Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83091-1 — Kingship, Power, and Legitimacy in Ancient Egypt Lisa K. Sabbahy Index More Information INDEX Abu Gorab, 79 cattle count Abu Roasch, 58 Sneferu, 42 Abydos central administration, 163 Cemetery U, 12 climate change, 119 First Dynasty tombs, 13 colossal statue Ain Sukhna, 136, 139 first, 69 alignment between monuments, 79 copper statues alignments of Old Kingdom pyramids, Hierakonpolis, 107 77 co-regency, 149 Allen, Sixth Dynasty, 107 James, 95 coregency Amenemhat early Twelfth Dynasty, 142 vizier, 137 cult Amenemhat I, 139 king’s ka, 18, 133 pyramid complex, 207 cult of the sun god Ankh Mesut, 147 first, 20 Ankhenesmeryra, 106 Ankhenespepy I, 106 daily rituals of the king, 91 Ankhenespepy II decentralization, 119 marries Merenra, 114 decree, 100, 104, 109, 116, 117 pyramid, 109 Deir el-Bahari, 124 Dendera Bab el-Hosan., 127 ka-chapel, 133 Bab el-Tawfik disappearance of sun temples, 89 Senusret I blocks, 160 divine filiation Badarian, 8 titles, 112 Bapef Djedkara Isesi, 93 priestess, 66 Djoser Bastet, 62, 83 later name of Netjerykhet, 31 pottery statues, 54 domains, 48 priest of, 44 royal, 47, 118 Behenu, 114 Dry Moat, 33, 77, 189 Beit Khallaf tomb, 35 Dynasty, 5, 12 benben, 42, 80, 86 Bent Pyramid, 45 eldest king’s daughter, 45 boat pits eldest son, 60 Khufu, 55 title of heir to throne, 45 brother and sister marriage, 59, 66, 130, Elephantine, 160 162 small pyramid, 46 brother to brother succession, 67, 84 Ezbet Rushdi, 144 Bubastis ka-chapel, 100, 104 faience decoration, 84, 85 Building Inscription of Senusret I, 157 Fayum A, 6 Buto, 9 Following of Horus, 25 203 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83091-1 — Kingship, Power, and Legitimacy in Ancient Egypt Lisa K. Sabbahy Index More Information 204 INDEX foundations of divine kingship, 22 Inenek, also called Inti, 111 Friedman, Instructions of Amenemhat I, 142 Florence, 70–72 Intef I, 121 funerary forts, 89 Intkaues, 35 Early Dynastic, 14, 19 ipt nswt funerary temple harem, 57 Sahura, 82 Iput mother of Teti, 94 Gabolde Iput II, 116 Luc, 130 iry-pat, 44 Gebel Ahmar, 59 Itakayet. Gebelein royal female, 147 Mentuhotep II, 134 Itja-tawy, 139, 160 Giza, 52 ivory comb god Dua, 91 King Djet, 16, 20 god Min at Coptos, 104 god’s daughter, 41, 106 Jánosi god’s father, 130 Peter, 143 Greatest of Seers, 39 ka-chapel harem, 101, 162, 163 Amenemhat I, 140 Hathor, 51, 62 mother of Pepy I, 104 Dendera, 134 Kai, 91 female counterpart of Ra, 21 Kamutef importance of, 161 Min, 127 priestess of, 60, 66 Karnak Hathor and Neith, 63 Amen temple, 125 Hathor cult at Thebes, 124 Senusret I building, 154–157 Hays Kawab, 56, 65 Harold, 97 Khamaat heb sed celebration, 86, 147 marries official, 79 heb sed scenes, 53, 83, 86 Khamerernebty I, 66 heb sed temple, 48, 81 Khamerernebty II, 66 Heliopolis, 159 Khasekhem, 21 sun god worship, 20, 38, 88, 96 Khasekhemwy, 19 Helwan, 19 Khentetka, 59 henty-sha, 100 Khentimentiu Henutsen, 58 shrine Abydos, 105 Hesy-Ra, 39 Khentkaues II, 83, 85 Hetepheres I, 41 Khentkaues titles, 74 Hetepheres II, 56, 59, 65 Khentkaues’s tomb, 73 Hetephernebty, 35 Khuit II, 99 Hierakonpolis, 9–11, 80 King Narmer, 10, 12 Tomb 100, 8 king’s legitimacy, 149, 161 hieroglyphs king’s mother oldest, 12 title of, 34 Horemakhet, 63 King’s mother, Imi, 136 Horus, 22 king’s wife Huni, 41, 46 title of, 35 kingship I’h source of, 11 king’s mother, 130 kinship, 90 iconography of the queen, 58, 65 kinship terms, 64 Ihy and Hetep Königsnovelle, 125 Saqqara tombs, 140 Imhotep, 39 Landgráfová, imiut-fetish Renata, 85 Step Pyramid, 35, 36 Lisht © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83091-1 — Kingship, Power, and Legitimacy in Ancient Egypt Lisa K. Sabbahy Index More Information INDEX 205 reused blocks, 46, 54, 78 Nefermaat low Nile levels, 119 vizier, 43 Loyalist Instructions, 158 Neferu (TT 319), 128 Neith Maadi goddess, 26 culture, 8 marries brother, 115 Maat, 24, 41, 77, 82 priestess of, 100 Maghara, 116 royal female, 110, 116 Mahaa, 111 Neithhotep