SSelfelf HHelp,elp, WWarar oonn TTerrorismerrorism SServiceervice DDeskesk aarere ccasualtyasualty llistist ggrowsrows ttherehere ttoo aassistssist — PPageage 4 — PPageage 3 ((AmyAmy HHansenansen rreadseads ttoo a ppre-schoolre-school cclasslass aatt GGracerace SSherwoodherwood LLibraryibrary FFridayriday mmorning.)orning.) ((PhotoPhoto bbyy NNellell DDrumheller)rumheller) Saturday, Jan. 8, 2004 The Kwajalein Hourglass wwww.smdc.army.mil/KWAJ/Hourglass/hourglass.htmlww.smdc.army.mil/KWAJ/Hourglass/hourglass.html Commentaries New Year’s resolutions, new beginnings For me, a new year means a fresh missing. That’s the tricky part. Kind of look at life and love. My resolutions reminds me of writing newspaper col- have stood the test of time and become umns. Peer pressure fi nally forced me standards. I resolve, once again, to give to write this one. Because even this is wholeheartedly of my time and energy to somewhat painful for me, I’ve come to family and friends, send birthday cards the realization that being once-removed and gifts out on time this year, get orga- from the topic of my writing is my com- nized at home and work, eat healthier fort zone. food, exercise regularly and write. I have no problem writing just about It’s early in the month, but as of today, anything I’m assigned or comes my I can say I’ve made strides in most of a living, I don’t ever write to write, which way. There’s no such thing as writer’s these areas, even reintroducing myself to is my dream. Strewn around the house block where news or feature writing is the gym, which is a stone’s throw away are journals featuring a few heartfelt concerned. from my quarters. The guilt was killing pages of what I’d like to think is “sub- With my own writing, however, I in- me. And, the energy I gain from exercis- stance,” but they remain incomplete, evitably let life get in the way. Making ing is that much more I have to give to with the empty pages outnumbering the dinner, doing laundry, and sleeping, in those I love. full ones. On the bookshelf are “how to” addition to the million other things that Once my 2005 calendar arrives (as books on writing and soul searching for beg for my attention are time stealers. soon as I go online and order it) and tortured, or in my case, not-yet-tortured I feel fortunate to have realized what my December birthday gifts are mailed, writers. Somehow, there always seems it is I’m supposed to do in life. All I I’m postured to meet the New Year’s to be something more urgent or impor- need now is to just do it. Maybe that’s birthday wish commitments. tant that needs to be done than reading the problem. My resolution needs an I’ve even cleared my desk both at those books or, God forbid…writing. overhaul. Making the time to write may home and work of clutter and bought There is no question; my one true love be the key. I resolve to carve out 30 some plastic containers for storage. is my husband and children (a package minutes a day to write whatever fl ows I switched the bread my family eats to deal). Next to that, I truly love to write. onto paper. Alright, that was diffi cult, whole wheat, drink water constantly (I’m In fact, I write all the time in my head. but it’s a start. fl oating right now), and am determined There’s nothing to show for it, but the If you’re reading this, I’m asking you to add more fruits and vegetables to plots are fascinating and the characters, to hold me to it. With determination, our diet. at this point, quite well developed. Ap- and a little peer pressure, this time next There’s only one problem…the writ- parently, I’m the only one enjoying it. year, I’ll be able to tell you all about it. ing thing eludes me. Though I do it for The act of putting it on paper is all that’s Better yet, you can read it. The Kwajalein No love stories from me, no sir I walked into my I saw her. She said Hourglass wife’s office the she felt the same other day to take way about me. (She Commanding Offi cer........COL Beverly Stipe Public Affairs Offi cer...LuAnne Fantasia her to lunch. must have had too Editor...............................Nell Drumheller She came over much to drink). We Assistant Editor......................Mig Owens to me and said, met on a blind date Graphics Designer....................Dan Adler “You better not and from that night Reporter............................Deanna Frazier do it.” on, we’ve never Circulation....................... Will O’Connell My mind raced been apart except through the multitude of things I better for the occasional business travel. The Hourglass is named