TODAY'S RADIO BROADCASTS [CENTRAL STANDARD 11:00 A. M. 4:15 P. AL TIME.] 1V-G-NManhaltan Mother. ON SHORT WAVES. 1VMM:2Carters of Elm et. WAIAQYolir Family and BERLIN-5:30p.tu.-Con-WLSM. Crane and H. Joyce. Mine. cell,byan Army Band WBBMHollywood Discov-WIIIIAIBittyKeene. DJD, 25.4 m., 11.77 mcg. eries. WENRSwingtime Serenade. LONDON-5.50 p. in.-" TheWCFLPeckers in Pantry. 4:30 P. AI, PainfulFallof a Great 11:15 A. M. 11%G-NIlenry Weber's Reputation," 51nry by G. H.W-GNItallin Sugar Bowl. Concert orchestra. Chesterton. 050, 19.7 in.,W.MAQThe O'Neills. WENRLandt trio. 11.18 nice.; GSM 25.5 in.,WBBMNancy Janice. WMAQJosh Higgins. 11.75 meg.; G5C, 31.3 01.. WJJDCriminal court.. 4:15 1'. N. 9.511 meg.; GSB, 31.5 in.. WAAFSport of Eings. %S'.G.NYour English. 9.51 meg. WINDPiano Recital. 11'1,1NRel. Johnson, baritone. ROME-(t:80p.m.-Selee. A. M. WMAQAf ternoon Frolics. lions fromOperas.2140, W-G-NLatest News. WI3BMAlan on the street. 25.4 to., 11.81 meg.; IRE.WLSEnSoVing 5:110 P. M. 30.5tn.,0.83 meg. WBBMHelen Trent. W-G.31A1ternoon Aft:steal. BOSTON-S:30 p. m.-Sym- WAIAQFarin and Home. WAIAQMetro Operaguild. phonicPeriod. 11-1XAL, WGESStanshine hour. WENRDon Winslow. 25.6 m., 11.73 meg. 1VJJDSafely court. WBBALYour Neighbor. LONDON-8.40 p.m.-1119; 11:15 A. Al. WAAFSalon Concert. EmpireOrchestra. GSD, W-G-NString orchestra. 5:15 P. M. 25.5 in., 11.71 meg.; CSC, WBBMOur Gal S1111(183'. IY-G-NJano Anderson. 31.3 tn.,11.55 meg.; GS11. WAAFMATna Per Sargent. pianist. 31.5 m., 9.51meg.. WCFL-1V1llie Winn. IMISMHowle Wing. CINCINNATI-10.00 P. M.- NOON. WENRMalcolni Claire. uRicaClassica. WSNAL, W.G.NIllappy Gang. WI AQDick Tracy. 43.5 in, US/6 mcg. WLSDinner Bell program. WINDCocktail Melodies. - WAAFSymphonic hour. WCFLPatricia Gilmore. CHICAGO WAVE LENGTHS. WBBAIGoldliergs. 5:30 P. Al. W-G-N-7:111 WU:1)-1080 WCFLJean Ellin: Ion. W.G.NSay It with Music. WIND-56(I W31131-1(i80 12:15 P. M. WMAQ-3ack Armstrong. WMAQ-670W3J1)-1130 wnnmLife Can Be W1313MChicag.o hour. 1V131331-770 1WWAE-1200 Beautiful. W,LIDSuppertime Frolic. WLS-870 WSBC-1210 WMAQPhil Evans. WENSYour Hobby. WENR-8701VGES-1360 12:30 P. M. WCILSweet and Low. 1VA A F-9:1(1 IVIIFC-1420 W-G-NMnrkels. 5:45 P. M. WCIL-97() WHIP-1480 WORMRoad of Life. W.G-31Orphan Annie. wLsvoice of the Farm. WMAQStraight Shooters. - 12:35 P. M. VindicatesI.lflS program.) WEI:R-118i Totten. 6:45 A. 31. W-G-NMidday Service: 0:00 P. Al. 1V-G-N-Good Morning prog, Prof. Norman E. Richard. W-G-NCaptain Midnight. 