www.WeeklyVoice.com FRONT PAGE Friday, April 17, 2020 | A-1 Canada’s Leading South Asian Newspaper - Tel: 905-795-0639 Friday, AprilJune 17,2, 2017 2020 www.WeeklyVoice.com VolVol 26, 23, No. No. 16 22 PM: 40025701 Health Canada Backs Research Into Vaccines, page 4 Criminal Behaviour & The Covid-19 Epidemic, page 9 New Guidelines For Peel Garbage Disposal, page 12 Ottawa Expands Emergency Benefit Plan Eligibility Rules Changed To Bring More People Into Net; Front-Line Workers’ Wages To Be Topped Up OTTAWA: The Government of nadians working in essential jobs a new transfer to cost-share a Canada is taking significant and who make less than they would if temporary top-up to the salaries decisive action to support Cana- they received the benefit. of workers deemed essential in dians and businesses facing hard- To help more Canadians ben- the fight against COVID-19, who ship as a result of the COVID-19 efit from the CERB, the govern- make less than $2,500 a month. global pandemic. ment will be changing the eligi- Details as to the application No Canadian should have to bility rules to: and delivery of this measure will choose between protecting their • Allow people to earn up to be released shortly following health, putting food on the ta- $1,000 per month while collect- further work with provinces and ble, paying for their medication ing the CERB. territories. This measure could or caring for a family member. • Extend the CERB to season- help several million workers cur- This is why the government in- al workers who have exhausted rently involved in the COVID-19 troduced the Canada Emergency their EI regular benefits and are response. The government will Response Benefit (CERB), a tax- unable to undertake their usual continue to look for ways to bet- able benefit of $2,000 every four seasonal work as a result of the ter help all Canadians during this weeks for up to four months for COVID-19 outbreak. difficult time. eligible workers who have lost • Extend the CERB to workers Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks about the expansion of Trudeau said: “We will do their income due to COVID-19. who recently exhausted their EI the Benefit plan at Rideau Cottage. - Pic: PM’s office/Twitter whatever it takes to protect the The Prime Minister, Justin regular benefits and are unable to sectors, including those on the In recognition that these es- health and safety of Canadians, Trudeau, on Wednesday an- find a job or return to work be- front-line in hospitals and nurs- sential workers’ salaries are of- while making sure that our work- nounced that the government cause of COVID-19. ing homes, those ensuring the ten less or similar than what they ers and businesses are supported. is stepping up to better support The COVID-19 pandemic has integrity of the food supply, or would receive from the CERB, This is an extremely difficult time those who need help but don’t placed particular demands on providing essential retail services the government will work with for all Canadians, and we need to qualify for the CERB, and Ca- low-income workers in certain to Canadians. provinces and territories through Continued on page 2 Funds Boost Robust Action Plan Drawn For Small Businesses Up For Seniors’ Homes OTTAWA: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Thursday an- nounced new measures to support Canadian businesses so they can keep their doors open and their employees on the job. “Small businesses are the back- bone of our economy, and are vi- BROKER tal for our families and communi- BROKER ties across the country,” he said. The Government of Canada REMAX REAL ESTATE CENTRE INC., BROKERAGE is: Expanding the Canada Emer- gency Business Account (CEBA) to businesses that paid between $20,000 and $1.5 million in total payroll in 2019. This new range will replace the previous one of between $50,000 and $1 million, and will help address the chal- lenges faced by small businesses approved... Picture: Sabine van Erp from Pixabay Mor e mor tgagese mor appr oved...tgages solutions... Mor mortgage to cover non-deferrable operat- Mor e customizede customized mor tgage solutions... TORONTO: In order to better Long-Term Care Homes was an- dents and those who care for Mor ing costs. Since the launch of the MOR TGAGESTGAGESTGAGES CEBA on April 9, 2020, more protect the most vulnerable and nounced today by Premier Doug them.” MOR GO!! than 195,000 loans have been ap- stop the spread of COVID-19 in Ford, Christine Elliott, Deputy The COVID-19 Action Plan: ONON THE GO!!THE proved by financial institutions, long-term care homes, the On- Premier and Minister of Health, Long-Term Care Homes adds Mor e mor tgages appr oved... extending more than $7.5 billion tario government has developed a and Dr. Merrilee Fullerton, Min- critical new measures to prevent Mor e mor tgages appr oved... Mor e customized mor tgage solutions... Mor e customized mor tgage solutions... in credit to small businesses. robust action plan with key mea- ister of Long-Term Care. further