M United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 4.915,943 Gago et al. 45 Date of Patent: Apr. 10, 1990 (54) COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING BIOSYNTHETICPESTICIDE PRODUCTS, FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS PROCESSES FORTHER PRODUCTION 1393646 2/1965 France, AND THEIR USE 2552627 4/1985 France . 428313 7/1967 Switzerland . 75) Inventors: Ignace Gago, Braine-l'Alleud; Lucien 884.541 12/1961 United Kingdom . Charmoille, Brussels; Rene Detroz, OTHER PUBLICATIONS Ohain, all of Belgium American Chemical Society, "Chemical Abstracts'. 73 Assignee: Solvay & CIE (Société Anonyme), Primary Examiner-Johnnie R. Brown Brussels, Belgium Assistant Examiner-Jean C. Witz Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Spencer & Frank 21 Appl. No.: 244,384 (57 ABSTRACT (22 Filed: Sep. 14, 1988 The compositions contain a biosynthetic pesticide prod uct, preferably originating from microorganisms of the 30 Foreign Application Priority Data genus Bacillus, in suspension in a liquid and at least one Sep. 14, 1987 FR France ................................ 87 2738 substance of general formula: 51) Int. Cl." .................... A61K 35/74; A61K 31/025 S (I) 52 U.S. Cl. ...................................... 424/93; 514/373; 435/170 R NH / 58) Field of Search .......................... 424/93; 514/373; -O CO V 435/170 (56) References Cited in which R represents a hydrogen atom, a halogen atom, or a salt derived from this substance. U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS The substance has a bacteriocidal or bacteriostatic ac 3,065,123 11/1962 Hinton et al. ....................... 54/373 tion. 3,087,865 4/1963 Drake et al. .......................... 424/93 4,396,413 8/1983 Miller et al. ... 514/190 The compositions are effective against insects. 4,466,975 8/1984 Magami et al. 514/373 4,713,241 12/1987 Wakisaka et al...................... 424/93 12 Claims, No Drawings 4,915,943 2 sitions. Similarly, it has not been possible to use the COMPOST ONS CONTAINING BOSYNTHETC biosynthetic pesticide products at any pH, such as a PESTICIDE PRODUCTS, PROCESSES FORTHEIR neutral, slightly acid or slightly basic pH, despite the PRODUCTION AND THEIR USE addition of a bactericidal or bacteriostatic agent. More 5 over, the addition of certain compounds, such as Xylene, The present invention relates to compositions con in the biosynthetic compositions has been strongly dis taining biosynthetic pesticide products as well as to couraged, since this leads to compositions which are processes for their production and their use. w toxic to warm-blooded and/or cold blooded animals. Biosynthetic pesticide products have a great many The present invention aims to provide compositions advantages compared to chemical pesticides, especially O containing biosynthetic pesticide products having none on account of their high specificity. Thus, biosynthetic of the disadvantages of the known compositions. It aims pesticides which are toxic or pathogenic to insects are to provide compositions of biosynthetic pesticide prod generally non-toxic and non-pathogenic to man and ucts which are stable, which maintain a good activity other living creatures. In addition, given their specific during storage, which do not exhibit release of gas, and ity, they do not generally endanger the natural preda 15 whose colour and viscosity do not alter in the course of tors and parasites of the insects which it is desired to time; the vessels containing these compositions do not eliminate, nor the useful insects. They are not phyto swell and do not retract, even after a length storage toxic and do not leave any toxic residue. Finally, the period at ambient temperature or when the biosynthetic insects do not appear to develop a resistance to this type pesticide product has a neutral, slightly acid or slightly of pesticide, contrary to what takes place on use of 20 basic pH. It also aims to provide compositions in a posi organic synthesis insecticides. tion to receive the approval of the official agriculture The biosynthetic pesticides can be obtained from a departments, because they are in practice non-toxic to wide variety of microorganisms. Biosynthetic pesticide warmblooded and/or cold-blooded animals. classes most commonly used in the fight against certain To this end, the invention relates to compositions insects are obtained from Bacillus thuringiensis and 25 containing biosynthetic pesticide products in the form Bacillus sphaericus, of which a large number of variet of solid particles in suspension in a liquid and containing ies are known. r at least one substance of general formula (I): Since the biosynthetic pesticides are not in general soluble, their application necessitates the use of particu lar techniques. They can be in the form of dry solid S (I) particles or in the form of suspensions of solid particles V in a suitable liquid. In general, they are used in the form NH of suspensions which are sprayed onto the infected CO areas by various techniques which are known per se. One technique which is frequently used for treating 35 in which R represents a hydrogen atom, a