mahat First Dynasty, 14 Abydos, 135 Nekabu Manetho, 5, 100, 118, 142 constructed ka-chapels, 104 Master of Largess in the Mansion of Life, 52, 60 Nekhbet, 83 Menkauhor, 89, 93 Neolithic, 7 Mentuhotep Nesu-Montu served Senusret I, 158 stela, 150 Mentuhotep II Netjeraperef, 52 temple complex, 124–133 Nitiqret or Nitocris, 98 Mentuhotep III, 135 nomes, 90 Mentuhotep IV, 136 beginning of, 27 Merenra., 107 North Saqqara Mereruka, 100 First Dynasty tombs, 13, 18 Meresankh III, 64 Northern or Red Pyramid, 46, 47 meret of Userkaf, 81 Nymaathap, 34 meret sanctuary Sneferu, 51 obelisk Meretites II of King Tet I, 16, 96, 100, 159 also called Merut, 112 Pepy I, 105 Meret-Nebty, 81 Omari, 7 Meretneith, 16 One who is Over the Secrets, 90 Merimde, 7 Osiris, 127 Meritites I, 56 first evidence, 92 Merka, 26 grove of, 127 Meydum, 42 Osiris and Ra, 95 Min Otto cult of, with harem, 127 Eberhard, 149 Mentuhotep II as, 133 Overseer of all Royal Works, 43 Montu-Ra, 130 Overseer of the harem Morales, title of Ihy, 140 Antonio, 97 Overseer of the priests mortuary temple given to nomarchs, 118 Mentuhotep II, 132 Overseer of Upper Egypt, 90 Mother of two Kings of Upper and Lower Egypt, 84 given to nomarchs, 118 myth of Osiris, 22 Papazian, Nagada I, 8 Hratch, 106 Nagada II, 8 Pepy I Nagada III, 9 change of prenomen, 103 neb hepet Pepy II Sneferu epithet, 42 length of reign, 117 Nebemakhet, 65 per shena, 58 Nebet per weru, 82 non-royal woman, 112 Peribsen, 19 Nebhepetra political split, 22 prenomen, 124 Seth name, 21 Nebuwenet, 111 priestesses of Hathor Nedjeftet, 112 chapels, 126 Neferhetepes, 60, 78 sun and funerary temples, 88 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83091-1 — Kingship, Power, and Legitimacy in Ancient Egypt Lisa K. Sabbahy Index More Information 206 INDEX princesses marry officials, 90 small pyramids, 46–47, 162 propaganda, 162 Smith Ptahshepses Mark, 97 High priest of Ptah, 79 solar altar, 163 vizier of Nyuserra, 89, 91 Deir el-Bahari, 130 Punt, 79, 82 Karnak, 130 Pyramid Texts, 103 Son of Hathor of Dendera, 134 Unas Pyramid, 94 son of Ra, 62 title, 20, 56 queen Sphinx Temple main titles, 65 Khafra, 63 queen’s titles Step Pyramid Complex, 32–34 of Neferu, 129 suckling the king, 83 queenship as a duality sun god worship, 34 Troy, 36 sun temples precusor, 63 Ra in personal names, 39 Tanis Ra and Hathor reused statue, 143 parents of king, 80 Tem Ra. tomb, 132 creator god, 23 temple building, 162 Ra’s Delight Tetiankh-kem, 99 Nyuserra, 85 The One Who Sees Horus and Seth Ra’s Nekhen queen’s title, 58 sun temple, 79 The Prophecy of Neferti, 138 Raneb, 19, 20, 94, 184, 193 The Story of Sinuhe, 142 Raneferef, 84, 85 Thoth Rawer, 92 priestess, 66 vizier, Pepy I, 108 titulary Reputnebu, 85 royal, 23–24 royal sibling marriage, 148 Tjasepef priestess, 66 sacrificial burials Tjetji, human, 11, 13, 19 stela, 121 Sakhmet or Bastet, 50 Tomb 507, Schatt er-Rigal, 129 Deir el-Bahari, 150 Sebutet, 114 true pyramid, 42 Sehetepibra twins, 82, 84 reign of Senusret III, 159 two bodies Seila of the king, 24 small pyramid, 46 Sekhemra unification, 5, 9 last royal vizier, 68 Userkara, 101 Sekhet Iaru, 97 sema-tawy valley temple motif, 24, 83, 125, 134 Khafra, 61 or Somtus, 134 Menkaura, 70 sesh wadj vizier, 26 ritual, 65, 110 held by non-royal, 75 Sesheshet, 98 in Eleventh Dynasty, 135 setep-sa, 92 vulture headdress, 70, 74, 85, 116, 149 Setibhor queen, 93 Wa’ankh Intef II, 121 Setka, 60 Wadi al-Jarf, 52 Shepseskaf, 68 Wadi el-Hudi, 136 Shepseskaf., 77 Wadi Hammamat, 137 sibling royal marriage., 36 Watethathor, 100 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83091-1 — Kingship, Power, and Legitimacy in Ancient Egypt Lisa K. Sabbahy Index More Information INDEX 207 Wedjebten, 117 Werkaura, 89 Wehem Mesut, 139 Westcar Papyrus, 76 Wemtetka, 45 wild animals Weni, 101, 115 sacrificed, 10 Wepwawet, 54 weret hetes Zawyet al-Aryan, 61 queen’s title, 56, 102 Zawyet al-Meitin, 47 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org.
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