致:北京海德世貿易有限公司 由:杜邦中國集團有限公司 關於:NSF就杜邦™Krytox® FG 34產品的認證 我司供應給貴司的 Krytox® FG 34 潤滑劑是全球最早取得食品級 H1 認證的 產品之一。NSF(美國國家衛生協會)於 2002 年批復 Krytox® FG 34 的國際認證 申請(認證號 124000),在其認證中明確 Krytox® FG 34 “可用於偶然與食品接 觸(H1)的食品加工設備。” 杜邦一直按照 NSF 相關規定進行杜邦™Krytox® FG 34 產品的認證及定期申 報。根據 NSF 規定,若產品配方無變更,則該認證持續有效。NSF 官網白皮書上 該產品的最新備案日期為 2011 年 4 月 7 日。 NSF 的這一認證可在全球範圍內通過 NSF 官網白皮書 http://www.nsf.org/usda/psnclistings.asp 查詢。NSF 針對非食品類的化合物的認證項 目是 USDA(美國農業部)認證專案的延續,該認證的基準是 FDA (美國藥品食 品監督管理局)CFR 21 條款,所申請的產品滿足此條款,尤其是在其應用、其組 成以及標識等方面均滿足此條款。 特此說明。 杜邦中國集團有限公司 杜邦應用化學及氟產品部 2011年9月14日 NSF International White book ® Listing of Proprietary Substances and Nonfood Compounds [1] (China) Shenzhen Bodlon Technology Co., Ltd. Meiban Road Shenzhen, Guangdong 518131 CHN 86 755 28098515 Product Name Product ID Category FOOD GRADE LUBE OIL H100 140391 H1 FOOD GRADE LUBE OIL H300 141396 H1 FOOD GRADE LUBE OIL H60 141397 H1 FOOD GRADE LUBE OIL HG271 141395 H1 FOOD GRADE LUBE OIL HM501 141394 H1 1st Envirosafety, Inc. 10200 Betsy Parkway St. James City, FL 33956 USA 239-283-1222 www.1stEnviroSafety.com Product Name Product ID Category E.C.C.O. COMMERCIAL ALL PURPOSE 130417 A1 E.C.C.O. INDUSTRIAL CLEANER/DEGREASER 113932 A1 ORGANIC CLEANER/DEGREASER MILITARY STRENGTH 130418 A1 2Q Portugal - Manutenção Profissional S.A. Centro Empresarial Sintra Estoril V - B20 PRT 35 1219246548 www.2qonline.com Product Name Product ID Category PTFE LUBRICANT PLUS 140106 H1 3M 3M Center, 220-2E-02 St. Paul, MN 55144-1000 USA 651-736-7878 www.mmm.com Product Name Product ID Category 3M Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polish 126080 A7 3M™ Hybrid Adhesive Sealant 760 Gray 141829 R2 3M™ Hybrid Adhesive Sealant 760 White 141833 R2 3M™ Hybrid Sealant 740 Gray 141830 R2 3M™ Hybrid Sealant 740 White 141834 R2 3M™ Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 550 Fast Cure Gray 141832 R2 These listings were updated on Saturday, March 20 2010. All products listed on this page have been independently reviewed and registered by NSF to the NSF International Registration Guidelines for Proprietary Substances and Nonfood Compounds. The NSF Nonfood Compounds Registration Program is a continuation of the USDA compound approval and listing program, which is based on meeting regulatory requirements including FDA 21 CFR for appropriate use, ingredient and labeling. The Quick Reference Guide to Categories is available at the end of the book. For Registration Guidelines please visit www.nsf.org. If you would like to submit questions, suggestions or errors to [email protected]. NSF International White book ® Listing of Proprietary Substances and Nonfood Compounds [2] Product Name Product ID Category 3M™ Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 550 Fast Cure White 141835 R2 3M™ Polyurethane Construction Sealant 525 Gray 141831 R2 SCOTCH-BRITE™ Stainless Steel CLEANER & POLISH 141321 A7 3M Company Electronic Markets Materials Division (EMMD) St. Paul, MN 55144 USA 651-575-3299 Product Name Product ID Category 3M Novec™ Contact Cleaner 137246 K2 3M Novec™ Contact Cleaner Plus (Aerosol) 141393 K2 3M Novec™ Electronic Degreaser 137245 K2 3M Novec™ Flux Remover 137247 K2 4U Products by Metalube Corporation 392 Jenks Drive Corona, CA 92880 USA 951-279-9181 www.4uproducts.com Product Name Product ID Category MC509/4U 135985 A1, A2, A4, A5, A8, B2, C1 A&B Laboratorios de Biotechnologia C/ Paduleta - Esquina C/ Jundiz (Parque