^ ° ' ? P > P " y nermean swithou twritte npermissio n from thepublishers . Stellingen 1. Netterbergha dongelij ktoe nhi jbeweerd eda td einformati edi eka nworde nver ­ kregenui tvisuel ewaarnemin ge nbeschrijvin gva ncalcrete smogelijkerwij szij n grenzenbereik theef te nda tverder evooruitgan gwaarschijnlij kallee ngeboek t kanworde ndoo rd etoepassin gva nmodern egeochemische ,geochronologische ,sedi - mentologischee npedologisch etechnieken . Netterberg,F . 1969. Theinterpretatio no fsom ebasi ccalcret e types.Th eSout h AfricanArcheol .Buil .2 4 (3/4):117-122 . 2. Brewer'sverklarin gda tcrysti cplasmi cfabric she tsimpel egevol gva nkristal - lisatiezijn ,geld tnie tvoo rd ezacht ekalkhorizonte ndi ei ndi tproefschrif t beschrevenworden . Brewer,R . 1976. Fabrican dminera lanalyse so fsoils .2n dedition .Wiley ,Ne w York.p .341 . 3. Deui tmeerder ehard ee nzacht ekalklage nbestaand e 'caprockcaliche 'va nd e LlanoEstacad oi nTexa se nNe wMexic oka nnoc huitsluiten ddoo rdegradati enoc h uitsluitenddoo raggradati eworde nverklaard . Ditproefschrift . 4. Mechanischevervangingsprocesse nkunne nzacht ekalkhorizonte ngedurend elang e tijdi nstan dhouden ,omda the ti ntegenstellin g totd emeest ebodemvormend epro ­ cessengee n 'self-accelerating (endaardoo rterminating )feedbac kprocesses 'zijn . Torrent,J .& W.D .Nettleton . 1978. Feedbackprocesse s insoi lgenesis .Geoderm a 20:281-287 . 5. Hetfei tda td emeest egoe dgedraineerd egronde nva nhe t 'Altillanura'landscha p vand eLlano sOrientale si nColombi avolgen she tAmerikaans ebodemklassificatie - systeemnie tal sOxisol sgeklassificeer dkunne nworden ,hoewe lzi jee ngroo taan ­ talkenmerke nme tOxisol sgemee nhebben ,i she tgevol gva nbijmengin gva nvulka ­ nischea sui td eAnde si nhe tHoloceen . Nieuwenhuis,E . &G.W.W .Elbersen . 1972. Algunasobservacione s sobrela sceniza s volcânicase nColombia .Revist aCIA F 1972:7-16 . 6. Eenlineai rgilga ïpatroo nda tnie tzuive rparalle laa nd ehellin ggeoriënteer d is,ka novereenkomsti gd emenin gva nBeckman ne tal .worde nverklaar dal sont ­ staandoo rerosie ,indie nword taangenome nda the tpatroo nzic hi nee ndegra ­ derendlandscha po pd eondergron dheef t 'doorgestencild'. Beckmann,G.G. ,C.H .Thompso n &G.D .Hubble . 1973. Lineargilgaï .Australia n landformexampl eNo .22 .Th eAustralia nGeographer ,XII ,4 :363-366 . 7. Deinterpretati eva nmonstergebiede no pconventionel e luchtfoto'si s(no gsteeds ) onmisbaarbi jhe tgebrui kva nsatellietbeelde nvoo rbodemkaa rte ringen . 8. Degrot enauwkeurighei dwaarme ehe tAmerikaans ebodemklassificatiesystee md ecri ­ teriavoo rzij ntax adefinieer theef tvoordele nvoo rd ecorrelati emaa rnadele n voord ekaartering . 9. Dete nlast eva nnatuurbehou dkomend ecomponen tva nd eprij sdi evoo rd estorm ­ vloedkeringi nd eOosterscheld eza lworde nbetaal dbestempel tdi tgebie dto the t duurstezeewateraquariu mte rwereld .Worde ndez ekoste nbetrokke no pd egegeven s betreffended emacroscopisch ewaterfaun awaarme ehe tecologisc hmode lva nd eRan d Corporationwerk tda nlaa tzic hbecijfere nda tvoo rd eaanwezighei dva nieder e zeesterva n1 0gra mleven dgewich tee nbedra gva n ƒ1,-moe tworde ngeïnvesteer d terwijlvoo rieder escho lva n25 0gra mƒ 25, -nodi gis .E rbestaa nalternatiev e aanwendingenva ndez efondse nvoo rnatuurbehee rdi eee nhoge rrendemen topleveren . RandCorporation .1978 . Protectinga nestuar yfro mflood s- a polic yanalysi so f theOosterschelde .Vol .Ill ,assessmen to flong-ru necologica lbalances :a nadden ­ dum (calibrationdata) .Sant aMonica .7 4pp . Ministerieva nVerkee re nWaterstaat . 