ubiishgd by tht Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association rainian Weekly Vol. LVII No. 52 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY. DECEMBER 24,1989 50 cents Narodychi and GHRIST IS BORN 200 Catholic parishes the "big lie" ХРИСТОС РАЖДАЄТЬСЯ register in Ш\ш, about Chornobyl priests switch to UCC by Dr, David Marples ROME - Ukrainian Catholic Church The recently concluded session of the officials here, have received informa­ USSR Supreme Soviet has turned the tion from sources in Ukraine that an attention of the Soviet public once estimated 200 parishes in the Lviv area again to the situation in Narodychi alone have registered as Ukrainian Raion of the Zhytomyr Oblast of the Catholic since the December 1 an- Ukrainian SSR, where the effects of the noucementby the Council for Religious Chornobyl nuclear accident of April Affairs of Ukraine that Eastern rite 1986, are still having a profound im­ Catholics in Ukraine have been granted pact. Gradually, the story of Narodychi the right to officially register their has been uncovered,, first by investi­ congregations. gative journalists and film reports, and The sources also stated that the second by scientists and government registration is increasing each day and commissions that have visited the area. that many formerly Russian Orthodox Nevertheless, despite the high levels churches are already functioning as of irradiation and a notable rise in Ukrainian Catholic in anticipation of oncological illnesses ici the raion, thus n|)^^hiwiiiu| registration. There are also reports of far the Soviet authorities have appeared many parishes registering throu^out reluctant to take appropriate measures. Ukraine, but exact figures could not yet The Ukrainian health authorities have be confirmed. even continued to deny that a major In related news, an estimated 100 problem exists, and, according to one formerly Russian Orthodox priests account, children in the district are still have become Ukrainian Catholic priests attending school in at least two of the 12 within the last few weeks. Seventy villages slated for evacuation. priests have been accepted into the On October 19, at a meeting at the Ukrainian Catholic Church by Arch­ USSR Mini^.ry of Health, the health of bishop Volodymyr Sterniuk, the U- the population in zones affected by іи|і\Є|ПІ нарв^бсї kraine-based representative of Cardinal radiation from Chornobyl was discus­ Lubachivsky Myroslav Ivan, head of sed by three committees of the Supreme ^еф^рНСТМ! Hdiil the Ukrainian Catholic Church. In the Soviet - the Committee for Public city of Ivano-Frankivske 30 Russian Health Protection, the Committee for Orthodox priests were welcomed into Ecology and the Rational Use of Natu­ ШкНіни^Цмс the Ukrainian Catholic Church in a ral Resources, and the Committee on massive ceremony on December 14 led Women's Affairs. The participants fita by Bishop Pavlo Vasylyk. acknowledged that, for a lengthy pe- іалінді (Coptinttcd on page 13) riod, medical experts had failed to W provide an objective picture of the effects of the accident, but, although Oiha Horyn arrives "the shroud of secrecy" did fall com­ ь^^^/і^^^йі^'^^^ш^т^^ж^^шш^в^Panel from a Christmas card by H^lyna Lypa-Zafchariasevych, ^ The Ukrainian Museum, 1989. pletely, the discussion did at least for medical treatment convince some critics, such as the chairman of the Subcommittee on Eco­ in United States logy, Zelenyi Svit Chairman Yuriy Christmas pastoral letter by Chrystym N. Lapydiak Shcherbak, that the statements of the Christmas greeting of Archbishop^ Ukrainian Catholic Church slowly health authorities were becoming more Metropolitan Stephen Sulyk of the watting. The star of Bethlehem at night realistic. NEW YORK - Olha Horyn, reli­ Ukrainian Catholic Church to the — which was surrounded by the dark­ gious rights advocate and wife of In particular. Dr. Shcherbak noted reverend clergy, religious and God- ness of sin and death - is becoming the Mykhailo Horyn, a leader of Ukraine's that two of the key figures involved in loving faithful Easter morning star as our brethren in national movement, arrived in New analyzing the impact of Chornobyl on Christ is Born! Ukraine and the whole world with them York on December 16 for a three- health - Leonid Ilyin, the vice-presi­ It is a joy to greet you on the heast of await the new dawn at sunrise which month visit for medical treatment. dent of the USSR Academy of Medical the Nativity of Our Lord. The wonder will dispel the darkness. The mystery of Sciences, and Anatoliy Romanenko, of Christmas never ends because salvation, which was announced to the PanAm flight 31 from Moscow then Ukrainian minister of health and everything about Jesus is an inexpres­ three Magi at Christmas, was heard touched down at New York's Kennedy director of the Center for Radiation sible, beautiful mystery of divine love. once again at the Resurrection on International Airport at 4:08 p.m., Medicine - "have begun to speak in the We cannot accept, however, all the Easter morning by the three women carrying the 59-year-old Mrs. Horyn of language of reality." Both of these men, wonderful emotions and happiness of whom some writers call the Easter Lviv. She was greeted by a contingent of and their respective institutions have Christmas night in Bethlehem unless we Magi. well-wishers and friends, including the been accused of withholding informa­ include the events in Jerusalem from Who could have foreseen that the ap­ two Ukrainian American physicians tion about the repercussions of the Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday, parent death of our Church in Ukraineat who invited Mrs. Horyn for treatment accident on public health. Indeed, it can because the star of Christmas leads one the end of World War II would have been for breast cancer on behalf of the be said that the Ukrainian public has to Calvary. "Christ is born'' is incomp­ reversed in our lifetime by a new birth? Ukrainian Medical Association of completely lost faith in the informa­ lete without "Christ is risen." Yet, we remember that Jesus^ both in North America, New York/New Jersey tion provided by its health ministry. The significance of this is more His virgin birth from His Mother's branch. Shortly before the meeting at the spiritually enriching this year since we womb and in His resurrection from the Several oncologists and St. Barnabas USSR Ministry of Health, Dr. Shcher- can now see the four and more decades earthly tomb, has altered the normal Medical Center in Livingston, N.J.; (Contimied on page 14) of the Good Friday of the Catacomb (Cmitimied mpagelS) . (Cmi^iied on іМ|^ 2) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1989 No. 52 New York evening is dedicated OIha Horyn arrives... (Continued from page 1) to Svitlychny on 60th birthday by Chrystyna Lapychak NEW YORK - Fnends , fami iy . coUeagues and ad­ mirers gadieted a? ch^ IJRraimac Insnuite of '^шегіса :ni December 3 10'" a spec^ai c\ jamg dedicated to ргоші- лет Kiev Игегагу cri­ tic Ivan Svitjycnny., who celebrated his 6()tb ' birthday on Septem­ ber 2.0. Organized by the Verkhovynky Plast sorority, the progxam featured four speakers, all who have had special relationships with the man through­ Olha Horyn is greeted by Nadia Svitlychna. out his life. They reflected upon Mr. agreed to provide free medical treat­ Society and an initiator of the renewal Svitlychny as a literary ment upon the intervention of Drs. of the Ukrainian National Women's figure, political pri­ Lubomyr Kuzmak and Bohdar Wo- League in Ukraine, Mrs. Horyn under­ soner, friend and roch, who sent Mrs. Horyn an invita­ went a radical mastectomy in May 1987 brother. tion in April. after discovering a tumor that spring. Among the high­ Despite a new Soviet law that guaran­ Since the fall of 1988 she has suffered lights of the evening tees a decision on medical visa requests severe back pains, which doctors sus­ Ivan Svitlychny in 1983. was the presence' and within three days, several months later pected indicated a renewal of the participation of another renowned Kiev actor, recited a poem by the late Vasyl Mrs. Horyn had no response. Ameri­ cancer. The technology need for such literary figure and close friend of Mr. Stus dedicated to Mr. Svitlychny. cans for Human Rights in Ukraine diagnosis and treatment is unavailable Svitlychny, Yevhen Sverstiuk,whose The first to speak was the 61-year-old turned for help to Rep. Louise M. in the Soviet Union. remarks marked his first public Mr. Sverstiuk, who addressed his Slaughter (D-N.Y.), a member of the Mrs, Horyn's husband, Mykhailo, is appearance ever before a Ukrainian remarks to the audience. U.S. Helsinki Commission, who sent a the head of the secretariat of the American audience. The evening also "Dear brothers and sisters, the Ukrai­ letter on Mrs. Horyn's behalf on No­ Popular Movement of Ukraine for marked the reunion of Mr. Sverstiuk nian community on the American vember 8 bearing signatures of 104 of Perebudova,or Rukh,and a leader of the with his son, Dr. Andriy Sverstiuk, continent. My dear friends, acquain­ her congressional colleagues to Soviet Ukrainian Helsinki Union. A former since his son's family came to the United tances, especially my loved ones, my son President Mikhail Gorbachev. political prisoner, Mr. Horyn has plans States for medical reasons over a year and his mother. Г would like to relay An active member of the Citizens' to join his wife during a brief visit to and a half ago. greetings to you from Ukraine, from Committee in Defense of the Ukrainian Canada and the United States in Ja- Ukrainians from all over the New myself and all who stand with me, from Catholic Church, a member of the Lev (Continued on page 15) York metropolitan area packed the those who could not travel here and UIA's main hall spilling into an adja­ from those who never will.
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