You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library You are Viewing an Archived Copy\~\l\~'\'\\1'\'\i\\'\"~\'\\~\\\ NEWfrom JERSEY the New STATE Jersey LIBRARY State Library , 3 3009 _005~1_50~ PUB L I C H EAR I N G before NEW JERSEY REDISTRICTING COMMISSION "To accept testimony from interested groups and members of the public regarding the establishment of Congressional districts for New Jersey for use during the 1990s" February 25, 1992 7:00 p.m. Camden County Community College Blackwood, New Jersey MEMBERS OF COMMISSION PRESENT: Dr. Alan Rosenthal, Chairman Assemblyman Wayne R. Bryant Assemblyman Robert G. Smith Roger Bodman Mayor Gerald Calabrese Joseph Gonzalez Robert Jablonski Isabel Miranda-Mazzucca Glenn R. Paulsen Annette Quijano, Esq. ALSO PRESENT: Frank J. Parisi Office of Legislative Services Secretary, New Jersey Redistricting Commission * * * * * * * * * * Hearing Recorded and Transcribed by Office of Legislative Services Public Information Office Hearing Unit 162 West State Street CN 068 Trenton, New Jersey 08625 17(/090 L !)-/ L/ /9 9;) ~ v· 3 c _ / You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library :. 'f ~-, You are Viewing an Archived Copy A'._~from the New Jersey State Library -= -= ~?--=: NFli' JERSEY PEDISTRICTING COMMISSION ALAN ROSEt-;iHAL ~:~:S~AiIVE OFFIC~ S~ILD:NG. CN 066 F"RANK J. ;;.;;,:s: Chairman TRENTO~. NEW JERSEY Oa625-0068 Se~re:ary (609) 292-9106 COM MIS S ION NOT 1 C E TO: MEMBERS OF THE NEW JERSEY REDISTRICTING COMMISSION FROM: ALAN ROSENTHAL, CHAIRMAN SUBJECT: COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING - February 25,1992 The public may address comments and questions to Frank J. Parisi. Commission Secretary, or Kathleen Lieblang, Assistant Secretary, at (609) 292-9106. The New Jersey Redistricting Commission will hold its final public meeting on Tuesday, February 25, 1992 at 7 p.m. in the Seminar Room of the Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) building, Camden County Community College, Blackwood, New Jersey. The hearing will conclude at 10 p.m. The purpose of the public meeting will be to accept testimony from interested groups and members of the public regarding the establishment of Congressional districts for New Jersey for use during the 1990s. To enable as many persons to speak as possible, testimony ""ill be limi ted to 15 persons or to individual representatives of 15 groups who mav speak for up to 10 minutes. Persons wishing to testify at the public hearing must register in advance by contacting the Commission Secretary by telephone or in person before the start of the meeting. Such persons will be registered on a first-come basis. Written testimony may be sent to the Secretary and will be accepted at any time. (OVER) Issued 2118/92 You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library '\e\\ jersp," Redlstricllng Comm:ssio,'1 Pa~e ~ February 18, 199: DIRECTIONS TO CAMDEN COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE: From Northern New Jersev (via New Jersey Turnpike): Exit at Exit 3. Follow directions to Route 42 South (toward Atlantic City). Exit Blackwood/Clementon Exit. Turn right a bottom of the exit ramp (onto BlackwoodlClementon Road). Turn right at first traffic light (onto Erial Road). Proceed to the next traffic light and make right (onto Little Gloucester Road). One-half mile down road, on right-hand side. are four en trances to the College. From Eastern New Jerse\': From Route 70. take Springdale Road south approximately 9 rr.iles (NOTE: road name changes to Whi te Horse Road, Laurel Road and then College Drive) until traffic light at Little Gloucester Road and Peter Cheeseman Roads. Turn left onto Peter Cheeseman Road. Follow to Taft entrance to College. From Southern New I ersev: Take Route 42 or the Black Horse Pike north. Get off at Route 168/Blackwood/Sicklerville exit. Tum right at bottom of the ramp. Turn right at the first road (onto Little Gloucester Road). The entrance to the College is one mile down the road on the right side. PLEASE NOTE: Free parking is available both in front of the ClM building (Taft Lot A) and in back of the building. You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library §§1-9 C.19:46-6 to 19:46-14 §10 Approp. §11- Repealer §12 Note to §§1-10 P.L.1991, CHAPTER 510. approved January 21.1992 1991 Assembly No. 5307 (Second Reprint) AN ACT establishing the New Jersey Redistricting Commission. supplementing Ti tIe 19 of the Revised Statutes 2(andJL 2 repealing sections 1 and 2 of P. L.1982. c.1 2and making an appropriation2 . BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. There is hereby established the New Jersey Redistric ting Commission, which shall establish the Congressional districts for use in the decade of the 1990s. 2. a. The commission shall consist of 13 members. The members of the commission