University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 7-11-1922 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-11-1922 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-11-1922." (1922). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/623 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CITY CITY EDITION ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. EDITION l"OR rY-T- H IRD VEAU. Dally by Currier or VOL CLXXIV. No. 1 1. Albuquerque, New Mexico, Tuesday, July 11, 1922. Mull, 8Sc a Month Single Oipic fa or TRAINS ARE TO BE RUNr propaganda London 1 urns Out For Funeral TAK1NG1GARE OF OPERATIONS ARE ESPEE RAM, of Murdered Military Chieftain DISABLED YANKS RESUMED AT THE LIFE PROPERTY IB ID IS OBJECTED TO All Londtin turned out to pay IS A HUGE TASK RAILROAD SHOPS ge to the memory of Field 9hal sir Hen? BE PROTECTED, OFFICIALS Is Endeavoring to "Create, YtHS Seems to Be g" at Agriculture Sentiment tt v assassins, AT SACRAMENTO Against epresentative9 of foreig - the Most Popular Voca- DeCISlOn Of , the Suprf ti,.-.l- attended. Field Mar- - tional Training Course, Is uourt," Aiiegea. shal Foch, commander-in-chie- f of Bureau Report. Imported Workers Are Also OF GOVERNMENT DECLARE the allied forces in the World (By The Amirliitcd j Being Used to Ice Cars 10. iW'r 'nt' war, acted as the escort of Lady (By The AxHflcluled 1'rci.i.) Washington, July Cfoi Washington, 10. Taking for the Southern Pacific was filed with the depar a? , of Wilson at the funeral. Thou- July " fare of Uncle Sam's disabled vete- juBtice today In behalf of y Jers sands the streets rans of the world and at Rosevilie, and of the Pa" .'oas' thronged war fitting shippers through which the funeral them for useful vocations, is a huge inCREASED NUMBERS OF TROOPS against the alleged acti' it the to bu- Southern Pacific n en cortege passed. tank, according the veterans' C0MPANIESPAY OFF, railwaj reau, publishing accounts of the deavoring to "create sentiment and voca- EF1 action the decision of the number of men undergoing STRIKING EMPLOYES AND DEPUTIES ARE SERVIC against tional training. Up to May 1, the supreme court ordering dissolution a of of the of that road bureau's figures show, total Men partnership 601,515 veterans had applied for Twelve Who Walked with the Central Pacific. num- Announcement that the com vocational training, of which Out Are Sworn in as Peace Officers ber 312,93p applications had been Daugherty Says Additional plaint' had been filed was made by Or- the California committee of approved. Deputies to Preserve Will Be pro In addition to the .10,000 factories Have Been Authorized and They ducers and shippers, the statement der in Their Own Ranks. that the was based and industrial organizations whicli Sent Wherever Strike Disorders adding protest are affording placement training Justify; on efforts of the Southern Pacific H' 3.228 (By The Aitsocliited Preie.) or- - to 35.704 veterans, there are lailwfifr to stampede commercial in of Sacramento, Calif., July 10. Little Disorder Is as Result of at- institutions engaged the work Reported ganizatlfm Into supporting Its men were disabled Tension which had prevailed in to evade the intent of the remaking who Roads' to tempt or partially disabled. Of this num- Sacramento and Rosevilie, railroad Efforts Reopen Shops. supremo court decision." are lt!2 257 town, eighteen miles northeast of was the com ber there universities, Assurance received, 98 state normal schools, here, for several days, today wa mittee that the would colleges, as were 10. (by the Associated Press) With said, petition 1.041 commercial schools, 244 much decreased operations Chicago, July be considered by the department schools and 266 resumed at the Sacramento shops forces of the dis public institutions, increasing numbers of state troops and emergency prior to the next hearing miscellaneous subjects. of the Southern Pacific railroad solution case. teaching and as workers of United marshals on wherever Of these forty-nin- e are government Imported proceeded States deputy guard with the work of fruit cars have the institutions. icing outbreaks been threatened, government today The number receiving Instruction at Rosevilie. announced and would be has almost doubled in tho Trouble had been forecast at that life property protected, period Ex- IMPROVEMENT OE from 1921 to last May, the Rosevilie if the Pacific Fruit the mails continued and interstate commerce not inter- July Pa- bureau snvs. On July 1, 1921, there press company of the Southern the strike of shopmen. were 85,11 ;ts men vo- cific railroad, whose employes wen