7:00 A. M. son,Presby.Theo!. sem- WAIAQVivlan Della Chiesa. WAAP-Brealtfast Express. luary. Chicago. WINDGerman hour. WHI3M-Houschold Reporter.WMAQDOggy Dan. IV-BNBEasy Aces. W31AQ-Suburban Hour. 12:15 M. Inundir.Foote. organist. 7:10 A. /11. WLSLive Stock markets. 6:15 P. M. W-G-K-Everyday Words. WMAQ-11appy Gilmans. W-G-NCaptnin Herne. 7:15 A. 31. W11531This Day Is Oura. WENRMr. Been. W-G-N-Good Morning prog. 1:00 P. S. WBBMAfter School. 1VB BM -Dawn Salute. W-G-NGinshargli's Concert WMAQVoeal Varieties. WLS-31orning Devotions. orchestra. 11:30 P. M. 7:3(1 A. N. WCFLDon Norman. W-G-NItusehm Concert WLS-VirginiaBoys. WLSSchool Time. orchestra. W131131-31.1.1fiCal Clock. WMAQBelly and Bob. WAIAQFort Pearson. 7;45 A. N. WINDDalian hour. 1VBBMJoe Penner show. IVLS-Joe's Pet Pals. WIIIIMDoe Barclay. 11:15 P. M. 8:00 A. Si. 1:15 P. Al. W-G-NInside of Sports. W-0N-Vour Morning News.W-G-NTottng Dr. Malone. WMAQFour Stars Tonight. W3IAQ-Your Neighbor. WM.Eddie Cavanaugh. \MFGIrish program. 11.'1.5-Pine Ridge Frolics. WLSGrace Wilson. 7:00 P. AI. WCFL-Itreakfast Club. WMAQArnold Grimm. W-G-NHeidclberg Concert 8:15 A. 31. W131231-1)r. Swan. orchestra. 1V-G-N-Good Morning 1:301'. M. WCF1.Parade of Progress. Metoolim WG-NEd Fitzgerald WmAQVallee's Varieties. WJJD-The Toast master. revue. W1NDNews 13chind News. 8:30 A. M. WBBMSchnol of the Air. WLSIinow Your School. WLS-Noveloileons. WAIAQValiant Lady. WBBMBate Smith. W3IAQ-1Vhistler and DOZ. WLSGrain Markets. 7:15 P. 31, M31311E-Girl Intern. WJJDMidday Roundup. W-(1-NBob Elson's Sports 11:40 A. 31. 1:15 P. AI. Review. W-G-N-Vass Family. WCFLSpotlight program. 7:30 P. M. 8:45 A. 31. WMAQChurch hymns. W-G-NLightnim: Jim. W-G-N-Whors News In theWLFHenrs"s Exchange. WI.SRocherter Philhar- Stores Today. W.L1DWomen at Cross- monic ruches! ra 11'.1.1D-Women Voters. roads. 8:00 P. M. League. 2:00 P. AL W-G-NDon't You Relieve W1:031-Teen5 and Tim. W-G-NGinsbureWs Concert Ir. IVLS-Gospel Singer. orchestra. WBBMMaj. ROWC5. WMAQ-A Step Ahead. WMAQMarY WMAQGood News of 1939. 9:00 A. 31. WAAFBlue Mood. WCFLConerrt program. W-G-N-Morning Melodies. WLSPat Bultram. 8:15 I'. II. WLS-Prairie Sweetheart/I. WBBMLinda's First Love. W-G-NItussien Concert wn8m-Prelly Kitty Kelly. 2:15 P.AI. orchestra. WM AQ-Ccntra ICity. W-G-NJone Anderson, 8:30 I'. M. WCFL-Story of the Month. pianist. W.G.NTomerrow's Tribune. WIND-Headline Music. WMAQMa Perkins. WENRTown Meeting-. 9:15 A. 31. WBBAIMect the Missus. 8:37 1'. N. W3IAQ-John's Other Wife. WINDMen About Town. W-G-NHighlightsofSports. ISTR111-31yrt and Marge. 2:3(1 P. 31. 