shall be appointed with due consideration to geographic, ethnic and racial diversity and in the manner provided herein. b. There shall first be appointed 12 as follows: (1) two members to be appointed by the President of the Senate; (2) two members to be appointed by the Speaker of the General Assembly; (3) two members to be appointed by the minority leader of the Senate; (4) two members to be appointed by the minority leader of the General Assembly; and (5) four members, two to be appointed by the chairman of the State committee of the political party whose candidate for Governor received the largest numbers of votes at the most recent gubernatorial election and two to be appointed by the chairman of the State committee of the political party whose candidate for Governor received the next largest number of votes at that eIec tion. Appointments to the commission under this subsection shall be made as soon as practicable after the enactment of this act but not later than the seventh day after enactment and shall be certified by the appointing authorities to the Secretary of State as soon as practicable thereafter but no later than the fifth day after the appointments are made. c. There shall then be appointed one member, to serve as an independent member, who shall not have held elected public or party office in this State at any time during the three year period immediately prior to appointment to the commission. The EXPLANATION--Hatter enclosed in bold-faced brackets (thus] in the above bill is not enacted and is intended.to be omitted in the law. Matter underlined ~ is new matter. ~atter enclosed in superscript numerals has been adopted as follows: 2 Assembly ASG committee amendments adopted January B. 1992. Assembly floor amendments adopted January B. 1992. You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library independent member shall be appointed by the previously appointed members of the commission as follows: the members appointed by the appointing officials of the political party whose candidate for Governor received the largest number of votes at the preceding gubernatorial election shall as a group select three nominees meeting the foregoing qualifications. and the members appointed by the appointing officials of the political party whose candidate for Governor received the next largest number of votes at that election shall do the same. If one person is nominated by both groups, then that person shall be the independent member, and if more than one person is nominated by both groups. the previous appointees shall by lot choose one of them to be the independent member. If no person is nominated by both groups, the members shall elect the independent member by ballot upon the vote of seven of the previously appointed members. Appointment to the commission of the independent member under this subsection shall be made as soon as practicable but no later than the seventh day after the appointment of the other members of the commission and the certification shall be made as soon as practicable thereafter but no later than the fifth day after the appointment is made. Once selected. the independent member shall serve as chairman of the commission. If the other members are unable to appoint an independent member within the time allowed therefor. the appointment of those other members shall be void and each of the appointing officials shall. as soon as practicable. appoint to be members of the commission persons other than those originally selected to be members and the selection process of the independent member shall proceed again as provided for by this section. 2d. No person shall serve as a member of the commission who is a member of the Congress of the United States or a Congressional emplovee or has served as such during the one-vear period prior to the appointment of the members of the commission. 2 3. The commission shall meet to organize as soon as may be practicable after the appointment of the independent member but not later than February 15. 1992. At the organizational meeting the members of the commission shall determine such organizational ma t t ers as they deem appropriat e. Thereafter. a meeting of the commission may be called by the chairman or upon the request of seven members. and seven members of the commission shall constitute a quorum at any meeting thereof for the purpose of taking any action. Vacancies in the membership of the commission occurring prior to the certification by the commission of Congressional districts or during any period in which the districts established by the commission may be or are under challenge in the courts of this State or the courts of the United States shall be filled within five days of their occurrence in the same marmer as the original appointments were made.
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