Ind. de Jundiz) ESP 34 945 29 1616 www.ab-laboratorios.com Product Name Product ID Category AE 601 DESBLOCANTE BASE LUBRICANTE VEGETAL (AEROSOL) 138546 H1 AE 614 GRASA PTFE 135559 H1 AE 618 141165 K1 LUBRICANTE CODEX AE 617 139674 H1 MT 102 DESBLOCANTE BASE LUBRICANTE VEGETAL 138658 H1 MT 130 136531 H1 MT 160 PNEUMATIC LUBRICANT 140305 H1 MULTIFUNCIONAL SILICONA AE 616 138111 H1 These listings were updated on Saturday, March 20 2010. All products listed on this page have been independently reviewed and registered by NSF to the NSF International Registration Guidelines for Proprietary Substances and Nonfood Compounds. The NSF Nonfood Compounds Registration Program is a continuation of the USDA compound approval and listing program, which is based on meeting regulatory requirements including FDA 21 CFR for appropriate use, ingredient and labeling. The Quick Reference Guide to Categories is available at the end of the book. For Registration Guidelines please visit www.nsf.org. If you would like to submit questions, suggestions or errors to [email protected]. NSF International White book ® Listing of Proprietary Substances and Nonfood Compounds [3] A.W. Chesterton Co. 500 Unicorn Park Drive Woburn, MA 01801 USA 978-469-6691 www.chesterton.com Product Name Product ID Category 218 HDP 133943 A1 235 SSC 133964 A4 273 Electric Motor Cleaner 133975 K2 273 Electric Motor Cleaner (Aerosol) 133976 K2 274 Industrial Degreaser 133955 C1, K1, K2 274 Industrial Degreaser (Aerosol) 133949 C1, K1, K2 276 Electronic Component Cleaner (Aerosol) 133973 K2 276 Electronic Component Cleaner (bulk) 133974 K2 277 Metal Surface Degreaser (aerosol) 134008 C1, K1 277 Metal Surface Degreaser (bulk) 134007 C1, K1 279 PCS 134012 K2 292 Precision Degreasing Solvent 134003 K1, K2, K3 292 Precision Degreasing Solvent (aerosol) 134004 K1, K2, K3 296 Electro Contact Cleaner 134002 K2 346 Descaler & Chemical Cleaner 133962 A3 3500 Valvelon 134013 P1 360 Phosphate-Free Cleaner 133961 A1, A4 390 Cutting Oil 134014 H2, P1 390 Cutting Oil (aerosol) 134947 H2, P1 395 Tapping Lubricant 133935 H2 415 Concrete Sealer 134009 R2 438 Teflon Coating (aerosol) 133950 H2 438 Teflon Coating (bulk) 133951 H2 601 Chain Drive Pin & Bushing Lubricant (aerosol) 133927 H2 601 Chain Drive Pin & Bushing Lubricant (bulk) 133979 H2 610 Synthetic Lubricating Fluid (aerosol) 133972 H2 610 Synthetic Lubricating Fluid (bulk) 133971 H2 615 HTG 133941 H2 615 High Temperature Grease 133940 H2 622 White Grease 133929 H1 625 CXF Corrosion Resistant, Extreme Pressure Food Grade Grease 138414 H1 629 High Temperature White Grease 133936 H1 630 SXCF 142462 H1 630 SXCF Synthetic Extreme Pressure Corrosion Resistant Food Grade Grease 138415 H1 651 Detergent Lubricating Oil (Aerosol) 133928 H2 651 Detergent Lubricating Oil (bulk) 133946 H2 652 Pneumatic Lubricant & Conditioner 133944 H2 660 Silicone Lubricant (Bulk) 133932 H1 660 Silicone Lubricant (aerosol) 133970 H1 These listings were updated on Saturday, March 20 2010. All products listed on this page have been independently reviewed and registered by NSF to the NSF International Registration Guidelines for Proprietary Substances and Nonfood Compounds. The NSF Nonfood Compounds Registration Program is a continuation of the USDA compound approval and listing program, which is based on meeting regulatory requirements including FDA 21 CFR for appropriate use, ingredient and labeling. The Quick