Appendix A - Services supporting youth transitions, by age Local Department / Agency Beneficiaries Organisations in receipt Notes Authority Service Age Support type levers Limited - Pre 16 schools (maintained) 14-16 Learning/ skills Education/EFA Includes duty to provide influence Statutory education for year 10 and 11 Schools careers guidance only Limited - Pre-16 schools (non-maintained) 14-16 Learning/ skills Education/EFA Includes duty to provide influence Statutory education for year 10 and 12 Academies and Free Schools careers guidance only Academic and vocational education and training for 16 Sixth Form Colleges (maintained) 16-18 Learning/ skills Education/EFA N/A - 18 year olds None in Lincolnshire Academic and vocational education and training for 16 Sixth Form Colleges (non-maintained) 16-18 Learning/ skills Education/EFA N/A - 18 year olds None in Lincolnshire Academic and vocational education and training for 16 Independent Sixth Forms 16-18 Learning/skills Education/EFA N/A - 18 year olds None in Lincolnshire No PP for post 16. Providers expected to support through bursay. Pupil Premium 14-16 Participation Education Gap at age 16 and 19 is Limited - School pupils to age 16 who are eligible for school much bigger than influence meals and/or looked after by the local authority 11 - 16 schools and academies nationally only Vulnerable Children and young people at risk of non Managed by Early Intervention Grant 14-19 Participation Education participation Local Authorities LA 16 - 18 year olds and young people up to the age of 25 None - gap who have a Learning difficulty Asssessment or School and academy sixth forms. filling only if Further Education (16+) 16-18 Learning/skills Education/EFA Education, Health and Care Plan, vocational and GFE colleges, charitable and agreed by academic qualifications commercial providers, LCC. EFA Further Education (19+) 19-24 Learning/skills Business/SFA 19 - 25 year olds (some will be subject to fees) GFE colleges, LCC None Lincoln UTC (partenership between University Technical Colleges 14-18 Learning/skills Education/EFA Lincoln College, Lincoln University 14 - 18 year olds alternative to school and Siemans None No ringfenced funding. Schools do not receive School careers advice 14-18 Advice Education Schools and Academies have a duty to provide additional funding to meet indeoendent careers guidance to pupils from age 13 Schools and academies within the duty to provide careers upwards main funding allocation guidance None Part of funding agreement for No ringfenced funding. colleges and con tractual Colleges do not receive College careers advice 16-24 Advice Education, Business Colleges are required to make independent careers agreement for independent additional funding to meet infromation and guidance available as part of their commercial and charitable the duty to provide careers funding agreement providers guidance None Contractor for East Midlands is 16 - 18 year olds entitled to on line and telephone Futures. £100k ringfenced for work National Careers Service 16-24 Advice Business guidance only. Subcontractor has small ammount of with schools across the East funding to support work with schools. Midlands None 200+ providers in Lincolnshire including those based in and 16 - 24 year olds undertaking apprenticeships with outside of the county, and Apprenticeships 16-24 Training/placement Business/SFA/NAS employers. Apprentice is employed and paid. including colleges, commercial and Employers are expected to contribute for 19 - 24 year charitable providers and olds employers. None Grant is devolved to Sheffield City Region and Greater Manchester with Apprenticeship Grant for Employers 16-24 Training/placement Business/SFA/NAS plans to devolve to West Incentive payment for small employers < 50 Yorkshire Combined employees who have not recruited apprentices in the Authority from August previous 2 years to recruit 16 - 24 year old apprentices Small employers < 50 employees? 2015 None Pre apprenticeship programme aimed at developing Traineeships 16-24 Training/placement Education/EFA/SFA emplyer readiness. 