1982. Persbulletinno .2647 . 15jun i1982 . CommissieOosterschelde .1974 . Rapportuitgebrach tdoo rd eCommissi eOoster ­ schelde,ingestel dbi jbeschikkin gva nd eMiniste rva nVerkee r enWaterstaa tva n 15augustu s 1973.Staatsuitgeveri j 's-Gravenhage.19 8pp . 10. Al sui the tvoorwoor dva nhe tManua lo fphotographi c interpretationka nworde n afgeleidda tfoto-interpretati ezowe lee nwetenscha pal see nkuns ti sda nkunne n foto-interpréteursaanspraa kmake no pd econtraprestatieregelin gva nhe tMini ­ sterieva nCultuur ,Recreati ee nMaatschappelij kwerk . AmericanSociet yo fPhotogrammetry .1960 . Manualo fphotographi cinterpretation , p.vii . ProefschriftG.W.W .Elberse n Mechanicalreplacemen tprocesse si nmobil esof tcalci chorizons ;thei rrol ei n soilan dlandscap egenesi s ina nare anea rMérida ,Spain . Wageningen,1 2novembe r 1982. Acknowledgments Thesoil so fth eMérid aare ahav ebee nth esubjec to fstud yfo rman yyear sfo r studentsan dstaf fo fth eSoi lDepartmen to fth eITC .The yhav e gathered dataan den ­ gagedi nstimulatin gthoug h oftenheate d scientific discussions.Bot h theseactivi ­ tieshav eyielde dusefu lcontribution s whichI gratefull y acknowledge.Th eloya l co­ operationo fm ycolleague si nth edepartmen tmad ei tpossibl efo rm et otak eth etim e necessaryt ocarr you tthi s study. Tom ypromoto r Prof.Dr .Ir .P .Buring hI a mgreatl y indebtedfo rhi ssuppor t fromth ever yfirs tmomen t thatI discusse d thesubjec twit hhi man dfo rhi sguidanc e andconstructiv e criticism. ' I gratefullyacknowledg e thehel preceive d froma grea tman ypeopl e outsidean d insideIT Cdurin gth edifferen t stageso fth einvestigation : - Fromth estaf fo fth eInternationa l SoilMuseu mi nWageningen ,i nparticula rDrs . D. Creutzbergfo rth emicromorphologica ldescriptions ;Dr .Ir .L.P .va nReeuwij kfo r theinterpretatio no fth eanalyse s carriedou tb yMessrs .R .Smaa lan dJ.R.M .Huting ; Messrs.R.O .Bleyer tan dW .Bome rfo rphotographi c work. - Fromth eDepartmen to fRura l Surveyo fth eITC ,Dr .H.G.J . Huizingfo ragro - climatologicaldata . - Fromth eDepartmen to fGeolog yo fth eITC ,Drs .G.J .Kro lfo rgeohydrologica l data,Dr .Ir .N .Renger sfo radvic eo nsoi lmechanica l aspects,Dr .B.N .Koopman sfo r long termerosio nrate san dDrs .D .Kovac sfo rmathematica l aspects. - Fromth eDepartmen to fGeomorpholog yo fth eITC ,Dr .A.M.J .Meijerin kfo rsedimen t yieldestimates ,Dr .R.A .va nZuida mfo rextensiv e referenceso ncalci c horizonsan d Drs.N.H.W .Donke rfo rhel pwit h statisticalproblems . - Fromth eSoi lDepartmen to fth eIT Ci nparticula r Ir.E .Nieuwenhui s forhi scon ­ structivecriticis m fromth ebeginnin go fth einvestigatio nbot hi nth efiel dan di n theoffice ;Ir .E .Bergsm afo rdat ao nsoi l lossan dex-staf fmembe r Dr. Ir.M . Knibbefo rmateria lo nth eRiol aprofile . - Ofth evariou s servicedepartment so fth eITC ,th eLibrary ,th ePhotographi c Laboratoryan dth eDevelopmen tWorksho pan di nparticula rMr .A . 'tHar tfo rth epre ­ cisemanufactur eo fth econtainer sfo rstere o radiography - Ofth eDepartmen to fSoi lScienc ean dGeolog yo fth eL HWageningen ,Ir .H .Rogaa r forhi shel pi nth eexecutio no fth etim econsumin g radiographic experiments andfo r hisstimulatin g commentso nthei r interpretation - Ofth eNetherland s Soil Surrey Institute,Dr . Ir.J .Boum

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