rupted, despite railway actually taking use 'After a conference with President Harding, Attor- cational training, and on May 1 last on strike, attempted to outside i workmen, but the rushing in the mar- I th"re were 108,919. ney General Daugherty said that additional deputy lj The number of those graduated, darkness early Sunday morning of shals had been authorized and that they would be sent or declared rehabilitated, Is con- two carloads of Mexican workers' to last was so expeditious that no trouble stantly Increasing. Up July us- wherever strike disorders justified 5,050 men had been declared fit to arose and today there was the The attorney general's announce- tion of 300 national guardsmen NEED OF NATION take up new vocations, and since ual atmosphere of watchful waiting ment came after Lieutenant with 150 non-unio- n men on duty. time veterans have been around the railroad yards. shortly Resumed. that 7,514 that the of Governor Fred E. Sterling, acting Operations added to that number. Reports agreed Icing At Sacramento, Calif., operations the bureau adds. the fruit cars was proceeding mora head of the state In - Agriculture, government were resumed at the Southern Pa- Milk- and Butter Fat Could seems to be the most course or less normally. Illinois, In the absence of Gov. popular and cific and Western Pacific shops f'' by the men, as there are At both Southern Pacific com- Be Produced 12 Mil- preferred in Sacra- Len Small, had ordered five with no signs of disturbance. by now 14,006 men under that course Western Pacific shops panies of national guardsmen to Southern Faclfic officials announc- lion If Pure Bred Sires of Instruction. The other courses mento striking employes were paid Bloomington to the ed that about e,500 men were at which seem in greatest demand are off today. protect shops work hero will pre- of the railroad. but union leaders said that Headed Each Herd. 7 C commercial, professional, mechani- Striking shopmen Chicago and Alton 1,800 workers were on and serve order among themselves If The ordering out of the state troops strike. cal and elertrical trades the At the of the Erie The Asinclntcd I'rem ) Left, Marshal Ferdinand Foch escorting Lady Wilson from the Cathedral of St. Paul to her In their promise to Sheriff Ellis Jone.i followed appeals trom the local au- neadquarters (II; carriage. Right, various crafts. the government railroad In Chicago, where a labor Chicago, 10. The milk and the funeral cortege on its way to the cathedral where Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson was buried. schools nlono which offer such holds good. He appointed twelve thorities. July as sheriffs on the Shots Fired nt Clinton. bureau was established soon after butter tat at present produced by courses. 4.674 veterans are enrolled. strikers deputy the strike was called, the following the 23,000,000 cows of tho understanding that they would not At' Clinton, 111., where the Illi- dairy in exer- un- sign was posted at noon: "No more United States could be produced by go otitsido ihelr ranks the nois Central shops have been AGRICULTURAL TARIFF cise of der or state since Sat- men wanted. Quota full." 12,000,000 if only pure bred sires GO their authority. guard troops ac- YOUNG WOMEN TO ON General J. J. Boree, to- urday night, when an outbreak was In Denver newly employed men were at the head of each herd, GUARDSMEN ARE YOUNG BLOC LOSES FIGHT Adjutant were put to work In the with cording to a survey made public COURT IN OF ID day emphatically denied reports threatened following a fatal shoot- shops DEFENSE ON SOYA BEANS and elsewhere that in com- no disorder and no picketing. At by the National Institute of Pro RATE from Chicago ing affray, the day passed THEIR SUITS the California guard was being parative quiet, although several Altoona, Pa., it was reported that gressive Farming. BATHING a scores of men In the In Denmark, which has the most (Bv The Anolnted I'reee.) mobilized for strike duty. shots were fired at working H ii ARE KILLED 10. Failure group of men who were believed to Pennsylvania shops there had highly developed dairy Industry in Chicago. July 10. Four Washington, July CM ANTI-ROOSTE- been thrown down their tools to a the world, the productiveness of women, on of the republican agricultural R WAR IS have advancing to attack Join young romping 28 to the shops. The attackers fled, none demonstration of the strikers. cows is double that of the United Chicago's Oak street bathing tariff bloc on a tie vote, one-pie- Kb a rate of LAUNCHED BY VARSITY being Injured.
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