Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 20/18 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 1.-15. November Die Themen dieser Ausgabe 1. Zwei Tage Krieg mit Gaza ............................................................................................................................................... 1 2. Annäherung zwischen Israel und arabischen Staaten................................................................................................. 4 3. Liberman tritt ab .............................................................................................................................................................. 5 4. Medienquerschnitt ........................................................................................................................................................... 7 1. Zwei Tage Krieg mit Gaza der PA seit Monaten ausgesetzte Zahlung von Ge- Mit brennenden Reifen protestierten Bewohner der hältern öffentlicher Beamter im Gazastreifen zu Stadt Sderot gegen die Ankündigung der Regierung, übernehmen. Mehrere israelische Minister wie auch einem Waffenstillstand mit der Hamas zuzustimmen. Oppositionspolitiker kritisierten den Waffenstillstand. Sie hätten es satt, immer wieder in die Bunker flüch- Yair Lapid von der Mittepartei Yesh Atid beschuldigte ten zu müssen, schimpften die Leute. Die verbreite- das Sicherheitskabinett, „die Bürger im Süden und te Befürchtung in den israelischen Ortschaften un- Israels Abschreckungskraft zu opfern“. Verteidi- weit der Grenze zum Gazastreifen ist, dass die gungsminister, Avigdor Liberman, trat aus Protest Feuerpause nicht lange halten wird. Im Gazastreifen gegen den Waffenstillstand zurück, nachdem Regie- feierten Palästinenser die „Kapitulation der Zionis- rungschef Netanyahu behauptet hatte, dass es im ten“. Islamistische Kämpfer hatten Israel in nur zwei Kabinett Einhelligkeit im Hinblick auf die Einstellung Tagen mit rund 460 Raketen und Mörsergranaten der Gefechte mit der Hamas gegeben habe. angegriffen. Umgekehrt attackierten Israels Luftwaf- fe und die Marine Ziele der Islamisten, darunter The arrangement with Hamas will never happen einen von der Hamas kontrollierten Fernsehsender. We've been told for a long time that the ceasefire is Auslöser der neuen Eskalation war die Aufdeckung on the way. (…) For years the Gaza Strip has been einer israelischen Spezialeinheit im Gazastreifen. a pressure cooker bound to explode. (…) according Das in Zivilkleidung agierende Sonderkommando to politicians and commentators (…) Hamas needs war im Süden des Gazastreifens von Milizen der an achievement, quiet, hudna, arrangement, in order Hamas entdeckt worden. Bei anschließenden to lift the blockade and improve the situation. (…) Kämpfen starben sieben Palästinenser, darunter ein The logic of Hamas is different. Hamas does not führender Kommandant der Hamas. Auf israelischer want improvement. Hamas is putting in all the effort Seite fiel ein Oberstleutnant. Israels Ministerpräsi- into preserving Gaza as the pressure cooker it dent Benjamin Netanyahu, der aufgrund der Ent- currently is. (…) There is readiness for a ceasefire wicklungen im Süden seine Teilnahme an den Feier- there. (…) The meaning of ‘quiet’ in the dictionary of lichkeiten zum 100jährigen Jubiläum zum Ende des the resistance is getting ready for the next Ersten Weltkrieges in Paris abbrach, hatte zuvor campaign. The resistance will continue to fill and versucht, mit einer Geldspritze im Umfang von 15 develop the weapons stockpiles for future Millionen US-Dollar einen Krieg zu verhindern. Katar campaigns,” explained the official. And what is hatte das Geld zur Verfügung gestellt, um die von Israeli policy? There is no policy. Restraint is 1 appropriate, provided it does not become an actual no technical reason why the almost 2 million policy. For years there has been no Israeli initiative. residents of Gaza don’t have these basic services. (…) It is in Israel's interests for the strip to prosper. (…) we cannot let politics or even terror get in the Even if Hamas would have refused the offer, Israel way of supplying the people of Gaza with basic would still have benefited from merely making such humanitarian services. Not if we want to stop the a proposal. There is no simple solution to attrition cycle of violence. There has been no stronger voice warfare. But when pursuing an arrangement, there for solving the humanitarian crisis in Gaza despite is a need for a coherent policy and not illusions. the ongoing violence, than that of the Israeli What we have right now is the opposite. (…) Defense Forces. (…) There are Israelis and Ben-Dror Yemini, YED, 01.11.18 Palestinians with the technical knowhow and experience ready to provide Gazans with drinkable Who is afraid of Hamas? Another military round water, water