halogen large surface areas such as forests or large expanses of atom, or a salt deriving from this substance. In this case, cultivated land, and also large areas of water, marshes it is preferable to work with alkaline metal salts, ammo or rivers, consists in spraying the biosynthetic pesticide nium salts or salts of organic bases, or a radical contain suspensions from the air. ing a nitrogren atom. U.S. Pat. No. 3,087,865 has proposed the preparation The substances thus defined protect the biosynthetic of a biosynthetic pesticide composition which contains pesticide products against contamination and alteration spores, inclusion bodies (crystals) and the soluble toxins by microorganisms; they have a bactericidal or at least originating from microorganisms of the genus Bacillus, bacteriostatic function, preventing or stopping the pro such as Bacillus thuringiensis. These compositions can liferation of microorganisms such as bacteria. be in the form of suspensions or dry powders. It is thus 45 In a preferred manner R represents hydrogen, chlo possible to use the powder obtained by drying the filtra rine, bromine or a salt deriving from the substance, tion cake of the fermentation product (powder) option especially an alkaline metal salt such as sodium or potas ally dispersed in water (cream) or a concentrate of the sium, an ammonium salt or a salt of an organic base such fermentation medium (paste). The compositions in liq as triethanolamine. w uid form (suspensions) can contain, inter alia, a fungi 50 In a particularly preferred manner R represents hy cide or a bactericide compatible with the biosynthetic drogen or chlorine. One substance according to the pesticide. invention which has given good results is 1,2-ben Similarly, French Pat. No. 1,393,646 has proposed zisothia-zol-3-one (1,2-benzisothiazolin-3-one). the addition of bactericidal agents, such as xylene, or In the compositions according to the invention the bacteriostatic compounds to biosynthetic pesticide 55 substance is present in variable doses compatible with compositions whose pH is set between 5.5 and 3.5. the particular biosynthetic pesticide product used. In However, although this addition of known bacteri general, its weight is between 0.0001 and 1.0 per cent of cidal or bacteriostatic agents has given good results as that of the biosynthetic pesticide product used. Its regards the bactericidal effect obtained, it has not as yet weight is usually between 0.001 and 0.5 per cent, and made it possible to resolve critical problems necessary 60 preferably between 0.01 and 0.2 per cent, of that of the for obtaining good compositions which can be used in biosynthetic pesticide product used. the field. Thus, it has not been possible, with the known The compositions according to the invention in the bactericidal agents, to prepare stable compositions form of a suspension in a liquid containing water have a which maintain a good activity during storage and long storage life in a pH zone of between 3.5 and 8.5. which at the same time make it possible to prevent the 65 More particularly, the compositions of the invention release of unpleasant odours produced during storage of can be used in acid pH zones of between pH 3.5 and 6.5, the suspensions, nor to stop the swelling or retraction of neutral pH zones of between pH 6.5 and 7.5, and basic the vessels containing the biosynthetic pesticide compo pH zones of between pH 7.5 and 8.5. The result of this 4,915,943 3. 4. situation is that the compositions of the invention can be genus Bacillus). Among the latter, the bacterial micro used by adjusting the pH to values situated in any one of organisms of the genus Bacillus such as Bacillus thurin the abovementioned zones. Moreover, this situation giensis, Bacillus sphaericus, Bacillus popilliae, Bacillus makes it possible to obtain stable compositions whose cereus, Bacillus larvae, Bacillus lentimorbus, Bacillus pH can evolve freely without it being necessary to take 5 fribourgensis and Bacillus penetrans are particularly drastic measures to fix the pH in time. In short, this suitable. situation results in it being possible for the compositions Good results have been obtained with Bacillus sphae according to the invention to be stored without danger ricus and Bacillus thuringiensis of all serotypes and, for a longer period of time than the previously known more particularly, Bacillus sphaericus of serotypes 1a, compositions. 10 2a2b, 2a2c, 5a5b, 25, 26a26b, 26a726c and Bacillus thurin Biosynthetic pesticide products are understood to giensis of serotypes 1,3a, 3a3b, 4, 6, 7, 8, 8a8b, 9, 10 and mean the biosynthetic pesticide products which make it 14. The best results have been obtained with Bacillus possible to combat the animal and plant parasites of sphaericus of serotypes 5a5b and 25 and Bacillus thurin man, animals and plants (with the exception of microor giensis of serotypes 1 (thuringiensis variety), 3a3b (kur ganisms causing diseases in man and animals) and the 15 staki variety), 6 (entomocidus variety), 7 (aizawa vari vector agents of parasitic and viral diseases.
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