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Company, we work exclusively with lawyers Call 866-372-3435 today for a free no obligation quote. and law firms, but we specialize in service. $0/4*%&35)&'"$54 ЅFO$PNQBSFUIF *4*$PWFSBHF"EWBOUBHF )PXMJLFMZBSFZPVUPCFVOBCMFUPXPSLEVFUPBEJTBCJMJUZ s !LMOSTINWORKERSENTERINGTHEWORKFORCETODAYWILLBECOME DISABLEDBEFORERETIRING s OFALL YEAROLDSWILLSUFFERADISABILITYFORATLEASTDAYS PRIORTOAGE )PXMJLFMZBSFZPVUPOFFEEJTBCJMJUZJOTVSBODF s $ISABILITYCAUSESNEARLYOFALLMORTGAGEFORECLOSURESCOMPARED TOCAUSEDBYDEATH s OFBANKRUPTCIESINWERECAUSEBYAMAJORMEDICALILLNESS OR)NJURY s -ANYGROUPPLANSDONOTISSUEBENElTSUNTILDAYSAFTERTHEONSETOFDISABILITY s )3)OFFERSADAYWAITINGPERIODWHICHINSURESPROMPTPAYMENT s -ANYPLANSWILLNOTPAYANYMORETHANAMAXIMUMLIMITATION USUALLYABOUT OFINCOME s )3)0LANSPAYUPTOA MONTHLYBENElT s 'ROUPPLANSTERMINATEWHENEMPLOYMENTENDS s )3)0LANSAREPORTABLE SOLONGASYOUREMAINA-EMBERIFTHE!SSOCIATION THROUGHWHICHYOUPURCHASEDCOVERAGE s -ANYPLANSCOORDINATEBENElTSAGAINST3OCIAL3ECURITYPAYMENTS s "ENElTSYOURECEIVEFROM)3)0LANSARENOTREDUCEDBY3OCIAL3ECURITYBENElTS )BWFZPVQSPUFDUFEZPVSNPTUJNQPSUBOUQFSTPOBMBTTFUZPVSBCJMJUZUPFBSOBOJODPNF "QQMZUPEBZBOEIFMQQSPUFDUZPVSQFBDFPGNJOE BTXFMM XXXJTJDPNt*4*4BMFT%JSFDU*4* 4PDJBM4FDVSJUZ"ENJOJTUSBUJPO 'BDU4IFFU +BOVBSZ t 'JFME(VJEFUP&TUBUF1MBOOJOH %POBME$BE )FBMUI"ĊBJST ЅF1PMJDZ+PVSOBMPGUIF)FBMUI4QIFSF 'FCSVBSZ .BSLFU8BUDI*MMOFTTBOE*OKVSZBT$POUSJCVUPSTUP#BOLSVQUDZ )FBMUI"ĊBJST8FC&YDMVTJWF 'FCSVBSZ "%*4("#"3 Photo by Howard Baker, senior member of the firm, and former chief of staff to the president, Senate majority leader and ambassador to Japan. Wise move Baker Donelson and Gambrell & Stolz have combined their keen vision and deep experience in solving complex legal and business issues. OVER 500 lawyers and advisors in alabama georgia louisiana mississippi tennessee washington, d.c. www.bakerdonelson.com Gambrell & Stolz has become Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC The Rules of Professional Conduct of the various states where our offices are located require the following language: Linda A. Klein and Michael J. Powell are attorneys in the Atlanta office of Baker Donelson, located at Monarch Plaza, Suite 1600, 3414 Peachtree Rd., N.E., Atlanta, GA 30326. Phone 404.577.6000. No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers. FREE BACKGROUND INFORMATION AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. ©2007 Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC December 2007 Volume 13 Number 4 GBJ Legals 42 14 The Fellows Program of the 18 The Georgia Security and Lawyers Foundation of Georgia Immigration Compliance Act: by Lauren Larmer Barrett Comprehensive Immigration 46 Reform in Georgia– Georgia Bar Foundation Awards “Think Globally….Act Locally” $6.6 Million by Mark J. Newman and Hon-Vinh by Len Horton Duong 52 18 Fueling the Pipeline: State Bar U.S. Immigration Alternatives of Georgia Diversity Program’s 34 for International 15th Annual CLE and Luncheon Businesspersons, Employees and by Marian Cover Dockery Investors Who Wish to Enter the United States Departments by Robert E. Banta 66 6 From the Editor-in-Chief 26 8 From the President No Second Chances: 10 From the Executive Director Immigration Consequences of From the YLD President Criminal Charges 12 by Christina Hendrix and Olivia Orza 60 Bench & Bar 66 Office of the General 34 Counsel Understanding the Effects Lawyer Discipline of Consular Relations on the 68 Representation of Foreign 72 Law Practice Management Nationals 76 South Georgia Office by Carine L. Rosalia-Marion 78 Pro Bono 72 80 Section News GBJ Features 82 Casemaker 38 84 Writing Matters Immigration Policy and the 84 88 In Memoriam Local Housing Ordinance Explosion: Are Local 90 Book Review Communities Running Afoul 92 CLE Calendar of the Preemption Doctrine? 94 Notices by Anne E. Andrews 98 Classified Resources 100 Advertisers Index Cover photo by Lori Greig “And Justice for All” 20072 State Bar Campaign for the Georgia Legal Services Program, Inc. Because of You… HOPE exists in their lives. Your gift can help low-income Georgians find justice against wrongful evictions, abuse, consumer fraud, loss of benefits, and many other life impending problems. Many are retired citizens who once served your communities as teachers, firefighters, and laborers. When they need a lawyer, Georgia Legal Services is there to help. Please give so that every Georgian can have access to justice. Georgia Legal Services Program, Inc. YES, I support the State Bar of Georgia