Reference Guide to Categories is available at the end of the book. For Registration Guidelines please visit www.nsf.org. If you would like to submit questions, suggestions or errors to [email protected]. NSF International White book ® Listing of Proprietary Substances and Nonfood Compounds [4] Product Name Product ID Category 690 FG Lubricant (aerosol) 133933 H1 690 FG Lubricant (bulk) 133969 H1 706 FG RUSTSOLVO® 134005 H1 706 RUSTOLVO® 133942 H2 710 Anti-Seize Compound (bulk) 133958 H2 715 SPRAFLEX® 133938 H2 715 SPRAFLEX® (aerosol) 133934 H2 715 SPRAFLEX® GOLD 133930 H2 715 SPRAFLEX® GOLD (aerosol) 133931 H2 723 FG SPRASOLVO® 134006 H1 723 SPRASOLVO® 133939 H2 725 Nickel Anti-Seize Compound 133959 H2 730 SPRAGRIP® 133947 P1 738 BELT-FLO® 133948 P1 765 Multi-Task™ (aerosol) 134011 H2 765 Multi-Task™ (bulk) 134010 H2 775 Moisture Shield (aerosol) 134015 H2 785 FG Parting Lubricant 132237 H1 785 Parting Lubricant 133960 H2 787 Sliding Paste 133956 H2 800 GOLDEND® TAPE 134016 H1, P1 801 Industrial & Marine Solvent 133965 A1, A4, A8 803 Industrial & Marine Solvent II 133966 A1 815 Low Foaming Cleaner 133967 A1 860 Moldable Polymer Gasketing (cartridge) 134017 P1 860 Moldable Polymer Gasketing Curing Agent 134018 P1 900 GOLDEND® PASTE 133957 H2, P1 KPC 820 133963 A1 KPC 820N 133977 A1, A4 Abacus Chemiegesellschaft mbH Olefant 8 B 51427 Bergisch-Gladbach DEU 49 2204 20160 www.abacus-chemie.de Product Name Product ID Category PLANTAX FOODGREASE LM 2 139107 H1 PLANTAX FOODGREASE LM 2 AEROSOL 140012 H1 These listings were updated on Saturday, March 20 2010. All products listed on this page have been independently reviewed and registered by NSF to the NSF International Registration Guidelines for Proprietary Substances and Nonfood Compounds. The NSF Nonfood Compounds Registration Program is a continuation of the USDA compound approval and listing program, which is based on meeting regulatory requirements including FDA 21 CFR for appropriate use, ingredient and labeling. The Quick Reference Guide to Categories is available at the end of the book. For Registration Guidelines please visit www.nsf.org. If you would like to submit questions, suggestions or errors to [email protected]. NSF International White book ® Listing of Proprietary Substances and Nonfood Compounds [5] Aceites Especiales del Mediterráneo S.A. (AEMEDSA) C/Los Parales S/N Valle de Escombreras 30350 Cartagena, Murcia ESP 34 968 167704 www.aemedsa.com Product Name Product ID Category AEMOIL M 303 138680 3H Acheson Colloids Co. 1600 Washington Avenue Port Huron, MI 48060 USA 810-984-5581 www.achesonindustries.com Product Name Product ID Category ACHESON FGA 1820 138096 HX-1 EC 41584 132287 H2 PP 43343 012129 H2 PP 43575 132288 H2 Acquaplant Química do Brasil Ltda. Rua Paratí, 20 Joinville, SC 89213-200 BRA 55 47 3454 4500 www.acquaplant.com.br Product Name Product ID Category ACQUA S30C 141970 G6, G7 Activate Lubricants Furthermore Hall, Little Bardfield Braintree, Essex CM7 4TX GBR 44 808 172 4000 Product Name Product ID Category ACTIVATE™ FOODCARE HF 3 135576 H1 ACTIVATE™ FOODCARE HF 4 135577 H1 ACTIVATE™ FOODCARE HF 6 135578 H1 Activate™ FOODCARE 100 H1 125547 H1 Activate™ FOODCARE 150 H1 125548 H1 Activate™ FOODCARE 220 H1 125550 H1 Activate™ FOODCARE 32 H1 125544 H1 Activate™ FOODCARE 320 H1 125549 H1 These listings were updated on Saturday, March 20 2010.
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