for agriculture, wastewater treatment is inevitable and reuse facilities, and reliable sources of energy (…) As the cabinet did not decide to remove the from the sun. What is lacking is not the knowhow but Islamic despots in Gaza, Israel can find itself fighting the political will. (…) The Israeli government must another war with no significant diplomatic or military make a strategic commitment to solving the gains. (…) The problem is (…) with the cabinet humanitarian crisis in Gaza as it did when ministers rather than with the army. With no decision confronted with missiles and tunnels, for the threat to end the misery of masses of Gazans who live of a large neighboring population living without hope under a ruthless dictatorship, any war might end is just as great. with diplomatic and even military defeat to Israel. David Lehrer, YED, 03.11.18 Without destroying the Jihadists, it is probable that the situation of the people of Gaza will only be Toppling Hamas is not the solution worsened. (…) Arabs in Gaza are enslaved and (…) Netanyahu’s government today is (…) deep in oppressed by their Islamic tyrants. (…) Following the negotiations with Hamas, seeking a long-term cease lack of any decision to put an end to 12 years of fire that will provide Israel with quiet in the south and Islamic rule in Gaza, many innocents are victimized maintain Hamas’ rule over the Gaza Strip. (…) Israel and abused by armed Islamic militias that serve the has no alternative but to accept Hamas control in “holy” cause of building an Iranian-style caliphate Gaza. (…) Without having the political courage to near Israel. Another military round in Gaza is say so openly, it seems as if our prime minister has inevitable. Hamas will continue to construct terror reached the same conclusion. (…) Netanyahu made tunnels, threaten the Israelis with homemade it clear that the humanitarian problem in Gaza was rockets, torture and oppress its people through the the most pressing issue there, not Hamas. (…) most vicious means and get funding from the Sending in tanks and troops will not solve the need mullahs in Tehran. Sooner or later, Israel will have to to restore Gaza’s infrastructure nor resolve the deep deal with Hamas and put into deeds the threats economic crisis in the Strip. (…) Could it be, that made by senior cabinet ministers who promised to come the 2019 election campaign (…) for the first knock down the organization and destroy it. (…) time in a decade we will be spared Netanyahu’s (…) David Merhav, JPO, 03.11.18 empty threats to destroy the Hamas? Jeff Barak, JPO, 04.11.18 Solving Gaza crisis with water and energy (…) Declarations and threats against Hamas (…) Let the IDF win are not particularly effective, especially when it Prior to the tragic (…) death of an IDF soldier in comes to acts of violence carried out by desperate Gaza, it seemed as if Peace Now has been reborn and radicalized young people, encouraged by bad within Likud. (…) On the other hand, the Israeli left is actors who are immune to Israeli, Palestinian, and also suffering from a split personality disorder— international public opinion. What is required instead supporters of peace and compromise suddenly is a commitment on the part of the State of Israel to endorsed a military operation with the possibility of long-term strategy and bottom-up, high-impact, having hundreds of dead on the Palestinian side sustainable solutions for Gaza, not just declarations. (…). The reality here confuses everyone. (…) Those (…) Thanks to modern science and technology, we who do not want to resolve the situation militarily will have means to provide water and electricity even to find themselves in a military operation without a remote dry areas like the Arava desert (…). There is possible resolution; if not right now, then soon. The 2 Israeli government has had only two options since mismanagement would not be even partially the end of Operation Protective Edge: the alleviated. (…) Palestinians don’t need their money. internationally funded Marshall Plan in the Gaza They need their freedom. Strip with the subsequent demilitarization, or a well Shmuley Boteach, JPO, 12.11.18 planned military operation intended to resolve the issue once and for all—destroying Hamas's centers Israel must make a decision on Gaza of gravity—a military language that at one time, (…) Without a coherent strategy, Israel has had to everyone was able to understand. There is no limit itself to tactical responses. (…) The result of interim solution worth $15 million. It's an illusion. The prioritizing political expediency over strategic enemy state on our southern border must be national security interests has been to put the fate of restrained through deterrence, either by giving them the residents of the
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