for the insignia not do and I couldn’t think of any I had We’ve tried to remember if I actually of the U.S. Army 7th Infantry Division, which liberated the island from the forces done that could get me in trouble. asked her to marry me. It seems to both of Imperial Japan on Feb 4, 1944. So I confi dently said whatever it was, of us that we just knew we were going The Kwajalein Hourglass is an autho- I hadn’t done it. to get married and the formality of “pop- rized publication for military personnel, federal employees, contractor workers and She asked if I had seen the recent ping the question” wasn’t necessary. their families assigned to USAKA. Contents KRS Newsline. I said no. She said We went dancing the other night at of the Hourglass are not necessarily offi cial the Yuk Club when the country band views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Govern- that love stories were being solicited ment, Department of Defense, Department for Valentine’s Day and she didn’t want was here. Someone told me how nice of the Army or USAKA. It is published Tues- me to write any. it was to watch us dance because we days and Fridays in accordance with Army Regulation 360-1 and using a network That would be hard not to do. My life both looked at each other with such printer by Kwajalein Range Services edito- since I met her has been a love story. adoration. rial staff, P.O. Box 23, APO AP 96555. If there really is such a thing as love I can’t say for sure it was adoration Phone: Autovon 254-3539; local 53539. Printed circulation: 2,000 at fi rst sight, I fell in love the fi rst time See Love next page The Kwajalein Hourglass 2 Saturday, Jan. 8, 2004 Do-it-yourself repairs reduce service calls By Mig Owens workers at the front desk make two reminder calls. Assistant Editor Lawnmower reservations are taken by Self Help, but repair, delivery and pick up is performed by the When the “honey do” list hangs overhead like a dark, Small Engine Repair Shop. Abston says lawnmowers heavy cloud, residents have two distinct resources are delivered right after lunch, but realizes at times to which they can turn; Self Help frustration occurs when they are borrowed by request- and the Service ors’ neighbors. Desk. For two months, Self Help had eight Self Help offers lawnmowers available for distribu- tools, materials and tion, which caused problems. Now, instructions to help 18 new lawnmowers have arrived, of people help themselves. which 12 are put into rotation, leav- The advantage of using ing several available for swap-out Self Help, according to when needed. Other items available Billy Abston, preventa- for check out at Self Help include tive maintenance lead, is garden hoses, which customers can that, if it’s a simple fi x, oc- keep for the duration of their resi- cupants eliminate the time dence here, as well as hose repair spent waiting for a crafts- kits. Among the newer items are man. shower splash guards, which keep “Our aim is to provide oc- water from damaging sheetrock cupants with the necessary and fl oors. means and materials to get Also available are, pest control their government quarters in items, plumbing, limited elec- a presentable state,” Abston trical, painting and caulk- said. He said the purpose of ing, air conditioning fi l- Self Help is to alleviate the ters, grass seed and craftsmen of simple mainte- plant and grass nance. fertilizer, fas- The most popular items are teners, nails trash bags, which Abston says and screws. enable people to tie up their trash All materi- and are, in effect, a form of pest als are to control. Paint and caulk are also be used on popular items. government Tools are available at Self Help. property. Non-power tools and equipment may be The other avenue for checked out for seven days, power tools home repair assistance is for three days. Timely return of checked out the Service Desk, which coordi- items, such as tools is Abston’s biggest chal- nates “house calls” when specialized lenge. He spends fi ve or six hours a week follow- knowledge or expertise is required. ing up via phone calls and e-mail, and that’s after Two dispatchers man the phones at the Service Desk daily, handling on average 50 calls a day. Some days, as many as 100 calls are Renwe Batlock of the Small Engine Shop keeps the lawnmowers on island in good working order. Self received. Work coordinated through the desk entails Help has new 18 mowers, which are available for use maintenance and repair on facilities that require 40 by island residents.
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