16 - 18 year olds funding via EFA, 19 - 24 year olds funded via SFA. Programme includes Colleges, commercial and substantial work experience which is unpaid. charitable providers, LCC None Services Young people who are NEET or at risk of becoming currently Council youth participation services 14-18 Participation Education NEET. Includes a range of services including LCC delivered or careers service, Positive Futures, Leaving Care Service, commissione Families Working Together, Early Help etc. d by LCC Learners aged 16-18 are eligible for a Guaranteed Bursary of £1200 if they are: In care/classed as a ‘Looked After Child’ Individuals, administered via Guaranteed Bursary 16 - 19 Learning Grant Education Been in care/classed as a ‘Care Leaver’ Schools and Academy 6th forms, In receipt of income support GFE colleges and commercial and In receipt of ESA and DLA charitable providers in receip of EFA funding None School and academy 6th forms, GFE Bursary Fund 16-19 Learning grant/loan Education/EFA 16 - 19 year olds experiencing hardship or requiring colleges, commercial and financial help to partricipate in learning independent providers None Ending 2015. Areas where the funding was delegated to local authorities have had significantly higher 16 - 17 year olds NEET and have: no GCSEs at A*-C; 1 Youth Contract – reengagement 16-17 Participation Education/EFA success (Evaluation GCSE at A* - C; young offenders released from completed by Insitute of custody/serving a community sentence (with 1 or Fiscal Studies, Warwick more GCSEs at A*-C); young people in care or who University and Leeds were in care (with 1 or more GCSEs A*-C) Meteropolitan University. Groundwork UK in Lincolnshire None Lincolnshire Education Business National Citizen Service 16-17 Volunteering Cabinet Office/NCS Trust All 16 and 17 year olds Partnership None Greater Merseyside; London, sheffield, Manchester. These projects are the first Youth Engagement Fund 14-19 Participation Cabinet Office centrally-funded bonds that have also sought a local contribution to outcomes – in this case, from councils and schools 14 - 17 year olds at risk of becoming NEET None in Lincolnshire N/A Grantham College contracted European Social Fund (ESF) 14-24 Employment Work and Pensions/ SFA through range of partners Re-engagement activity for NEET providers None Lincolnshire did not meet Innovation Fund 14-18 Participation Work and Pensions the criterai for bidding Social investment model None in Lincs N/A Princes Trust with a range of partners including: Barnardo’s Services Ltd, DHL Logistics Ltd, Gelder Construction Ltd, Involving Big Lottery Fund Talent Match 14-19 Participation Other Lincs, Lincolnshire Constabulary, Lincolnshire County Council and Lincolnshire Education Business Partnership, Skegness Young people aged 18 - 24 who have been unemployed orNeighbourhood out of education Policing for 12 Team months or more Boston, Skegness, LincolnNone and Gainsborough Job Centre Plus have one Jobcentre Plus engagement pilot 16/17 Participation Work and Pensions NEET 16 and 17 year olds dedicated post None Counties or groups of counties where youth ESF Youth Employment Initiative 16-24 Employment support Work and Pensions unemployment is above 25% None for Lincolnshire N/A Money and support to start own business if in receipt of particular benefits: Jobseeker’s Allowance (or your partner does) New Enterprise Allowance 18-24 Employment support Work and Pensions Employment and Support Allowance (or your partner does) Income Support, if you’re a lone parent or you’re sick Individuals None aged 18 to 24 (21 and over if they are care leavers):not in employment, education or training; homeless as defined in the homelessness legislation but not in Fair Chances Fund 18-21 Participation Cabinet Office/ Justice priority need under that legislation; a priority for local authority support but unable to be accommodated in a supported housing scheme None in Lincolnshire N/A Help with child care costs whilst participating in Care to Learn 16-19 Learning grant/loan Education/EFA publicly funding education and training up to the age of 20 Individuals None Financial help for students in hardship, towards the costs of accommodation for young people attending one of the designated institutions delivering specialist provision, where that provision requires the young Residential Bursary Fund 16-18 Learning grant/loan Education, Business person to be resident in order to participate because it is not available locally and/or because it requires students to be available at unsociable hours on a Specialist designated institutions - regular basis Bishop Burton college None helps support students who need to live away from No information regarding whether Moving to an allocations home because the substantial Level 2 or 3 qualification insitiutions based in Lincolnshire Residential Support Scheme 16-18 Learning grant/loan Education, Business based system (previously within their study programme is not available to them are in receipt of an allocation for individuals) from 2015/16 locally 2015/16 None Individuals. None of the private Dance and Drama Awards 16-24 Learning grant/loan Education help with fees and living costs at one of 19 private dance and drama schools are based dance and drama schools for young people with talent in Lincolnshire None Unemployed 18 - 24 year olds registered with Job Jobcentre Plus 18-24 Employment support Work and Pensions Centre
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