8:15 P. Al. WLS-Jane Arden. W-G-NJime Baker, Home °W-G-NIlenry Weber's Con- 9:30 A. Al. Management. cert revile. W-G-N-11rep Fit to MIMIC. WLSHomemakers' hour. 11:00 P. At. WLS-Ed McConnell. songs. WIIBMIttiFSIISIt arkets. WAIAQMusic Hall. W.LID-31orning Dance. WMAQPepper Young. WBBMTune lip Time. WAAF-Canary Serenade. W.I.-IDBoard of Education 11:30 P. 5). W111331-11ffltopHouse. Council. W-G-NIt's the Low. WIND-Jimmy Dean. WINDSonata Recitals. WENRMinstrel Show. WMAQ-Just Plain Bill. 2:15 P. M. WINDSwing Quartet. 9:45 A. M. °Y.G.NGood Health and WCFLDanceland. W-G-N-3111sleal Mull Box. Training. 51:45 P. 51. WMAQ-Woman in White. WAIAQGuiding Light. W-G-NOrrin Tucker's Cecil. WcFL-Rittersweet Melodies.WI:BMEditor's Daughter. WI:BMSports Huddle. WIND-Waltz Time. WCFLBetween the Book WINDAmerican View- WBBM-Stelonollter. Ends. points, WLS-Houseboat Hannah. 3:00 P. M. 10:00 P. AI. /0:110 A. 31. W-G-NAl el oily W11-NIns Ray Iliillon's W-G.N-Junior and Sls. orchestra. 1VMAQ-David Hamm. WOBMPappy Cheshire. WMAQAtnos 'nAndy. W.I1D-V. H. Lindlahr. WAIAQBackstage Wife. 10:15 P. Al. W1ND-Tralic Court. WENRSmile Parade. IY-G-NDick Jorgens' arch. SSTS-Mary Marlin. WINDBook review. WENRBolognini's orch. MIMI-Mary Lee Taylor. 3:15 P. AL WWIPlano Parade. WCFL-Be t er Homes. WMAQStella Dallas. 10:30 p. M. 10:15 A. 3L W1NDBlock's Varieties. WO-N-11. Corlsen's arch. W.G-N-Bachelor's Children. 3:30 P. Af. WMAQI.,. Breese's nreli. ASTMS-Scattergood Baines. W-G-NTwo licYbunrda. WBBMWives' Night Out. WLS-Vic and Sade. WMAQVii: and Sade. 11:00 P. hi. WMAQ-Lorenzo Jones. WEDCBohemian hour. IY-G.NGlen Gray's inch. WAAF-True Stories. WCFLConcert. Melodies. WHOMS. Base's orch. 10:30 A. 31. WENRCluh Matinee. WMAQAgnew's orchestra. 1V-(1-N-DonCedro's Magic 3:15 P.AI. WENRDesirahle Music. Violin. W-G-NBook a Week; Mar- 11:30 P. Si. W111131-Big Sister. eery Graham. W-G-NUoll Crosby's melt. Min.-News Views. WMAQGirl Alone. WMAQHenderson's oreh. WLS-Pepper Young. WGESBettcr Americans. WBBMW. ICIng's orch. W.MAQ-Widder Brown. WINDFour Clubmen. MIDNIGHT. WCFL-Paul Page. 4:001'.Al. W13-11-8. Young's orch. WJJD-Women's Exchange. W.G.NL. Salerno and WINDNIto Watch. 10:15 A. M. Piano. WENDYield's orchestra. W-G-N-rninled Dreams. WENRF. Hawkins' orch. 12:30 A. AI. WMAQ-Road of Life. WMAQConcert Miniature. WG-NLew Fliller's mph. WERM-Aunt Jenny's Stories.1VAAFPiano Novelties. WMAQP. Burton's orch. WLS-Live Stock market. W1313MManhat I an Mother. 1:00 A. H. WAAF-Nnvelties. WCFLDanerland. W-G-NInn Ray Hutton'; IVIID-31issing Perron,. WJ.11)Tea Rhythms. orchestra. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor.
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