2016 THERAPEUTIC INDEX OF CLASSICAL, P&P AND NEW GENERATION FORMULATIONS OF ARYA VAIDYA SALA 2016 THERAPEUTIC INDEX OF CLASSICAL, P&P AND NEW GENERATION FORMULATIONS OF ARYA VAIDYA SALA 2016 Vaidyaratnam P.S.Varier’s Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal Malappuram Dist., Kerala. Pin-676 503 Therapeutic Index (English) Published by: Department of Publications Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal Malappuram Dist., Kerala - 676 503 Phone: 0483 - 2742225/2746665 Fax: 0483 - 2742210, 2742572 Customer Care : 0483 - 2808391, 2808394 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.aryavaidyasala.com First edition: March 2016 Price: ` 400/- Layout & Typesetting: Department of Publications Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal Printing: Geethanjali Offset Prints, Calicut © Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal Vaidyaratnam P.S. Varier (1869-1944) CONTENTS Preface 009 Schedule - E (I) 011 Expiry Date 013 Abbreviations 016 Arishta and Asava 017 Arka 053 Bhasma and Kshara 054 Churna or Powders 072 Ghrita or Medicated ghee 094 Gulika or Pills 133 Kashaya or Decoctions 168 Leha or Electuries 205 Rasakriya 237 Taila or Medicated oils 241 New Generation Products 324 Index of formulations 334 PREFACE The health care managers of India are looking at Ayurveda and its practitioners with great expectation. The demographic diversity of the country is a problem while planning and executing community health care programmes. Ayurvedic clinical practice, which is pan-Indian knowledge base, has the obvious and time tested capability to meet the primary health care needs of the Indian society. However, both the clinical and pharmaceutical segments of Ayurvedic system are encountering mammoth problems and hurdles. One such serious issue is the absence of proper avenues of authentic practice for the young crop of Ayurvedic physicians graduating out of the Universities. The Ayurvedic practice, over the period of centuries, has developed several regional traditions and specialities. Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala, the 114 years old Charitable Trust engaged in the practice and propagation of classical Ayurveda, represents the unique Kerala tradition which is rich in therapeutic and formulational specialities. We manufacture more than 500 classical formulations based on Astangahridaya, Bhaishajya- ratnavali, Sahasrayogam, Sarngadharasamhita, etc. and also our in-house Formulary, Ayurveda Yogasangraham. They have been quite familiar to the physicians of Kerala and other Southern states. For the past several decades we have been bringing out reference manuals like Chikitsasangraham (in Malayalam, English and Hindi) for the use of such physicians. We have rerecently been advised that the Ayurvedic physicians of other parts of the country will be benefited if we publish a Therapeutic Index with core information of our formulations. This volume gives the ingredient and quantity details, indication, dose factor and textual referance of formulations representing major categories like 10 Therapeutic Index Arishta, Bhasma, Ghrita, Gulika, Kashaya, Leha, Rasakriya and Taila. The reputed Kerala speciality of pravahikvathas will be of particular interest to the practitioners of other parts of the country. Over the period of years, we have observad with anguish that some of the classical formulatins, particularly belonging to Kashaya, Ghrita and Arishta are going out of use. As an innovative effort, we have tried to improve the user- compliance of such formulations by converting pravahikvatha into tablets, tailas into cream, gels and soft gel capsules and bhasmas into capsules. The important guiding factor while attempting such changes is always to retain the pristine purity of the original formula and to achive the exact dose equivalence. The readers will come across examples of such innovations while using this Index. Similarly, we have also attempted to come out with a set of “New generation formulations” which are all evolved base on textual prescriptions as well as our century old clinical experience. A team of our experts consisting of Dr. P.M. Varier, Dr. K. Muraleedharan (AH & RC), Dr. C. Ramankutty (Publication Department), Dr. T.S. Madhavankutty (R&D), Dr. K.V. Rajagopalan (AH & RC), Dr. E.M. Anandan (Product Develop- ment Department), Dr. M. Praveen (R&D), Dr. K. Smitha, Dr. V. Sunitha (AH & RC) has prepared this text after careful study for a long time. Their hard work is appreciated. It is our hope that this volume will be found useful as regular reference manual by the Ayurvedic physicians across the country. We shall appreciate receiving from the readers their comments, remarks and suggestions on the content and format of this book, which will enable us to improve the usefulness of the subsequent editions. I take this opportunity to wish the Ayurvedic fraternity of the country success and satisfaction in their profession. 