Campaign for the Georgia Legal Services Program, Inc. Please Include Me in the Following Giving Circle: Benefactor’s Circle $2,500 or more Sustainer’s Circle $250-$499 NOW, you can make your President’s Circle $1,500 - $2,499 Donor’s Circle $200-$249 Executive’s Circle $750-$1,499 or, Bill me on (date)_______ for $________ contribution by credit card Leadership Circle $500-$749 on the web at either Donor Name: I am a New Donor www.glsp.org -OR- www.gabar.org Business Address: Thank You - Every Gift Counts! City/State/Zip: Pledge payments are due by December 31st. Pledges of $500 or more Pleas check one: Personal Gift Firm Gift GLSP is a non-profit law firm recognized as a 501(c)(3) by the IRS. may be paid in installments with the final installment fulfilling the pledge Please make your check to: State Bar of Georgia Campaign for Georgia Legal Services to be paid by December 31st. Significant gifts will be included in the £ä{Ê>ÀiÌÌ>Ê-ÌÀiiÌ]Ê-ÕÌiÊÓxäÊÊUÊÊÌ>Ì>]ÊÊÎäÎäÎ Honor Roll of Contributors in the Georgia Bar Journal. Editorial Board Quick Dial Donald P. Boyle Jr. Attorney Discipline 800-334-6865 Editor-in-Chief ext. 720 404-527-8720 Robert Henry Beer Felipe Manuel Nunez Consumer Assistance Program 404-527-8759 Erika Clarke Birg Olivia Orza Conference Room Reservations 404-527-8712 Clayton Owen Carmack Jason Pedigo Fee Arbitration 404-527-8750 Linda Gail Carpenter Susan Lee Rutherford CLE Transcripts 404-527-8710 Diversity Program 404-527-8754 Charles Madden Cork III Paul Gregory Sherman ETHICS Hotline 800-682-9806 Bridgette Eckerson Robert R. Stubbs 404-527-8741 John Michael Gross Martin Enrique Valbuena Georgia Bar Foundation/IOLTA 404-588-2240 Georgia Bar Journal 404-527-8736 Ann A. Hammenecker Kristin H. West Lawyer Assistance Program 800-327-9631 Jennifer Carpenter Kane Pamela Y. White-Colbert Lawyers Foundation of Georgia 404-659-6867 Ronald Arthur Lowry Gerry Lee Williams Law Practice Management 404-527-8773 Membership Records 404-527-8777 Diane Marger Moore Meetings Information 404-527-8790 Executive Committee Liaison Pro Bono Project 404-527-8763 Professionalism 404-225-5040 Jonathan A. Pope Sections 404-527-8774 Advisor Unauthorized Practice of Law 404-526-8603 Young Lawyers Division 404-527-8778 Marcus D. Liner Manuscript Submissions Editors Emeritus The Georgia Bar Journal welcomes the submission of Marcus D. Liner, 04-07 Charles R. Adams III, 89-91 unsolicited legal manuscripts on topics of interest to the Rebecca Ann Hoelting, 02-04 L. Dale Owens, 87-89 State Bar of Georgia or written by members of the State Bar of Georgia. Submissions should be 10 to 12 pages, Marisa Anne Pagnattaro, 01-02 Donna G. Barwick, 86-87 double-spaced (including endnotes) and on letter-size paper. Citations should conform to A UNIFORM SYSTEM D. Scott Murray, 00-01 James C. Gaulden Jr., 85-86 OF CITATION (18th ed. 2005). Please address unsolicited William Wall Sapp, 99-00 Jerry B. Blackstock, 84-85 articles to: Donald P. Boyle Jr., State Bar of Georgia, Communications Department, 104 Marietta St. NW, Suite Theodore H. Davis Jr., 97-99 Steven M. Collins, 82-84 100, Atlanta, GA 30303. Authors will be notified of the L. Brett Lockwood, 95-97 Walter M. Grant, 79-82 Editorial Board’s decision regarding publication. Stephanie B. Manis, 93-95 Stephen E. Raville, 77-79 The Georgia Bar Journal welcomes the submission of news about local and circuit bar association happenings, Bar William L. Bost Jr., 91-93 members, law firms and topics of interest to attorneys in Georgia. Please send news releases and other information to: Sarah I. Coole, Director of Communications, 104 Officers of the State Bar of Georgia Marietta St. NW, Suite 100, Atlanta, GA 30303; phone: Gerald M. Edenfield President 404-527-8791; [email protected]. Jeffrey O. Bramlett President-Elect Disabilities Jay Cook Immediate Past President If you have a disability which requires printed S. Lester Tate III Treasurer materials in alternate formats, please contact the ADA coordinator at 404-527-8700 or 800-334-6865. Bryan M. Cavan Secretary Elena Kaplan YLD President Headquarters Josh Bell YLD President-Elect 104 Marietta St. NW, Suite 100, Atlanta, GA 30303 800-334-6865, 404-527-8700, FAX 404-527-8717 Jonathan A. Pope YLD Past President Visit us on the Internet at www.gabar.org. South Georgia Office Communications Committee 244 E. Second St. (31794) P.O. Box 1390 Nancy Jean Whaley Chairperson Tifton, GA 31793-1390 800-330-0446, 229-387-0446, FAX 229-382-7435 Communications
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