outbreaks and deaths from * MONEY CREDITED * DEBT CONSOLIDATION sures to be implemented within “We will do everything we can COVID-19 in long-term care MOR TGAGES A Canada Emergency Com- MOR TGAGES *MORBAD TGAGESCREDIT? NO PROBLEM * 1ST, 2ND, 3RD MORTGAGES mercial Rent Assistance (CE- hours. In addition, the province to protect our seniors and most homes, including: *ONNO THEFEES, GO!!LOW RATES * RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL MORTGAGES CRA) for small businesses is also has issued a new emergency or- vulnerable citizens because we 1. Aggressive Testing, Screen- ON THE GO!! * MorFREE e mor tgagesAPP appr oved...RAISALS * HOME RENOVATION LOANS being introduced. der restricting long-term care all know they are most at risk ing, and Surveillance: enhancing Mor e customized mor tgage solutions... staff from working in more than during this pandemic,” said Pre- testing for symptomatic residents MOR TGAGES The program will seek to pro- ON THE GO!! FAST APPROVALS vide loans, including forgivable one long-term care home, retire- mier Ford. and staff and those who have 416.667.8996 | www.mortago.ca *Terms and Conditions apply. Mortgage Alliance Company of Canada LIC#10530 loans, to commercial property ment home or health care setting. “Our three-point action plan been in contact with persons * Money Credited * Debt Consolidation * Bad Credit? No Problem * 1St, 2Nd, 3Rd Mortgages owners who in turn will lower or These measures are being taken builds on the measures we have confirmed to have COVID-19; * No Fees, Low Rates * Residential & Commercial * Free Appraisals Mortgages forgo the rent of small businesses on the advice of Ontario’s Chief already taken to fortify that iron expanding screening to include * Home Renovation Loans Medical Officer of Health. ring of protection we have placed more asymptomatic contacts of FAST APPROVALS for the months of April (retroac- www.mortago.ca | 647.302.0723 tive), May, and June. The COVID-19 Action Plan: around our long-term care resi- Continued on page 2 Terms and conditions apply* Mortgage Inc. Lic # 1 3158 Ontario Starts Planning For Economic Recovery TORONTO: The Ontario gov- been out of work, or whose busi- ernment has launched a new On- ness has closed through no fault tario Jobs and Recovery Commit- of their own,” said Premier Ford. tee which will focus on getting “I can assure each person af- businesses up and running and fected by this crisis that we will people back to work after the CO- do everything we can to support VID-19 pandemic is over. you, and get you back on the job While the government’s pri- as soon as possible. While our mary focus is on combatting the government battles this virus, virus, supporting frontline health members of our new Ontario Jobs care workers and providing im- and Recovery Committee will mediate relief to people and busi- roll up their sleeves and develop a nesses, this new committee will roadmap to a stronger, more pros- be developing a plan to stimu- perous economy.” late economic growth and job- The Ontario Jobs and Recovery creation in the weeks and months Committee includes: ahead. • Rod Phillips, Chair, Minister “My heart goes out to those in- of Finance Pic: Martinelle from Pixabay dividuals and families who have Continued on page 3 A-2 | Friday, April 17, 2020 Front/nationaL www.WeeklyVoice.com THE WEEKLY VOICE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF All Workers Will Be Properly Compensated Bala Menon Continued from page 1 CONTRIBUTING WRITERS make sure that essential work- Amb. Praveen Verma (Retd.) ers have the support they need so Dr. Nivedita Das Kundu they can continue to do the criti- Harj Chaggar cal work we all rely on. Together, Amitabh Saxena we will get through this difficult time.” Graphic Design Bill Morneau, Minister of Fi- Tamarind Tree nance, said: “The COVID-19 ACCOUNT MANAGERS pandemic has had significant im- Manu Ramachandran pacts on workers in all sectors, G Prasaad including those on the front-line Rohit Malhotra saving lives in hospitals and nurs- Maha ing homes. The measures we are introducing today will ensure that ONLINE MARKETING they are properly compensated MANAGER for their efforts, and ensure that Amitabh Saxena workers who have lost income as a result of the pandemic get LEGAL ADVISOR Laboratory and front-line essential workers will get a wage boost. Pic: Belova59 from Pixabay the help they need through the Dr. Keshav Agnihotri Canada Emergency Response and the top-up for low-income to these provinces. the CERB were still in need of fi- ACCOUNTS Benefit.” essential workers are part of the Carla Qualtrough, Minister of nancial assistance – which is why Asha J Singhh • The government is working government’s COVID-19 Eco- Employment, Workforce Devel- we have worked hard to expand to get money into the pockets of nomic Response Plan, which opment and Disability Inclusion, the eligibility criteria to be more photographer Canadians as quickly as possible.
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