01- 04 - 2016 Dr. P. K. Warrier Managing Trustee & Chief Physician Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal Therapeutic Index 11 “SCHEDULE - E ( I)’’ [See rule 161 (2)] LIST OF POISONOUS SUBSTANCES UNDER THE AYURVEDIC (INCLUDING SIDDHA) AND UNANI SYSTEM OF MEDICINE A. Ayurvedic System I. DRUGS OF VEGETABLE ORIGIN (1) Ahipena (Except seeds) - Papaver somniferum Linn. (Except seeds) (2) Arka - Calotropis procera ( Ait.) R. Br. (3) Bhallataka - Semecarpus anacardium Linn. f. (4) Bhanga (Except seeds) - Cannabis sativa Linn. (Except seeds) (5) Danti - Baliospermum montanum Mull. Arg. (6) Dhattura - Datura metel Linn. (7) Gunja (Seed) - Abrus precatorius Linn. (Seed) (8) Jaipala (Seed) - Croton tiglium Linn. (9) Karaveera - Nerium indicum Mill. (10) Langali - Gloriosa superba Linn. (11) Parasika Yavani - Hyoscyamus niger Linn. (12) Vatsanabha - Aconitum ferox Wall. Ex Ser. Shringivisha - Aconitum chasmanthum Stapf. Ex Holmes (13) Vishamushti - Strychnos nuxvomica Linn. 12 Therapeutic Index II. DRUGS OF ANIMAL ORIGIN (14) Sarpavisha - Snake poison. III. DRUGS OF MINARAL ORIGIN (15) Gauripashana - Arsenic (16) Hartala - Arsenic trisulphide (17) Manahashila - Arsenic disulphide (18) Parada - Mercury (19) Rasakarpura - Hydrargyri subchloridum (20) Tuttha - Copper sulphate (21) Hingula - Cinnabar [The Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part,II- Section 3- Sub- section (i), Published by Authority, New Delhi, Thursday 19, August, 2010, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare[Department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy(AYUSH)], G.S.R. 683(E)] Therapeutic Index 13 EXPIRY DATE In the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945, after rule 161A, the following rule shall be inserted, namely 161B. 1. The date of expiry of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani medicines shall be conspicuously displayed on the label of container or package of an Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani medicines, and after the said date of expiry, these medicines shall not be in circulation. 2. The Shelf – life i.e. for Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani medicines shall be as follows:- (i) Shelf life or date of expiry for Ayurvedic medicines. SN Name of the Group of Ayurvedic Shelf life and date of Medicine. expiry with effect from the date of manufacture. 1 Churna, Kwatha Churna 2 years 2 Gutika (Vati-Guti, Pills, Tablets 3 years except Gutika with Rasa) 3 (i) Gutika tablet containing 3 years Kasth aushadhi (ii) Gutika, Tablet containing 5 years Kastha aushadi and Rasa, Uparasa, Metallic Bhasmas and Guggulu 4 Rasaushadhis No expiy date1 5 Asava Arishta No expiry date1 6 Avaleha 3 years 7 Guggulu 5 years 14 Therapeutic Index 8 Mandura - Lauha 10 years 9 Ghrita 2 years 10 Taila 3 years 11 Arka 1 year 12 Dravaka, Lavana, Ksara 5 years 13 Lepa Churna 3 years 14 Danta Manjan Powder 2 years 15 Danta Manjan Paste 2 years 16 Lepa Guti 3 yeas 17 Lepa Malhar (Ointment/ 3years Liniment/Gels/Lotions/Creams 18 Varti 2 years (one time use) 19 Ghanavati 3 years 20 Kupipkva Rasayan No expiy date1 21 Parpati No expiy date1 22 Sveta parpati 2 years 23 Pisti and Bhasma No expiry date 1 24 Svarna, Rajata, Lauha, Mandura, Abhrakabhasma, Godanti, Sankha Bhasma, etc. No expiry date 1 25 Naga bhasma, Vanga Bhasma, Tamra Bhasma 5 years 26 Capsules made of soft gelatin (depending upon the content material) for Kashtha aushadhi 3 years 27 Capsules of hard gelatin (depending upon the content material) - containing Kasth aushadhi with Rasa Bhasma, Parad- Gandhak 5 years 28 Syrup/Liquid oral 3 years 29 Karna/Nasa Bindu (Ear/Nasal drops 2 Years Eye drops 1 Year Therapeutic Index 15 30 Khand/ Granule/ Pak 3 years 31 Dhoopans - Inhalers 2 years 32 Pravahi Kwatha (with preservatives) 3 years Note 1. Items at Sr. No. 4, 5, 19, 20, 22, 23 have very long shelf life and they became more efficacious with the passage of time and period of ten years shall be mandatory for keeping the records of such items. Note 2. Bhasmas at Sr. No. 23, start solidifying after 5 years and they need one or two Puta again before using before using in the dosage form. [The Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part,II- Section 3- Sub-section (i), Published by Authority, New Delhi, Tuesday 20, October, 2009, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare[Department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy(AYUSH)], G.S.R. 764(E)] ABBREVIATIONS AFI Ayurvedic Formulary of India AH, Chi Ashtangahridayam, Chikitsasthanam AH, Kal Ashtangahridayam, Kalpasthanam AH, Sa Ashtangahridayam, Sarirasthanam AH, Su Ashtangahridayam, Sutrasthanam AH, U Ashtangahridayam, Uttarasthanam AKD Arogyakalpadrumam BP, MK Bhavaprakasam Madhyamakhandam BR Bhaishajyaratnavali Caution Contains ingredients included in Schedule E (I) list CD Chakradatham GN Gadanigraham PM An Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine RM Rasamritam
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